Beyond Feelings 《超越感觉》CH14&15&16笔记







1. gait

the way someone walks步态,步伐:

•a slow shuffling gait拖着脚慢吞吞行走的步子

2. Clot

a thick almost solid mass formed when blood or milk dries〔血液、牛奶等的〕凝块:

•He developed a blood clot on his brain and died.他脑部出现血块死了。

3. Culture

MEDICINE / SCIENCE 医药/科学, C,Utechnicalbacteria or cells grown for medical or scientific use, or the process of growing them培养出的细菌(细胞); 细菌(细胞)培养:

•It takes two to three weeks to grow the culture.培养出这种细菌要两到三个星期。

•tissue cultures 组织培养

4. Saliva

the liquid that is produced naturally in your mouth涎,唾液;SYN spit

5. delinquent

someone, especially a young person, who breaks the law or behaves in ways their society does not approve of违法的人〔尤指青少年〕; 不良青少年:

•Deanes writes and lectures about teenage delinquents.迪恩斯就不良青少年问题撰文并演讲。


The author lists some questions and inventory of habits and attitudes to let us know more about ourselves.

If you want to improve your critical thinking performance, answer all the questions honestly, reflected on your answers and make a conscious effort to resist errors occurring at various stage of thinking process.

Being observant can help us learn more about things around us. More important, it aids our critical thinking.

Regarding selecting an issue, the basic rule is "less is more", which means selecting an issue for depth rather than breadth.



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