接入 PayPal iOS SDK

最近面试了一家公司,是做跨境电商的,刚拿到 offer。在面试的时候聊到过,因为是做跨境电商的,面向的用户群体是美国欧洲的用户,所以在支付环节不使用支付宝/微信支付等国内产品,使用的是 paypal,所以提前研究一下并且先记录下来。

这里是 paypal iOS SDK 的 github 地址:https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-iOS-SDK



在 paypal 的世界里,他有多种支付方式:

  • 直接支付(single payment):类似国内支付产品,直接对一件或多件商品使用 paypal 余额支付
  • 预支付(future payment):创建一个预支付订单,可能以后进行支付
  • 信用卡支付(credit card):paypal SDK 提供了一套 card.io 的库,可以扫描信用卡,并且使用信用卡直接支付


当然,在支付之前,我们都需要去它的开发者网站进行开发者申请,创建 application 并获取 CLIENT_ID_FOR_PRODUCTIONCLIENT_ID_FOR_SANDBOX

Client ID for Production & Sandbox

OK,其实 paypal 只需要一个 client id 来确认你的 App,那么为什么有 production 和 sandbox 两个呢?

  • production:所谓的正式环境,用户需要输入自己的 paypal 账户名和密码来进行支付。
  • sandbox:所谓的测试环境,在你注册好账户并且生成 application 之后,paypal 会给你创建一个测试环境和账户,你需要在支付的时候输入这个账户名和密码就可以进行测试了。


在 iOS 下,paypal 的支付流程可谓是简单,比起支付宝的等,开发者不需要很多复杂的操作,比如密钥什么的,这个最讨厌。你只需要使用 paypal SDK 创建好支付的内容,然后跳转到 paypal SDK 提供的 PayPalPaymentViewController,然后用户去完成支付就 OK 了,也不需要用户安装 paypal。接着你用代理来监控用户是不是支付成功,或者失败,并且及时通知你的服务器。

添加 paypal SDK 到你的项目

如果你用 cocoapods 来管理你的三方库,那么你只需要以下两行代码:

platform :ios, '6.0'
pod 'PayPal-iOS-SDK'

如果你不使用 cocoapods,那么请看这里。

下面不管你有没有使用 cocoapods,都需要给 URL Scheme 里面加以下几行:


在文档里面还说了,要添加开源的允许证书,不过怎么弄还没研究过,看了一下,好像不太影响使用,后面研究明白了再加上来 ????????? 在这里标记一下。


首先这里是直接支付 (single payment) 的文档。

paypal 做什么?

  1. 推出 paypal 支付视图展示支付信息
  2. 和 paypal 合作完成支付
  3. 返回支付结果给你的 App


  1. 接收 paypal 的支付结果
  2. 发送支付结果给你的后台服务器
  3. 给用户提供货物或者服务

当然你还以选择提供给 paypal 一个邮寄地址,paypal 会保存下来这个地址。


  1. 初始化 SDK,需要你提供 client ID,这个过程在 AppDelegate.m 里面实现。

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
      // ...
      [PayPalMobile initializeWithClientIdsForEnvironments:@{PayPalEnvironmentProduction : @"YOUR_CLIENT_ID_FOR_PRODUCTION",
                                                             PayPalEnvironmentSandbox : @"YOUR_CLIENT_ID_FOR_SANDBOX"}];
      // ...
      return YES;
  2. 在你的结算页面添加代理

    // SomeViewController.h
    #import "PayPalMobile.h"
    @interface SomeViewController : UIViewController
    // ...
  3. 创建一个 PayPalConfiguration 对象,这个对象将表示在这个页面的支付类型、展示语言、是否可用信用卡、商户名称等。

    // SomeViewController.m
    @interface SomeViewController ()
    // ...
    @property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) PayPalConfiguration *payPalConfiguration;
    // ...
    @implementation SomeViewController
    - (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder {
      self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
      if (self) {
        _payPalConfiguration = [[PayPalConfiguration alloc] init];
        // See PayPalConfiguration.h for details and default values.
        // Should you wish to change any of the values, you can do so here.
        // For example, if you wish to accept PayPal but not payment card payments, then add:
        _payPalConfiguration.acceptCreditCards = NO;
        // Or if you wish to have the user choose a Shipping Address from those already
        // associated with the user's PayPal account, then add:
        _payPalConfiguration.payPalShippingAddressOption = PayPalShippingAddressOptionPayPal;
      return self;
  4. 建立支付环境,然后和 paypal 服务器进行预连接。建议是在这个页面初始化的时候就建立预连接,但是最好不要直接建立连接,因为这个连接是有时间限制的。

    // SomeViewController.m
    - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
      [super viewWillAppear:animated];
      // Start out working with the test environment! When you are ready, switch to PayPalEnvironmentProduction.
      [PayPalMobile preconnectWithEnvironment:PayPalEnvironmentNoNetwork];
  5. 创建 PayPalPayment 对象,它必须要设置:价格、汇率代码、简介、交易意图(sale、order、authorize),当然包括可选属性:发票号和邮寄地址。

    // SomeViewController.m
    - (IBAction)pay {
      // Create a PayPalPayment
      PayPalPayment *payment = [[PayPalPayment alloc] init];
      // Amount, currency, and description
      payment.amount = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithString:@"39.95"];
      payment.currencyCode = @"USD";
      payment.shortDescription = @"Awesome saws";
      // Use the intent property to indicate that this is a "sale" payment,
      // meaning combined Authorization + Capture.
      // To perform Authorization only, and defer Capture to your server,
      // use PayPalPaymentIntentAuthorize.
      // To place an Order, and defer both Authorization and Capture to
      // your server, use PayPalPaymentIntentOrder.
      // (PayPalPaymentIntentOrder is valid only for PayPal payments, not credit card payments.)
      payment.intent = PayPalPaymentIntentSale;
      // If your app collects Shipping Address information from the customer,
      // or already stores that information on your server, you may provide it here.
      payment.shippingAddress = address; // a previously-created PayPalShippingAddress object
      // Several other optional fields that you can set here are documented in PayPalPayment.h,
      // including paymentDetails, items, invoiceNumber, custom, softDescriptor, etc.
      // Check whether payment is processable.
      if (!payment.processable) {
        // If, for example, the amount was negative or the shortDescription was empty, then
        // this payment would not be processable. You would want to handle that here.
      // continued below... 
  6. 创建然后展示 PayPalPaymentViewController 页面,使用之前创建好的 PayPalPaymentPayPalConfiguration

    // Create a PayPalPaymentViewController.
      PayPalPaymentViewController *paymentViewController;
      paymentViewController = [[PayPalPaymentViewController alloc] initWithPayment:payment
      // Present the PayPalPaymentViewController.
      [self presentViewController:paymentViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
  7. 当然不要少了代理方法的监听。

    // SomeViewController.m
    #pragma mark - PayPalPaymentDelegate methods
    - (void)payPalPaymentViewController:(PayPalPaymentViewController *)paymentViewController
                     didCompletePayment:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment {
      // Payment was processed successfully; send to server for verification and fulfillment.
      [self verifyCompletedPayment:completedPayment];
      // Dismiss the PayPalPaymentViewController.
      [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
    - (void)payPalPaymentDidCancel:(PayPalPaymentViewController *)paymentViewController {
      // The payment was canceled; dismiss the PayPalPaymentViewController.
      [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
  8. 给你的服务器发送支付成功、支付失败等信息请求。

    // SomeViewController.m
    - (void)verifyCompletedPayment:(PayPalPayment *)completedPayment {
      // Send the entire confirmation dictionary
      NSData *confirmation = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:completedPayment.confirmation
      // Send confirmation to your server; your server should verify the proof of payment
      // and give the user their goods or services. If the server is not reachable, save
      // the confirmation and try again later.


别被骗了,如果是直接支付,一定要确认一下支付的证明。这一步骤应该是服务器来确定。服务器需要将你收到的支付 id 给 paypal 进行验证。
