
LeetCode 刷题笔记目录

学习工作之余,抽时间写了几道算法小题,不仅有助于转移思路,缓解工作压力,而且还能够扩展思路,毕竟脑袋是越用越灵活的 【笑】。



1、Two Sum


16、3Sum Closest


19、Remove Nth Node From End of List

21、Merge Two Sorted Lists

27、Remove Element

53、Maximum Subarray

62、 Unique Paths

67、Add Binary

73、Set Matrix Zeroes

79、Word Search

83、82、26、80 Remove Duplicates系列

98、Validate Binary Search Tree


102、Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

116、Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node

118、Pascal’s Triangle


125、Valid Palindrome

128、Longest Consecutive Sequence

141、Linked List Cycle

167、Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

169、Majority Element

171、Excel Sheet Column Number

172、Factorial Trailing Zeroes


202、Happy Number

203、Remove Linked List Elements

204、Count Primes

206、Reverse Linked List

221、Maximal Square

222、Count Complete Tree Nodes

224、Basic Calculator

225、Implement Stack using Queues

226、Invert Binary Tree

234、Palindrome Linked List

236、 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

237、Delete Node in a Linked List

263、Ugly Number

283、Move Zeroes

290、Word Pattern

292、Nim Game


347、Top K Frequent Elements

349、Intersection of Two Arrays

367、Valid Perfect Square

380、Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)

387、First Unique Character in a String

389、Find the Difference


415、Add Strings

435、Non-overlapping Intervals

448、Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array

451、Sort Characters By Frequency

453、Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements

462、Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II

463、Island Perimeter

485、Max Consecutive Ones

492、Construct the Rectangle

496、Next Greater Element I


520、Detect Capital

523、Continuous Subarray Sum

530、Minimum Absolute Difference in BST

538、Convert BST to Greater Tree

561、Array Partition I

563、Binary Tree Tilt

575、Distribute Candies

599、Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists

606、Construct String from Binary Tree

617、Merge Two Binary Trees

637、Average of Levels in Binary Tree

653、Two Sum IV - Input is a BST

897. Increasing Order Search Tree

942. DI String Match
