
 如果JID的resource缺省,则登陆后XMPP服务器会自动分配一个resource,如tigase-10.由于XMPP是支持多点登陆的,所以不同客户端用同一个JID登陆后,服务器会为每一个客户端分配一个不同的resource以区分他们。比如A客户端的resource是tigase-10,B客户端是tigase-11,这时A的客户端的完整jid是[email protected]/tigase-10,B客户端的jid是[email protected]/tigase-11。这样如果C客户端向[email protected]/tigase-10发消息,则A会收到,向[email protected]/tigase-11则B会收到,但是向[email protected]发消息,服务器不知道到底是给谁发了,因此一定有一个客户端会丢失消息。 
  如果想将XMPP做成单点登陆,则jid的resource就要一致,比如[email protected]/boris .XMPP 的server对于resource一致的情况有两种处理的可能: 

If there is already an active resource of the same name, the server MUST either (1) terminate the active resource and allow the newly-requested session, or (2) disallow the newly-requested session and maintain the active resource. Which of these the server does is up to the implementation, although it is RECOMMENDED to implement case #1. In case #1, the server SHOULD send a stream error to the active resource, terminate the XML stream and underlying TCP connection for the active resource, and return a IQ stanza of type "result" (indicating success) to the newly-requested session. In case #2, the server SHOULD send a stanza error to the newly-requested session but maintain the XML stream for that connection so that the newly-requested session has an opportunity to negotiate a non-conflicting resource identifier before sending another request for session establishment.



Xml代码   收藏代码
  1. <stream:error xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams">  
  2. <conflict xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams">conflict>  
  3. stream:error>  


C代码   收藏代码
  1. - (void)xmppStream:(XMPPStream *)sender didReceiveError:(id)error  
  2. {  
  3.     HWLOGI(@"didReceiveError:%@",error);  
  4.     DDXMLNode *errorNode = (DDXMLNode *)error;  
  5.     //遍历错误节点  
  6.     for(DDXMLNode *node in [errorNode children])  
  7.     {  
  8.         //若错误节点有【冲突】  
  9.         if([[node name] isEqualToString:@"conflict"])  
  10.         {  
  11.             //停止轮训检查链接状态  
  12.             [_timer invalidate];  
  13.             NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@さんが別の端末でログインしたため、自動的にログアウトしました。",[[[SharedAppDelegate myInfo] myCardDetial]fullNameWithSpace]];  
  15.             //弹出登陆冲突,点击OK后logout  
  16.             UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:nil message:message delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil, nil];  
  17.             alert.tag = 9999;  
  18.             alert.delegate = SharedAppDelegate;  
  19.             [alert show];  
  20.             [alert release];  
  21.         }  
  22.     }  
  23. }  
