SIFT+SVM 使用Bag of Features

Bag-of-Features Descriptor on SIFT Features with OpenCV (BoF-SIFT)




// 0515_BoFSIFT.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

#define DICTIONARY_BUILD 1 // set DICTIONARY_BUILD 1 to do Step 1, otherwise it goes to step 2

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	//Step 1 - Obtain the set of bags of features.
	vector img_path;    

	int nLine = 0;    
	string buf;    
	ifstream svm_data( "_list.txt" );    

	while( svm_data )    
		if( getline( svm_data, buf ) )    
			img_path.push_back( buf );    	
	//to store the input file names
	char * filename = new char[100];		
	//to store the current input image
	Mat input;	

	//To store the keypoints that will be extracted by SIFT
	vector keypoints;
	//To store the SIFT descriptor of current image
	Mat descriptor;
	//To store all the descriptors that are extracted from all the images.
	Mat featuresUnclustered;
	//The SIFT feature extractor and descriptor
	SiftDescriptorExtractor detector;	
	//I select 20 (1000/50) images from 1000 images to extract feature descriptors and build the vocabulary

	int len = img_path.size();
	for(int f=0;f img_path;    

	int nLine = 0;    
	string buf;    
	ifstream svm_data( "_list.txt" );    

	while( svm_data )    
		if( getline( svm_data, buf ) )    
			img_path.push_back( buf );    	
	//prepare BOW descriptor extractor from the dictionary    
	Mat dictionary; 
	FileStorage fs("dictionary.yml", FileStorage::READ);
	fs["vocabulary"] >> dictionary;

	//create a nearest neighbor matcher
	Ptr matcher(new FlannBasedMatcher);
	//create Sift feature point extracter
	Ptr detector(new SiftFeatureDetector());
	//create Sift descriptor extractor
	Ptr extractor(new SiftDescriptorExtractor);	
	//create BoF (or BoW) descriptor extractor
	BOWImgDescriptorExtractor bowDE(extractor,matcher);
	//Set the dictionary with the vocabulary we created in the first step

	//To store the image file name
	char * filename = new char[100];
	//To store the image tag name - only for save the descriptor in a file
	char * imageTag = new char[10];

	//open the file to write the resultant descriptor
	FileStorage fs1("descriptor.yml", FileStorage::WRITE);	

	//the image file with the location. change it according to your image file location
	//read the image
	Mat img=imread(img_path[2],CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);		
	//To store the keypoints that will be extracted by SIFT
	vector keypoints;		
	//Detect SIFT keypoints (or feature points)
	//To store the BoW (or BoF) representation of the image
	Mat bowDescriptor;		
	//extract BoW (or BoF) descriptor from given image

	//prepare the yml (some what similar to xml) file
	//write the new BoF descriptor to the file
	fs1 << imageTag << bowDescriptor;		

	//You may use this descriptor for classifying the image.

	//release the file storage
	return 0;
