Vector Markup Language (VML)

Vector Markup Language (VML)

World Wide Web Consortium Note 13-May-1998

Submission to the World Wide Web Consortium

This version:
Latest version:
Brian Mathews, Autodesk Inc.
Daniel Lee, Hewlett-Packard Company
Brian Dister, Macromedia, Inc.
John Bowler, Microsoft Corporation
Howard Cooperstein, Microsoft Corporation
Ajay Jindal, Microsoft Corporation
Tuan Nguyen, Microsoft Corporation
Peter Wu, Microsoft Corporation
Troy Sandal, Visio Corporation

Status of this document

This document is a submission to the World Wide Web Consortium.  It is the initial draft of the specification of VML.  It is intended for review and comment by W3C members and is subject to change. There are W3C Staff comments on this submission.

This document is a NOTE made available by the W3 Consortium for discussion only. This indicates no endorsement of its content, nor that the Consortium has, is, or will be allocating any resources to the issues addressed by the NOTE.


This document defines the Vector Markup Language (VML).  VML is an application of Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 which defines a format for the encoding of vector information together with additional markup to describe how that information may be displayed and edited.  The first part of this document is an introduction, which gives an overview of the way VML is organized and how it interacts with both XML and HTML as defined by the HTML 4.0 Specification.  This is followed by detailed technical definition of the behavior of every VML element and the permitted and recommended behaviors for all applications.

The introduction to this document is intended to be appropriate reading for someone who wishes to gain an overview of VML.  The technical specification is intended for authors of application software which might use VML and for people who wish to assess the suitability of VML for a particular application.  It may also be used by people who need to hand-author VML content.  However it is anticipated that most such authoring will proceed by copy and paste of existing VML - VML is intended to be treated in this way.

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction to VML
    • A Simple Example
    • Design Requirements
    • Implementation
  • The Technical Specification of VML
    • Introduction
    • Use of CSS
    • Local Coordinate Space
    • Attribute Types
    • DTD Entity Definitions
    • Top-Level Elements
    • The shape Element
    • The shapetype Element
    • The group Element
    • The background Element
    • Advanced Properties of Shapes
    • The path Element
    • The formulas Element
    • The handles Element
    • The fill Element
    • The stroke Element
    • The shadow Element
    • The textbox Element
    • The textpath Element
    • The imagedata Element
    • Predefined Shapes
    • Common Properties of All Predefined Shapes
    • The line Element
    • The polyline Element
    • The curve Element
    • The roundrect Element
    • The oval Element
    • The arc Element
    • The image Element
  • Normative References
  • Informative References

Introduction to VML

The Vector Markup Language (VML) supports the markup of vector graphic information in the same way that HTML supports the markup of textual information.  Within VML the content is composed of paths described using connected lines and curves.  The markup gives semantic and presentation information for the paths.

VML is written using the syntax of XML just as HTML is written using the syntax of SGML (the Standard Generalized Markup Language, [ISO 8879]) - XML is a restricted form of SGML.  VML uses Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 in the same way as HTML to determine the layout of the vector graphics which it contains.  The workflow involved in rendering VML can be compared to that involved in rendering HTML as show in the following figure.

The primary difference between the HTML workflow and the VML workflow is in the last but one step - character layout versus path transformations.  In the HTML case, the workflow generates locations and other information for sequences of characters which are then rendered using native operating system functionality.  In the VML, case the workflow generates locations and related information for vector paths and related objects (such as bitmaps) which are then rendered using native operating system functionality.

The common workflow is an essential part of VML - two design requirements were to integrate VML with existing HTML and to avoid requiring a user agent to reinvent the wheel by using different representations or implementations of existing HTML or CSS functionality.

Like HTML, VML describes objects which will often be further edited.  In the case of HTML, these objects are paragraphs, forms or tables.  In the case of VML, the objects are shapes or collections of shapes known as groups.   VML does not require a particular approach to editing - it accommodates a wide variety of editors.  The enormous range of graphical data requires that VML pays careful attention to how an editor records the semantic information related to the VML description.  VML ensures that different editors can recognize and correctly handle each other's data (even though they will not normally understand it).

A Simple Example

The simple diagram below contains both simple graphics and text.

Although the bitmap compression used makes the image very small (it only requires about 8kbytes) the bitmap has none of the information necessary to make further changes to the diagram - for example a user who needs to change "Product" to "Products" must recreate the bitmap from scratch.  The corresponding VML has all the necessary editing information in about 2.5kbytes.

.font5 {
color: black;
font-size: 18.0pt;
font-weight: 400;
font-style: normal;
text-decoration: none;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
font-family: "Times New Roman";
style='position: absolute;
margin-left: 10.2pt;
margin-top: 4.8pt;
width: 90pt;
height: 191.4pt;
z-index: 1'

coordsize="21600, 21600">
 shapetype id="irregularSeal1" coordorigin="17, 8" coordsize="150, 319"
stroke joinstyle="miter"/>
path gradientshapeok="t" textboxrect="4627, 6320, 16702, 13937"/>
 shape type="#irregularSeal1"
style='position: absolute;
left: 17; top: 8; width: 150; height: 120'
fill type="gradient" color2="fill lighten(0)"
method="linear sigma" angle="-135" focus="100%"/>

 shapetype id="downArrow" coordsize="21600, 21600"
adj="16200, 5400"
stroke joinstyle="miter"/>
f eqn="sum #0 0 0"/>
f eqn="sum #1 0 0"/>
f eqn="sum height 0 #1"/>
f eqn="sum 10800 0 #1"/>
f eqn="sum width 0 #0"/>
f eqn="prod @4 @3 10800"/>
f eqn="sum width 0 @5"/>
path textboxrect="@1, 0, @2, @6"/>
h position="#1, #0" xrange="0, 10800" yrange="0, 21600"/>
 shape type="#downArrow"
style='position: absolute; left: 40; top: 143; width: 105; height: 105'
adj="11632, 4371"
fill type="gradientScale" color2="fill lighten(0)"
method="linear sigma" angle="-135" focus="100%"/>
 shapetype id="flowChartTerminator" coordsize="21600, 21600"
stroke joinstyle="miter"/>
path gradientshapeok="t" textboxrect="1018, 3163, 20582, 18437"/>
 shape type="#flowChartTerminator"
style='position: absolute; left: 17; top: 263; width: 150; height: 64'
fill type="gradient" color2="fill lighten(0)"
method="linear sigma" angle="-135" focus="100%"/>



This VML contains all the information required both to edit and to display the diagram.   The VML has been color coded as follows:

Blue - XML structure.  VML is formatted according to the rules of XML.  The v: prefix on each VML tag identifies the tag as VML, following the current suggestion for handling namespaces in XML.  Any standard XML parser can parse the VML and hand off the resultant data to a VML specific processor.

Green - CSS information.  The first block of CSS is used in the HTML which defines the text in the diagram - this is just standard CSS.   Each shape and group element has a CSS style attribute which defines the position and size of the shape within the page.  The location of the top-level group is defined completely by the CSS - a layout engine need not understand any aspect of VML to handle this positioning information.

Black - VML.  The remainder of the data describes the graphical properties of the diagram.  Notice how this data is associated with the shape and shapetype elements.  The shape elements are rendered in the diagram, the shapetype elements allow reuse of geometric information between shapes.  In this case, because there are three different shapes in the diagram, there are also three shapetype elements, but in more complex cases the same shape would be used multiple times (each instance referencing the same shapetype element).

Brown - HTML text.  This text is associated with shape elements in the diagram.  The VML in italics controls the location of the HTML text.

Purple - the most basic VML geometric information describes closed or open paths.  These paths may be parameterized - this allows a single shapetype element to define multiple related paths.  For example, the downArrow shapetype above is defined parametrically and the following four arrows all share the same basic shape.

The corresponding VML is:

shape type="#downArrow"
style='position: absolute; left: 77; top: 16; width: 64; height: 128'
shape type="#downArrow"

style='position: absolute; left: 149; top: 16; width: 64; height: 128'
adj=", 9450"
shape type="#downArrow"

style='position: absolute; left: 219; top: 16; width: 64; height: 128'
adj="14175, 2025"
shape type="#downArrow"

style='position: absolute; left: 292; top: 16; width: 64; height: 128'
adj="7088, 7425"

The combination of parameterization with a concise path description allows VML diagrams to be relatively compact, despite the large amount of editing information.  Indeed, large VML diagrams become dominated by the CSS required to position the elements.   VML defines a defaulting mechanism for CSS which allows the container box to be inherited in order to avoid this overhead on complex illustrations.

Design Requirements

Many requirements guided the design of VML.  The most crucial are listed below in order of importance.

  1. Retain the information required for further editing of VML.  This requirement has the important consequence that VML must be extensible - it is inconceivable that VML meets the requirements of all editing applications, therefore it must be possible for every application to add the required editing data specific to that application.
  2. Support interchange of data between applications.  One application must be able to read and edit the data of another application, even though the first requirement means that, potentially, both applications will add application specific data.
  3. Use the existing mechanisms of HTML and CSS - this facilitates implementation of VML and ensures that implementations can reuse existing code and techniques.
  4. Be backward compatible with existing user agents.  VML adoption will be inhibited unless it is possible to produce VML which works with existing web browsers.   VML has special provisions to allow alternate bitmap representations of graphics for backward compatibility.
  5. Provide efficient representations of vector graphics.  Textual representations tend to be verbose.  VML addresses this by defining a compact representation of path elements and by following a design principle of using concise names for frequently used attributes and more verbose names for less frequently used attributes.
  6. Allow the implementation of subsets where an application does not require the full functionality of VML.  Normally a viewer will implement the full specification, however editors should be able to implement only the subset required for their own data.
  7. Support hand-editing.  This leads to a design principle that the structure of the graphic be obvious and that the syntax be familiar to HTML programmers - effectively the same as requirement (3).
  8. VML should support scripting, including the requirements of animation.  This, again, leads to a desire for the structure of VML to match the structure of the graphics.   It also leads to the use of types within VML attributes which are appropriate to animation - for example 2D coordinates are defined as single attributes "x, y" rather than pairs of attributes.


An implementation of VML will fall into one of two classes.  A viewer implementation will normally implement the full specification, although it can avoid the need to implement any functionality to edit VML (beyond that required by any script language which the viewer supports).  An editor implementation may only need to implement those specific features necessary to output the data which the editor manipulates.  Even an editor which potentially manipulates VML produced by other applications may need nothing more than a subset of the CSS2 visual rendering model.   Such an editor can correctly position the VML produced by other applications even though it may not be able to render individual shapes.

The implementation model follows the diagram at the start of this document.  An implementation can proceed in five separate, independent, steps.

  1. Each implementation requires an XML parser.  This performs lexical analysis of VML and identifies the individual elements.  XML parsers are already widely available.
  2. Non-trivial implementations will need to parse the structure of the individual VML attributes.  To make this easy, VML defines basic types which have canonical internal representations - no VML implementation is required to store greater accuracy than that implied by the canonical representation and all VML data can be converted to the corresponding representations.  This means that the implementor need only write a small number of string parsers to be able to handle all VML data.  Most of these parsers are already present either as part of language libraries or as a consequence of the need to parse CSS.
  3. An implementation must handle that part of the CSS2 visual rendering model used by VML.  VML uses a small subset of CSS2 to define the block level boxes for each VML element.  Implementing this gives a minimal VML implementation which can handle the layout of elements (using their block level boxes) without doing any rendering.
  4. Viewing implementations and most editing implementations must handle the path parameterization required by VML - a small set of mathematically defined transformations allow the VML representation of a path to be reduced to a simple set of closed or open line segments.  Extensions to VML may add transformations, however VML allows such extensions to be accompanied by equivalent definitions of the same information in unextended VML.
  5. Finally the implementation must render the path level data in the way specified by the VML rendering attributes.  Normally this operation maps easily onto widely available operating system facilities.

Each of these five steps is testable in isolation and implementable independently of the other steps.  Only steps (2) and (4) are VML specific, and step (2) can reuse standard technology available in many places.

The Technical Specification of VML


The overall structure of VML may be summarized by the XML definitions of the two primary elements - shape and group.

A shape element is used to define a visible vector graphic element.   Most shapes have a path definition - a sequence of straight lines and cubic bézier curves which defines an outline.  The outline may be stroked, as specified by attributes on the shape and the stroke sub-element.  It may also be filled, under the control of shape attributes and the fill sub-element.  Additional sub-elements support raster (bitmap) images, more advanced transformations of the path and text drawn on top of the shape.

Below is an example of a simple shape and its VML representation.

       stroke="true" strokecolor="red" strokeweight="2" fill="true"
       fillcolor="green" coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="175 175">

A group element is used to group together several shapes so that they may be transformed together as one unit.

In addition VML defines several auxiliary top-level elements to help make the editing and representation of complex graphical information more compact and convenient.

The shapetype element is used to define a prototype definition of a shape.   A shape element may reference a shapetype in order to instantiate several copies of the same shape.

Several predefined shapes may be used as convenient alternatives to explicitly declaring a shape element with a path.  These predefined shapes are line, polyline, curve, rect, roundrect, oval, arc, and image.

Use of CSS

The style attribute uses the syntax described in "Visual rendering model" in Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2.   The positioning may be absolute or relative unless the shape is within a group, in which case it must be absolute (relative to the top left of the parent group). The z order of the elements within the group is from the first (lowest) to the last (highest) - i.e. later elements obscure earlier elements.  The elements establish no relative position - hence the restriction to use of absolute positioning.

The VML shape and group elements participate fully in the CSS2 visual rendering model.  In addition to standard CSS layout the VML elements may also be rotated or flipped.  Each element also establishes a coordinate space for its content - this allows scaling of the content with respect to the containing elements.   The following VML specific CSS properties support this.


The value specifies a rotation for the shape or group in clockwise degrees about its center (i.e. positive is clockwise, negative is counterclockwise - the normal definition in an inverted coordinate space).


The value specifies that the shape or group is flipped about its center about either the x or the y axis according to the following table.

Value Description
x Flip the rotated shape about the y axis (invert x ordinates)
y Flip the rotated shape about the x axis (invert y ordinates)

Both x and y may be specified in the flip property.

center-x, center-y

These properties may be used to specify the center of the block level box of the element within its parent container box.  They are alternatives to left and right and convey the same information.  It is an error to specify both left and center-x.  A user agent should respond to the error by honoring center-x (or center-y).  The user agent may issue a diagnostic to the user if this is appropriate.

Local Coordinate Space

The shape and group elements are containing blocks for their content - they define a CSS2 "block level box".  Inside the containing block a local coordinate system is defined for any sub-elements using the coordsize and coordorigin attributes.  All CSS2 positioning information is expressed in terms of this local coordinate space.  Consequently CSS2 position attributes (left, top, width, height and so on) have no unit specifier - they are simple numbers, not CSS length quantities.

The coordsize attribute defines how many units there are along the width of the containing block. The coordorigin attribute defines the coordinate at the top left corner of the containing block.  For example, if a group were defined as follows:

The containing block would be 300 pixels wide by 250 pixels high (assume that the parent element of this group was not another group).  Then the coordinate system inside the containing block would range from –500.0 to 500.0 along the x-axis and –500.0 to 500.0 along the y-axis with 0.0, 0.0 right in the center of the rectangle.   Any shapes inside the group are positioned and sized according to this local coordinate system.  No matter how the width and height of the group is changed, the local coordinate system inside will remain the same.

The rationale behind this is that the vectors defining a shape can be specified in a local coordinate system.  If the containing block for the shape is changed, the outline of the shape will be automatically scaled to the new box. Similarly, shapes within the local ordinate system of a group will be automatically scaled if the containing block of the group changes.

It is important to note that the containing block does not establish a clipping region.  Sub-elements and paths may be drawn outside the boundaries of the containing block.  The containing block merely serves to map the local coordinate space to the page space.

Attribute Types

Basic types of attributes are identified according to their lexical form as follows.

Data type Description
boolean An attribute which can take values true and false.
string Character data of any length.  Normally string attributes have a restricted range of defined values (as in CSS.)
number Numeric data, used for values that are integer or fractional numbers and for values which specify lengths.  Lengths and numbers follow the lexical form defined for CSS with a suffix indicating a scale factor.
Vector2D Numeric data in the form X,Y. Usually used to list a coordinate in 2D space. May be in form "x y" or "x, y"
Vector3D Numeric data in the form X,Y,Z. Usually used to list a coordinate in 3D space. May be in the form "x y z" or "x,y,z"

A complete set of data types is defined for VML along with canonical representations which ensure that the minimum precision which an authoring tool must store and the maximum which it can rely on are well defined.  At this stage the tables in this document do not give the underlying data types.

DTD Entity Definitions

VML shape elements (shape and group and the predefined shapes) use the standard HTML core attributes plus some attributes which may appear on any element.

  id          id     #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  class       cdata  #implied -- space separated list of classes --
  style       cdata  #implied -- associated style info --
  title       cdata  #implied -- advisory title/amplification –-
  href        cdata  #implied -- URL link if the element is clicked on --
  target      cdata  #implied -- target frame for href –-
  alt         cdata  #implied -- alternate text if element cannot be displayed --
  coordsize   cdata  #implied –- size of coordinate space inside the element --
  coordorigin cdata  #implied -- coordinate at top-left corner of element --
  wrapcoords  cdata  #implied -- outline to use for tight text wrapping --

In addition shape elements and the special pre-defined elements have standard attributes to control rendering.

  opacity      cdata #implied -- opacity of the shape --
  chromakey    cdata #implied –- color to be made transparent --
  stroke       cdata #implied -- Boolean whether to stroke the outline or not --
  strokecolor  cdata #implied –- RGB color to use for the stroke --
  strokeweight cdata #implied –- weight of the line to use for stroking --
  fill         cdata #implied -- Boolean whether to fill the shape or not --
  fillcolor    cdata #implied –- RGB color to use for the fill --
  print        cdata #implied -- Boolean whether the element is to be printed --

Sub-elements are used within shape elements to define more sophisticated rendering operations.

  (path | formulas | handles | fill | stroke | shadow | textbox | textpath | imagedata |

At most one instance of each sub-element may occur in a shape element.  If multiple elements do occur the user agent should respond to the error by merging the repeated elements and retaining only the last values specified if the same attribute is specified more than once.   The user agent may also issue a diagnostic if appropriate.

The entity %extensions; acts as a placeholder for future extensions.   Any extension element may be qualified by the v:ext attribute.

  v:ext cdata "backwardcompatible" -- may also be "view" or "edit" --

When an authoring agent encounters such an element the v:ext attribute tells it how to handle the extension.

v:ext value Element interpretation Viewer behavior Editor behavior
edit The element contains high level semantic information which was used by the original content generator.  The information should not be removed from the shape. The element content can be ignored. The element content can be ignored, it need not be removed however it must not be duplicated.
backwardcompatible The element contains information from the original content generator which does not affect the appearance of the shape but which must be changed if the shape is changed. The element content can be ignored. The element content can be ignored unless the shape is edited, in which case the element must be removed.
view The element contains information which changes the appearance of the shape from that implied by VML. The element cannot be displayed, the viewer must use the alternate IMG representation. The element content can be ignored unless the shape is edited.  The VML information can be used as a placeholder.

These rules give an editor application the ability to edit any VML document.  If an editor just changes the document layout it can still handle even v:ext="view" extensions - the VML definition ensures that the editor knows the CSS layout properties of the shape.  The rules accommodate a wide variety of editor behavior - an editor might chose to lock an extended shape to prevent invalidation of the extension information for example.

Top-Level Elements

The shape Element

This is the top-level element used to describe a shape. This element may appear by itself or within a element. If a is referenced using the type= attribute, any attributes specified in the shape will override those found in the shapetype.

  type cdata #implied -- reference to shapetype --
  adj  cdata #implied -- list of adjust values for parameterized paths --
  path cdata #implied -- string with command set describing a path --

The path definition is described in more detail below.  Path parameterization allows one canonical path to describe a range of shapes which differ only in geometric proportions (for example, ring shapes where the ratio of the inner to the outer circle diameter varies).

Attribute Descriptions.
Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the shape. Used by script to reference the shape in a collection.
VML type string null A reference to a shapetype id that describes the standard path, fill and stroke properties of a shape.  Properties specified in the shape will override the shapetype properties.
VML adj string null A comma delimited list of numbers that are the parameters for the guide formulas that define the path of the shape. Values may be omitted to allow for using defaults. There can be up to 8 adjust values.
VML path string null A string containing the commands that define the path. (See path element for definition of the command set).
VML href string null The URL to jump to if this shape is clicked on.
VML target string null The target frame in a URL
VML class string null The CSS class of this shape
VML title string null The title of the shape that may be displayed by editors
VML alt string null Alternative text associated with the shape.
CSS visibility string visible If hidden the shape is not rendered and does not generate mouse events.
CSS top, margin-top, center-y, etc number 0 The position of the top of the containing block of the shape.  In CSS units or, for elements in a group, in the coordmap units of parent element.  This may be specified by any of the CSS mechanisms for locating a container box.
CSS left, margin-left, center-x, etc number 0 The position of the left of the containing block of the shape.  In CSS units or, for elements in a group, in the coordmap units of parent element.  This may be specified by any of the CSS mechanisms for locating a container box.
CSS width number 100 The width of the container rectangle of the shape.  In CSS units or, for elements in a group, in the coordmap units of parent element.
CSS height number 100 The height of the containing block of the shape.  In CSS units or, for elements in a group, in the coordmap units of parent element.
CSS z-index number 0 The z-index of the shape. Positive numbers are in front of the screen. Negative numbers are behind the screen.
CSS rotation number 0 The angle to rotate the reference rectangle.  Zero degrees means no rotation.   Positive angles are clockwise (because positive y-axis is down.)
CSS flip string null Takes values "x" or "y" or both.  Indicates that the shape image inside the reference rectangle should be flipped as appropriate along the listed axes in the order specified. i.e. flip: x means flip about the y-axis so that x becomes -x.
CSS position string "static" May be any CSS value when this is a top-level element. When it is contained inside a group, it must always be absolute.
VML opacity number 1.0 The opacity of the entire shape. A fraction between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque.)
VML chromakey color null A color value that will be transparent and show anything behind the shape.
VML stroke boolean true If true, the path defining the shape will be stroked. By default, it will be stroked using a solid line unless there is a stroke sub-element which may specify more complex stroke properties. The stroke sub-element has an on attribute which will override this if specified.
VML strokecolor color "black" The primary color of the brush to use to stroke the path of this shape. The stroke sub-element has a "color" attribute which will override this if specified.
VML strokeweight number "0.75pt" The width of the brush to use to stroke the path. The stroke sub-element has a "weight" attribute which will override this if specified.
VML fill boolean true If "true", the path defining the shape will be filled. By default, it will be filled using a solid color unless there is a sub-element that specifies more complex fill properties. If "false", the fill is transparent. The fill sub-element has an "on" attribute which will override this if specified.
VML fillcolor color "white" The primary color of the brush to use to fill the path of this shape. The fill sub-element has a "color" attribute which will override this if specified.
VML v string null A string containing the commands that define the path - see the description of the path element for more information.  X or Y coordinate values can be a reference to a formula in the form @number where number is the formula’s ordinal number, e.g., "@2".  See the formula element.
VML print boolean true If "true", this shape should be printed.
VML coordsize Vector2D "1000 1000" The width and height of the coordinate space inside the containing block of this shape. If it is not specified, it is the same as the width and height of the rectangle.
VML coordorigin Vector2D "0 0" The coordinates at the top-left corner of the containing block.
VML wrapcoords string null In the form "x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3…" (same as coords in an AREA). Describes in drawing units around a shape. Used for the tight wrapping of text around an object.
XML template

Throughout this document XML templates are used to summarize the full set of attributes which may appear on each element.  The shape elements - shape, group and most of the predefined shapes have CSS2 positioning information which locates the shape within its container.  This is not reflected in the templates as there are several different ways of specifying the same information.  A top-level shape will typically use absolute positioning plus margin-left and margin-top properties:

style='position: absolute; margin-left: 10pt; margin-top: 10pt; width: 100pt; z-index: 1.5'

A shape within a group can use left/top or center-x/center-y as appropriate:

style='left: 100; top: 100; width: 1000; height: 1000'

style='center-x: 550; center-y: 550; width: 1000; height: 1000; rotation: 55deg'

The rotation, z-index and flip properties may also be given when required.

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordsize="1000, 1000"
  coordorigin="0, 0"

The shapetype Element


This is the element used to describe a shape so that it may be referenced at a later point in the document by a shape element.  It is identical to the shape element except that it cannot reference another shapetype element and that the visibility property is always hidden.  (Authoring agents may choose to make shapetype elements visible to allow them to be edited - in this case the CSS positioning properties become relevant.)

When a shape element makes reference to a shapetype, the shape may duplicate some of the attributes that have already been specified in the shapetype.   In these cases, the attributes in the shape override those of the shapetype.

  adj  cdata #implied -- list of adjust values for parameterized paths --
  path cdata #implied -- string with command set describing a path --

Attribute Descriptions

See .

XML Template

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordsize="1000, 1000"
  coordorigin="0, 0"

The group Element

This top-level element is used to group shapes (including other groups) so that they can be positioned and transformed as a single unit.

  (group | shape | shapetype | line | polyline | curve | rect | roundrect | oval | arc | image)*

Attribute Descriptions

See for the descriptions of the following attributes: id, class, style (top, left, width, height, rotation, z-index, position, visibility), title, href, target, alt, coordsize, coordorigin.

XML template

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordsize="1000, 1000"
  coordorigin="0, 0"

The background Element


This element describes the fill of the background of a page using vector graphics fills.  This illustrates how the rendering description of VML can be extended to existing and new HTML objects.

  id        id    #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  fill      cdata #implied -- Boolean whether to fill the shape or not --
  fillcolor cdata #implied –- RGB color to use for the fill --

Attribute Descriptions

See for the descriptions of id, fill and fillcolor.

XML template


Advanced Properties of Shapes

The following sub-elements may be used to describe more advanced properties of shapes. For example, the shape element only allows the description of a solid color fill. One would use the fill sub-element to describe a gradient fill.

The path Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define the path that makes up the shape. This is done through a string that contains a rich set of pen movement commands.  This sub-element also describes the limo-stretch point, inscribed textbox rectangle locations, and connection site locations.  The limo-stretch definition and the formulas element (described below) allow greater designer control of how the path scales.   They allow, for example, definition of a true rounded corner rectangle where the corners remain circular even though the rectangle is scaled anisotropically.

  id              id    #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  v               cdata #implied -- string containing pen movement commands --
  limo            cdata #implied -- point to do a limo stretch --
  fillok          cdata #implied -- path may be filled --
  strokeok        cdata #implied -- path may be stroked --
  shadowok        cdata #implied -- path may be used to create a shadow --
  arrowok         cdata #implied -- arrowheads may be drawn on path --
  gradientshapeok cdata #implied -- how to interpret gradientradial --
  textpathok      cdata #implied -- path is designed for use with textpath --
  textboxrect     cdata #implied -- rectangle to hold label text --

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the shape. Used by script to reference the shape in a collection.
VML v string null A string containing the commands that define the path. (See below for definition of the command set).
VML limo vector2D "0,0" A point along the x and y dimensions of a shape where the shape will limo stretch.
VML fillok boolean true If set the path may be filled, if unset any fill specification on the path should be ignored
VML strokeok boolean true If set the path may be stroked, if unset any stroke specification on the path should be ignored
VML shadowok boolean true If set a shadow path may be created from the path, if unset any shadow specification should be ignored.
VML arrowok boolean false If set arrowheads may be added to the ends of the path, if unset any arrowheads specified in the stroke element should be ignored.
VML gradientshapeok boolean false If set a gradient fill can be produced by repeated drawing of scaled versions of the path - this must only be set if it is possible to scale the path in such a way that a fill is always contained in the original path.  This controls the interpretation of the fill element type="gradientradial" attribute setting.
VML textpathok boolean false If set this indicates that the path is an appropriate warping path for the textpath element.  If not set the textpath element must be ignored.  Normally textpath paths are not useful unless they are associated with a textpath element.
VML textboxrect string null A string of the form "L1,T1,R1,B1; L2,T2,R2,B2;…" If the string is null, then the textbox is set equal to the geometry box. In practice 1, 2, 3 or 6 text rectangles may be specified. Detail on how more than one rect is used, is specified elsewhere. The left, top, right, or bottom values can be a reference to a formula in the form @number where number is the formula’s ordinal number.  The default is the same as the containing block.

The v attribute string (or the path property of shape) is made up of a rich set of commands as summarized in the following table:

command Name parameters Description
m moveto 2 Start a new sub-path at the given (x,y) coordinate
l lineto 2* Draw a line from the current point to the given (x,y) coordinate which becomes the new current point. A number of coordinate pairs may be specified to form a polyline.
c curveto 6* Draw a cubic bézier curve from the current point to the coordinate given by the final two parameters, the control points given by the first four parameters. The current point becomes the end point of the bézier.
x close 0 Close the current sub-path by drawing a straight line from the current point to the original moveto point.
e end 0 End the current set of sub-paths. A given set of sub-paths (as delimited by end) is filled using eofill. Subsequent sets of sub-paths are filled independently and superimposed on existing ones.
t rmoveto 2* Start a new sub-path at the coordinate (cpx+x, cpy+y).
r rlineto 2* Draw a line from the current point to the given relative coordinate (cpx+x, cpy+y).
v rcurveto 6* Cubic bézier curve using the given coordinate relative to the current point.
nf nofill 0 The current set of sub-paths (delimited by end - e) will not be filled.
ns nostroke 0 The current set of sub-paths (delimited by end - e) will not be filled.
ae angleellipseto 6* center (x,y) size(w,h) start-angle, end-angle. Draw a segment of an ellipse as describes using these parameters. A straight line is drawn from the current point to the start point of the segment.
al angleellipse 6* Same as angleellipseto except that there is an implied moveto the starting point of the segment.
at arcto 8* left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). The first four values define the bounding box of an ellipse. The last four define two radial vectors. A segment of the ellipse is drawn which starts at the angle defined by the start radius vector and ends at the angle defined by the end vector. A straight line is drawn from the current point to the start of the arc. The arc is always drawn in a counterclockwise direction.
ar arc 8* left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). Same as arcto however a new sub-path is started by an implied moveto the start point of the arc.
wa clockwisearcto 8* left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). Same as arcto but the arc is drawn in a clockwise direction.
wr clockwisearc 8* left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). Same as arc but the arc is drawn in a clockwise direction
qx ellipticalqaudrantx 2* end(x,y).

A quarter ellipse is drawn from the current point to the given end point. The elliptical segment is initially tangential to a line parallel to the x-axis. (i.e. the segment starts out horizontal)

qy ellipticalquadranty 2* end(x,y).

Same as ellipticalquadrantx except that the elliptical segment is initially tangential to a line parallel to the y-axis. (i.e. the segment starts out vertical)

qb quadraticbezier 2+2* (controlpoint(x,y))*, end(x,y)

Defines one or more quadratic bézier curves by means of control points and an end point.  Intermediate (on-curve) points are obtained by interpolation between successive control points as in the OpenType font specification.  The sub-path need not be started in which case the sub-path will be closed.  In this case the last point of the sub-path defines the start point of the quadratic bézier.

Edit behavior extensions

VML does not mandate a user interface for editing applications. It attempts to convey information about the object which is being edited - this may imply the behavior of an editor.  One common operation implied by VML is the need to edit the points in a path. The edit behavior extensions attempt to identify some common behavior of v objects so that applications behave consistently however the information encoded is very low level.  Consequently these extensions may be ignored completely by a conforming application and any conforming application is free to remove or rewrite the edit information in the path.

The extensions define the behavior of all following points under editing operations which move the points or the associated line segments. Nine different behaviors are identified for the vertices in the path attribute (the end points, not the control points) depending on whether the associated line segment is a line or curve.

command Name parameters Description
vertex behavior line segment
ha AutoLine 0 auto line
hb AutoCurve 0 auto curve
hc CornerLine 0 corner line
hd CornerCurve 0 corner curve
he SmoothLine 0 smooth line
hf SmoothCurve 0 smooth curve
hg SymmetricLine 0 symmetric line
hh SymmetricCurve 0 symmetric curve
hi Freeform 0 auto any

The line segment type defines whether the behavior applies to points which are adjacent to lines or whether it applies to points adjacent to curves. The vertex behavior specifies how the two line segments either side of a point are expected to behave as the point is moved.

Vertex behavior Are (curve) control points calculated automatically? Are control points either side of the vertex equidistant? Are control points co-linear with the vertex? Are control points visible to the user?
Auto yes - - no
Symmetric no yes yes yes
Smooth no no yes yes
Corner no no no yes
Freeform no no no yes

The auto behavior implements some application-defined algorithm to guess the correct control points when a point is moved. This is, effectively, the default - it implies that the application should use other information to determine the control point behavior. The symmetric, smooth and corner behaviors determine how one control point behaves when the other at that vertex is moved. The freeform behavior does not recalculate control point position as vertices are moved.

Lexical format of the v attribute value

This value consists of commands followed by zero or more parameters.  The number of parameters is given in the table above.  In this table, the suffix "*" indicates that the parameter set may be repeated (but the number of parameters must be a multiple of the given number).  The quadratic bézier must have more than two pairs of parameters.

  • Either commas or spaces may be used to delimit parameters for each command.  E.g. "m 0,0" and "m0 0" are both acceptable.
  • Parameters that are zero may be omitted using commas with no parameter.  E.g. "c 10,10,0,0,25,13" and "c 10,10,,,25,13" are equivalent.
  • Parameterized paths are also allowed. In this case, the shape must also have a formula element with a list of formulas that may be substituted into the path using the @ symbol followed by the number of the formula. The adj property of the shape contains the input parameters for these formulas.  E.g. "moveto @1@4".   The evaluations of the formulas are substituted into the appropriate positions.   Note that @ also serves as a delimiter.

In the event that a path is malformed VML requires the following behavior if the page is displayed.

  • Missing parameter values must be supplied as 0.
  • Unrecognized commands must be skipped - they should be treated as though they are space characters.

An application is also permitted to fail to display the page (with a diagnostic) or to alert the user that some content is malformed.

XML template


The formulas Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define formulas that can vary the path of a shape, its inscribed text rectangles, and connection sites.  Formula values change as the adj values change on the shape.  Formulas can reference other formulas defined earlier in the same formulas element.

Attribute Descriptions for


The f element of formulas

Each f element defines a single value as the result of the evaluation of an expression. The expression is defined by the cdata content of the eqn attribute and has the general form of an operation followed by up to three arguments, which may be adjust handle values, the results of earlier guide formulas, fixed numbers or pre-defined values.

  eqn cdata #implied-- string with the formula definition --

Attribute Descriptions
Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML eqn string null

A single formula, evaluated as described below.

In the following table, the arguments are given the names v, P1, P2 (in that order), thus the element is simply:

operation para-
exact? result description
val 1 yes v Defines a guide value from some other value.
sum 3 yes v + P1 ­ P2 Used for addition and subtraction.
product 3 rounds v × P1 / P2 Used for multiplication and division.
mid 2 rounds to zero (v + P1) / 2 Average.
abs 1 yes abs(v) Absolute value.
min 2 yes min(v, P1) The lesser of v and P1.
max 2 yes max(v, P1) The greater of v and P1.
if 3 yes v > 0 ? P1 : P2 Condition testing.
mod 3 no Modulus (etc.)
atan2 2 no atan2(P1, v) Polar arithmetic – result is in degrees·216. (fd units.)
sin 2 no v × sin(P1) Sine, argument is in degrees·216. (fd units.)
cos 2 no v × cos(P1) Cosine, argument is in degrees·216. (fd units.)
cosatan2 3 no v × cos(atan2(P2, P1) Preserves full accuracy in intermediate calculation.
sinatan2 3 no v × sin(atan2(P2, P1)  
sqrt 1 no sqrt(v) Result is positive, rounds down.
sumangle 3 yes v + P1×216 - P2×216 v is an existing angle (scaled by 216),
P1 and P2 are numbers of degrees.
ellipse 3 no  
tan 2 no v × tan(P1) Tangent, argument is in degrees·216. (fd units.)

The formulas are evaluated to full precision - however the result is always a 32-bit integer.  Formula authors should avoid formulas which are discontinuous - not only are many of the trigonometric operations inexact, the transformations within the coordinate spaces are also inexact.  This can mean that a set of formulas which is discontinuous evaluates to give very different  path values with the same input on two different systems.

When an operation is marked as exact then a conforming implementation must always generate the correct arithmetic answer (unless the calculations overflow internally).   The product operation is required to round to the nearest integer.   If the result is exactly 0.5 then it must be rounded up to the next numerically greater integer.  (So the absolute value of a negative result will decrease - -1.5 must be evaluated as -1.)

The mid operation is required to round towards 0.

All other operations are inexact, however the implementation must round non-integral values down (towards -infinity) and should perform internal calculations with this form of rounding.

The arguments used in the evaluation of a formula are normally either fixed numbers, the result of the evaluation of a previous guide formula or an adjust value - the value of the corresponding entry in the shape adj attribute.  Fixed numbers must be positive integral values in the range 0 to 65535, i.e. unsigned 16 bit numbers.

value description
@n The value of guide formula nn must be less than the current guide formula index (0 is the first guide formula index.)
#n Adjust (adj) value nn must be in the range 0 to 7.
width The width defined by the coordsize attribute.
height The height defined by the coordsize attribute.
xcenter The x ordinate of the center of coordorigin, coordsize (x+w/2).
ycenter The y ordinate of the center of coordorigin, coordsize (y+h/2).
xlimo The x value of the limo attribute.
ylimo The y value of the limo attribute.
hasstroke 1 if the shape has a stroke operation, 0 if it does not.  (The on attribute of the stroke element, expressed as a number.)
hasfill 1 if the shape has a fill operation, 0 if it does not.  (The on attribute of the fill element, expressed as a number.)
pixellinewidth The line width in output device pixels. This is used to outset lines from the edge of a rectangle on the assumption that the implementation draws to lower right pixel in preference to the upper left pixel when a line is on a pixel boundary.
pixelwidth The width of the shape in device pixels (i.e. the coordsize width transformed into device space.)
pixelheight The height of the coordsize in device pixels.
emuwidth The width of the coordsize in EMUs.
emuheight The height of the coordsize in EMUs.
emuwidth2 Half the width of the coordsize in EMUs.
emuheight2 Half the height of the coordsize in EMUs.

Notice that a pixel value should be in a square coordinate space - so it may be necessary to (effectively) report a higher device resolution than that which is available if the device has non-square pixels.  The pixel value parameters serve the specific purpose of allowing a formula author to handle some aspects of device pixelization.  They must not be used to produce paths with elements which have a constant physical size. The EMU parameters must be used for this purpose.

VML limits the total number of adjust values, guide formulas and adjust handles.

  1. Up to 8 adjust values.
  2. Up to 128 guide formulas.
  3. Up to 4 adjust handles.
XML template


The handles Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define user interface elements which can vary the adj values on the shape, thereby changing the value of formulas and the rendering of a path based on formulas and adj values.

Attribute Descriptions for


The h sub-element of handles

Each handle is specified using a single h sub-element.   This defines which pair of adjust values store the position of the handle and how the handle position can vary as the handle is adjusted.  The handle is moved under user control, within the constraints imposed by the handle definition, and the final position is stored back in the adjust values.

Positions are stored within the shape coordinate space - this means that handle positions are independent of the actual size of the shape.

  position    cdata #implied -- position of the handle --
  polar       cdata #implied -- center for a polar (circular) handle --
  map         cdata #implied -- range to map the handle value to --
  invx        cdata #implied -- invert position in X --
  invy        cdata #implied -- invert position in Y --
  switch      cdata #implied -- switch x/y according to shape aspect ratio --
  xrange      cdata #implied -- limits x range of handle --
  yrange      cdata #implied -- limits y range of handle --
  radiusrange cdata #implied -- limits radius of polar handle --

Attribute Descriptions for
Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML position Vector2D 0, 0 The x and y position of the adjust handle.  Each value can be either a constant, a formula value (e.g., @2), center, topleft, bottomright, or an adjust value (e.g. #3). If a constant, formula value, center, topleft, or bottomright is specified, the handle position is fixed in that dimension. If an adjust value (e.g. #3) is specified, the handle is free to move that dimension and the adjust value is determined by the position of the handle.

If the polar attribute is specified, than the position attribute represents the radius and angle values of the handle instead of x and y.

VML polar Vector2D   This specifies that the adjust handle has a polar adjustment behavior.  The center position is specified by this attribute.
VML map Vector2D 0, 1000 The x, y positions of the adjust handle are mapped from the coordsize range into the given range.
VML invx boolean false The x position of the adjust handle is inverted by setting it to coordoriginx + coordsizex - x.
VML invy boolean false The y position of the adjust handle is inverted by setting it to coordoriginy + coordsizey - y.
VML switch boolean false The adjust handle is switched between the x and y direction depending on the aspect ratio of the shape.  The x and y positions of the adjust handle are swapped when the shape is taller than it is wide.  This is useful for shapes with limo behavior.
VML xrange vector2D 0,0 A range (min, max) of values that the adjust handle is limited to in the x direction.   Each  value may be a constant or a formula value (e.g., @2).   If a value is omitted, the handle is free to move without limit in that direction.
VML yrange vector2D 0,0 A range (min, max) of values that the adjust handle is limited to in the y direction.   Each value may be a constant or a formula value (e.g., @2).  If a value is omitted, the handle is free to move without limit in that direction.
VML radiusrange vector2D 0,0 A range (min, max) of values that a radial adjust handle is limited to.  Each value may be a constant or a formula value (e.g., @2).  If a value is omitted, the handle is free to move without limit in that direction.  This applies only to polar adjust handles.
XML template

    map="0, 1000"
    xrange="0, 1000"
    yrange="0, 1000"
    radiusrange="0, 1000"

The fill Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape, shapetype, background or most predefined shape elements to describe how the path should be filled if something beyond a solid color fill is desired.  The attributes of the fill element can used to describe a powerful set of image or gradient based fill patterns.   Extensions to the VML fill definition may be encoded as sub-elements of fill.

  id            id     #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  type          cdata #implied
  on            cdata #implied
  color         cdata #implied
  color2        cdata #implied
  opacity       cdata #implied
  src           cdata #implied
  size          cdata #implied
  origin        cdata #implied
  position      cdata #implied
  alignshape    cdata #implied
  colors        cdata #implied
  angle         cdata #implied
  focus         cdata #implied
  focussize     cdata #implied
  focusposition cdata #implied
  method        cdata #implied

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the shape. Used by script to reference the shape in a collection.
VML type string "solid" May be "solid | gradient | gradientradial | tile | pattern | frame" "Tile", "pattern" and "frame" require the image attributes to be supplied. "Gradient", "gradientradial" and "gradienttitle" requires the gradient attributes to be supplied. Types beyond these are specified using sub-elements..
VML on boolean true Turns fill display on. Same as fill attribute in shape.  This overrides the fill attribute.
VML color color "white" The main fill color. Same as fillcolor attribute in shape. This overrides the shape fillcolor attribute.
VML opacity number 1.0 Opacity of the fill.
VML color2 color "white" The secondary color for fill when imageType="pattern" or for gradient fills.
Attributes related to image fills.
VML src string null URL to an image to load for image and pattern fills.
VML size Vector2D "auto" The size of the image. Default is pixel size of the image. May be specified in CSS absolute units or as a fraction of the path bounding box.
VML origin Vector2D "auto" Point relative to upper left corner of the image that is treated as the origin of the image, specified as a fraction of the image size.  Default is the center of the image.
VML position Vector2D "auto" Point in the reference rectangle of the shape to position the origin of the image, specified as a fraction of the image size.  Default is the center of the containing block.
VML aspect string "ignore" "ignore" – ignore aspect issues, "atleast" – image is at least as big as the imageSize, "atmost" – image is no bigger than imageSize. In each case, the imageSize attribute will be adjusted to preserve the aspect of the image.
VML alignshape boolean true If "true", align the image with the shape else align the image with the window.
Attributes related to gradient fills.
VML colors string null Intermediate colors in the gradient and their relative positions along the gradient. e.g. "30% red, 70% blue, 90% green".  Primary color (fillcolor attribute in shape) is 0% and secondary color (color2 attribute) is 100%.
VML angle number "0" The angle along which the gradient goes
VML focus number "0" Focus point for linear gradient fill. Values go from –100 to +100.
VML focussize Vector2D 0,0 Size of the inner most rectangle for radial gradients
VML focusposition Vector2D 0,0 Position of the inner most rectangle for radial gradients
VML method string "sigma" "none", "linear", "sigma" or "any"
XML template


The stroke Element

The sub-element may appear inside a shape, shapetype or any predefined shape element to describe how to draw the path if something beyond a solid line with a solid color is desired.  The attributes of the stroke element can used to describe a powerful set of stroke properties.  Extensions to the VML stroke definition may be encoded as sub-elements of the stroke element.

  id               id    #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  on               cdata #implied
  weight           cdata #implied
  color            cdata #implied
  color2           cdata #implied
  opacity          cdata #implied
  style            cdata #implied
  miterlimit       cdata #implied
  joinstyle        cdata #implied
  endcap           cdata #implied
  dashstyle        cdata #implied
  filltype         cdata #implied
  src               cdata #implied
  imagesize        cdata #implied
  imagealignshape  cdata #implied
  startarrow       cdata #implied
  startarrowwidth  cdata #implied
  startarrowlength cdata #implied
  endarrow         cdata #implied
  endarrowwidth    cdata #implied
  endarrowlength   cdata #implied

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the shape. Used by script to reference the shape in a collection.
VML on boolean true Turns the display of the line on and off. Same as stroke attribute in . This overrides the stroke attribute..
VML weight number 1pt Width of line. Same as strokeweight attribute in . This overrides the strokeweight attribute.
VML color boolean black The color of the line. Same as strokecolor attribute in . This overrides the strokecolor attribute.
VML opacity number 1.0 Opacity of the stroke.
VML style string "single" "single", "thinthin" (1:1:1), "thinthick", (1:1:2) "thickthin" (2:1:1), "thickbetweenthin" (1:1:2:1:1)
VML miterlimit number 8.0 The maximum distance between the inner point and outer point of a joint. This number is a multiple of the thickness of the line.
VML joinstyle string "round" "round" – rounded join, "bevel" – beveled join, "miter" – miter join
VML endcap string "round" "flat", "square", "round"
VML dashstyle string "solid" "solid|dot|dash|dashdot|longdash|longdashdot|longdashdotdot". May also be a sequence of numbers with a user-defined dash pattern..
VML filltype string "solid" "solid", "tile", "pattern", "frame".
VML src string null URL to an image to load for image and pattern fills.
VML imagesize Vector2D "auto" Size of the image to form the brush with. Default is the size of the image.
VML imagealignshape boolean true If "true", align the image with the shape else align the image with the window.
VML color2 color null Secondary color – used when filltype="pattern"
VML startarrow string "none" Arrowhead for the start of the line. Can have values "none | block | classic | diamond | oval | open | chevron | doublechevron"
VML startarrowwidth string "medium" Arrowhead width for the start of the line. Can have values " narrow | medium | wide".
VML startarrowlength string "medium" Arrowhead length for the start of the line. Can have values "short | medium | long".
VML endarrow string "none" Arrowhead for the end of the line. Can have values "none | block | classic | diamond | oval | open | chevron | doublechevron"
VML endarrowwidth string "medium" Arrowhead width for the end of the line. Can have values " narrow | medium | wide".
VML endarrowlength string "medium" Arrowhead length for the end of the line. Can have values "short | medium | long".

The dashstyle attribute allows the user to specify a custom defined dash pattern.  This is done using a series of numbers.  Dash styles are defined in terms of the length of the dash (the drawn part of the stroke) and the length of the space between the dashes.  The lengths are relative to the line width - a length of "1" is equal to the line width.  The endcap style is applied to each dash, the arrow style is not.  The string first defines the length of the dash then the length of the space.  This may be repeated to form complex dash styles.   The string should always contain a pair of numbers.  If it contains an odd number of numbers the last should be disregarded.  The following table lists some typical values and a description of the intended effect.  "0" implies a dot which should be four-fold symmetrical (with round end caps it should be a circle).   If the line end cap is flat a viewer should choose a built-in operating system dash where possible (i.e. something which is fast to draw).

dashstyle Example Description
"2 2" short-dashes (each dash and the space in between is twice the width of the line)
"0 2" dots (space between is twice the width of the line)
"2 2 0 2" short-dash dot
"2 2 0 2 0 2" short-dash dot dot
"1 2" dot (each dash is the width of the line while each space is twice the width of the line)
"4 2" dash (each dash is four time the width of the line while each space is twice the width of the line)
"8 2" long-dash
"4 2 1 2" dash dot
"8 2 1 2" long-dash dot
"8 2 1 2 1 2" long-dash dot dot

XML template


The shadow Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define a shadow effect on a shape.

  id       id    #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  on       cdata #implied
  type     cdata #implied
  obscured cdata #implied
  color    cdata #implied
  opacity  cdata #implied
  offset   cdata #implied
  color2   cdata #implied
  offset2  cdata #implied
  origin   cdata #implied
  matrix   cdata #implied


Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the shadow on a shape. Used by script to reference the shape in a collection.
VML on boolean true Turns the display of the shadow on and off.
VML type string single Can have the values: "single | double | emboss | perspective"
VML obscured boolean false See through the shadow if there is no fill on the shape.
VML color boolean gray


The color of the primary shadow.
VML opacity number 1.0 Opacity of the shadow effect.
VML offset vector2D 2pt,2pt Amount of x,y offset from the shape’s location. Values are either an absolute measurement, or a fractional value of shape –0.5 to +0.5.
VML color2 boolean gray RGB(203,203,203) The color of the second shadow, or highlight in an embossed or engraved shadow..
VML offset2 vector2D 0pt,0pt Amount of x,y of second offset from the shape’s location. Values are either an absolute measurement, or a fractional value of shape –0.5 to +0.5.
VML origin vector2D 0,0 A pair of fractional values of shape –0.5 to +0.5.
VML matrix string null A perspective transform matrix in the form, "sxx,sxy,syx,syy,px,py" [s=scale, p=perspective] If offset is in absolute units then px,py are in units emu-1, otherwise they are an inverse fraction of shape size.

XML template


The textbox Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define text that is to appear inside the shape. This text may contain rich formatting and will be rendered to fit inside the textboxrect defined by the path element.

  id    id     #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  style cdata  #implied -- style info for the HTML text --

Name Space Attribute Type default value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the shape. Used by script to reference the shape in a collection.
CSS padding-left number 0.1in Internal text margin value.
CSS padding-top number 0.05in Internal text margin value.
CSS padding-right number 0.1in Internal text margin value.
CSS padding-bottom number 0.05in Internal text margin value.
CSS v-text-anchor string top Can have values "top | middle | bottom| top-center | middle-center | bottom-center | top-baseline | bottom-baseline | top-center-baseline | bottom-center-baseline." This sets the vertical alignment of the text inside the textbox. It should not be confused with the vertical-align CSS property which has to do with FE font alignment.
CSS v-text-wrapping boolean true Word wrap on/off. Not all renderers support the option to change this.
CSS layout-flow string horizontal Can have the values "horizontal | vertical | vertical-ideographic | horizontal-ideographic"
XML template

    v-padding-auto:   true;
    padding-left:     0.1in;
    padding-top:      0.05in;
    padding-right:    0.1in;
    padding-bottom:   0.05in;
    v-text-anchor:    top;
    v-text-wrapping:  true;
    v-text-flow:      horizontal;
    v-text-direction: rtl'

The textpath Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define a vector path based on the text data, font and font styles supplied.  The path which results is then mapped into the region defined by the v attribute of the shape.

  id       id    #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  style    cdata #implied -- style info for the HTML text --
  on       cdata #implied -- whether or not to use the textpath --
  fitshape cdata #implied
  fitpath  cdata #implied
  trim     cdata #implied
  xscale   cdata #implied
  string   cdata #implied

Attribute Descriptions
Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML on boolean false Determines whether the character paths are displayed or not.
CSS font string null Compound CSS prop of family, weight, size, variant.
CSS font-family string n/a CSS1 font family name.
CSS font-weight string normal In CSS this property can have the values, "normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900"
CSS font-size string null CSS font size value (as CSS1).
CSS font-style string normal Can have the values "normal | italic | oblique"
CSS font-variant string normal Can have the values "normal | small-caps"
CSS text-decoration string none Can have the values "none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink "
CSS v-text-spacing number 100 Amount of tightening or tracking.
CSS v-text-spacing-mode string "tracking" Can have values "tightening | tracking".
CSS text-align string center Can have the values "left| right |center | justify.
CSS v-text-align-alt string "letterjustify" Can have values "letter-jusify | stretch-justify".
CSS v-text-kern boolean false Turns character pair kerning on and off.
CSS v-rotate-letters boolean false Rotates letters 90 degrees.
CSS v-text-reverse boolean false Reverses the layout order of rows. Used for vertical text layout.
CSS v-same-letter-heights boolean false Stretches lowercase letters to the height of uppercase letters.
VML fitshape boolean false Stretches the text path out to the edges of the shapebox.
VML fitpath boolean false Sizes the text to fill the path it lays out on.
VML trim boolean false Removes any additional space reserved for ascenders and descenders if not used.
VML xscale boolean false Use straight x measurement instead of measuring along the path.
VML string string null The string to render as a text path.
XML template

    font:                  null;
    font-family:           null;
    font-style:            normal;
    font-weight:           normal;
    font-size:             normal;
    font-variant:          normal;
    text-decoration:       normal;
    v-text-shadow:         false;
    text-align:            center;
    v-text-align-alt:      stretch-justify;
    v-letter-tightening:   0;
    v-letter-tracking:     0;
    v-text-kern:           false;
    v-rotate-letters:      false;
    v-same-letter-heights: false'

The imagedata Element

This sub-element may appear inside a shape or a shapetype to define a picture to be rendered on top of a shape. There is also a top-level element, image, which has these attributes, along with most of the same attributes as shape.

  id         id    #implied -- document-wide unique id --
  src        cdata #implied
  cropleft   cdata #implied
  croptop    cdata #implied
  cropright  cdata #implied
  cropbottom cdata #implied
  gain       cdata #implied
  blacklevel cdata #implied
  gamma      cdata #implied
  chromakey  cdata #implied
  grayscale  cdata #implied
  bilevel    cdata #implied

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML id string null A unique ID that identifies the element. Used by script to reference the image.
VML src string null URL to an image to load for image and pattern fills.
VML cropleft number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a fraction of picture size.
VML croptop number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a fraction of picture size.
VML cropright number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a fraction of picture size.
VML cropbottom number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a fraction of picture size.
VML gain number 1 Adjusts the intensity of all colors. Essentially sets how bright white will be.
VML blacklevel number 0 Allows adjustment to set the level so that blacks appear as true blacks, and all other colors are visible as shades above black.
VML gamma number 1 Gamma correction - a factor by which the intended target display gamma differs from from the sRGB profile, can be used to correct for images not prepared for sRGB displays and to adjust overall image contrast.  Decreasing it below 1 gives a more contrasty image.
VML chromakey color none Set a color of the input picture which will have an opacity of 0.  All other colors will have opacity 1.  This operation must be ignored if the picture already has an alpha channel.  If the picture is a PNG with tRNS chunk or a GIF with a transparent index then the chromakey is combined with that in the image - the chromakey will make any corresponding pixel completely transparent.

The chromakey may specify a pixel index using the extended notation for colors.

The chromakey is applied before any image transformation - including color modifications, gamma correction and scaling.

VML grayscale boolean false Display picture in grayscale.  The user agent must calculate the ITU-R 709 luma (Y') value using the following formula for sRGB values in the range 0..255.

unsigned Y709FromRGB(unsigned ur, unsigned ug, unsigned ub)
  return  3579139 * ur + // 0.2125
         12049489 * ug + // 0.7154
          1214381 * ub;  // 0.0721

(This is a 32 bit value - shift left 24 to get an 8 bit gray level value.)

VML bilevel boolean false Display picture in only two colors (usually black and white) using a function:

inline ULONG UBlackWhite(ULONG uc)
  if (uc < 128) return 0;
  return 255;

To convert an image to black and white grayscale is also specified.   The gray level operation happens first.  Because the precise luma calculation is specifed the bi-level operation will behave in the same way on all systems.

XML template


Predefined Shapes

Predefined shapes serve two purposes - they provide a more compact representation of a small number of very frequently encountered drawing operations (particularly rectangles and circles) and they give an easy to use form for people who hand-edit VML.

Common Properties of All Predefined Shapes

Predefined shapes have the same properties as shape except that the type attribute is not permitted.  In some cases the definition of the shape precludes use of some of the standard shape properties.  These exceptions are given below.

The line Element

This element is used to specify a straight line.

  from     cdata #implied
  to       cdata #implied

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML from Vector2D "0 0" The starting point of the line in the coordinate space of the parent element.
VML to Vector2D "10 10" The ending point of the line in the coordinate space of the parent element.
The following attributes of shape are ignored in a line.
CSS top, margin-top, center-y The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS left, margin-left, center-x The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS width The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS height The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
VML fill lines cannot be filled
VML fillcolor lines cannot be filled
XML template

  from="0 0"
  to="10 10"
  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The polyline Element

The polyline element is used to define shapes made up of connected line segments.

  points  cdata #implied

Name Space Name Type Default Value Description
VML points string "0 0 10 10" A list of pairs of points that define a set of straight line segments. Points are specified in the coordinate system of the parent element (either a group or the document)
The following attributes of shape are ignored in a polyline.
CSS top, margin-top, center-y The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS left, margin-left, center-x The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS width The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS height The shape is not defined using a rectangle.

It is necessary to compute the bounding rectangle of the polyline to determine the content width and height.

XML template

  points="0 0 10 10 20 0"
  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The curve Element

This element is used to draw a cubic bézier curve.

  from     cdata #implied
  control1 cdata #implied
  control2 cdata #implied
  to       cdata #implied

Name Space Name Type Default Value Description
VML from Vector2D "0 0" The starting point of the line in the coordinate space of the parent element.
VML control1 Vector2D "10 10" The first control point for the curve.
VML control2 Vector2D "20 0" The second control point for the curve
VML to Vector2D "30 20" The ending point of the line in the coordinate space of the parent element.
The following attributes of shape are ignored in a line.
CSS top, margin-top, center-y The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS left, margin-left, center-x The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS width The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
CSS height The shape is not defined using a rectangle.
XML template

  from="0 0"
  control1="10 10"
  control2="20 0"
  to="10 10"
  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The rect Element

This element is used to draw a simple rectangle.  The rectangle is defined by the content width specified in the CSS2 properties.

XML template

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The roundrect Element

This element is used to draw a rectangle with rounded corners.

  arcsize cdata #implied -- size of arc on corners of rectangle --

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML arcsize number "0.2" Defines rounded corners as a percentage of half the smaller dimension of the rectangle. 0.0 (0%) – square corners, 1.0 (100%) - smaller dimension forms a semi-circle.
XML template

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The oval Element

This element is used to draw an oval defined by the CSS2 content width and height.

XML template

  position="0 0"
  size="100 100"
  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The arc Element

This element is used to draw an arc defined as a segment of an oval.  The content width and height define the width and height of that oval.  The arc is defined by the intersection of the oval with the start and end radius vectors given by the angles.   The angles are calculated on the basis of a circle (width equal to height) which is then scaled anisotropically to the desired width and height.

  startangle cdata #implied
  endangle   cdata #implied

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML startangle number 0 The angle where the arc starts.
VML endangle number 90 The angle where the arc ends
XML template

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

The image Element

This element is used to draw a bitmap that has been loaded from an external source. There is an implied rectangle that is the same size as the image. Any stroke or fill will be applied to this implied rectangle.  The fill will be behind the image and it will therefore only be visible through transparent areas of the bitmap.  The stroke is drawn on top of the image.  The bitmap may have transparency encoded in the file (if it is a PNG bitmap) or a chromakey color value may be specified using the chromakey attribute.

  src         cdata #implied
  cropleft    cdata #implied
  croptop     cdata #implied
  cropright   cdata #implied
  cropbottom  cdata #implied
  embosscolor cdata #implied
  gain        cdata #implied
  blacklevel  cdata #implied
  gamma       cdata #implied
  grayscale   cdata #implied
  bilevel     cdata #implied

Name Space Attribute Type Default Value Description
VML src string null URL to an image to load for image and pattern fills.
VML cropleft number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a percentage of picture size.
VML croptop number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a percentage of picture size.
VML cropright number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a percentage of picture size.
VML cropbottom number 0 Crop distance from edge of picture expressed as a percentage of picture size.
VML embosscolor color 0 Color used to display the picture when doing an embossed shadow.
VML gain number 1 Picture contrast setting.
VML blacklevel number 0 Picture brightness setting.
VML gamma number 1 Picture gamma setting.
VML grayscale boolean false Display picture in grayscale.
VML bilevel boolean false Convert all colors in the picture to either 0 or full intensity component values (converts a color bitmap to 8 colors, converts a grayscale bitmap to black and white.)
XML template

  style='visibility: visible'
  coordorigin="0 0"

Normative references

VML is based on several other standard forms.  Some of these are as yet incomplete (CSS2, XML namespaces).  This section references those documents which are normative so far as VML is concerned - they define behavior which must be both understood and implemented for VML to function correctly.

HTML 4.0 Specification
This is a W3C recommendation, therefore is not subject to change.
Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
This is a W3C proposed recommendation, the review period has now ended and the proposal is likely to become a recommendation in the immediate future.  For the most part VML is based on CSS1 (see below), therefore reliance on CSS2 is minimal.
Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
This defines many of the basic types used in VML - for example the fundamental lexical syntax used to describe length and color are defined here.   This is a W3C recommendation, therefore not subject to change.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
This defines the basic lexical form used for the encoding of VML.  It is a W3C recommendation, not subject to change.  VML requires proposed extensions to XML to support the VML extensibility mechanisms.  VML also defines mechanisms which facilitate the interaction of HTML and VML XML within a single HTML page.
Namespaces in XML
This is a W3C working draft, therefore subject to change.  The document defines a mechanism to identify unknown XML tags and to reliably and safely add new XML tags.   It is intended that VML track the relevant changes, although at this stage it seems certain that the fundamental requirements of VML will be met.
XML Linking Language (XLink)
Applications needing VML must identify links to external objects even though they may occur in extensions.  The specifications adopted for identifying such links within XML will be used by VML.
IEC 61966-2
This IEC Technical Committee will formalize the definition of sRGB (61966-2.1).  At present the document is a working draft.  However it seems unlikely that any changes will be made to the encoding model on which VML has some reliance.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification
This defines the PNG file format, one of the recommended formats for raster data in VML.   The definition can also be found at PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification on the W3C web site.
ISO 10918-1 (JPEG)
This defines the underlying compression scheme used in the other raster format recommended by VML.  However it is important to realize that VML expects JPEG data to be presented in particular forms - JFIF or Exif - arbitrary JPEG data is not compatible with VML.  ISO standards can be obtained from national standards organizations, ANSI Catalogs & Standards Information in the US.

Informative references

VML does not rely on the definition of PostScript, however that definition is extremely helpful in understanding VML.

The PostScript Language Reference Manual
ISBN 0-201-10174-2, Adobe Systems, Addison-Wesley.  Either edition of the book is appropriate.  It contains the clearest description of the "filled path" imaging model which underlies most two dimensional vector graphic implementations.
Inside Macintosh, Imaging with QuickDraw
ISBN 0-201-63242-X.  VML is designed to be implementable with QuickDraw on a Macintosh.   Implementations based on QuickDraw must do more work (because of the lack of arbitrary path support), yet highly efficient implementations are still possible.

The original W3C requirements specification can be found at W3C Scalable Graphics Requirements.

VML is based on well-established vector graphical techniques.  The intention is to make the references in this section reflect parts of that work which are particularly important to VML.

JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard
William B. Pennebaker, Joan L. Mitchell, ISBN 0-442-01727-1.  This book not only contains a detailed description of JPEG but also has ISO DIS 10918-1 in an appendix (this being a copy of the draft standard before it was approved).
ISO 8879
ISO 88790:1986 (E).  Information processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).  This is the basis of XML - XML is an application profile of SGML.
OpenType Specification v.1.1
This describes the OpenType and TrueType definition of the quadratic bézier (which omits the end points of the curve).
