
There are a number of ways to validate second level models (meta-models). In this reading material you will find a description for the most popular ones. If not specified, we assume that the data does not have a time component. We also assume we already validated and fixed hyperparameters for the first level models (models).

a) Simple holdout scheme

  1. Split train data into three parts: partA and partB and partC.
  2. Fit N diverse models on partA, predict for partBpartCtest_data getting meta-features partB_metapartC_meta and test_meta respectively.
  3. Fit a metamodel to a partB_meta while validating its hyperparameters on partC_meta.
  4. When the metamodel is validated, fit it to [partB_metapartC_meta] and predict for test_meta.

b) Meta holdout scheme with OOF meta-features

  1. Split train data into K folds. Iterate though each fold: retrain N diverse models on all folds except current fold, predict for the current fold. After this step for each object in train_data we will have N meta-features (also known as out-of-fold predictions, OOF). Let's call them train_meta.
  2. Fit models to whole train data and predict for test data. Let's call these features test_meta.
  3. Split train_meta into two parts: train_metaA and train_metaB. Fit a meta-model to train_metaA while validating its hyperparameters on train_metaB.
  4. When the meta-model is validated, fit it to train_meta and predict for test_meta.

c) Meta KFold scheme with OOF meta-features

  1. Obtain OOF predictions train_meta and test metafeatures test_meta using b.1 and b.2.
  2. Use KFold scheme on train_meta to validate hyperparameters for meta-model. A common practice to fix seed for this KFold to be the same as seed for KFold used to get OOF predictions.
  3. When the meta-model is validated, fit it to train_meta and predict for test_meta.

d) Holdout scheme with OOF meta-features

  1. Split train data into two parts: partA and partB.
  2. Split partA into K folds. Iterate though each fold: retrain N diverse models on all folds except current fold, predict for the current fold. After this step for each object in partA we will have N meta-features (also known as out-of-fold predictions, OOF). Let's call them partA_meta.
  3. Fit models to whole partA and predict for partB and test_datagetting partB_meta and test_meta respectively.
  4. Fit a meta-model to a partA_meta, using partB_meta to validate its hyperparameters.
  5. When the meta-model is validated basically do 2. and 3. without dividing train_data into parts and then train a meta-model. That is, first get out-of-fold predictions train_meta for the train_data using models. Then train models on train_data, predict for test_data, getting test_meta. Train meta-model on the train_meta and predict for test_meta.

e) KFold scheme with OOF meta-features

  1. To validate the model we basically do d.1 -- d.4 but we divide train data into parts partA and partB M times using KFold strategy with M folds.
  2. When the meta-model is validated do d.5.

Validation in presence of time component

f) KFold scheme in time series

In time-series task we usually have a fixed period of time we are asked to predict. Like day, week, month or arbitrary period with duration of T.

  1. Split the train data into chunks of duration T. Select first M chunks.
  2. Fit N diverse models on those M chunks and predict for the chunk M+1. Then fit those models on first M+1 chunks and predict for chunk M+2 and so on, until you hit the end. After that use all train data to fit models and get predictions for test. Now we will have meta-features for the chunks starting from number M+1 as well as meta-features for the test.
  3. Now we can use meta-features from first K chunks [M+1,M+2,..,M+K] to fit level 2 models and validate them on chunk M+K+1. Essentially we are back to step 1. with the lesser amount of chunks and meta-features instead of features.

g) KFold scheme in time series with limited amount of data

We may often encounter a situation, where scheme f) is not applicable, especially with limited amount of data. For example, when we have only years 2014, 2015, 2016 in train and we need to predict for a whole year 2017 in test. In such cases scheme c) could be of help, but with one constraint: KFold split should be done with the respect to the time component. For example, in case of data with several years we would treat each year as a fold.
