- 基础数据类型。主要是C++的内建类型(int, float,等)和一些简单的vector和matrices,它们用来表示一些简单的几何概念,比如:点、矩形、尺寸等。
- 帮助类型。用来表示一些抽象的概念,比如:指针类的垃圾回收器、用来切片操作的范围对象等。
- 大数组类型,用来存储高维数据类,比如cv::Mat.
基础数据类型主要由点类(point class)、张量类(Scalar class)、尺寸类(Size class)、矩形类(Rect class)、固定矩阵类(The fixed matrix class)、固定向量类(The fixed vector class)和复数类(The complex number classes)组成。
typedef Point_<int> Point2i;
typedef Point_ Point2l;
typedef Point_<float> Point2f;
typedef Point_<double> Point2d;
typedef Point2i Point;
typedef Point3_<int> Point3i;
typedef Point3_<float> Point3f;
typedef Point3_<double> Point3d;
注:其中 i i 代表是int, l l 代表long, f f 代表float, d代表double。点类默认是二维点。
Point2i p2i;
Point2f p2f;
Point2d p2d;
Point2i p3i;
Point2f p3f;
Point2d p3d;
Point2i pi(1, 2);
Point2f pf(3.1, 4.1);
Point2d pd(5.1, 6.1);
cout << "二维点类构造函数" << endl;
cout << pi << endl;
cout << pf << endl;
cout << pd << endl;
Point3i pi3(1, 2, 3);
Point3f pf3(3.1, 4.1, 5.1);
Point3d pd3(5.1, 6.1, 6.1);
cout << "三维点类构造函数" << endl;
cout << pi3 << endl;
cout << pf3 << endl;
cout << pd3 << endl;
由经验可知,一个二维点是由 x x 和 y y 两个坐标组成,从源码可知,点类内置了这两个成员。
_Tp x, y; //< the point coordinates
_Tp x, y, z; //< the point coordinates
cout << "输出二维坐标\n";
cout << "x: " << pi.x << " y: " << pi.y << endl;
cout << "输出三维坐标\n";
cout << "x: " << pi3.x << " y: " << pi3.y << " z: " << pi3.z << endl;
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
Point2i p2i;
Point2f p2f;
Point2d p2d;
Point2i p3i;
Point2f p3f;
Point2d p3d;
Point2i pi(1, 2);
Point2f pf(3.1, 4.1);
Point2d pd(5.1, 6.1);
cout << "二维点类构造函数" << endl;
cout << pi << endl;
cout << pf << endl;
cout << pd << endl;
Point3i pi3(1, 2, 3);
Point3f pf3(3.1, 4.1, 5.1);
Point3d pd3(5.1, 6.1, 6.1);
cout << "三维点类构造函数" << endl;
cout << pi3 << endl;
cout << pf3 << endl;
cout << pd3 << endl;
cout << "输出二维坐标\n";
cout << "x: " << pi.x << " y: " << pi.y << endl;
cout << "输出三维坐标\n";
cout << "x: " << pi3.x << " y: " << pi3.y << " z: " << pi3.z << endl;
return 0;
typedef Size_<int> Size2i;
typedef Size_ Size2l;
typedef Size_<float> Size2f;
typedef Size_<double> Size2d;
typedef Size2i Size;
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
Size sz;
Size2f sz1;
Size szi(3, 4);
Size szf(5.0, 6.0);
cout << szi << endl;
cout << szf << endl;
cout << "输出宽和高" << endl;
cout << "width :" << szi.width << " height: " << szi.height << endl;
cout << "width :" << szf.width << " height: " << szf.height << endl;
cout << "输出面积" << endl;
cout << "szi area: " << szi.area() << endl;
cout << "szf area: " << szf.area() << endl;
return 0;