COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场仿真软件也提供了求救常微分方程(ODE)和偏微分方程(PDE)的接口,下面详细介绍一下。
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(y,t):
dy1 = y[1]
dy2 = np.sin(100*t)-y[0]-y[1]
return [dy1,dy2]
t = np.linspace(0,20,3000)
# 初值[0,0]表示y(0)=0,y’(0)=0
# 返回y, 其中y[:,0]是y[0]的值 ,就是最终解 ,y[:,1]是y’(x)的值
y = odeint(f,[0,0],t)
l1, = plt.plot(t,y[:,0],label='y(0)')
#l2, = plt.plot(t,y[:,1],label='y(1)')
In each column enter as follows:\
• Enter the Name of the state variable. This also defines time-derivative variables. If a state variable is called u, its
first and second time derivatives are ut and utt, respectively. These variables become available in all geometries.
Therefore the names must be unique.\
• Use the f(u,ut,utt,t) column to specify the right-hand side of the equation that is to be set equal to zero.
The software then adds this global equation to the system of equations. When solving the model, the value of
the state variable u is adapted in such a way that the associated global equation is satisfied. All state variables and
their time derivatives can be used as well as any parameters, global variables, and coupling operators with a scalar
output and global domain of definition in the f(u,ut,utt,t) column. The variables can be functions of the state
variables in the global equations. Setting an equation for a state is optional. The default value of 0 means that
the software does not add any additional condition to the model.\
• If the time derivative of a state variable appears somewhere in the model during a time-dependent solution, the
state variable needs an initial condition. Models that contain second time derivatives also require an initial value
for the first time derivatives of the state variables. Set these conditions in the third (Initial value (u_ 0)) and fourth (Initial value (u_t 0)) columns.\
• Enter comments about the state or the equation in the last column, Description.\