能量英语(二) 之“情感把控 I”
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集中力,你大脑的集中注意力。许许多多的世界顶级教练、专家,像Tony Robbins 、
Joe Vitale and some others研究过,是什么影响着一个人学习英语的快慢,怎样利用
现在,我们一起来改变它: 让你的两个肩膀后倾,让下巴抬起,胸挺直,抬头,眼睛
2、另一个技巧是什么呢?就是非常非常简单的方式:深呼吸(Deep breathe)。
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Power、Effortless English
Okay, welcome to the main audio for “Emotional Mastery.”
So let’s talk about emotional masteryin more detail now.
How can you manage your emotions, how can you control, I don’t like the
wordcontrol, but let’s just say manage your emotions so that you feel
better andstronger while you’re learning English.
So it’seasy to say that “Oh, feel good when you’re learning English,”
but unfortunately a lot of people feel bad when they’re learning English.A
lot ofpeople feel bored.
Or maybe justin your life in general, you’re tired, you’re working
hard, and it’s difficultto learn English also and still feel
energetic and happy.
So we have tolearn some techniques, some methods to manage our
emotions, to make sure ouremotions are feeling strong while we’re
learning.Andremember, again,that emotion andpsychology are 80% of
success.And a lot of people talk about this in theacademic world.
Dr.Stephen Krashen, again he’s the top expert on languageacquisition,
language learning and language education, and he talks about thisidea of
non. linguistic factors.Whichbasically means psychological and emotional
factors, that they’re moreimportant than the method you’re
using.Tony Robbins, the famous peakperformance coach, talks about this as
well. He says directly success comes from emotion, 80% of success
isemotion.The other 20% is the method, it’s how you do it.So we’ve
got tomaster our emotions to master English.
How are you going to do to that?Let’s talk about that now. There are two
keys to emotional mastery.
One is your physiology,again it’s your body, how you use andmanage
your body.And second is your focus,yourmental focus.Now a lot of this
comes from again Tony Robbins and Joe Vitaleand some other peak performance
coaches so I’m using their information and I’mapplying it, I’m focusing
it on this process of learning English and how canyou take those ideas and
use them to increase your English learning power, soyou learn faster, so
that you speak better.
So again we have two ways to manageour emotions.One is physiology, through
the body.And the other is throughfocus, mental focus. What you think about
again and again and again.In thislesson we’re going to talk about
physiology, managing physiology.
So this is an easy way to change youremotional state. So let’s imagine
that you are tired.You’ve gone to work,you’ve worked a very long day.
You’re tired. And you’re thinking “I don’t wantto study English.”
How can you change that feeling?
Well you can try to talk to yourself“Oh, I should study, I should study, I
should feel better,” but usually thatdoesn’t work, right? Usually you
still feel tired.What you have to do is startwith your body. Change your
body.Whatdoes your body look like when you’re tired?
Usually your shoulders are going tobe forward.Is your head going to be up
or is your head going to be down?Well,usually when you’re tired you’re
head is going to be a little bit down, yourchin will be kind of down.What
about your face? Will you have a big smile onyour face or will your face be
kind of loose?Well, it’s usually going to bemore use, right? You’re not
usually smiling big when you feel tired.And youreyes, where are your eyes
looking usually when you’re tired? Again, down.
So the whole body tends to be forwardand down when you feel tired.
So an easy, very simple way to changehow you feel, how you physically
feel, your emotion and in your body is to justmake small changes in the way
you’re using your body.Try it now. Lean forward.Put your shoulders forward.
Put your chin down. Look down.Put your body into atired position, notice how
you feel.
Now let’s change it. Pull your shoulders back and your chest up.
Bring your chin up. Bring your eyes up. Look up.And now, even if you
don’t feel happy, I want you to smile really big. Puta big smile on your
face, fake it. Look stupid.Okay, so a big smile, shouldersback, chest up,
eyes up and a big stupid smile, a big grin, on your face.
Do you feel differently now?
You probably do. Just by changing theposition of your body, I’m doing it
right now myself, I can feel that I feelmore energetic. I feel happier just
by shifting my body.When I go back and Iput my shoulders forward and my chin
down and my eyes down, I can feel someenergy going down, right? The energy
in my body gets less.When I pull myshoulders back, my chest up, my chin up,
my eyes up, I’m smiling big, justfaking it, acting like a crazy person, I
feel much better.And you do, too. Sothat is such an easy way to change how
you feel, to change your emotional statejust by shifting your body.It’s a
simple way to get control of your emotionsand to master your emotions. So
here’s what I want you to do.
Every time you listen to theselessons or any English lessons or any kind of
English studying, I want you to first change your body.Beforeyou listen
to those lessons and while you’re listening,I want you to think about,
consciously think about pulling yourshoulders back, pushing your chest
up, chin up, eyes up, and make yourselfsmile.
You probably didn’t smile much inyour English classes when you were
younger but this time I want you to smileeven if you feel like you are being
stupid. It doesn’t matter, do it. You’regoing to change your body and by
changing your body you’re going to feelbetter, you’re going to have
And when you have more energy, when you feel better,you learn
faster.There’s a lot of researchabout this.And it shows that people who
have more energy, who are feeling goodemotionally, learn faster.People who
are tired and bored learn much moreslowly.
What’s another way that you canchange your emotion by changing your body?
Wellanother very easy way is through breathing.How you breathe
determines theenergy in your body and how you feel.
So for example if you have a veryshallow breath, you’re breathing very
shallowly…small little breaths…tightchest.You’re going to feel different
than if you’re taking big breaths that aredeep…that was just two breaths,
already I can feel in my body a lot moreenergy.
So taking deep breaths, it’s such asimple way and yet it’s very
powerful. That’s why in a lot of spiritualtraditions, in Buddhism for
example, and also in martial arts, in sports, youfind that they will focus
on breathing.
They will tell their students to breathe more deeply.They have a very kind
of controlled way of breathing becausetheyknow by breathing very deeply
they can change their emotional state and theirphysical state.Increase
their energy. Increase the aliveness in theirbrain, the alertness in their
So this is another thing I want youto do before you learn English.
Any kind of studying, these lessons or a book, anything, I want you to
focus onbreathing deeply.
Maybe just two minutes, for twominutes I want you to take deep breaths.
Hold it for maybe 2, 3, 4 seconds and then let it out.Then do it again.
Hold it…andbreathe out…and again and again, 1 or 2 minutes deep breathing.
Of course at the same time rememberyou’re changing how your body is
moving and how you’re sitting. You’re changingyour posture.Of course
posture means body position so you’re going to have astrong posture. It
means you’re going to have the shoulders back, your chin up,your eyes up,
chest out. That’s number one.
And then number two you’re going tobreathe deeply. Hold…and out…and
again. So again, strong posture, shouldersback, chin up, eyes up and then
deep breathing.
Do this for 1 or 2 minutes every time before you study English.
I know it seems crazy, it seems sosimple and yet it will totally change
the way you feel while you’relearning.Because you will feel differently you
will learn differently.Just thissimple, simple technique can increase your
learning by two or three times, twoor three times faster because your brain
will be awake when you’re listening toEnglish.When you’re bored, when
you’re tired, your brain is half asleep. You’rejust not learning
efficiently.When you’re breathing deeply and your body is ina strong
posture you feel better and you learn faster.
Of course the next factor we already talked about a little bit is
your face. You gotta control your face.Why? Because your face shows
emotion.But your face also can create emotion. Just by smiling big,
pretending,looking like a stupid person, it doesn’t matter.Just by faking
it, just by makingyourself smile bit you’ll actually change your emotion.
You’ll change yourfeeling.It’s very hard to feel depressed and tired when
you have a big smile,even if you’re forcing the smile.So that’s another
thing I want you to do.Everyone on the train will think you’recrazy while
you’re listening to Effortless English but I want you to have a
bigsmile every time while you’re listening to the lessons. Right now,
do it.
So you’re going to have a strongposture. You’re going to breathe deeply.
And you’re going to smile big, every time, before, during and after your
What’s another way we can control ourphysiology and therefore influence
our emotional state?Well another thing aboutthe body is the body likes to
move so we’re going to talk about movement.You’re going to have a strong
posture.You’re going to breathe deeply. You’regoing to have a big grin on
your face, smiling. And then you’re going to move.Because movement
creates energy and energywakes up your body so that you learn faster.
I mentioned this in the introductiona little bit. We’re going to talk
about it more now in detail. You shouldalways be moving your body while
you’re learning English.This is the oppositeof everything you learned in
In school they told you “Don’t move. Sit in your chair.”
Right, so you’re sitting in your chair and whathappened? Your body
became stiff, youbecame tired. You were bored.Well this is the
opposite. You’re not in schoolanymore. You’re learning independently
and it means you’re in control now.And so I want you to do the opposite
of what happened in school. I want youto move your body every time you’re
learning English.
This can be very simple. If you’re sitting in a train, okay, it’s hard
to walk around. So you could just stretch your body.
Consciously stretch, stretch your lega little bit. Stretch your arm. Move
your head around in a circle. Small littlestretches, just make sure your
body is moving even a little bit.Even better isto go for a walk. You have an
iPod. You’re listening to the lessons. Getoutside.Walk on the street. Walk
in the country. Walk in the woods.
It doesn’t matter. Get out and walk.Move your body.Keep your posture
strong while you’re walking. Shoulders back,chin up, eyes up, chest up…
breathe deeply while you walk.
And of course, smile big while you’rewalking. Everyone will think you’re
crazy. It doesn’t matter.Use this system. Ipromise you you’re going to
have a totally different experience while you’relearning English. Nothing
like the schools you went to before.
So it’s very important. If you want to, if you love to exercise,
you canrun while you’re learning English.Put on yourrunning shoes. Get
some exercise in your body at the same time that you’relearning. You can do
two things at the same time.
So walk or run. Keep that body movingat the same time always. It’s going
to keep energy coming into your body,flowing into your body.That wakes up
your brain and that makes you learn somuch faster.
Another idea is go to the gym. Bringyour iPod again and work out, lift
weights or do whatever you do at the gym.Again you’re using your body,
engaging your body at the same time.
Okay so let me just review veryquickly how you’re going to use physiology
to master your emotions.Number one, posture. Shoulders back, chinup,
eyes up, chest up.Number two, breathing…deep, deep breathing.Number
three,your face. A big smile every time you’re learning English.Even
if you feelterrible, I don’t care. Smile big while you’re listening
to these lessons.Andthen finally, number four, movement. You’re
always going to be moving your bodysomehow.If you’re in your car, if
you’re in the train or the bus, you’regoing to maybe make small movements.
But ideally the best thing to do is to be outside walking, moving
thatbody, or in the gym, or even running.
So you’re going to change yourphysiology. Now what happens if after
maybe 20 minutes, 30 minutes, you startto feel tired again.You’re listening
to the lesson and you’re starting to get alittle bored “Oh, AJ keeps
talking…oh god…oh I’m getting bored with this.”Well,you can just quit…
that’s what most people do. But don’t do that. What you needto do is just
wake your body up again so pause. Pause that lesson. Stop.
Give yourself a little break. Change. Listen to some exciting fun
musicagain. Get up, dance around, move, smile big, get your posture
strong again,breathe more deeply. Wake up your body, maybe for 5
minutes…and then back tothe lesson again.
Do this every time. Anytime during alesson you start to feel tired or
bored, just pause. Take a break, a 5 minutebreak and wake up your body.So
anytime during a mini.story, during a mainarticle, during a vocabulary
lesson, it doesn’t matter.Pause anytime you feelyour energy going down.
Change, listen to your favoritemusic, jump around, move, make your posture strong again, smile bigger.Startfeeling great. Get that energy in your body then return to the lesson again.
Okay, so that’s it for the mainarticle here of “Emotional Mastery.”
You’re going to focus on your physiology.You’re going to focus
on mastering your body, using your body to change youremotions.
Usingyour body to change the energy that you feel and therefore using your
body tolearn English much, much faster.
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