from sympy import *
def test_matrix():
A = Matrix([[x, x*y], [sin(z)+4, x**z]])
sol = Matrix([[1, 2], [sin(3)+4, 1]])
f = lambdify((x,y,z), A, modules="sympy")
assert f(1,2,3) == sol
f = lambdify((x,y,z), (A, [A]), modules="sympy")
assert f(1,2,3) == (sol,[sol])
def test_threaded(): @threaded def function(expr, *args): return 2*expr + sum(args) assert function(Matrix([[x, y], [1, x]]), 1, 2) == Matrix([[2*x + 3, 2*y + 3], [5, 2*x + 3]]) assert function(Eq(x, y), 1, 2) == Eq(2*x + 3, 2*y + 3) assert function([x, y], 1, 2) == [2*x + 3, 2*y + 3] assert function((x, y), 1, 2) == (2*x + 3, 2*y + 3) assert function(set([x, y]), 1, 2) == set([2*x + 3, 2*y + 3]) @threaded def function(expr, n): return expr**n assert function(x + y, 2) == x**2 + y**2 assert function(x, 2) == x**2
def test_prde_linear_constraints(): DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x)]}) G = [(Poly(2*x**3 + 3*x + 1, x), Poly(x**2 - 1, x)), (Poly(1, x), Poly(x - 1, x)), (Poly(1, x), Poly(x + 1, x))] assert prde_linear_constraints(Poly(1, x), Poly(0, x), G, DE) == ((Poly(2*x, x), Poly(0, x), Poly(0, x)), Matrix([[1, 1, -1], [5, 1, 1]])) G = [(Poly(t, t), Poly(1, t)), (Poly(t**2, t), Poly(1, t)), (Poly(t**3, t), Poly(1, t))] DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(t, t)]}) assert prde_linear_constraints(Poly(t + 1, t), Poly(t**2, t), G, DE) == ((Poly(t, t), Poly(t**2, t), Poly(t**3, t)), Matrix()) G = [(Poly(2*x, t), Poly(t, t)), (Poly(-x, t), Poly(t, t))] DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x), Poly(1/x, t)]}) prde_linear_constraints(Poly(1, t), Poly(0, t), G, DE) == ((Poly(0, t), Poly(0, t)), Matrix([[2*x, -x]]))
def z_sub(substr, n=5): """Generate a z vector with the subscript substr.""" states = ['x','th','M','V'] varnames = [item+substr for item in states] mylist = [] for item in varnames: mylist.append([item]) if n == 5: mylist.append(['1']) mat_str = str(mylist) code = 'z_vect = sympy.Matrix(%s)' % mat_str exec(code) return z_vect
def z(x, F): z_mat = sympy.Matrix([[x],[F],[1]]) return z_mat
def test_threaded(): x, y = symbols('xy') @threaded() def function(expr, *args): return 2*expr + sum(args) assert function(Matrix([[x, y], [1, x]]), 1, 2) == Matrix([[2*x+3, 2*y+3], [5, 2*x+3]]) assert function(Eq(x, y), 1, 2) == Eq(2*x+3, 2*y+3) assert function([x, y], 1, 2) == [2*x+3, 2*y+3] assert function((x, y), 1, 2) == (2*x+3, 2*y+3) assert function(set([x, y]), 1, 2) == set([2*x+3, 2*y+3]) @threaded() def function(expr, n): return expr**n assert function(x + y, 2) == x**2 + y**2 assert function(x, 2) == x**2 @threaded(use_add=False) def function(expr, n): return expr**n assert function(x + y, 2) == (x + y)**2
def test_apart(): assert apart(1/(x+2)/(x+1), x) == 1/(1 + x) - 1/(2 + x) assert apart(1/(x+1)/(x+5), x) == -1/(5 + x)/4 + 1/(1 + x)/4 f = apart(1/(x-y)/(x-z), x) assert f.subs({y:1,z:2}) == apart(1/(x-1)/(x-2), x) assert apart((E*x+2)/(x-pi)*(x-1), x) in [ 2 - E + E*pi + E*x - 1/(x - pi)*( 2 - 2*pi + E*pi - E*pi**2), 2 - E + E*pi + E*x + 1/(x - pi)*(-2 + 2*pi - E*pi + E*pi**2), ] M = Matrix(2, 2, lambda i, j: 1/(x-(i+1))/(x-(1-j))) assert apart(M, x) in [ Matrix([ [(x-1)**(-2), -1/x-1/(1-x) ], [1/(1-x)-1/(2-x), -S.Half/x-S.Half/(2-x)], ]), Matrix([ [(-1+x)**(-2), -1/x+1/(-1+x) ], [-1/(-1+x)+1/(-2+x), -S.Half/x+S.Half/(-2+x)], ]), ] assert apart(Eq((x**2+1)/(x+1), sin(x)), x) == Eq(x - 1 + 2/(x+1), sin(x)) assert str(apart(1/(1+x**5), x, evaluate=False)) in [ "RootSum(Lambda(_a, -1/5/(x - _a)*_a), x**5 + 1, x)", "RootSum(Lambda(_a, -_a/(5*(x - _a))), x**5 + 1, x)"]
def test_nsolve(): # onedimensional from sympy import Symbol, sin, pi x = Symbol('x') assert nsolve(sin(x), 2) - pi.evalf() < 1e-16 assert nsolve(Eq(2*x, 2), x, -10) == nsolve(2*x - 2, -10) # multidimensional x1 = Symbol('x1') x2 = Symbol('x2') f1 = 3 * x1**2 - 2 * x2**2 - 1 f2 = x1**2 - 2 * x1 + x2**2 + 2 * x2 - 8 f = Matrix((f1, f2)).T F = lambdify((x1, x2), f.T, modules='mpmath') for x0 in [(-1, 1), (1, -2), (4, 4), (-4, -4)]: x = nsolve(f, (x1, x2), x0, tol=1.e-8) assert mnorm(F(*x),1) <= 1.e-10 # The Chinese mathematician Zhu Shijie was the very first to solve this # nonlinear system 700 years ago (z was added to make it 3-dimensional) x = Symbol('x') y = Symbol('y') z = Symbol('z') f1 = -x + 2*y f2 = (x**2 + x*(y**2 - 2) - 4*y) / (x + 4) f3 = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)*z f = Matrix((f1, f2, f3)).T F = lambdify((x, y, z), f.T, modules='mpmath') def getroot(x0): root = nsolve((f1, f2, f3), (x, y, z), x0) assert mnorm(F(*root),1) <= 1.e-8 return root assert map(round, getroot((1, 1, 1))) == [2.0, 1.0, 0.0] a = Symbol('a') assert nsolve(1/(0.001 + a)**3 - 6/(0.9 - a)**3, a, 0.3).ae( mpf('0.31883011387318591'))
def test_matrix(): A = Matrix([[x, x*y], [sin(z)+4, x**z]]) sol = Matrix([[1, 2], [sin(3)+4, 1]]) f = lambdify((x,y,z), A, modules="sympy") assert f(1,2,3) == sol f = lambdify((x,y,z), (A, [A]), modules="sympy") assert f(1,2,3) == (sol,[sol])
def main(): Format() a = Matrix ( 2, 2, ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) b = Matrix ( 2, 1, ( 5, 6 ) ) c = a * b print a,b,'=',c x, y = symbols ('x, y') d = Matrix ( 1, 2, ( x ** 3, y ** 3 )) e = Matrix ( 2, 2, ( x ** 2, 2 * x * y, 2 * x * y, y ** 2 ) ) f = d * e print '%',d,e,'=',f xpdf() return
def main(): Format() a = Matrix ( 2, 2, ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ) b = Matrix ( 2, 1, ( 5, 6 ) ) c = a * b print a,b,'=',c x, y = symbols ( 'x, y' ) d = Matrix ( 1, 2, ( x ** 3, y ** 3 )) e = Matrix ( 2, 2, ( x ** 2, 2 * x * y, 2 * x * y, y ** 2 ) ) f = d * e print '%',d,e,'=',f xdvi() return
def matrix(self): if self.spinor: self.lt_dict = {} for base in self.Ga.basis: self.lt_dict[base] = self(base).simplify() self.spinor = False mat = self.matrix() self.spinor = True return(mat) else: mat_rep = [] for base in self.Ga.basis: if base in self.lt_dict: row = [] image = (self.lt_dict[base]) if isinstance(image, mv.Mv): image = image.obj (coefs, bases) = metric.linear_expand(image) for base in self.Ga.basis: try: i = bases.index(base) row.append(coefs[i]) except: row.append(0) mat_rep.append(row) else: mat_rep.append(self.Ga.n * [0]) return(Matrix(mat_rep).transpose())
def _issue_7853_dep_check(namespaces, namespace, expr): """Used for checking things passed into modules kwarg for deprecation issue #7853. This function and the call to it in lambdify should be deleted once the cycle has ended.""" # If some module changed `ImmutableMatrix` to be something else mat = namespace.get('ImmutableMatrix', False) if not mat or 'numpy' not in namespaces or ('%s.%s' % (mat.__module__, mat.__name__) == 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix'): return dicts = [m for m in namespaces if isinstance(m, dict)] def test(expr): return hasattr(expr, 'is_Matrix') and expr.is_Matrix if test(expr) and not [d for d in dicts if 'ImmutableMatrix' in d]: SymPyDeprecationWarning( "Currently, `sympy.Matrix` is replaced with `numpy.matrix` if " "the NumPy package is utilized in lambdify. In future versions " "of SymPy (> 0.7.6), we will default to replacing " "`sympy.Matrix` with `numpy.array`. To use the future " "behavior now, supply the kwarg " "`modules=[{'ImmutableMatrix': numpy.array}, 'numpy']`. " "The old behavior can be retained in future versions by " "supplying `modules=[{'ImmutableMatrix': numpy.matrix}, " "'numpy']`.", issue=7853).warn()
def test_threaded(): @threaded def function(expr, *args): return 2*expr + sum(args) assert function(Matrix([[x, y], [1, x]]), 1, 2) == Matrix([[2*x + 3, 2*y + 3], [5, 2*x + 3]]) assert function(Eq(x, y), 1, 2) == Eq(2*x + 3, 2*y + 3) assert function([x, y], 1, 2) == [2*x + 3, 2*y + 3] assert function((x, y), 1, 2) == (2*x + 3, 2*y + 3) assert function({x, y}, 1, 2) == {2*x + 3, 2*y + 3} @threaded def function(expr, n): return expr**n assert function(x + y, 2) == x**2 + y**2 assert function(x, 2) == x**2
def test_constant_system(): A = Matrix([[-(x + 3)/(x - 1), (x + 1)/(x - 1), 1], [-x - 3, x + 1, x - 1], [2*(x + 3)/(x - 1), 0, 0]]) u = Matrix([(x + 1)/(x - 1), x + 1, 0]) DE = DifferentialExtension(extension={'D': [Poly(1, x)]}) assert constant_system(A, u, DE) == (Matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]), Matrix([0, 1, 0, 0]))
def _eval_term( self, sol, term, args, sops ): """Works for scalar, single unknown terms only!""" expr = term.symbolic['expression'] arg_map = term.symbolic['map'] env = {'x' : sops.Symbol( 'x' ), 'y' : sops.Symbol( 'y' ), 'z' : sops.Symbol( 'z' ), 'dim' : dim} for key, val in arg_map.iteritems(): if val == 'state': env[key] = sol else: env[key] = term.get_args( [val], **args )[0] if val[:8] == 'material': aux = nm.array( env[key] ) if aux.shape ) == 1: env[key] = aux.squeeze() else: import sympy env[key] = sympy.Matrix( aux ) # print env ' <= ', sol ) sops.set_dim( dim ) val = str( eval( expr, sops.__dict__, env ) ) ' =>', val ) return val ## # c: 07.05.2007, r: 30.06.2008