Your IntelliJ IDEA subscription expires on 2019/5/4.After this date you will no longer able to use


  这两天一打开idea就老提示我“Your IntelliJ IDEA subscription expires on 2019/5/4.After this date you will no longer able to use”,意思是说我的idea即将过期,5月4号就不能使用了,本想到明天再激活,由于老提示我忍不住想提前激活了,如果还没到最后的过期日期如何激活idea呢?操作很简单,请见下文。



Your IntelliJ IDEA subscription expires on 2019/5/4.After this date you will no longer able to use_第1张图片

2、打开链接(IntelliJ IDEA 注册码)获取idea注册码


Your IntelliJ IDEA subscription expires on 2019/5/4.After this date you will no longer able to use_第2张图片
