Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers

2D Arrays

typearray_name[dimension1] [dimension2]


Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第1张图片

A 2D array is often useful for storing tabular data



Array initialization:

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第2张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第3张图片



Multi-Dimensional Arrays: 3D Arrays or more


For example:

int table [10] [10] [10];



int four_dimensional_array [5] [5] [5] [5];



typearray_name[dim1] [dim2] [dim3] [dim4] ... [dimN]




Create an array of C-Strings

This means each element in the array will store the address of a char. And at that location, there may be a C-String


In this case, the elements of array are pointers, so

“the” and “quick” are the value which the element pointer point to.

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第4张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第5张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第6张图片



C-String Arrays and Enums

Declare a C-String array alongside an enum.

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第7张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第8张图片



The Parameters of main

The main function can have parameters

Use as:

int main (int argc, char* argv [ ]) // this type is fixed !


The first argument, argc,

is the count for the number of command line arguments passed to the program

Translation: 参数的个数,不给main()函数传递参数时默认值为1,即至少有一个参数为该可执行文件的文件名(含目录)

The second argument, argv:

char* argv [] can be re-written as char** argv

So, the argv variable stores the address of, a pointer to a char

Each element in the argv array, is a C- string (a character array)

Translation: 为指针数组,分别指向各个字符串参数的首地址,其中argv[0]存储的是可执行文件的文件名的首地址。其中argv[0]为自身运行目录路径和程序名,argv[1]指向第一个参数、argv[2]指向第二个参数


The program can access these parameters via argv, and argc

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第9张图片

Print out the address of this program

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第10张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第11张图片








Setting Command Line Arguments in Visual Studio

When our program want to do various actions based upon the arguments passed to the program

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第12张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第13张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第14张图片

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第15张图片



Type conversions


It is good practice to use the explicit type cast operator whenever conversion between two types is needed

int x = 3.14f //will become x = 3


Type casting is a way to convert a variable from one data type to another data type

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第16张图片

As the variables int the formula are int, so the result will be also int




Using Type Casting

The Cast Operator has higher priority than division:

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第17张图片


Putting the type cast in front of a value or a variable to converts the value or variable to the type in the bracket

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第18张图片


Void Pointers

A void* is a general-purpose pointer

Use it when we do not know what the type of pointer is

As it can store the address of any type of variable

Notice: The compiler does not know what sort of data the pointer points to!


void* my_ptr= 0;


this pointer my_ptrcannot be dereferenced (which means set *my_ptrcannot to anything)

*my_ptrcannot = … is invalid in this case!


Use void pointer to save the address of different type variables:

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第19张图片


If we want to dereference a void* in this case

We must tell the compiler what type of data the pointer is pointing to:

type cast

Multi-Dimensional Arrays, main Parameters, Casting, void Pointers_第20张图片


