A picture story lesson: A very hungry caterpillar

1. Warming up

First Miss Shi ask : What day is it today? This is a hint to today’s lesson. Also refers to the days in the story, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

Then talk about some sweet food and fruits. Vivid and clear with pictures, which created a great brainstorm on students. The teacher also told about her favorite fruit:plums . It is linked to our lives. It’s also related to the following story. All these paved the way for today's lessons. Great!

vivid vision

2. lead in

The teacher naturally went to today’s topic by asking “What do you like to eat ?”.  And then ask “ what does a caterpillar like to eat? Let’s watch a story”.


3. Enjoy the whole story.

This is the romantic period. Students can enjoy the whole story in a cartoon time.


4. Fast reading.

Together we scanned the story, the teacher drew a mind map on the blackboard as the story went on. So creative, vivid and imaginative ! It helps students catch the main ideas of the story. It also created a vivid image in their minds.

A picture story lesson: A very hungry caterpillar_第1张图片

5. Careful reading.

This is the accurate period.

Listening and imitating sentences one by one. Pictures with actions, showing Chinese at last, which made students understand the story so well. Sometimes showed phonics. The teachers paid close to every detail. Sometimes paid attention to students' critical thinking.

Tips: The teacher can show a calendar or a form, for students to talk or fill in.

        Act out the story in pairs or groups.


6. Retell the story

The teachers guided students to retell the story with pictures and key words. It's a pity that time was too limited.

Tips: Ask students to retell the story with the mindmap on their worksheets, which also can check students' previewing.

Encourage students to retell the story in their own words.


It's better to have key words on ppt.

previewing worksheet

7 . Homework assignment.

cultivate students to make good plans for their lives and try to be dream-makers.

Encourage students to practice after school and show students an English proverb. Practice makes perfect !  It's very inspiring and encouraging.


Put reading into writing and drawing. Both input and output are very important !

This is closely linked to students' daily lives. Thumb up here !!


The classroom is students' stage, especially for their works. It's a good idea to show students' works on the walls or put up like this.


So many teachers came to Miss Shi's class. We learned from each other by listening , discussing and post moments on wechat.  Here is one of our teachers' shared opinions.




As Miss Shi said, teachers should be a good and strict coach, an instructor and a guide, to practice students and try to make them better or perfect!

A picture story lesson: A very hungry caterpillar_第2张图片

Principal Wei came to our meeting, he gave us some good advice. You can see it from Miss Wang’s article:

Focus on reading

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