Failed opcode was: unknown


Mar 9 08:18:18 localhost kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
Mar 9 08:18:18 localhost kernel: hdc: no DRQ after issuing MULTWRITE_EXT
Mar 9 08:18:18 localhost kernel: ide1: reset: successMar 9 08:38:17 localhost kernel: hda: status timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Mar 9 08:38:17 localhost kernel: ide: failed opcode was: unknown
Mar 9 08:38:17 localhost kernel: hda: no DRQ after issuing MULTWRITE_EXT
Mar 9 08:38:18 localhost kernel: ide0: reset: success


I'm posting to this old issue since I need to document the probable cause and resolution (if only for myself, since I've ran into this issue twice now and ended up searching here, finding no resolution, then resolving it on my own - twice).As the parent poster indicated in his dmesg output, the kernel was seeing his drives as IDE (hda, etc), even though he had SATA drives.This causes all kinds of weird crap (see errors above) with performance going down the toilette, continuous errors, etc.To fix this, reboot and go into your BIOS and change how the mobo sees the drives (not IDE, but AHCI). Save and reboot. The kernel will now correctly identify the SATA drives and all will be well with the world.Presumably for compatibility reasons, some mobo BIOS' have been set to default to IDE - even for SATA drives. This has been a problem for several machines I've worked on in the past couple of months.You may or may not need to reinstall after making this change - I just reformat/reinstall to be sure.CheersHenry


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