CASIA Gait Database--Dataset B详细介绍

CASIA gait Database


  • DatasetB: 其中包含124个人(124个文件夹)

  • 每个人包含种形态:背包 bg,穿夹克的cl和正常的nm。

  • 三种形态中:其中每个目标有6段NM序列、2段BG序列、2段CL序列。

  • 每个种类下又有十一个角度,每个角度的文件夹里分别有大概100张左右的步态轮廓图,每个目标都有11×(6+2+2)=110段序列。

  • 文件结构大概如下:
    dataset—001(代表第一个人,一直到124)—bg-01-0(十一种角度’000’, ‘018’, …, ‘180’)—步态轮廓图

    CASIA Gait Database--Dataset B详细介绍_第1张图片

Dataset B is a large multiview gait database, which is created in January 2005. There are 124 subjects, and the gait data was captured from 11 views. Three variations, namely view angle, clothing and carrying condition changes, are separately considered. Besides the video files, we still provide human silhouettes extracted from video files. The detailed information about Dataset B and an evaluation framework can be found in this paper .
The format of the video filename in Dataset B is ‘xxx-mm-nn-ttt.avi’, where

xxx: subject id, from 001 to 124.
mm: walking status, can be ‘nm’ (normal), ‘cl’ (in a coat) or ‘bg’ (with a bag).
nn: sequence number.
ttt: view angle, can be ‘000’, ‘018’, …, ‘180’.


CASIA Gait Database--Dataset B详细介绍_第2张图片
CASIA Gait Database--Dataset B详细介绍_第3张图片
CASIA Gait Database--Dataset B详细介绍_第4张图片
CASIA Gait Database--Dataset B详细介绍_第5张图片
