Try Ubuntu Landscape on Xenial (by quqi99)

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Landscape is used for manage your Ubuntu Cluster remotely. You can install Landscape directly on a machine running Xenial (Ubuntu 16.04), this is called “Landscape On Premises.” It is free for up to 10 physical machines and 10 more virtual machines for a total of 20.

Install Landscape Server

; refer
sudo ufw disable
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:landscape/17.03
sudo apt update
sudo apt install landscape-server-quickstart  
; register the landscape account using text based web brower, or visit 'https://'
sudo apt install links  
links https://

Register Landscape Clients

; now register ubuntu node
; copy /etc/landscape/landscape_server.pem from landscape server to every ubuntu nodes
sudo nano /etc/landscape/client.conf
  ssl_public_key = /etc/landscape/landscape_server.pem
sudo apt install landscape-client
sudo landscape-config --computer-title "node2" --account-name standalone  --url https://xenial/message-system --ping-url http://xenial/ping --ok-no-register --silent
; then accept this node in GUI page

Customized Installation for Landscape by Preseed

1, Prepare preseed.cfg and a customized script

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get install -y landscape-client
landscape-client --daemon --pid-file /run/
landscape-config --computer-title "node2" --account-name standalone  --url https://xenial/message-system --ping-url http://xenial/ping --ok-no-register --silent --http-proxy PROXY-URL --https-proxy PROXY-URL
kill $(cat /run/

2, Use ‘python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080’ to setup web server for them
3, After selecting language press F6 at installer welcome screen
4, Edit boot command and replace “file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed” with “preseed/url=http://IP/preseed.cfg“, eg ( ):

menuentry "Test" {
        linux ubuntu-installer/ppc64el/vmlinux tasks=standard pkgsel/language-pack-patterns= pkgsel/install-language-support=false auto=true preseed/url=
        initrd ubuntu-installer/ppc64el/initrd.gz

5, Press Enter and complete installation

Landscape start process

1, ubuntu-installer calls the following command to install landscape-client package [1] and [2].

apt-install landscape-client || true

2, landscape-client package continues to register client. *-proxy options will be writed to /etc/default/landscape-client

# grep 'landscape-config' ./debian/landscape-client.postinst -A 11
landscape-config --silent --ok-no-register \
--computer-title "$COMPUTER_TITLE" \
--account-name "$ACCOUNT_NAME" \
--registration-key "$REGISTRATION_KEY" \
--url "$URL" \
--exchange-interval "$EXCHANGE_INTERVAL" \
--urgent-exchange-interval "$URGENT_EXCHANGE_INTERVAL" \
--ping-url "$PING_URL" \
--ping-interval "$PING_INTERVAL" \
--http-proxy "$HTTP_PROXY" \
--https-proxy "$HTTPS_PROXY" \
--tags "$TAGS"

3, landscape-client package uses start-stop-daemon helper to start landscape-client daemon. But, installer's chroot will not allow to run start-stop-daemon [3], so we need to restart machine to do workaround.

vim ./debian/landscape-client.init
FULL_COMMAND="start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --startas $DAEMON --pidfile $PIDFILE -g $DAEMON_GROUP -- --daemon --pid-file $PIDFILE"


Appendix - the source code of ubuntu-installer

Ubuntu有两个Installer [3], 一个是修改版的Debian Installer [2](也叫d-i, 用C/bash写的), 一个用于desktop CD安装的Ubiquity[1] (前端用python写的,后端还是d-i, ‘bzr branch‘)。
例如,要修改ubiquity源码(sudo apt-get source ubiquity)下的./d-i/source/preseed/debian/network-preseed.postinst文件,先从对应的链接是找到ubuntu修改后的d-i应该对应preseed,然后找到对应的源码为 (也可通过’bzr branch lp:preseed’或’bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/preseed/ubuntu’命令下载源码).
sudo apt-get source preseed
bzr branch

那么如何将修改的preseed debdiff生成iso文件呢?只需要先将preseed dput到ppa (preseed是没有patchless的,直接修改要修改的文件即可), 等它build完成之后然后再将debian-installer (sudo apt-get source debain-installer,不需要修改源文件,只需要在changelog中增加版本号) dput到ppa即可。等 build完之后便可以生成mini.iso ( )。

如何测试这个mini.iso呢?和测试full iso的方法一样,启动后在选择语言处按TAB键(full iso是按F6键)进入grub菜单,然后添加url=即可。在正式版出来之前只能使用mini.iso,full iso的日期可参见:


Appendix - How to Create Certificate

; above /etc/landscape/landscape_server.pem is created automatically by landscape-server-quickstart, you can also do it by hand.
; create your own CA (Certificate Authority), then we will have ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem
; refer
/usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca
; generate an SSL certificate signed by your new CA, then we will have newkey.pem
/usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newreq-nodes
; sign your newly created SSL certificate with your newly created CA, then we will have newcert.pem
/usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -signreq
; install the files to Landscape
sudo mv newcert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/landscape.pem
sudo mv newkey.pem /etc/ssl/private/landscape.key
sudo cp demoCA/cacert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server_ca.crt
; make Landscape Clients trust the newly created CA
copy /etc/ssl/certs/landscape_server_ca.crt from the LDS server to the client's directory /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ and run 'sudo update-ca-certificates'.
; adding the certificate file to /etc/landscape/client.conf
ssl_public_key = /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/landscape_server_ca.crt
