Day 10, P103-113


1. I have no idea how we're going to pull this thing off.

pull sth off, to succeed in sth. 成功完成;办妥
例: I could tell that he had pulled off a business deal.

2. Another thing that's screwing everything up is that Mrs. Norton keeps adding new scenes and new characters.

screw (sth) up, to make a mistake and cause sth to fail.犯错而使某物失败;搞砸。
例: She likes to make up, not to screw it up this time.

3. Thank God Rodrick won't be in the audience to see me humiliate myself.

humiliate, verb, to make sb feel very embarrassed.使丢脸。
例: I felt humiliated when the teacher laughed at my work.

4. I was peeking through the curtain to check out how many people showed up to see the play.

peek, to look at sth quickly and secretly because you hsould not be looking at it.很快地看一眼;偷看;窥视
例: No peeking at your presents before your birthday!

5. So I did some quick ad-libbing and I was able to deflect the embarrassement over to Archie Kelly.

ad-lib, 即兴演出,无准备地说(或做)
例: She has a talent for ad-libbing.


1.  I wonder how it's going to go next Tuesday when Mrs. Norton is sitting at her piano thirty feet away.

结构: how it's going to...
造句: Nobody knows how it's going to go next if the manager quits the job.

2. But the worst change is that Mrs. Norton actually wrote a song that us trees have to sing.

结构: the worst change is that ...
结构: It's been the worst winter that I can remember.


It's difficult to insist on doing one thing for a long time, especially something you are not good at. Daily life is unpredictable, but if you don't give up, then you will get something finally, even if it may be not the one you want at the beginning.

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