




1.1 malloc方式实现内存

1.2 关于DDR调用的相关

 1.3 调用IPcore

1.4 指针偏移值的问题

1.5 依然存在的问题


2.1 zynq的SDK测试时间函数

2.2 PS中malloc开辟空间时卷积时间

2.3 PS运用DDR运算卷积

 2.4 PS端程序及打印信息


3.1 一些层的卷积时间

3.2 卷积层封装

3.3 网络在PS中的模拟





XConvolution_3x3 XConvolution_3x3_Core;

int main()
	printf("\n --------------program start------------- \n");

	//initialize IPcore
	printf("Initialize XConvolution_3x3_Core IPcore SUCCESS!\n");

	//conv parameters
	int inputSize=5; int inChannelNum=3;
	int outputSize=3;  int OutChannelNum=3;
	int kernelSize=3; int Stride=1;
	int Input_Pixels=inputSize*inputSize*inChannelNum;
	int Output_Pixels=outputSize*outputSize*OutChannelNum;
	int weightkernel_Pixels=9*inChannelNum*OutChannelNum;

	//conv variable
	struct Weight weightIn;
	struct pBox featureIn;
	struct pBox conv_PL_out;
	struct pBox conv_PS_out;

	//initialize conv weight variable
	//init convolution ptr to DRAM
	//weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)0x10000000;
	weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*weightkernel_Pixels);
	print("Weight parameter init SUCCESS!\n\r");
	//init convolution ptr to DRAM
	for (int i=0;i


1.1 malloc方式实现内存


 --------------program start-------------
Initialize XConvolution_3x3_Core IPcore SUCCESS!
Weight parameter init SUCCESS!
Weight in DRAM init SUCCESS!
Feature in DRAM init SUCCESS!
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Input_Pixels is 75 and hex memory size is 0000012c
weight_pixels is 81 and hex memory size is 00000144
Output_Pixels is 27 and hex memory size is 0000006c
Input pointer value is 00118898
Weight pointer value is 00118750
Output PS pointer value is 001189c8
Output PL pointer value is 00118a38
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
Set IP core conv parameters SUCCESS!
Set IP core start SUCCESS!
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 1
IP core not Done!
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
Conv in PL done SUCCESS!
Convolution ERROR!
i is 0, value in PS= 1.521900, in PL is 0.000000
Convolution ERROR!
i is 1, value in PS= 1.557000, in PL is 0.000000

说明malloc调用的内存空间不够并且IPcore不能使用malloc的指针进行运算。 且IPcore可能死机导致卡死。isDone函数不能运行。

1.2 关于DDR调用的相关




另外值得注意的是Dcache的一致性问题,为了PL可以直接读到DDR的数据,在SDK初始化的时候用到的是mem test的模板的init_plateform()进行初始化,关掉Dcache,这样PL才能直接读到DDR,不然PS读的是缓存区的数据!

 1.3 调用IPcore

 --------------program start-------------
init network parameters run time is 0.000474 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690571 mili second
Initialize XConvolution_3x3_Core IPcore SUCCESS!
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
IP core get inHight is 5
IP core get weight prt is 1000000
Set conv parameters SUCCESS!IPcore conv start SUCCESS!
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 1
IP core get inHight is 5
IP core get weight prt is 1000000
Strat again SUCCESS!
IP core Done SUCCESS!0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 IP core not Done!FAILURE!
Conv run time is 2046.292483 mili second
Input_Pixels is 50 and hex memory size is 000000c8
weight_pixels is 36 and hex memory size is 00000090
Output_Pixels is 18 and hex memory size is 00000048
Input pointer value is 01000090
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 010000d8
InputSize is    5, In_channels   is   2, Input_Pixels  is  50
OutputSize is   3, Out_channels  is   2, Output_Pixels is  18
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is  36
------------Program End SUCCESS!-----------

我们发现一次start对应一次isDone,一旦取出isDone则isDone重新置为0  但是可能写入的问题,IPcore没有写入DDR对应位置的数据。



 --------------program start-------------
init network parameters run time is 0.000471 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690556 mili second
Initialize XConvolution_3x3_Core IPcore SUCCESS!
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
IP core get inHight is 5
IP core get weight prt is 1000000
Set conv parameters SUCCESS!
IPcore conv start SUCCESS!
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 1
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
IP core get inHight is 8
IP core get weight prt is 1000000
IP core Done SUCCESS!Conv run time is 50.519705 mili second
Input_Pixels is 192 and hex memory size is 00000300
weight_pixels is 54 and hex memory size is 000000d8
Output_Pixels is 72 and hex memory size is 00000120
Input pointer value is 010000d8
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 010001f8
InputSize is    8, In_channels   is   3, Input_Pixels  is 192
OutputSize is   6, Out_channels  is   2, Output_Pixels is  72
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is  54
------------Program End SUCCESS!-----------


 --------------program start-------------
init network parameters run time is 0.000471 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690643 mili second
Initialize XConvolution_3x3_Core IPcore SUCCESS!
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
IP core get inHight is 0
IP core get weight prt is 0
Set conv parameters SUCCESS!
IPcore conv start SUCCESS!
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
---------print IP core value---------
IP core return is 0
IP core isDone is 0
IP core get inHight is 23
IP core get weight prt is 1000000
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 0
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 1
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 2
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 3
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 4
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 5
IPcore Not Done! current sleep times is 6
IP core Done SUCCESS!Conv run time is 77.819314 mili second
Input_Pixels is 16928 and hex memory size is 00010880
weight_pixels is 18432 and hex memory size is 00012000
Output_Pixels is 28224 and hex memory size is 0001b900
Input pointer value is 01012000
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 0102d900
InputSize is   23, In_channels   is  32, Input_Pixels  is 16928
OutputSize is  21, Out_channels  is  64, Output_Pixels is 28224
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is 18432
------------Program End SUCCESS!-----------

 --------------program start-------------

1.4 指针偏移值的问题





0x01000000 ,成功



0x20000000, 成功




1.5 依然存在的问题

  • IPcore的指针与单片机端的指针不一样,卷积后写入的位置不知道在哪。
  • 卷积尺寸过大时IPcore只能调用一次,重复调用会导致单片机死机。


2.1 zynq的SDK测试时间函数

#include "xtime_l.h"
#include "sleep.h"

	XTime timeEnd, timeStart;
	double timeUsed;
	int sec=10;
	int mili_sec=sec*1000;
	timeUsed = (timeEnd-timeStart)/(double)COUNTS_PER_SECOND;
	printf("time end is   %llu \n",timeEnd);
	printf("time start is %llu \n",timeStart);
	printf("timeEnd-timeStart is %llu \n",timeEnd-timeStart);
	printf("usleep time is %lf mili second\n",1000*timeUsed);

注意其时间位数可能为64为,即long int,所以下面这种写法就可能会导致内存溢出然后显示的时间不对。

timeUsed = (((float)timeEnd-(float)timeStart))/((float)COUNTS_PER_SECOND);


2.2 PS中malloc开辟空间时卷积时间


InputSize is    5, In_channels   is   3, Input_Pixels  is  75
OutputSize is   3, Out_channels  is   3, Output_Pixels is  27
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is  81
Total run time is 33.950603 mili second

InputSize is   10, In_channels   is   3, Input_Pixels  is 300
OutputSize is   8, Out_channels  is   3, Output_Pixels is 192
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is  81
Total run time is 34.128139 mili second


Input_Pixels is 33856 and hex memory size is 00021100
weight_pixels is 36864 and hex memory size is 00024000
Output_Pixels is 28224 and hex memory size is 0001b900
Input pointer value is 00000000
Weight pointer value is 00000000
Output PS pointer value is 00000000
The feature is NULL!
InputSize is   23, In_channels   is  64, Input_Pixels  is 33856
OutputSize is  21, Out_channels  is  64, Output_Pixels is 28224
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is 36864
Total run time is 36.471764 mili second

Input_Pixels is 1875 and hex memory size is 00001d4c
weight_pixels is 81 and hex memory size is 00000144
Output_Pixels is 1587 and hex memory size is 000018cc
Input pointer value is 00000000
Weight pointer value is 00114740
Output PS pointer value is 00000000
The feature is NULL!
InputSize is   25, In_channels   is   3, Input_Pixels  is 1875
OutputSize is  23, Out_channels  is   3, Output_Pixels is 1587
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is  81

2.3 PS运用DDR运算卷积



int ps7_ddr_0_loc=0x01000000;

	//init convolution ptr to DRAM
	weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)ps7_ddr_0_loc;
	//weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*weightkernel_Pixels);
	featureIn.pdata=(volatile float *)((unsigned int)weightIn.pdata+weightkernel_Pixels*sizeof(float));
	//featureIn.pdata=(volatile float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*Input_Pixels);
	conv_PS_out.pdata=(volatile float *)((unsigned int)featureIn.pdata+sizeof(float)*Output_Pixels);
	//conv_PS_out.pdata=(volatile float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*Output_Pixels);

 2.4 PS端程序及打印信息


	printf("\n --------------program start------------- \n");
//----------------------------init network parameters---------------
	XTime timeEnd, timeStart;
	float timeUsed;

	//conv parameters
	int inputSize=26; int inChannelNum=32;
	int outputSize=24;  int OutChannelNum=64;
	int kernelSize=3; int Stride=1;
	int Input_Pixels=inputSize*inputSize*inChannelNum;
	int Output_Pixels=outputSize*outputSize*OutChannelNum;
	int weightkernel_Pixels=9*inChannelNum*OutChannelNum;

	//conv variable
	struct Weight weightIn;
	struct pBox featureIn;
	struct pBox conv_PS_out;

	//initialize conv weight variable
	//initialize conv Input variable
	//initialize conv Output variable
	//init convolution ptr to DRAM
	weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)ps7_ddr_0_loc;
	//weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*weightkernel_Pixels);
	featureIn.pdata=(volatile float *)((unsigned int)weightIn.pdata+weightkernel_Pixels*sizeof(float));
	//featureIn.pdata=(volatile float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*Input_Pixels);
	conv_PS_out.pdata=(volatile float *)((unsigned int)featureIn.pdata+sizeof(float)*Output_Pixels);
	//conv_PS_out.pdata=(volatile float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*Output_Pixels);
	timeUsed = (((float)timeEnd-(float)timeStart))/((float)COUNTS_PER_SECOND);
	printf("init network parameters run time is %f mili second\n",1000*timeUsed);
//-----------------write conv data to DRAM---------------------------
	//init weight data to DRAM
	for (int i=0;i


 --------------program start-------------
init network parameters run time is 0.000507 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690556 mili second
Conv times is 0
Conv times is 1
Conv times is 2
Conv in PS run time is 2338.129639 mili second
Input_Pixels is 21632 and hex memory size is 00015200
weight_pixels is 18432 and hex memory size is 00012000
Output_Pixels is 36864 and hex memory size is 00024000
Input pointer value is 01012000
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 01036000
InputSize is   26, In_channels   is  32, Input_Pixels  is 21632
OutputSize is  24, Out_channels  is  64, Output_Pixels is 36864
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is 18432
------------Program End SUCCESS!-----------


3.1 一些层的卷积时间



 --------------program start-------------
init network parameters run time is 0.000507 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690517 mili second
Conv times is 0
Conv in PS run time is 780.324097 mili second
Input_Pixels is 21632 and hex memory size is 00015200
weight_pixels is 18432 and hex memory size is 00012000
Output_Pixels is 36864 and hex memory size is 00024000
Input pointer value is 01012000
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 01036000
InputSize is   26, In_channels   is  32, Input_Pixels  is 21632
OutputSize is  24, Out_channels  is  64, Output_Pixels is 36864
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is 18432
------------Program End SUCCESS!-----------


init network parameters run time is 0.000501 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690679 mili second
Conv times is 0
Conv in PS run time is 129.388367 mili second
Input_Pixels is 5488 and hex memory size is 000055c0
weight_pixels is 12096 and hex memory size is 0000bd00
Output_Pixels is 6912 and hex memory size is 00006c00
Input pointer value is 0100bd00
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 01012900
InputSize is   14, In_channels   is  28, Input_Pixels  is 5488
OutputSize is  12, Out_channels  is  48, Output_Pixels is 6912
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is 12096



init network parameters run time is 0.000510 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 41.652718 mili second
Conv times is 0
Conv in PS run time is 4555.694824 mili second
Input_Pixels is 691200 and hex memory size is 002a3000
weight_pixels is 270 and hex memory size is 00000438
Output_Pixels is 2284840 and hex memory size is 008b74a0
Input pointer value is 01000438
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 018b78d8
InputSize is  480, In_channels   is   3, Input_Pixels  is 691200
OutputSize is 478, Out_channels  is  10, Output_Pixels is 2284840
Stride   is     1, weight_pixels is 270


init network parameters run time is 0.000501 mili second
Output variable init SUCCESS!
Write conv data to DRAM run time is 2.690502 mili second
Conv times is 0
Conv in PS run time is 4.155555 mili second
Input_Pixels is 1210 and hex memory size is 000012e8
weight_pixels is 1440 and hex memory size is 00001680
Output_Pixels is 400 and hex memory size is 00000640
Input pointer value is 01001680
Weight pointer value is 01000000
Output PS pointer value is 01001cc0
InputSize is   11, In_channels   is  10, Input_Pixels  is 1210
OutputSize is   5, Out_channels  is  16, Output_Pixels is 400
Stride   is     2, weight_pixels is 1440

3.2 卷积层封装


void layer_conv(int inputSize, int inChannelNum,
				int outputSize,int OutChannelNum,
				int kernelSize,int Stride){
	//conv parameters
	int Input_Pixels=inputSize*inputSize*inChannelNum;
	int Output_Pixels=outputSize*outputSize*OutChannelNum;
	int weightkernel_Pixels=9*inChannelNum*OutChannelNum;
	//conv variable
	struct Weight weightIn;
	struct pBox featureIn;
	struct pBox conv_PS_out;
	//initialize conv weight variable
	//initialize conv Input variable
	//initialize conv Output variable
	//init convolution ptr to DRAM
	weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)ps7_ddr_0_loc;
	//weightIn.pdata=(volatile float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*weightkernel_Pixels);
	featureIn.pdata=(volatile float *)((unsigned int)weightIn.pdata+weightkernel_Pixels*sizeof(float));
	//featureIn.pdata=(volatile float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*Input_Pixels);
	conv_PS_out.pdata=(volatile float *)((unsigned int)featureIn.pdata+sizeof(float)*Output_Pixels);
	//conv_PS_out.pdata=(volatile float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*Output_Pixels);
	//init weight data to DRAM
	for (int i=0;i


	XTime timeEnd, timeStart;
	float timeUsed;
	//         inSize   inChannel  outSize  outChannel kernel stride
	layer_conv(14,      28,        12,      48,        3,     1);

	timeUsed = (((float)timeEnd-(float)timeStart))/((float)COUNTS_PER_SECOND);
	printf("layer conv time is %f mili second\n",1000*timeUsed);

3.3 网络在PS中的模拟

		//         inSize   inChannel  outSize  outChannel kernel stride
		layer_conv(480,      3,        478,      10,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(478+1,    10,       239,      16,        3,     2);
		layer_conv(239,      16,       237,      32,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(237,      32,       235,      32,        3,     1);
		//         inSize   inChannel  outSize  outChannel kernel stride
		layer_conv(240,      3,        238,      10,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(238+1,    10,       129,      16,        3,     2);
		layer_conv(129,      16,       127,      32,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(127,      32,       125,      32,        3,     1);
		//         inSize   inChannel  outSize  outChannel kernel stride
		layer_conv(120,      3,        118,      10,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(118+1,    10,       59,       16,        3,     2);
		layer_conv(59,       16,       57,       32,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(57,       32,       55,       32,        3,     1);
	for(int Rnet_cur_times=0;Rnet_cur_times<10;Rnet_cur_times++){
		printf("Rnet run times %d\n",Rnet_cur_times);
		//         inSize    inChannel outSize  outChannel kernel stride
		layer_conv(24+2,       3,        24,      24,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(24+1,       28,       12,      12,        3,     2);
		layer_conv(12+2,       28,       12,      12,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(12+1,       48,       6,       6,         3,     2);		
		layer_conv(6+1 ,       48,       3,       3,         3,     2);
	for(int Onet_cur_times=0;Onet_cur_times<5;Onet_cur_times++){
		printf("Onet run times %d\n",Onet_cur_times);
		//         inSize    inChannel outSize  outChannel kernel stride
		layer_conv(48+2,     3,        48,      32,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(48+1,     32,       24,      32,        3,     2);
		layer_conv(24+2,     32,       24,      64,        3,     1);
		layer_conv(24+1,     64,       12,      64,        3,     2);		
		layer_conv(12+1,     64,       6,       128,       3,     2);
		layer_conv(6+1,      128,      3,       128,       3,     2);









