
A*算法 = 贪心 + BFS + 优先队列



(1)曼哈顿距离:h(i)=abs(i.x-t.x)+abs(i.y-t.y) ,适用于四个方向走(上、下、左、右)


  • g和h应该是同样计算方法,否则f = g + h则会变得很模糊
  • h(i)函数必须等于或优于最佳路径,否则可能走向更坏的路径


using namespace std;
//f=g+h g为实际距离,h为估计距离
const int dir[8][2] = { {-2,1},{-2,-1},{2,1},{2,-1},{-1,2},{-1,-2},{1,2},{1,-2} };
int sx, sy, tx, ty, vis[9][9], tag;
inline int h(int x, int y) { return max(abs(x - tx), abs(y - ty)); }
struct node {
	int x, y, cnt;
	node(int x, int y, int cnt = 0) :x(x), y(y), cnt(cnt) {}
	bool operator < (const node& rhs)const {
		return h(x, y) > h(rhs.x, rhs.y);
int main(void) {
	char s[5];
	while (~scanf("%s",s)){
		sy = s[0] - 'a';
		sx = s[1] - '1';
		scanf("%s", s);
		ty = s[0] - 'a';
		tx = s[1] - '1';
		q.push(node(sx, sy));
		vis[sx][sy] = tag;
		int ans = 0;
		while (!q.empty()){
			node u = q.front(); q.pop();
			if (u.x == tx && u.y == ty) {
				ans = u.cnt; break;
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
				int row = u.x + dir[i][0];
				int col = u.y + dir[i][1];
				if (row < 0 || row>7 || col < 0 || col>7 || vis[row][col] == tag)continue;
				vis[row][col] = tag;
				q.push(node(row, col, u.cnt + 1));
		printf("To get from %c%c to %c%c takes %d knight moves.\n", sy + 'a', sx + '1', ty + 'a', tx + '1', ans);
	return 0;


①Remmarguts’ Date POJ - 2449




g(x)是实际代价,仍然是点s到x点的实际距离。f(x)=g(x)+h(x)为估价函数,每次找的下一个点是 已有实际距离+后续理想距离的最小点。


using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1000 + 5;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
struct edge {
	int to, w;
	edge(int to, int w) :to(to), w(w) {}
struct node {
	int id, dis;
	node(int id, int dis) :id(id), dis(dis) {}
	bool operator <(const node& rhs)const {
		return dis > rhs.dis;
int N, M, s, t, k, h[maxn], vis[maxn], cnt[maxn];
struct node2 {
	int id, g;
	node2(int id, int dis) :id(id), g(dis) {}
	bool operator <(const node2& rhs) const {
		return g + h[id] > rhs.g + h[rhs.id];
vector<edge>e[maxn], re[maxn];
int main(void) {
	scanf("%d %d", &N, &M);
	for (int i = 1; i <= M; i++) {
		int u, v, w;
		scanf("%d %d %d", &u, &v, &w);
		e[u].push_back(edge(v, w));
		re[v].push_back(edge(u, w));
	memset(h, inf, sizeof(h));
	scanf("%d %d %d", &s, &t, &k);
	if (s == t)k++;
	h[t] = 0;
	pq.push(node(t, 0));
	while (!pq.empty()) {
		node u = pq.top(); pq.pop();
		if (vis[u.id])continue;
		vis[u.id] = 1;
		for (int i = 0; i < re[u.id].size(); i++) {
			int to = re[u.id][i].to, w = re[u.id][i].w;
			if (vis[to])continue;
			if (h[to] > h[u.id] + w) {
				h[to] = h[u.id] + w;
				pq.push(node(to, h[to]));
	int ans = -1;
	pq2.push(node2(s, 0));
	while (!pq2.empty()) {
		node2 u = pq2.top(); pq2.pop();
		if (cnt[t] == k) { ans = u.g; break; }
		for (int i = 0; i < e[u.id].size(); i++) {
			int v = e[u.id][i].to, w = e[u.id][i].w;
			pq2.push(node2(v, u.g + w));
	printf("%d\n", ans);
	return 0;

②Power Hungry Cows POJ - 1945




对于判重,用map判重花费的时间比较多,用bool vis[][]数组判重空间又不够,必须使用hash来判重。出现未出现的a,b或者同样的a,b但步数更少时,要更新哈希表,大概是因为搜索的范围不够大,不能直接BFS到最小值。

using namespace std;
const int maxl = 20105;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int p, maxp, dp[maxl];
int gcd(int x, int y) {
	return y ? gcd(y, x % y) : x;
struct node {
	int a, b, cnt;
	node(int a = 1, int b = 0, int cnt = 0) :a(a), b(b), cnt(cnt) {}
	bool operator < (const node& rhs) const {
		return cnt + dp[a] > rhs.cnt + dp[rhs.a];
const int maxn = 1000005;
const int mod = 999983;
struct Hash {
	int x, y, d, next;
} h[maxn];
int n, head[maxn], tot;
inline int insert(int x, int y, int d) {
	int k = (1ll * x * y + x + y) % mod;
	for (int p = head[k]; p; p = h[p].next)
		if (h[p].x == x && h[p].y == y) {
			if (h[p].d > d) {
				h[p].d = d;
				return 1;
			else return 0;
	h[++tot].x = x, h[tot].y = y, h[tot].d = d;
	h[tot].next = head[k], head[k] = tot;
	return 1;
void push(int x, int y, int newCnt) {
	if (x < y)swap(x, y);
	if (x > maxp)return;//范围太大
	if (x > p && !y)return;//无解
	if (x == y)return;//显然非最优
	if (p % gcd(x, y))return;//无解
	if (!insert(x, y, newCnt))return;
	pq.push(node(x, y, newCnt));
int main(void) {
	dp[0] = inf;
	scanf("%d", &p);
	maxp = p + 100;// +100;
	for (int i = 1; i < p; i++) {
		int x = i, pos = 0;
		while (x < p) pos++, x <<= 1;
		dp[i] = pos;
	push(1, 0, 0);
	int ans = 0;
	while (!pq.empty()) {
		node u = pq.top(); pq.pop();
		if (u.a == p || u.b == p) {
			ans = u.cnt; break;
		int newCnt = u.cnt + 1;
		int a2 = u.a * 2, b2 = u.b * 2;
		int ab = u.a + u.b, a_b = abs(u.a - u.b);
		push(a2, u.b, newCnt);
		push(a2, u.a, newCnt);
		push(b2, u.a, newCnt);
		push(b2, u.b, newCnt);
		push(ab, u.b, newCnt);
		push(ab, u.a, newCnt);
		push(a_b, u.b, newCnt);
		push(a_b, u.a, newCnt);
	printf("%d\n", ans);
	return 0;

参考博文:A*搜索 --算法竞赛专题解析(9)
