在大型图像数据库上,CBIR(Content-Based Image Retrieval,基于内容的图像检索)技术用于检索在视觉上据相似性的图像。这样返回的图像可以是颜色相似、纹理相似、图像中的物体或场景相似;总之,基本上可以是这些图像自身共有的任何信息。
1:Bob likes to play basketball, Jim likes too.
2:Bob also likes to play football games.
Dictionary = {1:”Bob”, 2. “like”, 3. “to”, 4. “play”, 5. “basketball”, 6. “also”, 7. “football”, 8. “games”, 9. “Jim”, 10. “too”}。
1:[1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
2:[1, 1, 1, 1 ,0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
1)安装pyqt5 :pip install PyQt5
2)安装cherrypy : pip install cherrypy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
from PCV.imagesearch import imagesearch
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
imlist = get_imlist('first1000/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)
featlist = [imlist[i][:-3]+'sift' for i in range(nbr_images)]
# load vocabulary
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'rb') as f:
voc = pickle.load(f)
indx = imagesearch.Indexer('testImaAdd.db',voc)
# go through all images, project features on vocabulary and insert
for i in range(nbr_images)[:1000]:
locs,descr = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[i])
# commit to database
con = sqlite.connect('testImaAdd.db')
print (con.execute('select count (filename) from imlist').fetchone())
print (con.execute('select * from imlist').fetchone())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
from PCV.imagesearch import vocabulary
from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
imlist = get_imlist('first1000/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)
featlist = [imlist[i][:-3]+'sift' for i in range(nbr_images)]
for i in range(nbr_images):
sift.process_image(imlist[i], featlist[i])
voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary('ukbenchtest')
voc.train(featlist, 1000, 10)
# saving vocabulary
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(voc, f)
print ('vocabulary is:', voc.name, voc.nbr_words)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
from PCV.imagesearch import imagesearch
from PCV.geometry import homography
from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
# load image list and vocabulary
imlist = get_imlist('first1000/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)
featlist = [imlist[i][:-3]+'sift' for i in range(nbr_images)]
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'rb') as f:
voc = pickle.load(f)
src = imagesearch.Searcher('testImaAdd.db',voc)
# index of query image and number of results to return
q_ind = 0
nbr_results = 20
# regular query
# 常规查询(按欧式距离对结果排序)
res_reg = [w[1] for w in src.query(imlist[q_ind])[:nbr_results]]
print ('top matches (regular):', res_reg)
# load image features for query image
q_locs,q_descr = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[q_ind])
fp = homography.make_homog(q_locs[:,:2].T)
# RANSAC model for homography fitting
model = homography.RansacModel()
rank = {}
# load image features for result
for ndx in res_reg[1:]:
locs,descr = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[ndx]) # because 'ndx' is a rowid of the DB that starts at 1
# get matches
matches = sift.match(q_descr,descr)
ind = matches.nonzero()[0]
ind2 = matches[ind]
tp = homography.make_homog(locs[:,:2].T)
# compute homography, count inliers. if not enough matches return empty list
H,inliers = homography.H_from_ransac(fp[:,ind],tp[:,ind2],model,match_theshold=4)
inliers = []
# store inlier count
rank[ndx] = len(inliers)
# sort dictionary to get the most inliers first
sorted_rank = sorted(rank.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
res_geom = [res_reg[0]]+[s[0] for s in sorted_rank]
print ('top matches (homography):', res_geom)
# 显示查询结果
imagesearch.plot_results(src,res_reg[:8]) #常规查询
imagesearch.plot_results(src,res_geom[:8]) #重排后的结果