Memory Hierarchy


  • Different Kinds of Memory
    • SRAM (made with logic gates)
    • DRAM (transistor and capacitor)
    • Flash (floating gate transistors)
    • Disks (Mechanical, Giant Magnetoresistance GMR)
  • Memory Hierarchy Goals
  • Hierarchical Memory

Different Kinds of Memory

SRAM (made with logic gates)

  • Fast: ~2ns access time
  • Expensive, high area requirement
    • ~$5.0 per megabyte
    • $0.13 for LC2
    • $20000 for MIPS

DRAM (transistor and capacitor)

  • Slower: ~60ns access time
    • Must stall for dozens of cycles on each memory load
  • Less expensive than SRAM
    • ~$0.004 per megabyte
    • $0.00 for LC2
    • $16 for MIPS/Pentium-IV/Athlon-XP

Flash (floating gate transistors)

  • Slower still: ~250ns access time
    • Must stall for dozens of cycles on each memory load
  • Less expensive than SRAM
    • ~$0.0012 per megabyte
    • $0.00 for LC2
    • $4.9 for MIPS/Pentium-IV/Athlon-XP
  • Non-volatile

Disks (Mechanical, Giant Magnetoresistance GMR)

  • Obnoxiously slow: 3,000,000ns (3 ms) access time
  • Cheap
    • ~$0.000043 per megabyte
    • $0.00 LC2
    • $0.18 for MIPS
  • Non-volatile

Memory Hierarchy Goals

Memory Hierarchy_第1张图片

Hierarchical Memory

  • A small array of SRAM
    • Small so fast and cheap
    • Cache (hopefully covers most loads and stores)
  • A larger amount of DRAM
    • Cheaper than SRAM, faster than flash/disk
    • Main Memory
  • A lot of flash and/or disk
    • Non-volatile. Cheap. Big
      flash and/or disk
    • Non-volatile. Cheap. Big
    • Virtual Memory
