
The Fourier Transform will decompose an image into its sinus and cosines components. In other words, it will transform an image from its spatial domain to its frequency domain. The idea is that any function may be approximated exactly with the sum of infinite sinus and cosines functions.

The performance of a DFT is dependent of the image size. It tends to be the fastest for image sizes that are multiple of the numbers two, three and five. Therefore, to achieve maximal performance it is generally a good idea to pad border values to the image to get a size with such traits.

Fourier Transform is used to analyze the frequency characteristics of various filters.For images, 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used to find the frequency domain. A fast algorithm called Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used for calculation of DFT.

For the sinusoidal signal, if the amplitude varies so fast in short time, you can say it is a high frequency signal. If it varies slowly, it is a low frequency signal. You can extend the same idea to images. At the edge points, or noises.So we can say, edges and noises are high frequency contents in an image. If there is no much changes in amplitude, it is a low frequency component.

Performance of DFT calculation is better for some array size. It is fastest when array size is power of two. The arrays whose size is a product of 2’s, 3’s, and 5’s are also processed quite efficiently. So if you are worried about the performance of your code, you can modify the size of the array to any optimal size (by padding zeros) before finding DFT.

Fourier transform is a linear transformation used for the conversion from time ( signals in 1 dimension) or spatial (e.g. image in 2 dimensions) domain into the frequency domain.

The Fourier Transform will decompose an image into its sinus and cosines components. In other words, it will transform an image from its spatial domain to its frequency domain. The result of the transformation is complex numbers.Displaying this is possible either via a real image and a complex image or via a magnitude and a phase image. However, throughout the image processing algorithms only the magnitude image is interesting as this contains all the information we need about the images geometric structure.

The performance of a DFT is dependent of the image size. It tends to be the fastest for image sizes that are multiple of the numbers two, three and five. Therefore, to achieve maximal performance it is generally a good idea to pad border values to the image to get a size with such traits.

the dynamic range of the Fourier coefficients is too large to be displayed on the screen.To use the gray scale values for visualization we can transform our linear scale to a logarithmic one.

The reason for doing the filtering in the frequency domain is generally because it is computationally faster to perform two 2D Fourier transforms and a filter multiply than to perform a convolution in the image (spatial) domain.



离散傅立叶变换的运行速度与图片的尺寸息息相关。当图像的尺寸是2、3、5的整数倍时,计算速度最快。因此,为了达到快速计算的目的,经常通过添凑新的边缘像素的方法获取最佳图像尺寸。傅立叶变换的结果是复数,这就是说对于每个原图像值,结果是两个图像值。此外,频域值范围远远超过空间值范围,因此至少要将频域储存在 float 格式中。







// fbc_cv is free software and uses the same licence as OpenCV
// Email: [email protected]

#ifndef FBC_CV_DFT_HPP_
#define FBC_CV_DFT_HPP_

/* reference: include/opencv2/core.hpp

#include "core/mat.hpp"
#include "core/core.hpp"

namespace fbc {

template static int DFTFactorize(int n, int* factors);
template static void DFTInit(int n0, int nf, int* factors, int* itab, int elem_size, void* _wave, int inv_itab);
template static void DFT_32f(const Complex* src, Complex* dst, int n, int nf, const int* factors, const int* itab, const Complex* wave, int tab_size, const void* spec, Complex* buf, int flags, double _scale);
template static void RealDFT_32f(const T* src, T* dst, int n, int nf, int* factors, const int* itab, const Complex* wave, int tab_size, const void* spec, Complex* buf, int flags, double _scale);
template static void CCSIDFT_32f(const T* src, T* dst, int n, int nf, int* factors, const int* itab, const Complex* wave, int tab_size, const void* spec, Complex* buf, int flags, double _scale);
template static void complementComplexOutput(Mat_<_Tp, chs>& dst, int len, int dft_dims);
template static void CopyColumn(const uchar* _src, size_t src_step, uchar* _dst, size_t dst_step, int len, size_t elem_size);
template static void CopyFrom2Columns(const uchar* _src, size_t src_step, uchar* _dst0, uchar* _dst1, int len, size_t elem_size);
template static void CopyTo2Columns(const uchar* _src0, const uchar* _src1, uchar* _dst, size_t dst_step, int len, size_t elem_size);
template static void ExpandCCS(uchar* _ptr, int n, int elem_size);

static unsigned char bitrevTab[] =
	0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0,
	0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8,
	0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4,
	0x0c, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x1c, 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc,
	0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2,
	0x0a, 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea, 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa,
	0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6,
	0x0e, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe,
	0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1,
	0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9,
	0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5,
	0x0d, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed, 0x1d, 0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd,
	0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3,
	0x0b, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb, 0x1b, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb,
	0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7,
	0x0f, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff

static const double DFTTab[][2] =
	{ 1.00000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000 },
	{ -1.00000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000 },
	{ 0.00000000000000000, 1.00000000000000000 },
	{ 0.70710678118654757, 0.70710678118654746 },
	{ 0.92387953251128674, 0.38268343236508978 },
	{ 0.98078528040323043, 0.19509032201612825 },
	{ 0.99518472667219693, 0.09801714032956060 },
	{ 0.99879545620517241, 0.04906767432741802 },
	{ 0.99969881869620425, 0.02454122852291229 },
	{ 0.99992470183914450, 0.01227153828571993 },
	{ 0.99998117528260111, 0.00613588464915448 },
	{ 0.99999529380957619, 0.00306795676296598 },
	{ 0.99999882345170188, 0.00153398018628477 },
	{ 0.99999970586288223, 0.00076699031874270 },
	{ 0.99999992646571789, 0.00038349518757140 },
	{ 0.99999998161642933, 0.00019174759731070 },
	{ 0.99999999540410733, 0.00009587379909598 },
	{ 0.99999999885102686, 0.00004793689960307 },
	{ 0.99999999971275666, 0.00002396844980842 },
	{ 0.99999999992818922, 0.00001198422490507 },
	{ 0.99999999998204725, 0.00000599211245264 },
	{ 0.99999999999551181, 0.00000299605622633 },
	{ 0.99999999999887801, 0.00000149802811317 },
	{ 0.99999999999971945, 0.00000074901405658 },
	{ 0.99999999999992983, 0.00000037450702829 },
	{ 0.99999999999998246, 0.00000018725351415 },
	{ 0.99999999999999567, 0.00000009362675707 },
	{ 0.99999999999999889, 0.00000004681337854 },
	{ 0.99999999999999978, 0.00000002340668927 },
	{ 0.99999999999999989, 0.00000001170334463 },
	{ 1.00000000000000000, 0.00000000585167232 },
	{ 1.00000000000000000, 0.00000000292583616 }

#define BitRev(i,shift) \
   ((int)((((unsigned)bitrevTab[(i)&255] << 24)+ \
           ((unsigned)bitrevTab[((i)>> 8)&255] << 16)+ \
           ((unsigned)bitrevTab[((i)>>16)&255] <<  8)+ \
           ((unsigned)bitrevTab[((i)>>24)])) >> (shift)))


// Performs a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point array
The function performs one of the following :
-   Forward the Fourier transform of a 1D vector of N elements :
    \f[Y = F^{ (N) }  \cdot X, \f]
    where \f$F^{ (N) }_{ jk } = \exp(-2\pi i j k / N)\f$ and \f$i = \sqrt{ -1 }\f$
-   Inverse the Fourier transform of a 1D vector of N elements :
    \f[\begin{ array }{l} X'=  \left (F^{(N)} \right )^{-1}  \cdot Y =  \left (F^{(N)} \right )^*  \cdot y  \\ X = (1/N)  \cdot X, \end{array}\f]
    where \f$F^ *= \left(\textrm{ Re }(F^{ (N) }) - \textrm{ Im }(F^{ (N) })\right) ^ T\f$
-   Forward the 2D Fourier transform of a M x N matrix :
    \f[Y = F^{ (M) }  \cdot X  \cdot F^{ (N) }\f]
-   Inverse the 2D Fourier transform of a M x N matrix :
    \f[\begin{ array }{l} X'=  \left (F^{(M)} \right )^*  \cdot Y  \cdot \left (F^{(N)} \right )^* \\ X =  \frac{1}{M \cdot N} \cdot X' \end{ array }\f]
// support type: float, multi-channels
int dft(const Mat_<_Tp, chs1>& src0, Mat_<_Tp, chs2>& dst, int flags = 0, int nonzero_rows = 0)
	FBC_Assert(typeid(float).name() == typeid(_Tp).name());
	FBC_Assert(chs1 == 1 || chs1 == 2 || chs2 == 1 || chs2 == 2);

	AutoBuffer buf;
	int prev_len = 0, stage = 0;
	bool inv = (flags & DFT_INVERSE) != 0;
	int nf = 0, real_transform = src0.channels == 1 || (inv && (flags & DFT_REAL_OUTPUT) != 0);
	int elem_size = (int)src0.elemSize1(), complex_elem_size = elem_size * 2;
	int factors[34];
	bool inplace_transform = false;

	if (!inv && src0.channels == 1 && (flags & DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)) {
		FBC_Assert(chs2 == 2);

		if (dst.empty()) {
			dst = Mat_<_Tp, chs2>(src0.rows, src0.cols);
		} else {
			FBC_Assert(src0.rows == dst.rows && src0.cols == dst.cols);
	} else if (inv && src0.channels == 2 && (flags & DFT_REAL_OUTPUT)) {
		FBC_Assert(chs2 == 1);

		if (dst.empty()) {
			dst = Mat_<_Tp, chs2>(src0.rows, src0.cols);
		} else {
			FBC_Assert(src0.rows == dst.rows && src0.cols == dst.cols);
	} else {
		FBC_Assert(chs2 == chs1);

		if (dst.empty()) {
			dst = Mat_<_Tp, chs2>(src0.rows, src0.cols);
		} else {
			FBC_Assert(src0.rows == dst.rows && src0.cols == dst.cols);

	if (!real_transform)
		elem_size = complex_elem_size;

	if (src0.cols == 1 && nonzero_rows > 0) {
		FBC_Error("This mode (using nonzero_rows with a single-column matrix) breaks the function's logic, so it is prohibited.\n"
			"For fast convolution/correlation use 2-column matrix or single-row matrix instead");

	// determine, which transform to do first - row-wise
	// (stage 0) or column-wise (stage 1) transform
	if (!(flags & DFT_ROWS) && src0.rows > 1 &&
		((src0.cols == 1 && (!src0.isContinuous() || !dst.isContinuous())) ||
		(src0.cols > 1 && inv && real_transform)))
		stage = 1;

	Mat_<_Tp, chs1> src = src0;
	for (;;) {
		double scale = 1;
		uchar* wave = 0;
		int* itab = 0;
		uchar* ptr;
		int i, len, count, sz = 0;
		int use_buf = 0, odd_real = 0;

		if (stage == 0) { // row-wise transform
			len = !inv ? src.cols : dst.cols;
			count = src.rows;
			if (len == 1 && !(flags & DFT_ROWS)) {
				len = !inv ? src.rows : dst.rows;
				count = 1;
			odd_real = real_transform && (len & 1);
		} else {
			len = dst.rows;
			count = !inv ? src0.cols : dst.cols;
			sz = 2 * len*complex_elem_size;

		void *spec = 0;

			if (len != prev_len)
				nf = DFTFactorize(len, factors);

			inplace_transform = factors[0] == factors[nf - 1];
			sz += len*(complex_elem_size + sizeof(int));
			i = nf > 1 && (factors[0] & 1) == 0;
			if ((factors[i] & 1) != 0 && factors[i] > 5)
				sz += (factors[i] + 1)*complex_elem_size;

			if ((stage == 0 && (( == && !inplace_transform) || odd_real)) ||
				(stage == 1 && !inplace_transform)) {
				use_buf = 1;
				sz += len*complex_elem_size;

		ptr = (uchar*)buf;
		buf.allocate(sz + 32);
		if (ptr != (uchar*)buf)
			prev_len = 0; // because we release the buffer,
		// force recalculation of twiddle factors and permutation table
		ptr = (uchar*)buf;
		if (!spec) {
			wave = ptr;
			ptr += len*complex_elem_size;
			itab = (int*)ptr;
			ptr = (uchar*)fbcAlignPtr(ptr + len*sizeof(int), 16);

			if (len != prev_len || (!inplace_transform && inv && real_transform))
				DFTInit(len, nf, factors, itab, complex_elem_size, wave, stage == 0 && inv && real_transform);
			// otherwise reuse the tables calculated on the previous stage

		if (stage == 0) {
			uchar* tmp_buf = 0;
			int dptr_offset = 0;
			int dst_full_len = len*elem_size;
			int _flags = (int)inv + (src.channels != dst.channels ? DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT : 0);

			if (use_buf) {
				tmp_buf = ptr;
				ptr += len*complex_elem_size;
				if (odd_real && !inv && len > 1 && !(_flags & DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT))
					dptr_offset = elem_size;

			if (!inv && (_flags & DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT))
				dst_full_len += (len & 1) ? elem_size : complex_elem_size;

			if (count > 1 && !(flags & DFT_ROWS) && (!inv || !real_transform))
				stage = 1;
			else if (flags & FBC_DXT_SCALE)
				scale = 1. / (len * (flags & DFT_ROWS ? 1 : count));

			if (nonzero_rows <= 0 || nonzero_rows > count)
				nonzero_rows = count;

			for (i = 0; i < nonzero_rows; i++) {
				const uchar* sptr = src.ptr(i);
				uchar* dptr0 = dst.ptr(i);
				uchar* dptr = dptr0;

				if (tmp_buf)
					dptr = tmp_buf;

				if (!real_transform) {
					DFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast*>((void*)sptr), static_cast*>((void*)dptr), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), _flags, scale);
				} else if (!inv) {
					RealDFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast((void*)sptr), static_cast<_Tp*>((void*)dptr), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), _flags, scale);
				} else if (inv) {
					CCSIDFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast((void*)sptr), static_cast<_Tp*>((void*)dptr), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), _flags, scale);
				} else {
					FBC_Error("no support type");

				if (dptr != dptr0)
					memcpy(dptr0, dptr + dptr_offset, dst_full_len);

			for (; i < count; i++) {
				uchar* dptr0 = dst.ptr(i);
				memset(dptr0, 0, dst_full_len);

			if (stage != 1) {
				if (!inv && real_transform && dst.channels == 2)
					complementComplexOutput(dst, nonzero_rows, 1);

			src = dst;
		} else {
			int a = 0, b = count;
			uchar *buf0, *buf1, *dbuf0, *dbuf1;
			const uchar* sptr0 = src.ptr();
			uchar* dptr0 = dst.ptr();
			buf0 = ptr;
			ptr += len*complex_elem_size;
			buf1 = ptr;
			ptr += len*complex_elem_size;
			dbuf0 = buf0, dbuf1 = buf1;

			if (use_buf) {
				dbuf1 = ptr;
				dbuf0 = buf1;
				ptr += len*complex_elem_size;

			if (real_transform && inv && src.cols > 1)
				stage = 0;
			else if (flags & FBC_DXT_SCALE)
				scale = 1. / (len * count);

			if (real_transform) {
				int even;
				a = 1;
				even = (count & 1) == 0;
				b = (count + 1) / 2;
				if (!inv) {
					memset(buf0, 0, len*complex_elem_size);
					CopyColumn(sptr0, src.step, buf0, complex_elem_size, len, elem_size);
					sptr0 += dst.channels*elem_size;
					if (even) {
						memset(buf1, 0, len*complex_elem_size);
						CopyColumn(sptr0 + (count - 2)*elem_size, src.step, buf1, complex_elem_size, len, elem_size);
				} else if (src.channels == 1) {
					CopyColumn(sptr0, src.step, buf0, elem_size, len, elem_size);
					ExpandCCS(buf0, len, elem_size);
					if (even) {
						CopyColumn(sptr0 + (count - 1)*elem_size, src.step, buf1, elem_size, len, elem_size);
						ExpandCCS(buf1, len, elem_size);
					sptr0 += elem_size;
				} else {
					CopyColumn(sptr0, src.step, buf0, complex_elem_size, len, complex_elem_size);
					if (even) {
						CopyColumn(sptr0 + b*complex_elem_size, src.step, buf1, complex_elem_size, len, complex_elem_size);
					sptr0 += complex_elem_size;

				if (even)
					DFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast*>((void*)buf1), static_cast*>((void*)dbuf1), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), inv, scale);
				DFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast*>((void*)buf0), static_cast*>((void*)dbuf0), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), inv, scale);

				if (dst.channels == 1) {
					if (!inv) {
						// copy the half of output vector to the first/last column.
						// before doing that, defgragment the vector
						memcpy(dbuf0 + elem_size, dbuf0, elem_size);
						CopyColumn(dbuf0 + elem_size, elem_size, dptr0, dst.step, len, elem_size);
						if (even) {
							memcpy(dbuf1 + elem_size, dbuf1, elem_size);
							CopyColumn(dbuf1 + elem_size, elem_size, dptr0 + (count - 1)*elem_size, dst.step, len, elem_size);
						dptr0 += elem_size;
					} else {
						// copy the real part of the complex vector to the first/last column
						CopyColumn(dbuf0, complex_elem_size, dptr0, dst.step, len, elem_size);
						if (even)
							CopyColumn(dbuf1, complex_elem_size, dptr0 + (count - 1)*elem_size, dst.step, len, elem_size);
						dptr0 += elem_size;
				} else {
					CopyColumn(dbuf0, complex_elem_size, dptr0, dst.step, len, complex_elem_size);
					if (even)
						CopyColumn(dbuf1, complex_elem_size, dptr0 + b*complex_elem_size, dst.step, len, complex_elem_size);
					dptr0 += complex_elem_size;

			for (i = a; i < b; i += 2) {
				if (i + 1 < b) {
					CopyFrom2Columns(sptr0, src.step, buf0, buf1, len, complex_elem_size);
					DFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast*>((void*)buf1), static_cast*>((void*)dbuf1), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), inv, scale);
				} else
					CopyColumn(sptr0, src.step, buf0, complex_elem_size, len, complex_elem_size);

				DFT_32f<_Tp>(static_cast*>((void*)buf0), static_cast*>((void*)dbuf0), len, nf, factors, itab, static_cast*>((void*)wave), len, spec, static_cast*>((void*)ptr), inv, scale);

				if (i + 1 < b)
					CopyTo2Columns(dbuf0, dbuf1, dptr0, dst.step, len, complex_elem_size);
					CopyColumn(dbuf0, complex_elem_size, dptr0, dst.step, len, complex_elem_size);
				sptr0 += 2 * complex_elem_size;
				dptr0 += 2 * complex_elem_size;

			if (stage != 0) {
				if (!inv && real_transform && dst.channels == 2 && len > 1)
					complementComplexOutput(dst, len, 2);

			src = dst;

	return 0;

template struct DFT_VecR4
	int operator()(Complex*, int, int, int&, const Complex*) const { return 1; }

// mixed-radix complex discrete Fourier transform: double-precision version
static void DFT_32f(const Complex* src, Complex* dst, int n, int nf, const int* factors, const int* itab, const Complex* wave, int tab_size, const void* spec, Complex* buf, int flags, double _scale)
	static const T sin_120 = (T)0.86602540378443864676372317075294;
	static const T fft5_2 = (T)0.559016994374947424102293417182819;
	static const T fft5_3 = (T)-0.951056516295153572116439333379382;
	static const T fft5_4 = (T)-1.538841768587626701285145288018455;
	static const T fft5_5 = (T)0.363271264002680442947733378740309;

	int n0 = n, f_idx, nx;
	int inv = flags & DFT_INVERSE;
	int dw0 = tab_size, dw;
	int i, j, k;
	Complex t;
	T scale = (T)_scale;
	int tab_step;

	tab_step = tab_size == n ? 1 : tab_size == n * 2 ? 2 : tab_size / n;

	// 0. shuffle data
	if (dst != src) {
		assert((flags & DFT_NO_PERMUTE) == 0);
		if (!inv) {
			for (i = 0; i <= n - 2; i += 2, itab += 2 * tab_step) {
				int k0 = itab[0], k1 = itab[tab_step];
				assert((unsigned)k0 < (unsigned)n && (unsigned)k1 < (unsigned)n);
				dst[i] = src[k0]; dst[i + 1] = src[k1];

			if (i < n)
				dst[n - 1] = src[n - 1];
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i <= n - 2; i += 2, itab += 2 * tab_step) {
				int k0 = itab[0], k1 = itab[tab_step];
				assert((unsigned)k0 < (unsigned)n && (unsigned)k1 < (unsigned)n); = src[k0].re; = -src[k0].im;
				dst[i] = t; = src[k1].re; = -src[k1].im;
				dst[i + 1] = t;

			if (i < n) { = src[n - 1].re; = -src[n - 1].im;
				dst[i] = t;
	} else {
		if ((flags & DFT_NO_PERMUTE) == 0) {
			FBC_Assert(factors[0] == factors[nf - 1]);
			if (nf == 1) {
				if ((n & 3) == 0) {
					int n2 = n / 2;
					Complex* dsth = dst + n2;

					for (i = 0; i < n2; i += 2, itab += tab_step * 2) {
						j = itab[0];
						assert((unsigned)j < (unsigned)n2);

						FBC_SWAP(dst[i + 1], dsth[j], t);
						if (j > i) {
							FBC_SWAP(dst[i], dst[j], t);
							FBC_SWAP(dsth[i + 1], dsth[j + 1], t);
				// else do nothing
			} else {
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++, itab += tab_step) {
					j = itab[0];
					assert((unsigned)j < (unsigned)n);
					if (j > i)
						FBC_SWAP(dst[i], dst[j], t);

		if (inv) {
			for (i = 0; i <= n - 2; i += 2) {
				T t0 = -dst[i].im;
				T t1 = -dst[i + 1].im;
				dst[i].im = t0; dst[i + 1].im = t1;

			if (i < n)
				dst[n - 1].im = -dst[n - 1].im;

	n = 1;
	// 1. power-2 transforms
	if ((factors[0] & 1) == 0) {
		if (factors[0] >= 4) {
			DFT_VecR4 vr4;
			n = vr4(dst, factors[0], n0, dw0, wave);

		// radix-4 transform
		for (; n * 4 <= factors[0];) {
			nx = n;
			n *= 4;
			dw0 /= 4;

			for (i = 0; i < n0; i += n) {
				Complex *v0, *v1;
				T r0, i0, r1, i1, r2, i2, r3, i3, r4, i4;

				v0 = dst + i;
				v1 = v0 + nx * 2;

				r0 = v1[0].re; i0 = v1[0].im;
				r4 = v1[nx].re; i4 = v1[nx].im;

				r1 = r0 + r4; i1 = i0 + i4;
				r3 = i0 - i4; i3 = r4 - r0;

				r2 = v0[0].re; i2 = v0[0].im;
				r4 = v0[nx].re; i4 = v0[nx].im;

				r0 = r2 + r4; i0 = i2 + i4;
				r2 -= r4; i2 -= i4;

				v0[0].re = r0 + r1; v0[0].im = i0 + i1;
				v1[0].re = r0 - r1; v1[0].im = i0 - i1;
				v0[nx].re = r2 + r3; v0[nx].im = i2 + i3;
				v1[nx].re = r2 - r3; v1[nx].im = i2 - i3;

				for (j = 1, dw = dw0; j < nx; j++, dw += dw0) {
					v0 = dst + i + j;
					v1 = v0 + nx * 2;

					r2 = v0[nx].re*wave[dw * 2].re - v0[nx].im*wave[dw * 2].im;
					i2 = v0[nx].re*wave[dw * 2].im + v0[nx].im*wave[dw * 2].re;
					r0 = v1[0].re*wave[dw].im + v1[0].im*wave[dw].re;
					i0 = v1[0].re*wave[dw].re - v1[0].im*wave[dw].im;
					r3 = v1[nx].re*wave[dw * 3].im + v1[nx].im*wave[dw * 3].re;
					i3 = v1[nx].re*wave[dw * 3].re - v1[nx].im*wave[dw * 3].im;

					r1 = i0 + i3; i1 = r0 + r3;
					r3 = r0 - r3; i3 = i3 - i0;
					r4 = v0[0].re; i4 = v0[0].im;

					r0 = r4 + r2; i0 = i4 + i2;
					r2 = r4 - r2; i2 = i4 - i2;

					v0[0].re = r0 + r1; v0[0].im = i0 + i1;
					v1[0].re = r0 - r1; v1[0].im = i0 - i1;
					v0[nx].re = r2 + r3; v0[nx].im = i2 + i3;
					v1[nx].re = r2 - r3; v1[nx].im = i2 - i3;

		for (; n < factors[0];) {
			// do the remaining radix-2 transform
			nx = n;
			n *= 2;
			dw0 /= 2;

			for (i = 0; i < n0; i += n) {
				Complex* v = dst + i;
				T r0 = v[0].re + v[nx].re;
				T i0 = v[0].im + v[nx].im;
				T r1 = v[0].re - v[nx].re;
				T i1 = v[0].im - v[nx].im;
				v[0].re = r0; v[0].im = i0;
				v[nx].re = r1; v[nx].im = i1;

				for (j = 1, dw = dw0; j < nx; j++, dw += dw0) {
					v = dst + i + j;
					r1 = v[nx].re*wave[dw].re - v[nx].im*wave[dw].im;
					i1 = v[nx].im*wave[dw].re + v[nx].re*wave[dw].im;
					r0 = v[0].re; i0 = v[0].im;

					v[0].re = r0 + r1; v[0].im = i0 + i1;
					v[nx].re = r0 - r1; v[nx].im = i0 - i1;

	// 2. all the other transforms
	for (f_idx = (factors[0] & 1) ? 0 : 1; f_idx < nf; f_idx++) {
		int factor = factors[f_idx];
		nx = n;
		n *= factor;
		dw0 /= factor;

		if (factor == 3) {
			// radix-3
			for (i = 0; i < n0; i += n) {
				Complex* v = dst + i;

				T r1 = v[nx].re + v[nx * 2].re;
				T i1 = v[nx].im + v[nx * 2].im;
				T r0 = v[0].re;
				T i0 = v[0].im;
				T r2 = sin_120*(v[nx].im - v[nx * 2].im);
				T i2 = sin_120*(v[nx * 2].re - v[nx].re);
				v[0].re = r0 + r1; v[0].im = i0 + i1;
				r0 -= (T)0.5*r1; i0 -= (T)0.5*i1;
				v[nx].re = r0 + r2; v[nx].im = i0 + i2;
				v[nx * 2].re = r0 - r2; v[nx * 2].im = i0 - i2;

				for (j = 1, dw = dw0; j < nx; j++, dw += dw0) {
					v = dst + i + j;
					r0 = v[nx].re*wave[dw].re - v[nx].im*wave[dw].im;
					i0 = v[nx].re*wave[dw].im + v[nx].im*wave[dw].re;
					i2 = v[nx * 2].re*wave[dw * 2].re - v[nx * 2].im*wave[dw * 2].im;
					r2 = v[nx * 2].re*wave[dw * 2].im + v[nx * 2].im*wave[dw * 2].re;
					r1 = r0 + i2; i1 = i0 + r2;

					r2 = sin_120*(i0 - r2); i2 = sin_120*(i2 - r0);
					r0 = v[0].re; i0 = v[0].im;
					v[0].re = r0 + r1; v[0].im = i0 + i1;
					r0 -= (T)0.5*r1; i0 -= (T)0.5*i1;
					v[nx].re = r0 + r2; v[nx].im = i0 + i2;
					v[nx * 2].re = r0 - r2; v[nx * 2].im = i0 - i2;
		} else if (factor == 5) {
			// radix-5
			for (i = 0; i < n0; i += n) {
				for (j = 0, dw = 0; j < nx; j++, dw += dw0) {
					Complex* v0 = dst + i + j;
					Complex* v1 = v0 + nx * 2;
					Complex* v2 = v1 + nx * 2;

					T r0, i0, r1, i1, r2, i2, r3, i3, r4, i4, r5, i5;

					r3 = v0[nx].re*wave[dw].re - v0[nx].im*wave[dw].im;
					i3 = v0[nx].re*wave[dw].im + v0[nx].im*wave[dw].re;
					r2 = v2[0].re*wave[dw * 4].re - v2[0].im*wave[dw * 4].im;
					i2 = v2[0].re*wave[dw * 4].im + v2[0].im*wave[dw * 4].re;

					r1 = r3 + r2; i1 = i3 + i2;
					r3 -= r2; i3 -= i2;

					r4 = v1[nx].re*wave[dw * 3].re - v1[nx].im*wave[dw * 3].im;
					i4 = v1[nx].re*wave[dw * 3].im + v1[nx].im*wave[dw * 3].re;
					r0 = v1[0].re*wave[dw * 2].re - v1[0].im*wave[dw * 2].im;
					i0 = v1[0].re*wave[dw * 2].im + v1[0].im*wave[dw * 2].re;

					r2 = r4 + r0; i2 = i4 + i0;
					r4 -= r0; i4 -= i0;

					r0 = v0[0].re; i0 = v0[0].im;
					r5 = r1 + r2; i5 = i1 + i2;

					v0[0].re = r0 + r5; v0[0].im = i0 + i5;

					r0 -= (T)0.25*r5; i0 -= (T)0.25*i5;
					r1 = fft5_2*(r1 - r2); i1 = fft5_2*(i1 - i2);
					r2 = -fft5_3*(i3 + i4); i2 = fft5_3*(r3 + r4);

					i3 *= -fft5_5; r3 *= fft5_5;
					i4 *= -fft5_4; r4 *= fft5_4;

					r5 = r2 + i3; i5 = i2 + r3;
					r2 -= i4; i2 -= r4;

					r3 = r0 + r1; i3 = i0 + i1;
					r0 -= r1; i0 -= i1;

					v0[nx].re = r3 + r2; v0[nx].im = i3 + i2;
					v2[0].re = r3 - r2; v2[0].im = i3 - i2;

					v1[0].re = r0 + r5; v1[0].im = i0 + i5;
					v1[nx].re = r0 - r5; v1[nx].im = i0 - i5;
		} else {
			// radix-"factor" - an odd number
			int p, q, factor2 = (factor - 1) / 2;
			int d, dd, dw_f = tab_size / factor;
			Complex* a = buf;
			Complex* b = buf + factor2;

			for (i = 0; i < n0; i += n) {
				for (j = 0, dw = 0; j < nx; j++, dw += dw0) {
					Complex* v = dst + i + j;
					Complex v_0 = v[0];
					Complex vn_0 = v_0;

					if (j == 0) {
						for (p = 1, k = nx; p <= factor2; p++, k += nx) {
							T r0 = v[k].re + v[n - k].re;
							T i0 = v[k].im - v[n - k].im;
							T r1 = v[k].re - v[n - k].re;
							T i1 = v[k].im + v[n - k].im; += r0; += i1;
							a[p - 1].re = r0; a[p - 1].im = i0;
							b[p - 1].re = r1; b[p - 1].im = i1;
					} else {
						const Complex* wave_ = wave + dw*factor;
						d = dw;

						for (p = 1, k = nx; p <= factor2; p++, k += nx, d += dw) {
							T r2 = v[k].re*wave[d].re - v[k].im*wave[d].im;
							T i2 = v[k].re*wave[d].im + v[k].im*wave[d].re;

							T r1 = v[n - k].re*wave_[-d].re - v[n - k].im*wave_[-d].im;
							T i1 = v[n - k].re*wave_[-d].im + v[n - k].im*wave_[-d].re;

							T r0 = r2 + r1;
							T i0 = i2 - i1;
							r1 = r2 - r1;
							i1 = i2 + i1; += r0; += i1;
							a[p - 1].re = r0; a[p - 1].im = i0;
							b[p - 1].re = r1; b[p - 1].im = i1;

					v[0] = vn_0;

					for (p = 1, k = nx; p <= factor2; p++, k += nx) {
						Complex s0 = v_0, s1 = v_0;
						d = dd = dw_f*p;

						for (q = 0; q < factor2; q++) {
							T r0 = wave[d].re * a[q].re;
							T i0 = wave[d].im * a[q].im;
							T r1 = wave[d].re * b[q].im;
							T i1 = wave[d].im * b[q].re; += r0 + i0; += r0 - i0; += r1 - i1; += r1 + i1;

							d += dd;
							d -= -(d >= tab_size) & tab_size;

						v[k] = s0;
						v[n - k] = s1;

	if (scale != 1) {
		T re_scale = scale, im_scale = scale;
		if (inv)
			im_scale = -im_scale;

		for (i = 0; i < n0; i++) {
			T t0 = dst[i].re*re_scale;
			T t1 = dst[i].im*im_scale;
			dst[i].re = t0;
			dst[i].im = t1;
	} else if (inv) {
		for (i = 0; i <= n0 - 2; i += 2) {
			T t0 = -dst[i].im;
			T t1 = -dst[i + 1].im;
			dst[i].im = t0;
			dst[i + 1].im = t1;

		if (i < n0)
			dst[n0 - 1].im = -dst[n0 - 1].im;

/* FFT of real vector
   output vector format:
    re(0), re(1), im(1), ... , re(n/2-1), im((n+1)/2-1) [, re((n+1)/2)] OR
    re(0), 0, re(1), im(1), ..., re(n/2-1), im((n+1)/2-1) [, re((n+1)/2), 0] */
static void RealDFT_32f(const T* src, T* dst, int n, int nf, int* factors, const int* itab, const Complex* wave, int tab_size, const void* spec, Complex* buf, int flags, double _scale)
	int complex_output = (flags & DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT) != 0;
	T scale = (T)_scale;
	int j, n2 = n >> 1;
	dst += complex_output;

	assert(tab_size == n);

	if (n == 1) {
		dst[0] = src[0] * scale;
	} else if (n == 2) {
		T t = (src[0] + src[1])*scale;
		dst[1] = (src[0] - src[1])*scale;
		dst[0] = t;
	} else if (n & 1) {
		dst -= complex_output;
		Complex* _dst = (Complex*)dst;
		_dst[0].re = src[0] * scale;
		_dst[0].im = 0;
		for (j = 1; j < n; j += 2) {
			T t0 = src[itab[j]] * scale;
			T t1 = src[itab[j + 1]] * scale;
			_dst[j].re = t0;
			_dst[j].im = 0;
			_dst[j + 1].re = t1;
			_dst[j + 1].im = 0;
		DFT_32f(_dst, _dst, n, nf, factors, itab, wave, tab_size, 0, buf, DFT_NO_PERMUTE, 1);
		if (!complex_output)
			dst[1] = dst[0];
	} else {
		T t0, t;
		T h1_re, h1_im, h2_re, h2_im;
		T scale2 = scale*(T)0.5;
		factors[0] >>= 1;

		DFT_32f((Complex*)src, (Complex*)dst, n2, nf - (factors[0] == 1), factors + (factors[0] == 1), itab, wave, tab_size, 0, buf, 0, 1);
		factors[0] <<= 1;

		t = dst[0] - dst[1];
		dst[0] = (dst[0] + dst[1])*scale;
		dst[1] = t*scale;

		t0 = dst[n2];
		t = dst[n - 1];
		dst[n - 1] = dst[1];

		for (j = 2, wave++; j < n2; j += 2, wave++) {
			/* calc odd */
			h2_re = scale2*(dst[j + 1] + t);
			h2_im = scale2*(dst[n - j] - dst[j]);

			/* calc even */
			h1_re = scale2*(dst[j] + dst[n - j]);
			h1_im = scale2*(dst[j + 1] - t);

			/* rotate */
			t = h2_re*wave->re - h2_im*wave->im;
			h2_im = h2_re*wave->im + h2_im*wave->re;
			h2_re = t;
			t = dst[n - j - 1];

			dst[j - 1] = h1_re + h2_re;
			dst[n - j - 1] = h1_re - h2_re;
			dst[j] = h1_im + h2_im;
			dst[n - j] = h2_im - h1_im;

		if (j <= n2) {
			dst[n2 - 1] = t0*scale;
			dst[n2] = -t*scale;

	if (complex_output && ((n & 1) == 0 || n == 1)) {
		dst[-1] = dst[0];
		dst[0] = 0;
		if (n > 1)
			dst[n] = 0;

/* Inverse FFT of complex conjugate-symmetric vector
   input vector format:
    re[0], re[1], im[1], ... , re[n/2-1], im[n/2-1], re[n/2] OR
    re(0), 0, re(1), im(1), ..., re(n/2-1), im((n+1)/2-1) [, re((n+1)/2), 0] */
static void CCSIDFT_32f(const T* src, T* dst, int n, int nf, int* factors, const int* itab, const Complex* wave, int tab_size, const void* spec, Complex* buf, int flags, double _scale)
	int complex_input = (flags & DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT) != 0;
	int j, k, n2 = (n + 1) >> 1;
	T scale = (T)_scale;
	T save_s1 = 0.;
	T t0, t1, t2, t3, t;

	assert(tab_size == n);

	if (complex_input) {
		assert(src != dst);
		save_s1 = src[1];
		((T*)src)[1] = src[0];

	if (n == 1) {
		dst[0] = (T)(src[0] * scale);
	} else if (n == 2) {
		t = (src[0] + src[1])*scale;
		dst[1] = (src[0] - src[1])*scale;
		dst[0] = t;
	} else if (n & 1) {
		Complex* _src = (Complex*)(src - 1);
		Complex* _dst = (Complex*)dst;

		_dst[0].re = src[0];
		_dst[0].im = 0;
		for (j = 1; j < n2; j++) {
			int k0 = itab[j], k1 = itab[n - j];
			t0 = _src[j].re; t1 = _src[j].im;
			_dst[k0].re = t0; _dst[k0].im = -t1;
			_dst[k1].re = t0; _dst[k1].im = t1;

		DFT_32f(_dst, _dst, n, nf, factors, itab, wave, tab_size, 0, buf, DFT_NO_PERMUTE, 1.);
		dst[0] *= scale;
		for (j = 1; j < n; j += 2) {
			t0 = dst[j * 2] * scale;
			t1 = dst[j * 2 + 2] * scale;
			dst[j] = t0;
			dst[j + 1] = t1;
	} else {
		int inplace = src == dst;
		const Complex* w = wave;

		t = src[1];
		t0 = (src[0] + src[n - 1]);
		t1 = (src[n - 1] - src[0]);
		dst[0] = t0;
		dst[1] = t1;

		for (j = 2, w++; j < n2; j += 2, w++) {
			T h1_re, h1_im, h2_re, h2_im;

			h1_re = (t + src[n - j - 1]);
			h1_im = (src[j] - src[n - j]);

			h2_re = (t - src[n - j - 1]);
			h2_im = (src[j] + src[n - j]);

			t = h2_re*w->re + h2_im*w->im;
			h2_im = h2_im*w->re - h2_re*w->im;
			h2_re = t;

			t = src[j + 1];
			t0 = h1_re - h2_im;
			t1 = -h1_im - h2_re;
			t2 = h1_re + h2_im;
			t3 = h1_im - h2_re;

			if (inplace) {
				dst[j] = t0;
				dst[j + 1] = t1;
				dst[n - j] = t2;
				dst[n - j + 1] = t3;
			} else {
				int j2 = j >> 1;
				k = itab[j2];
				dst[k] = t0;
				dst[k + 1] = t1;
				k = itab[n2 - j2];
				dst[k] = t2;
				dst[k + 1] = t3;

		if (j <= n2) {
			t0 = t * 2;
			t1 = src[n2] * 2;

			if (inplace) {
				dst[n2] = t0;
				dst[n2 + 1] = t1;
			} else {
				k = itab[n2];
				dst[k * 2] = t0;
				dst[k * 2 + 1] = t1;

		factors[0] >>= 1;
		DFT_32f((Complex*)dst, (Complex*)dst, n2,
			nf - (factors[0] == 1),
			factors + (factors[0] == 1), itab,
			wave, tab_size, 0, buf,
			inplace ? 0 : DFT_NO_PERMUTE, 1.);
		factors[0] <<= 1;

		for (j = 0; j < n; j += 2) {
			t0 = dst[j] * scale;
			t1 = dst[j + 1] * (-scale);
			dst[j] = t0;
			dst[j + 1] = t1;
	if (complex_input)
		((T*)src)[0] = (T)save_s1;

static void complementComplexOutput(Mat_<_Tp, chs>& dst, int len, int dft_dims)
	int i, n = dst.cols;
	size_t elem_size = dst.elemSize1();
	if (elem_size == sizeof(float)) {
		float* p0 = (float*)dst.ptr();
		size_t dstep = dst.step / sizeof(p0[0]);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			float* p = p0 + dstep*i;
			float* q = dft_dims == 1 || i == 0 || i * 2 == len ? p : p0 + dstep*(len - i);

			for (int j = 1; j < (n + 1) / 2; j++) {
				p[(n - j) * 2] = q[j * 2];
				p[(n - j) * 2 + 1] = -q[j * 2 + 1];
	} else {
		double* p0 = (double*)dst.ptr();
		size_t dstep = dst.step / sizeof(p0[0]);
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			double* p = p0 + dstep*i;
			double* q = dft_dims == 1 || i == 0 || i * 2 == len ? p : p0 + dstep*(len - i);

			for (int j = 1; j < (n + 1) / 2; j++) {
				p[(n - j) * 2] = q[j * 2];
				p[(n - j) * 2 + 1] = -q[j * 2 + 1];

static void CopyColumn(const uchar* _src, size_t src_step, uchar* _dst, size_t dst_step, int len, size_t elem_size)
	int i, t0, t1;
	const int* src = (const int*)_src;
	int* dst = (int*)_dst;
	src_step /= sizeof(src[0]);
	dst_step /= sizeof(dst[0]);

	if (elem_size == sizeof(int)) {
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++, src += src_step, dst += dst_step)
			dst[0] = src[0];
	} else if (elem_size == sizeof(int) * 2) {
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++, src += src_step, dst += dst_step) {
			t0 = src[0]; t1 = src[1];
			dst[0] = t0; dst[1] = t1;
	} else if (elem_size == sizeof(int) * 4) {
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++, src += src_step, dst += dst_step) {
			t0 = src[0]; t1 = src[1];
			dst[0] = t0; dst[1] = t1;
			t0 = src[2]; t1 = src[3];
			dst[2] = t0; dst[3] = t1;

static void CopyFrom2Columns(const uchar* _src, size_t src_step, uchar* _dst0, uchar* _dst1, int len, size_t elem_size)
	int i, t0, t1;
	const int* src = (const int*)_src;
	int* dst0 = (int*)_dst0;
	int* dst1 = (int*)_dst1;
	src_step /= sizeof(src[0]);

	if (elem_size == sizeof(int)) {
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++, src += src_step) {
			t0 = src[0]; t1 = src[1];
			dst0[i] = t0; dst1[i] = t1;
	} else if (elem_size == sizeof(int) * 2) {
		for (i = 0; i < len * 2; i += 2, src += src_step) {
			t0 = src[0]; t1 = src[1];
			dst0[i] = t0; dst0[i + 1] = t1;
			t0 = src[2]; t1 = src[3];
			dst1[i] = t0; dst1[i + 1] = t1;
	} else if (elem_size == sizeof(int) * 4) {
		for (i = 0; i < len * 4; i += 4, src += src_step) {
			t0 = src[0]; t1 = src[1];
			dst0[i] = t0; dst0[i + 1] = t1;
			t0 = src[2]; t1 = src[3];
			dst0[i + 2] = t0; dst0[i + 3] = t1;
			t0 = src[4]; t1 = src[5];
			dst1[i] = t0; dst1[i + 1] = t1;
			t0 = src[6]; t1 = src[7];
			dst1[i + 2] = t0; dst1[i + 3] = t1;

static void CopyTo2Columns(const uchar* _src0, const uchar* _src1, uchar* _dst, size_t dst_step, int len, size_t elem_size)
	int i, t0, t1;
	const int* src0 = (const int*)_src0;
	const int* src1 = (const int*)_src1;
	int* dst = (int*)_dst;
	dst_step /= sizeof(dst[0]);

	if (elem_size == sizeof(int)) {
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++, dst += dst_step) {
			t0 = src0[i]; t1 = src1[i];
			dst[0] = t0; dst[1] = t1;
	} else if (elem_size == sizeof(int) * 2) {
		for (i = 0; i < len * 2; i += 2, dst += dst_step) {
			t0 = src0[i]; t1 = src0[i + 1];
			dst[0] = t0; dst[1] = t1;
			t0 = src1[i]; t1 = src1[i + 1];
			dst[2] = t0; dst[3] = t1;
	} else if (elem_size == sizeof(int) * 4) {
		for (i = 0; i < len * 4; i += 4, dst += dst_step) {
			t0 = src0[i]; t1 = src0[i + 1];
			dst[0] = t0; dst[1] = t1;
			t0 = src0[i + 2]; t1 = src0[i + 3];
			dst[2] = t0; dst[3] = t1;
			t0 = src1[i]; t1 = src1[i + 1];
			dst[4] = t0; dst[5] = t1;
			t0 = src1[i + 2]; t1 = src1[i + 3];
			dst[6] = t0; dst[7] = t1;

static void ExpandCCS(uchar* _ptr, int n, int elem_size)
	int i;
	if (elem_size == (int)sizeof(float)) {
		float* p = (float*)_ptr;
		for (i = 1; i < (n + 1) / 2; i++) {
			p[(n - i) * 2] = p[i * 2 - 1];
			p[(n - i) * 2 + 1] = -p[i * 2];
		if ((n & 1) == 0) {
			p[n] = p[n - 1];
			p[n + 1] = 0.f;
		for (i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
			p[i + 1] = p[i];
		p[1] = 0.f;
	} else {
		double* p = (double*)_ptr;
		for (i = 1; i < (n + 1) / 2; i++) {
			p[(n - i) * 2] = p[i * 2 - 1];
			p[(n - i) * 2 + 1] = -p[i * 2];
		if ((n & 1) == 0) {
			p[n] = p[n - 1];
			p[n + 1] = 0.f;
		for (i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
			p[i + 1] = p[i];
		p[1] = 0.f;

static int DFTFactorize(int n, int* factors)
	int nf = 0, f, i, j;

	if (n <= 5) {
		factors[0] = n;
		return 1;

	f = (((n - 1) ^ n) + 1) >> 1;
	if (f > 1) {
		factors[nf++] = f;
		n = f == n ? 1 : n / f;

	for (f = 3; n > 1;) {
		int d = n / f;
		if (d*f == n) {
			factors[nf++] = f;
			n = d;
		} else {
			f += 2;
			if (f*f > n)

	if (n > 1)
		factors[nf++] = n;

	f = (factors[0] & 1) == 0;
	for (i = f; i < (nf + f) / 2; i++)
		std::swap(factors[i], factors[nf - i - 1 + f]);

	return nf;

static void DFTInit(int n0, int nf, int* factors, int* itab, int elem_size, void* _wave, int inv_itab)
	int digits[34], radix[34];
	int n = factors[0], m = 0;
	int* itab0 = itab;
	int i, j, k;
	Complex w, w1;
	double t;

	if (n0 <= 5) {
		itab[0] = 0;
		itab[n0 - 1] = n0 - 1;

		if (n0 != 4) {
			for (i = 1; i < n0 - 1; i++)
				itab[i] = i;
		} else {
			itab[1] = 2;
			itab[2] = 1;
		if (n0 == 5) {
			if (elem_size == sizeof(Complex))
				((Complex*)_wave)[0] = Complex(1., 0.);
				((Complex*)_wave)[0] = Complex(1.f, 0.f);
		if (n0 != 4)
		m = 2;
	} else {
		// radix[] is initialized from index 'nf' down to zero
		assert(nf < 34);
		radix[nf] = 1;
		digits[nf] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) {
			digits[i] = 0;
			radix[nf - i - 1] = radix[nf - i] * factors[nf - i - 1];

		if (inv_itab && factors[0] != factors[nf - 1])
			itab = (int*)_wave;

		if ((n & 1) == 0) {
			int a = radix[1], na2 = n*a >> 1, na4 = na2 >> 1;
			for (m = 0; (unsigned)(1 << m) < (unsigned)n; m++)
			if (n <= 2) {
				itab[0] = 0;
				itab[1] = na2;
			} else if (n <= 256) {
				int shift = 10 - m;
				for (i = 0; i <= n - 4; i += 4) {
					j = (bitrevTab[i >> 2] >> shift)*a;
					itab[i] = j;
					itab[i + 1] = j + na2;
					itab[i + 2] = j + na4;
					itab[i + 3] = j + na2 + na4;
			} else {
				int shift = 34 - m;
				for (i = 0; i < n; i += 4) {
					int i4 = i >> 2;
					j = BitRev(i4, shift)*a;
					itab[i] = j;
					itab[i + 1] = j + na2;
					itab[i + 2] = j + na4;
					itab[i + 3] = j + na2 + na4;


			if (nf >= 2) {
				for (i = n, j = radix[2]; i < n0;) {
					for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
						itab[i + k] = itab[k] + j;
					if ((i += n) >= n0)
					j += radix[2];
					for (k = 1; ++digits[k] >= factors[k]; k++) {
						digits[k] = 0;
						j += radix[k + 2] - radix[k];
		} else {
			for (i = 0, j = 0;;) {
				itab[i] = j;
				if (++i >= n0)
				j += radix[1];
				for (k = 0; ++digits[k] >= factors[k]; k++) {
					digits[k] = 0;
					j += radix[k + 2] - radix[k];

		if (itab != itab0) {
			itab0[0] = 0;
			for (i = n0 & 1; i < n0; i += 2) {
				int k0 = itab[i];
				int k1 = itab[i + 1];
				itab0[k0] = i;
				itab0[k1] = i + 1;

	if ((n0 & (n0 - 1)) == 0) { = = DFTTab[m][0]; = = -DFTTab[m][1];
	} else {
		t = -FBC_PI * 2 / n0; = = sin(t); = = std::sqrt(1. -*;
	n = (n0 + 1) / 2;

	if (elem_size == sizeof(Complex)) {
		Complex* wave = (Complex*)_wave;

		wave[0].re = 1.;
		wave[0].im = 0.;

		if ((n0 & 1) == 0) {
			wave[n].re = -1.;
			wave[n].im = 0;

		for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			wave[i] = w;
			wave[n0 - i].re =;
			wave[n0 - i].im =;

			t =* -*; =* +*; = t;
	} else {
		Complex* wave = (Complex*)_wave;
		assert(elem_size == sizeof(Complex));

		wave[0].re = 1.f;
		wave[0].im = 0.f;

		if ((n0 & 1) == 0) {
			wave[n].re = -1.f;
			wave[n].im = 0.f;

		for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
			wave[i].re = (float);
			wave[i].im = (float);
			wave[n0 - i].re = (float);
			wave[n0 - i].im = (float);

			t =* -*; =* +*; = t;

// Calculates the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of a 1D or 2D array
int idft(const Mat_<_Tp, chs1>& src, Mat_<_Tp, chs2>& dst, int flags = 0, int nonzero_rows = 0)
	dft(src, dst, flags | DFT_INVERSE, nonzero_rows);

} // namespace fbc

#endif // FBC_CV_DFT_HPP_


#include "test_dft.hpp"

int test_dft_float()
	cv::Mat matSrc = cv::imread("E:/GitCode/OpenCV_Test/test_images/1.jpg", 1);
	if (matSrc.empty()) {
		std::cout << "read image fail" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	cv::cvtColor(matSrc, matSrc, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	int width = matSrc.cols;
	int height = matSrc.rows;

	fbc::Mat_ mat1(height, width,;
	int m = fbc::getOptimalDFTSize(mat1.rows);
	int n = fbc::getOptimalDFTSize(mat1.cols);
	fbc::Mat_ padded(m, n); //expand input image to optimal size
	// on the border add zero values
	fbc::copyMakeBorder(mat1, padded, 0, m - mat1.rows, 0, n - mat1.cols, fbc::BORDER_CONSTANT, fbc::Scalar::all(0));
	fbc::Mat_ padded1(m, n);
	fbc::Mat_ tmp(m, n, fbc::Scalar::all(0));
	std::vector> planes{ padded1, tmp}; // Add to the expanded another plane with zeros
	fbc::Mat_ complexI(m, n);
	fbc::merge(planes, complexI);
	fbc::Mat_ dft(m, n);
	fbc::dft(complexI, dft);

	// compute the magnitude and switch to logarithmic scale
	// => log(1 + sqrt(Re(DFT(I))^2 + Im(DFT(I))^2))
	fbc::split(dft, planes);
	fbc::Mat_ mag;
	fbc::magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], mag);
	fbc::Mat_ ones(mag.rows, mag.cols, fbc::Scalar::all(1.0));
	mag += ones;
	fbc::log(mag, mag);

	// crop the spectrum, if it has an odd number of rows or columns
	fbc::Mat_ crop;
	mag.copyTo(crop, fbc::Rect(0, 0, mag.cols & -2, mag.rows & -2));

	// rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image  so that the origin is at the image center
	int cx = crop.cols / 2;
	int cy = crop.rows / 2;

	fbc::Mat_ q0, q1, q2, q3;
	crop.getROI(q0, fbc::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Left - Create a ROI per quadrant
	crop.getROI(q1, fbc::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy)); // Top-Right
	crop.getROI(q2, fbc::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Left
	crop.getROI(q3, fbc::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy)); // Bottom-Right

	fbc::Mat_ tmp1; // swap quadrants (Top-Left with Bottom-Right)
	for (int y = 0; y < q3.rows; y++) { // q3.copyTo(q0);
		float* p1 = (float*)q0.ptr(y);
		float* p2 = (float*)q3.ptr(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < q3.cols; x++) {
			p1[x] = p2[x];
	for (int y = 0; y < q3.rows; y++) { // tmp1.copyTo(q3);
		float* p1 = (float*)tmp1.ptr(y);
		float* p2 = (float*)q3.ptr(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < q3.cols; x++) {
			p2[x] = p1[x];

	q1.copyTo(tmp1); // swap quadrant (Top-Right with Bottom-Left)
	for (int y = 0; y < q2.rows; y++) { // q2.copyTo(q1);
		float* p1 = (float*)q1.ptr(y);
		float* p2 = (float*)q2.ptr(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < q2.cols; x++) {
			p1[x] = p2[x];
	for (int y = 0; y < q2.rows; y++) { // tmp1.copyTo(q2);
		float* p1 = (float*)q2.ptr(y);
		float* p2 = (float*)tmp1.ptr(y);
		for (int x = 0; x < q2.cols; x++) {
			p1[x] = p2[x];

	fbc::normalize(crop, crop, 0, 1, FBC_MINMAX); // Transform the matrix with float values into a
	// viewable image form (float between values 0 and 1).

	cv::Mat mat1_(height, width, CV_8UC1,;
	int m_ = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(mat1_.rows);
	int n_ = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(mat1_.cols);
	cv::Mat padded_;
	cv::copyMakeBorder(mat1_, padded_, 0, m_ - mat1_.rows, 0, n_ - mat1_.cols, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar::all(0));
	cv::Mat planes_[2] { cv::Mat_(padded_), cv::Mat::zeros(padded_.size(), CV_32F) };
	cv::Mat complexI_;
	cv::merge(planes_, 2, complexI_); // Add to the expanded another plane with zeros
	cv::Mat dft_;
	cv::dft(complexI_, dft_);

	cv::split(dft_, planes_);
	cv::Mat mag_;
	cv::magnitude(planes_[0], planes_[1], mag_);
	cv::Mat ones_(mag_.rows, mag_.cols, CV_32FC1, cv::Scalar::all(1.0));
	mag_ += ones_;
	cv::log(mag_, mag_);

	cv::Mat crop_ = mag_(cv::Rect(0, 0, mag.cols & -2, mag.rows & -2));

	int cx_ = crop_.cols / 2;
	int cy_ = crop_.rows / 2;

	cv::Mat q0_(crop_, cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat q1_(crop_, cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat q2_(crop_, cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	cv::Mat q3_(crop_, cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));

	cv::Mat tmp1_;


	cv::normalize(crop_, crop_, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);

	assert(m == m_ && n == n_ && padded.step == padded_.step);
	for (int y = 0; y < m; y++) {
		const fbc::uchar* p = padded.ptr(y);
		const uchar* p_ = padded_.ptr(y);

		for (int x = 0; x < padded.step; x++) {
			assert(p[x] == p_[x]);

	assert(complexI.rows == complexI_.rows && complexI.cols == complexI_.cols && complexI.channels == complexI_.channels() && complexI.step == complexI_.step);
	for (int y = 0; y < m; y++) {
		const fbc::uchar* p = complexI.ptr(y);
		const uchar* p_ = complexI_.ptr(y);

		for (int x = 0; x < complexI.step; x++) {
			assert(p[x] == p_[x]);

	assert(dft.rows == dft_.rows && dft.cols == dft_.cols && dft.channels == dft_.channels() && dft.step == dft_.step);
	for (int y = 0; y < m; y++) {
		const fbc::uchar* p = dft.ptr(y);
		const uchar* p_ = dft_.ptr(y);

		for (int x = 0; x < dft.step; x++) {
			assert(p[x] == p_[x]);

	assert(crop.rows == crop_.rows && crop.cols == crop_.cols && crop.channels == crop_.channels() && crop.step == crop_.step);
	for (int y = 0; y < crop.rows; y++) {
		const fbc::uchar* p = crop.ptr(y);
		const uchar* p_ = crop_.ptr(y);

		for (int x = 0; x < crop.step; x++) {
			assert(p[x] == p_[x]);

	cv::Mat dst(crop.rows, crop.cols, CV_32FC1,;
	dst = dst * 255;
	cv::imwrite("E:/GitCode/OpenCV_Test/test_images/dft.jpg", dst);

	return 0;




