Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors


  • Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors
    • Lecture Plan
    • 1. How do we represent the meaning of a word?
      • How do we have usable meaning in a computer?
      • Problems with resources like WordNet
      • Representing words as discrete symbols
      • Problem with words as discrete symbols
      • Representing words by their context
      • Word vectors
      • Word meaning as a neural word vector – visualization
    • 2.Word2vec: Overview
      • Word2vec: objective function
      • Word2Vec Overview with Vectors
      • Word2vec: prediction function
      • Training a model by optimizing parameters
      • To train the model: Compute all vector gradients!
    • 3.Word2vec derivations of gradient
      • Chain Rule
      • Interactive Whiteboard Session!
      • 白板推导
      • Calculating all gradients!
      • Word2vec: More details
    • 4.Optimization: Gradient Descent
      • Gradient Descent
      • Stochastic Gradient Descent
    • 实战
    • 【参考资料】


  • 介绍NLP研究的对象
  • 如何表示单词的含义
  • Word2Vec方法的基本原理

Teacher:Prof. Christopher Manning

Lecture Plan

  1. The course (10 mins)
  2. Human language and word meaning (15 mins)
  3. Word2vec introduction (15 mins)
  4. Word2vec objective function gradients (25 mins)
  5. Optimization basics (5 mins)
  6. Looking at word vectors (10 mins or less)

1. How do we represent the meaning of a word?

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第1张图片

How do we have usable meaning in a computer?

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第2张图片

Problems with resources like WordNet

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第3张图片

Representing words as discrete symbols

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第4张图片

Problem with words as discrete symbols

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第5张图片

Representing words by their context

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第6张图片

Word vectors

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第7张图片

Word meaning as a neural word vector – visualization

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第8张图片

2.Word2vec: Overview

Word2vec 概述
Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第9张图片Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第10张图片Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第11张图片

Word2vec: objective function

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第12张图片Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第13张图片

Word2Vec Overview with Vectors

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第14张图片

Word2vec: prediction function

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第15张图片

Training a model by optimizing parameters

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第16张图片

To train the model: Compute all vector gradients!

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第17张图片

3.Word2vec derivations of gradient

==Word2vec目标函数梯度 ==
Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第18张图片

Chain Rule

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第19张图片

Interactive Whiteboard Session!

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第20张图片


Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第21张图片 Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第22张图片
Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第23张图片

Calculating all gradients!

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第24张图片

Word2vec: More details

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第25张图片

4.Optimization: Gradient Descent

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第26张图片

Gradient Descent

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第27张图片

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第28张图片


# Gensim word vector visualization of various word vectors

import numpy as np
# Get the interactive Tools for Matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn. manifold import TSNE
from sklearn. decomposition import PCA
from gensim.test.utils import datapath, get_tmpfile
from gensim. models import KeyedVectors
from gensim. scripts .glove2word2vec import glove2word2vec

# 将GloVe文件格式转换为word2vec文件格式
glove_file = datapath('D:\Python-text\\nlp_text\\nlp_datawhale\\task01\\glove.6B\\glove.6B.100d.txt')
word2vec_glove_file = get_tmpfile("D:\Python-text\\nlp_text\\nlp_datawhale\\task01\\glove.6B\\glove.6B.100d.word2vec.txt")
print(glove2word2vec(glove_file, word2vec_glove_file))

# 加载预训练词向量模型
model = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(word2vec_glove_file)

# 与obama最相似的词

# 与banana最相似的词


result = model.most_similar(positive=['woman', 'king'], negative=['man'])
print("{}: {:.4f}".format(*result[0]))

def analogy(x1, x2, y1):
    result = model.most_similar(positive=[y1, x2], negative=[x1])
    return result[0][0]

# 神经词向量的可视化散点图
def display_pca_scatterplot(model, words=None, sample=0):
    if words == None:
        if sample > 0:
            words = np.random.choice(list(model.vocab.keys()), sample)
            words = [word for word in model.vocab]

    word_vectors = np.array([model[w] for w in words])

    twodim = PCA().fit_transform(word_vectors)[:, :2]

    plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    plt.scatter(twodim[:, 0], twodim[:, 1], edgecolors='k', c='r')
    for word, (x, y) in zip(words, twodim):
        plt.text(x + 0.05, y + 0.05, word)

                        ['coffee', 'tea', 'beer', 'wine', 'brandy', 'rum', 'champagne', 'water',
                         'spaghetti', 'borscht', 'hamburger', 'pizza', 'falafel', 'sushi', 'meatballs',
                         'dog', 'horse', 'cat', 'monkey', 'parrot', 'koala', 'lizard',
                         'frog', 'toad', 'monkey', 'ape', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wolf',
                         'france', 'germany', 'hungary', 'luxembourg', 'australia', 'fiji', 'china',
                         'homework', 'assignment', 'problem', 'exam', 'test', 'class',
                         'school', 'college', 'university', 'institute'])

# 样本为300,可视化散点图
display_pca_scatterplot(model, sample=300)

Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第29张图片
Task 1: Introduction and Word Vectors(附代码)(Stanford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning Winter 2019)_第30张图片


bilibili 视频:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1s4411N7fC?p=2
