This is the perl script modified from Andrew Ross's agcc to extract the toolchain from the Android NDK provided by Mozzila which has nearly full C++ support in:
Have fun to use!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #gaudy displaying use Term::ANSIColor; ######################################################################## # Copyright 2008, Andrew Ross [email protected] # Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL # Copyright 2011,Rozenixian Lane([email protected]) # Modified to use the NDK with full C++ support,etc., # any use and feedback is appreciated! # Last updated in 2011.05.13 ######################################################################## #Extract the toolchain from local NDK and set the flags my $GCC = `which arm-eabi-gcc`; $GCC = qx(cd `dirname $GCC`; /bin/pwd); chomp $GCC; die "bad arm-eabi-gcc path" if $GCC !~ /(.*)//prebuilt///; my $DROID = $1; my $NDK = "$DROID/.."; my $ALIB = "$DROID/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/lib"; my $AINCLUDE = "$DROID/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/include"; my $TOOLCHAIN = "$DROID/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0"; my $CLIB = "$TOOLCHAIN/arm-eabi/lib"; my @include_paths = ("-I$AINCLUDE"); my @cpp_flags = ( "-D__ARM_ARCH_5__", "-D__ARM_ARCH_5T__", "-D__ARM_ARCH_5E__", "-D__ARM_ARCH_5TE__", "-DANDROID", "-DNDEBUG" ); my @cflags =( "-mthumb-interwork", "-march=armv5te", "-mtune=xscale", "-msoft-float", "-mthumb", "-mandroid", "-fpic", "-fPIC", "-ffunction-sections", "-funwind-tables", "-fstack-protector", "-fno-short-enums", "-fomit-frame-pointer", "-fno-strict-aliasing", "-finline-limit=64", "-Wno-psabi", "-Wa,--noexecstack", "-Os", "-O2", "-c" ); my @shared_flags =( "-nostdlib", "-Wl,-shared,-Bsymbolic", "-Wl,--no-undefined", "-Wl,-z,noexecstack", "-Wl,-T,$CLIB/ldscripts/armelf.xsc", "-Wl,-rpath-link=$ALIB" ); my @link_flags =( "-nostdlib", "-Bdynamic", "-Wl,-dynamic-linker,/system/bin/linker", "-Wl,--gc-sections", "-Wl,-z,nocopyreloc", "-Wl,--no-undefined","-Wl,-z,noexecstack", "-Wl,-T,$CLIB/ldscripts/armelf.x", "-Wl,-rpath-link=$ALIB" ); # The support of C++ is dwelt in the lib*.a files # In linking the libgcc.a must be the last. my @cxx_objs =( "-L$ALIB", "-lc", "-lm", "$CLIB/libstdc++.a", "$CLIB/libsupc++.a", "$TOOLCHAIN/lib/gcc/arm-eabi/4.4.0/libgcc.a" ); my @cxx_execobjs =( "$ALIB/crtend_android.o", "$ALIB/crtbegin_dynamic.o" ); # Now implement a quick parser for a gcc-like command line my %MODES = ("-E"=>1, "-c"=>1, "-S"=>1, "-shared"=>1); my $mode = "DEFAULT"; my $out; my $lang; my $link_work = 0; my $warn = 0; my $opt = 0; my @args = (); my @cpp_args = (); my @cmp_args = (); #my @link_objs = (); my @src = (); my @temps = (); my @msg = (); my $have_src = 0; my $need_debug = 0; while(@ARGV) { my $a = shift; if(defined $MODES{$a}) { die "Can't specify $a and $mode" if $mode ne "DEFAULT"; $mode = $a; } elsif($a eq "-o") { die "Missing -o argument" if !@ARGV; die "Duplicate -o argument" if defined $out; $out = shift; } elsif($a eq "-x") { die "Missing -x argument" if !@ARGV; $lang = shift; } elsif($a =~ /^-(f|m|std).*/) { push @cmp_args,$a; } elsif($a =~ /^-g/) { $need_debug = 1; } elsif(($a =~ /^-I.*/)||($a =~ /^-D.*/)||($a =~ /^-U.*/)) { push @cpp_args, $a; } elsif($a =~ //.(c|cc|cpp|cxx)$/i) { $have_src = 1; push @src, $a; } else{ if($a =~ //.(o|lo|so|a|la)$/) { $link_work = 1; #we need not to handle this, #just leave it to arm-eabi-gcc #push @link_objs, $a; } elsif($a =~ /^-W.*/) { $warn = 1; } elsif($a =~ /^-O.*/) { $opt = 1; } push @args, $a; } } my $exit_val = 0; my $need_cpp = 0; my $need_compile = 0; my $need_link = 0; my $need_shlink = 0; my $to_as = 0; if($mode eq "DEFAULT") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = $need_link = 1; } if($mode eq "-E") { $need_cpp = 1; } if($mode eq "-c") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; } if($mode eq "-S") { $to_as = $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; } if($mode eq "-shared") { $need_shlink = 1; } if($have_src and $mode ne "-E") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; } # Assemble and process the command: if($have_src) { foreach(@src) { #arm-eabi-gcc/g++ -c to compile for each src into src.o my @precmd = (); if($_ =~ //.(cc|cpp|cxx)$/i) { @precmd = ("arm-eabi-g++"); } else { @precmd = ("arm-eabi-gcc"); } if(defined($lang)) { @precmd = (@precmd, "-x", $lang); } @precmd = (@precmd, $_); if(($mode eq "-E")||($mode eq "-S")) { @precmd = (@precmd, $mode); } if($need_cpp) { @precmd = (@precmd,@include_paths,@cpp_args,@cpp_flags); } if($need_debug) { #I have to lose weight. @precmd = (@precmd, "-g0"); } if($opt) { #a cure to fix some SIGBUS #in use,remove the previous -Os,-O2.. #@precmd = (@precmd, "-O0"); } my $temp; if($need_compile) { if($_ =~ //.(cpp|cc|cxx)$/i) { @msg=("Compile Thumb++/t:$_/t===>"); } else { @msg=("Compile Thumb/t:$_/t===>"); } if($to_as) { s//.(c|cc|cpp|cxx)$//.s/gi; } else { s//.(c|cc|cpp|cxx)$//.o/gi; } $temp = $_; @precmd = (@precmd, @cflags); @precmd = (@precmd, @cmp_args); if($mode ne "-c" && $mode ne "-S") { @precmd = (@precmd, "-o", $temp); @msg=(@msg,$temp); } else{ if(defined $out) { @precmd = (@precmd, "-o", $out); @msg=(@msg,$out); } } } print color 'reset'; print color 'red'; print join(" ", @msg), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; print color 'dark blue'; print join(" ", @precmd), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; $exit_val = system(@precmd); $exit_val == 0 or die "=======Failed to compile!=========/n"; if(defined($temp)) { push @temps,$temp; } } #arm-eabi-gcc to link all the objs if($need_shlink||$need_link) { my @lastcmd = ("arm-eabi-gcc"); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd,@temps); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, @args); if($need_shlink) { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, @shared_flags); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd,@cxx_objs); @msg=("Link ARM shared lib/t:",@temps,"/t====>"); } else { @msg=("Link ARM executable/t:",@temps,"/t====>"); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, @link_flags); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd,@cxx_objs,@cxx_execobjs); } if(defined $out) { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, "-o", $out); @msg=(@msg,$out); } else { @msg=(@msg,"a.out"); } print color 'reset'; print color 'red'; print join(" ", @msg), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; print color 'blue'; print join(" ", @lastcmd), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; $exit_val = system(@lastcmd); foreach(@temps) { system("rm $_"); } $exit_val == 0 or die "=======Failed to link!=========/n"; } } else #the other work { my @lastcmd = ("arm-eabi-gcc"); if($mode ne "DEFAULT") { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, $mode); } if($need_debug) { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, "-g"); } @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, @args); if($link_work) { if($need_shlink) { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, @shared_flags); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd,@cxx_objs); } else { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, @link_flags); @lastcmd = (@lastcmd,@cxx_execobjs,@cxx_objs,); } } if(defined $out) { @lastcmd = (@lastcmd, "-o", $out); } print color 'reset'; print color 'dark magenta'; print join(" ", @lastcmd), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; $exit_val = system(@lastcmd); $exit_val == 0 or die "=======Failed to work!=========/n"; } #arm-eabi-strip the target to be slim if($link_work||$need_link||$need_shlink) { #slim is fashion! my @postcmd = ("arm-eabi-strip"); @postcmd = (@postcmd,"--strip-unneeded"); if(defined $out) { @postcmd = (@postcmd,$out); } else { @postcmd=(@postcmd,"a.out"); } print color 'reset'; print color 'dark red'; @msg = ("Strip for target/t====>/t",$out); print join(" ", @msg), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; print color 'blue'; print join(" ", @postcmd), "/n"; # Spit it out if you're curious print color 'reset'; $exit_val = system(@postcmd); $exit_val == 0 or die "=======Failed to strip!=========/n"; } print color 'reset'; exit $exit_val;