GEE学习笔记 五十一:Fusion Table将在2019年12月3日关闭




刚刚看到的一则消息,Google运行了9年之久的Fusion Table将在2019年12月3日关闭相关服务,同时也就是未来Google Earth Engine(GEE)上将不会存在Fusion Table这一数据,GEE官方也不再建议用户使用Fusion Table数据。

目前在GEE上依然可以使用Fusion Table,但是GEE官方建议用户将数据转换为Assets方式上传到GEE上使用。转换导出的代码非常简单,这里需要注意的是导出到Asset需要的时间可能会比导出到Drive时间要久一些,这其中应该涉及到了数据转换的过程,所以大家需要等待一下。



var countries = ee.FeatureCollection("ft:1tdSwUL7MVpOauSgRzqVTOwdfy17KDbw-1d9omPw");
var taiwan = countries.filter(ee.Filter.eq("Country", "Taiwan"));
Map.addLayer(taiwan, {color: "red"}, "taiwan");
Map.centerObject(taiwan, 6);

  collection: taiwan,
  description: "taiwan",
  assetId: "taiwan"

  collection: taiwan,
  description: "Drive-taiwan",
  fileNamePrefix: "taiwan",
  fileFormat: "SHP"

GEE学习笔记 五十一:Fusion Table将在2019年12月3日关闭_第1张图片




Google Fusion Tables关闭的相关通知地址:



Notice: Google Fusion Tables Turndown

Last updated: December 11, 2018

Google Fusion Tables and the Fusion Tables API will be turned down December 3, 2019. Embedded Fusion Tables visualizations — maps, charts, tables and cards — will also stop working that day. Maps using the Fusion Tables Layer in the Maps JavaScript API v3.37 will start to see errors in August 2019.


Explore these Google tools

Fusion Tables was launched almost nine years ago as a research project in Google Labs, later evolving into an experimental product. For a long time, it was one of the few free tools for easily visualizing large datasets, especially on a map. Since then, several Google alternatives have been developed, providing deeper experiences in more specialized domains.

  • Google BigQuery – Fast, highly scalable, cost-effective, and fully managed cloud data warehouse for analytics, with built-in machine learning. With BigQuery GIS (beta), you can easily analyze and visualize geospatial data in BigQuery.

  • Google Cloud SQL – Fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set up, maintain, manage, and administer your relational MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in the cloud. See this example: Using MySQL and PHP with Google Maps.

  • Google Sheets – Your Fusion Tables can be imported into Google Sheets. Sheets provides excellent filtering and scripting features, and an API similar to that of Fusion Tables. In addition to its own charting/visualization functionality, Sheets may be used as a data source in visualization products like Google Data Studio.

  • Google Data Studio – Data Studio is Google’s free-to-use business intelligence tool. It lets you visualize and interactively explore data in compelling dashboards or reports, easily share and publish insights, and collaborate in real-time with colleagues. You can easily access and analyze data from 500+ sources including BigQuery and Sheets, with a GUI for producing map visualizations and charts.

  • Coming soon – Teams at Google have developed internal tools that can create powerful map visualizations. We are working to make some of these tools publicly available and will have more to share in the coming months—sign up to stay in touch.  

Download your data

You can access your tables in Google Drive by filtering by “type:table”. Download data from a table by following these instructions, and then consider migrating that data to one of the tools listed above. If you have a lot of tables, we will make it easy to download all your data in one step via Google Takeout starting in March 2019.


