Braintree 常见问题解决


  1. Visa支付

  2. PayPal支付

  3. Venmo支付(小额支付款项的平台)

  4. Credit or Debit Card(信用卡)

  5. Android Pay

  6. Apple Pay

Braintree 常见问题解决_第1张图片

Braintree 信用卡支持类型

Braintree 常见问题解决_第2张图片

Braintree Drop-in UI 集成介绍

  • Drop-in UI集成链接:

    1.官网–drop-in UI 官方提供的UI和服务器交互界面(不用处理其它事)


  • 交互逻辑示意图:

    Braintree 常见问题解决_第3张图片

  • 交互步骤:
  1. Your app or web front-end requests a client token from your server in order to initialize the client SDK
  2. Your server generates and sends a client token back to your client with the server SDK
  3. Once the client SDK is initialized and the customer has submitted payment information, the SDK communicates that information and returns a payment method nonce
  4. You then send the payment method nonce to your server
  5. Your server code receives the payment method nonce from your client and then uses the server SDK to create a transaction or perform other functions detailed in the guides
  • 交互步骤总结:

    从服务器拿到token,作为初始化drop-in UI 的初始化参数,初始化订单相关数据传递drop-in UI, 进入sdk提供的界面输入对应的信用卡卡号信息,通过验证,提交到braintree服务器,成功后返回 一个nonce的对象,将nonce提交给服务器,服务器端和braintree完成具体的交易后续步骤。


  • build.gradle的配置

    dependencies {
    implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:braintree:2.3.12'
    implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:drop-in:2.3.8'
    implementation 'com.braintreepayments.api:data-collector:2.3.12'

  • 获取服务器端的token

          //支付使用BraintreeToken 接口
    public static void getBraintreeToken(Object tag, CustomCallback callback) {
        HashMap<String, String> paramsMap = new HashMap<>();
        //PrefsCache.getString("useCustomerId"); //是否记录客户,下次面输入卡号信息
        paramsMap.put("useCustomerId", "1");
        okGoGet(ApiUrl.getBraintreeToken, paramsMap, tag, callback);

  • 初始化drop- in ui

     //BGA 目前版本
     PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest()
                    .secondaryDescription(Session.getInstance().shopcartNum + " " + items)
     startActivityForResult(paymentRequest.getIntent(this), BRAINTREE_REQUEST_CODE);
      private DropInRequest getDropInRequest() {
            DropInRequest dropInRequest = new DropInRequest()
            return dropInRequest;
      startActivityForResult(getDropInRequest().getIntent(this), DROP_IN_REQUEST);  

  • 获得提交给服务器的nonce和DeviceData

    //BGA 目前代码(没有返回DeviceData,新版sdk和nonce一起返回)
    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        if (requestCode == BRAINTREE_REQUEST_CODE) {
            switch (resultCode) {
                case Activity.RESULT_OK:
                    if (data != null) {
                        PaymentMethodNonce mNonce =data.getParcelableExtra
    //新版sdk 代码
    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
         DropInResult result = data.getParcelableExtra(
         displayResult(result.getPaymentMethodNonce(), result.getDeviceData());
    DataCollector.collectDeviceData(braintreeFragment, kountMerchantId, new BraintreeResponseListener {
          public void onResponse(String deviceData) {
            // send deviceData to your server


  1. DeviceData的获得,新版已经获得nonce的时候一起得到

  2. BraintreeFragment创建时不能将应用切换到后台

  3. 网络如果是监听状态容易报:SERVER_ERROR,测试是会遇到。

  4. 注意braintree支持的币种,切换币种的时候需刷新clientToken

  5. braintree可以设置是否记录客户信息,下次免输入(后台控制)

  6. braintree支付订单金额有限制,BG这边是1~500美金.

  7. braintree 风控支持

  8. 官网相关问题帮助中心如下图

Braintree 常见问题解决_第4张图片

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