操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1


The main.cc program of Nachos in ../threads/ calls function ThreadTest() as follows:




DEBUG(’t’, "Entering SimpleTest");

Thread *t = new Thread("forked thread");

t->Fork(SimpleThread, 1);



The SimpleThread() function used above is as follows:


SimpleThread(_int which)


int num;

for (num = 0; num < 5; num++) {

printf("*** thread %d looped %d times\n", (int) which, num);




Your tasks of this lab session is to

1. trace the execution of Nachos and observe the executions of

(a) context switch function SWITCH()

(b) function ThreadRoot()

using gdb and

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第1张图片




2. answer the following questions:

(a) What are the addresses of the following functions in your Nachos:

i. InterruptEnable()

ii. SimpleThread()

iii. ThreadFinish()

iv. ThreadRoot()

and describe how did you find them.

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第2张图片



1. InterruptEnable()  0x0804a300  thread.cc:242

2.SimpleThread()   0x0804a4b1   threadtest.cc:29

3.ThreadFinish()    0x0804a2e6   thread.cc:241

4.ThreadRoot()     0x0804bb06

(b) What are the addresses of the thread objects for

i. the main thread of the Nachos

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第3张图片

操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第4张图片

主线程是在main函数里被创建的,因而找到主线程的地址需要给main函数加断点,通过step向下逐渐运行找到currentThread = new Thread(“main”);说明在该处主线程被创建,这是打印currentThread的地址,就是主线程的地址

ii. the forked thread created by the main thread

and describe how did you find them.

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第5张图片

主线程是在ThreadTest中被创建的,找到Thread *t= new Thread(“forked thread”);


(c) When the main thread executes SWITCH() function for the first time, to what address

the CPU returns when it executes the last instruction ret of SWITCH()? What

location in the program that address is referred to?

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第6张图片

题目中问主线程的SWITCH()断点最后一条汇编指令返回的地址,首先给SWITCH()设定断点,在主线程里进入SWITCH(),用ni指令向下执行下一条汇编指令,直到SWITCH执行结束。当主线程第一次执行SWITCH()时,CPU 执行SWITCH()的最后一条返回指令时将返回的地址是0x0804bb02。这个地址指向的是ThreadRoot()

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第7张图片

(d) When the forked thread executes SWITCH() function for the first time, to what

address the CPU returns when it executes the last instruction ret of SWITCH()?

What location in the program that address is referred to?

 操作系统课程设计 -nachos- lab-new1_第8张图片

forked thread线程执行SWITCH()时,CPU 执行SWITCH()的最后一条返回指令时将返回的地址是0x0804914d。这个地址指向的是DEBUG()
