【论文整理】DL paper notes 2015-12



  • Strategies for Training Large Vocabulary Neural Language Models [arXiv]
  • Multilingual Language Processing From Bytes [arXiv]
  • Learning Document Embeddings by Predicting N-grams for Sentiment Classification of Long Movie Reviews [arXiv]
  • Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification with Long Short Term Memory [arXiv]
  • Reading Text in the Wild with Convolutional Neural Networks [arXiv]


  • Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition [arXiv]
  • Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision [arXiv]
  • Inside-Outside Net: Detecting Objects in Context with Skip Pooling and Recurrent Neural Networks [arXiv]
  • Deep Speech 2: End-to-End Speech Recognition in English and Mandarin [arXiv]

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