relevantcodes.com的一篇文章《VBScript: Compare 2 Excel Files》中介绍了如何用VBScript来比较两个Excel文件的数据:
Class clsComparer
'[--- Region Private Variables Start ---]
Private oExcel 'Excel.Application
Private arrRangeUno 'Range.Value (array) of the Primary Excel spreadsheet
Private arrRangeDos 'Range.Value (array) of the Secondary Excecl spreadsheet
Private oDict 'Scripting.Dictionary containing unmatched cells
'[--- Region Private Variables End ---]
'[--- Region Public Variables Start ---]
Public Operation '0: Only Compare 1: Compare & Highlight Differences
'[--- Region Public Variables End ---]
' Name: Function Compare [Public]
' Remarks: N/A
' Purpose: Compares differences between 2 Excel Spreadsheets
' Arguments:
' sWorkBookUno: Primary Excel WorkBook (with complete path)
' vSheetUno: Primary Excel Spreadsheet Name
' sWorkBookDos: Secondary Excel WorkBook (with complete path)
' vSheetDos: Secondary Excel Spreadsheet Name
' Return: Boolean
' Author: Anshoo Arora, Relevant Codes
' Date: 03/17/2010
' References: N/A
Public Function Compare(sWorkBookUno, vSheetUno, sWorkBookDos, vSheetDos)
Dim oWorkBookUno, oWorkBookDos
'New instance of Excel
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Compare = False
'Open Primary WorkBook
Set oWorkBookUno = oExcel.WorkBooks.Open(sWorkBookUno)
'Open Secondary WorkBook
Set oWorkBookDos = oExcel.WorkBooks.Open(sWorkBookDos)
'Primary WorkBook Range
arrRangeUno = oWorkBookUno.WorkSheets(vSheetUno).UsedRange.Value
'Secondary WorkBook Range
arrRangeDos = oWorkBookDos.WorkSheets(vSheetDos).UsedRange.Value
'Check using CellsFound (see below) and determine any unmatched cells
If Not CellsFound > 0 Then Compare = True
'If Operation = 0, function only runs a comparison
'If Operation = 1, function runs a comparison and highlights differences
If Not Compare Then
If Operation = 1 Then
Dim Keys, oSheetUno, oSheetDos, iRow, iCol
Keys = oDict.Keys
Set oSheetUno = oWorkBookUno.WorkSheets(vSheetUno)
Set oSheetDos = oWorkBookDos.WorkSheets(vSheetDos)
'Highlight each Row/Column combination from the dictionary
For Each iKey in Keys
iRow = CInt(Split(iKey, "|")(0))
iCol = CInt(Split(iKey, "|")(1))
'Highlight the difference in the Primary Sheet
oSheetUno.Rows(iRow).Columns(iCol).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
'Highlight the difference in the Secondary Sheet
oSheetDos.Rows(iRow).Columns(iCol).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
'Save primary and secondary workbooks
'Dispose primary and secondary sheet objects
Set oSheetUno = Nothing
Set oSheetDos = Nothing
End If
End If
'Dispose primary and secondary workbook objects
End Function
' Name: Function CellsFound [Private]
' Remarks: N/A
' Purpose: Finds the dissimilar cells between 2 sheets
' Arguments: N/a
' Return: Integer
' Author: Anshoo Arora, Relevant Codes
' Date: 03/17/2010
' References: N/A
Private Function CellsFound()
Dim iBoundsUno, iBoundsDos, iCellUno, iCellDos
CellsFound = 0
'New instance of Scripting.Dictionary
Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Get 2D upper bound for Primary Range
iBoundsUno = UBound(arrRangeUno, 2)
'Get 2D upper bound for Secondary Range
iBoundsDos = UBound(arrRangeDos, 2)
'If Range are not equal..
If iBoundsUno <> iBoundsDos Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "Compare", "Unequal Range."
End If
'Build a Dictionary with all unmatched cells [Private oDict]
For iCellUno = 1 to UBound(arrRangeUno, 1)
For iCellDos = 1 to UBound(arrRangeUno, 2)
If arrRangeUno(iCellUno, iCellDos) <> arrRangeDos(iCellUno, iCellDos) Then
oDict.Add iCellUno & "|" & iCellDos, ""
End If
'Total dissimilar cells equal CellsFound
CellsFound = oDict.Count
End Function
' Name: Sub Class_Terminate [Private]
' Remarks: N/A
' Purpose: Disposes the Excel.Application object
' Arguments: N/A
' Author: Anshoo Arora, Relevant Codes
' Date: 03/17/2010
' References: N/A
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If IsObject(oExcel) Then
If Not oExcel Is Nothing Then
Set oExcel = Nothing
End If
End If
If TypeName(oDict) = "Dictionary" Then
Set oDict = Nothing
End If
End Sub
End Class
' Name: Function CompareExcelSheets
' Remarks: N/A
' Purpose: Constructor for Class clsComparer
' Arguments:
' sWorkBookUno: Primary Excel WorkBook (with complete path)
' vSheetUno: Primary Excel Spreadsheet Name
' sWorkBookDos: Secondary Excel WorkBook (with complete path)
' vSheetDos: Secondary Excel Spreadsheet Name
' Operation: 0: Compare Only 1: Compare & Highlight Differences
' Return: Boolean
' Author: Anshoo Arora, Relevant Codes
' Date: 03/17/2010
' References: N/A
Function CompareExcelSheets(sWorkBookUno, vSheetUno, sWorkBookDos, vSheetDos, Operation)
Dim oClass
Set oClass = New clsComparer
oClass.Operation = Operation
CompareExcelSheets = oClass.Compare(sWorkBookUno, vSheetUno, sWorkBookDos, vSheetDos)
Set oClass = Nothing
End Function