

第3章 数组和字符串(例题)

  1. UVA 272 TEX Quotes
  2. UVA 10082 WERTYU
  3. UVA 401 Palindromes
  4. UVA 340 Master-Mind Hints
  5. UVA 1583 Digit Generator
  6. UVA 1584 Circular Sequence

第3章 数组和字符串(习题)

  1. UVA 1585 Score
  2. UVA 1586 Molar mass
  3. UVA 1225 Digit Counting
  4. UVA 455 Periodic Strings
  5. UVA 227 Puzzle
  6. UVA 232 Crossword Answers
  7. UVA 1368 DNA Consensus String
  8. UVA 202 Repeating Decimals
  9. UVA 10340 All in All
  10. UVA 1587 Box
  11. UVA 1588 Kickdown
  12. UVA 11809 Floating-Point Numbers

第4章 函数和递归(例题)

  1. UVA 1339 Ancient Cipher
  2. UVA 489 Hangman Judge
  3. UVA 133 The Dole Queue
  4. UVA 213 Message Decoding
  5. UVA 512 Spreadsheet Tracking
  6. UVA 12412 A Typical Homework (a.k.a Shi Xiong Bang Bang Mang)

第4章 函数和递归(习题)

  1. UVA 1589 Xiangqi
  2. UVA 201 Squares
  3. UVA 220 Othello
  4. UVA 253 Cube painting
  5. UVA 1590 IP Networks
  6. UVA 508 Morse Mismatches
  7. UVA 509 RAID!
  8. UVA 12108 Extraordinarily Tired Students
  9. UVA 1591 Data Mining
  10. UVA 815 Flooded!

第5章 STL入门(例题)

  1. UVA 10474 Where is the Marble?
  2. UVA 101 The Blocks Problem
  3. UVA 10815 Andy\u0027s First Dictionary
  4. UVA 156 Ananagrams
  5. UVA 12096 The SetStack Computer
  6. UVA 540 Team Queue
  7. UVA 136 Ugly Numbers
  8. UVA 400 Unix ls
  9. UVA 1592 Database
  10. UVA 814 The Letter Carrier\u0027s Rounds
  11. UVA 221 Urban Elevations

第5章 STL入门(习题)

  1. UVA 1593 Alignment of Code
  2. UVA 1594 Ducci Sequence
  3. UVA 10935 Throwing cards away I
  4. UVA 10763 Foreign Exchange
  5. UVA 10391 Compound Words
  6. UVA 1595 Symmetry
  7. UVA 12100 Printer Queue
  8. UVA 230 Borrowers
  9. UVA 1596 Bug Hunt
  10. UVA 1597 Searching the Web
  11. UVA 12504 Updating a Dictionary
  12. UVA 511 Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
  13. UVA 822 Queue and A
  14. UVA 1598 Exchange
  15. UVA 12333 Revenge of Fibonacci
  16. UVA 212 Use of Hospital Facilities

第6章 数据结构(例题)

  1. UVA 210 Concurrency Simulator
  2. UVA 514 Rails
  3. UVA 442 Matrix Chain Multiplication
  4. UVA 11988 Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text)
  5. UVA 12657 Boxes in a Line
  6. UVA 679 Dropping Balls
  7. UVA 122 Trees on the level
  8. UVA 548 Tree
  9. UVA 839 Not so Mobile
  10. UVA 699 The Falling Leaves
  11. UVA 297 Quadtrees
  12. UVA 572 Oil Deposits
  13. UVA 1103 Ancient Messages
  14. UVA 816 Abbott\u0027s Revenge
  15. UVA 10305 Ordering Tasks
  16. UVA 10129 Play on Words
  17. UVA 10562 Undraw the Trees
  18. UVA 12171 Sculpture
  19. UVA 1572 Self-Assembly
  20. UVA 1599 Ideal Path
  21. UVA 506 System Dependencies
  22. UVA 11853 Paintball

第6章 数据结构(习题)

  1. UVA 673 Parentheses Balance
  2. UVA 712 S-Trees
  3. UVA 536 Tree Recovery
  4. UVA 439 Knight Moves
  5. UVA 1600 Patrol Robot
  6. UVA 1216 The Bug Sensor Problem
  7. UVA 804 Petri Net Simulation
  8. UVA 806 Spatial Structures
  9. UVA 127 \"Accordian\" Patience
  10. UVA 246 10-20-30
  11. UVA 10410 Tree Reconstruction
  12. UVA 810 A Dicey Problem
  13. UVA 215 Spreadsheet Calculator
  14. UVA 12118 Inspector\u0027s Dilemma

第7章 暴力解法(例题)

  1. UVA 725 Division
  2. UVA 11059 Maximum Product
  3. UVA 10976 Fractions Again?!
  4. UVA 524 Prime Ring Problem
  5. UVA 129 Krypton Factor
  6. UVA 140 Bandwidth
  7. UVA 1354 Mobile Computing
  8. UVA 10603 Fill
  9. UVA 1601 The Morning after Halloween
  10. UVA 11212 Editing a Book
  11. UVA 12325 Zombie\u0027s Treasure Chest
  12. UVA 1374 Power Calculus
  13. UVA 1602 Lattice Animals
  14. UVA 1603 Square Destroyer

第7章 暴力解法(习题)

  1. UVA 208 Firetruck
  2. UVA 225 Golygons
  3. UVA 211 The Domino Effect
  4. UVA 818 Cutting Chains
  5. UVA 690 Pipeline Scheduling
  6. UVA 12113 Overlapping Squares
  7. UVA 12558 Egyptian Fractions (HARD version)
  8. UVA 12107 Digit Puzzle
  9. UVA 1604 Cubic Eight-Puzzle
  10. UVA 11214 Guarding the Chessboard
  11. UVA 12569 Planning mobile robot on Tree (EASY Version)
  12. UVA 1533 Moving Pegs
  13. UVA 817 According to Bartjens
  14. UVA 307 Sticks
  15. UVA 11882 Biggest Number
  16. UVA 11846 Finding Seats Again
  17. UVA 11694 Gokigen Naname
  18. UVA 10384 The Wall Pushers

第8章 高效算法设计(例题)

  1. UVA 120 Stacks of Flapjacks
  2. UVA 1605 Building for UN
  3. UVA 1152 4 Values whose Sum is 0
  4. UVA 11134 Fabled Rooks
  5. UVA 11054 Wine trading in Gergovia
  6. UVA 1606 Amphiphilic Carbon Molecules
  7. UVA 11572 Unique Snowflakes
  8. UVA 1471 Defense Lines
  9. UVA 1451 Average
  10. UVA 714 Copying Books
  11. UVA 10954 Add All
  12. UVA 12627 Erratic Expansion
  13. UVA 11093 Just Finish it up
  14. UVA 1607 Gates
  15. UVA 12174 Shuffle
  16. UVA 1608 Non-boring sequences
  17. UVA 1609 Foul Play
  18. UVA 1442 Cav
  19. UVA 12265 Selling Land

第8章 高效算法设计(习题)

  1. UVA 1149 Bin Packing
  2. UVA 1610 Party Games
  3. UVA 12545 Bits Equalizer
  4. UVA 11491 Erasing and Winning
  5. UVA 177 Paper Folding
  6. UVA 1611 Crane
  7. UVA 11925 Generating Permutations
  8. UVA 1612 Guess
  9. UVA 1613 K-Graph Oddity
  10. UVA 1614 Hell on the Markets
  11. UVA 1615 Highway
  12. UVA 1153 Keep the Customer Satisfied
  13. UVA 10570 Meeting with Aliens
  14. UVA 1616 Caravan Robbers
  15. UVA 1617 Laptop
  16. UVA 1618 Weak Key
  17. UVA 11536 Smallest Sub-Array
  18. UVA 1619 Feel Good
  19. UVA 1312 Cricket Field
  20. UVA 1620 Lazy Susan
  21. UVA 1621 Jumping Around
  22. UVA 1622 Robot
  23. UVA 1623 Enter The Dragon
  24. UVA 10366 Faucet Flow
  25. UVA 11175 From D to E and Back
  26. UVA 12559 Finding Black Circles
  27. UVA 1580 Pirate Chest
  28. UVA 1624 Knots

第9章 动态规划(例题)

  1. UVA 1025 A Spy in the Metro
  2. UVA 437 The Tower of Babylon
  3. UVA 1347 Tour
  4. UVA 116 Unidirectional TSP
  5. UVA 12563 Jin Ge Jin Qu hao
  6. UVA 11400 Lighting System Design
  7. UVA 11584 Partitioning by Palindromes
  8. UVA 1625 Color Length
  9. UVA 10003 Cutting Sticks
  10. UVA 1626 Brackets sequence
  11. UVA 1331 Minimax Triangulation
  12. UVA 12186 Another Crisis
  13. UVA 1220 Party at Hali-Bula
  14. UVA 1218 Perfect Service
  15. UVA 10817 Headmaster\u0027s Headache
  16. UVA 1252 Twenty Questions
  17. UVA 1412 Fund Management
  18. UVA 10618 Tango Tango Insurrection
  19. UVA 1627 Team them up!
  20. UVA 10934 Dropping water balloons
  21. UVA 1336 Fixing the Great Wall
  22. UVA 12105 Bigger is Better
  23. UVA 1204 Fun Game
  24. UVA 12099 The Bookcase
  25. UVA 12170 Easy Climb
  26. UVA 1380 A Scheduling Problem
  27. UVA 10559 Blocks
  28. UVA 1439 Exclusive Access 2
  29. UVA 1228 Integer Transmission
  30. UVA 1375 The Best Name for Your Baby
  31. UVA 1628 Pizza Delivery

第9章 动态规划(习题)

  1. UVA 10285 Longest Run on a Snowboard
  2. UVA 10118 Free Candies
  3. UVA 1629 Cake slicing
  4. UVA 1630 Folding
  5. UVA 242 Stamps and Envelope Size
  6. UVA 10723 Cyborg Genes
  7. UVA 1631 Locker
  8. UVA 1632 Alibaba
  9. UVA 10163 Storage Keepers
  10. UVA 10641 Barisal Stadium
  11. UVA 1633 Dyslexic Gollum
  12. UVA 12093 Protecting Zonk
  13. UVA 1289 Stacking Plates
  14. UVA 1543 Telescope
  15. UVA 12589 Learning Vector
  16. UVA 1634 The Picnic
  17. UVA 10271 Chopsticks
  18. UVA 1379 Pitcher Rotation
  19. UVA 1443 Garlands
  20. UVA 12222 Mountain Road
  21. UVA 1371 Period
  22. UVA 1579 Matryoshka
  23. UVA 1322 Minimizing Maximizer

第10章 数学概念与方法(例题)

  1. UVA 11582 Colossal Fibonacci Numbers!
  2. UVA 12169 Disgruntled Judge
  3. UVA 10375 Choose and divide
  4. UVA 10791 Minimum Sum LCM
  5. UVA 12716 GCD XOR
  6. UVA 1635 Irrelevant Elements
  7. UVA 10820 Send a Table
  8. UVA 1262 Password
  9. UVA 1636 Headshot
  10. UVA 10491 Cows and Cars
  11. UVA 11181 Probability|Given
  12. UVA 1637 Double Patience
  13. UVA 580 Critical Mass
  14. UVA 12034 Race
  15. UVA 1638 Pole Arrangement
  16. UVA 12230 Crossing Rivers
  17. UVA 1639 Candy
  18. UVA 10288 Coupons
  19. UVA 11346 Probability
  20. UVA 10900 So you want to be a 2n-aire?
  21. UVA 11971 Polygon
  22. UVA 1640 The Counting Problem
  23. UVA 10213 How Many Pieces of Land ?
  24. UVA 1641 ASCII Area
  25. UVA 1363 Joseph\u0027s Problem
  26. UVA 11440 Help Tomisu
  27. UVA 10214 Trees in a Wood.
  28. UVA 1393 Highways
  29. UVA 1642 Magical GCD

第10章 数学概念与方法(习题)

  1. UVA 11040 Add bricks in the wall
  2. UVA 808 Bee Breeding
  3. UVA 1643 Angle and Squares
  4. UVA 1644 Prime Gap
  5. UVA 1213 Sum of Different Primes
  6. UVA 1210 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers
  7. UVA 10539 Almost Prime Numbers
  8. UVA 10622 Perfect P-th Powers
  9. UVA 294 Divisors
  10. UVA 1645 Count
  11. UVA 1646 Edge Case
  12. UVA 557 Burger
  13. UVA 11526 H(n)
  14. UVA 10886 Standard Deviation
  15. UVA 12063 Zeros and Ones
  16. UVA 1647 Computer Transformation
  17. UVA 11105 Semi-prime H-numbers
  18. UVA 10837 A Research Problem
  19. UVA 10868 Bungee Jumping
  20. UVA 1648 Business Center
  21. UVA 1649 Binomial coefficients
  22. UVA 10640 Planes around the World
  23. UVA 10479 The Hendrie Sequence
  24. UVA 766 Sum of powers
  25. UVA 1575 Factors
  26. UVA 12520 Square Garden
  27. UVA 1390 Interconnect
  28. UVA 1650 Number String
  29. UVA 11982 Fantasy Cricket
  30. UVA 12371 Guards
  31. UVA 12590 Guards II
  32. UVA 1414 Hanoi Towers
  33. UVA 1651 Binary Operation
  34. UVA 12212 Password Remembering
  35. UVA 1282 Fibonacci Words
  36. UVA 1652 Fibonacci System
  37. UVA 1653 Yet Another Multiple Problem
  38. UVA 10824 Regular Polygon
  39. UVA 11186 Circum Triangle
  40. UVA 12535 Probability Through Experiments
  41. UVA 1406 A Sequence of Numbers
  42. UVA 12508 Triangles in the Grid
  43. UVA 1654 Pairs of integers
  44. UVA 11246 K-Multiple Free set
  45. UVA 11166 Power Signs
  46. UVA 11895 Honorary Tickets
  47. UVA 11429 Randomness
  48. UVA 1655 Exam
  49. UVA 1656 Exponential Towers
  50. UVA 11303 Permutations
  51. UVA 1657 Game

第11章 图论模型与算法(例题)

  1. UVA 12219 Common Subexpression Elimination
  2. UVA 1395 Slim Span
  3. UVA 1151 Buy or Build
  4. UVA 247 Calling Circles
  5. UVA 10048 Audiophobia
  6. UVA 658 It\u0027s not a Bug, it\u0027s a Feature!
  7. UVA 753 A Plug for UNIX
  8. UVA 11082 Matrix Decompressing
  9. UVA 1658 Admiral
  10. UVA 1349 Optimal Bus Route Design
  11. UVA 12661 Funny Car Racing
  12. UVA 1515 Pool construction
  13. UVA 10735 Euler Circuit
  14. UVA 1279 Asteroid Rangers
  15. UVA 1659 Help Little Laura

第11章 图论模型与算法(习题)

  1. UVA 821 Page Hopping
  2. UVA 1001 Say Cheese
  3. UVA 820 Internet Bandwidth
  4. UVA 1660 Cable TV Network
  5. UVA 1661 Equation
  6. UVA 1662 Brackets Removal
  7. UVA 10801 Lift Hopping
  8. UVA 1663 Purifying Machine
  9. UVA 12549 Sentry Robots
  10. UVA 12264 Risk
  11. UVA 1664 Conquer a New Region
  12. UVA 1665 Islands
  13. UVA 1666 Walk
  14. UVA 1667 Network Mess
  15. UVA 1668 Let\u0027s Go Green
  16. UVA 1669 Holiday\u0027s Accommodatio
  17. UVA 1670 Kingdom Roadmap
  18. UVA 12214 Traffic Jam
  19. UVA 1518 Train delays
  20. UVA 12433 Rent a Car
  21. UVA 11671 Sign of Matrix

第12章 高级专题(例题)

  1. UVA 1671 History of Languages
  2. UVA 1672 Disjoint Regular Expressions
  3. UVA 1673 str2int
  4. UVA 12161 Ironman Race in Treeland
  5. UVA 11994 Happy Painting!
  6. UVA 1674 Lightning Energy Report
  7. UVA 12538 Version Controlled IDE
  8. UVA 805 Polygon Intersections
  9. UVA 1675 Kingdom Reunion
  10. UVA 12314 The Cleaning Robot
  11. UVA 1520 Flights
  12. UVA 1676 GRE Words Revenge
  13. UVA 11998 Rujia Liu loves Wario Land!
  14. UVA 1104 Chips Challenge
  15. UVA 12567 Never7, Ever17 and Water
  16. UVA 12110 Gargoyle
  17. UVA 12253 Simple Encryption
  18. UVA 12164 The Great Game
  19. UVA 1677 Cycling
  20. UVA 1678 Huzita Axiom 6
  21. UVA 1679 Easy Geometry
  22. UVA 12162 Shooting the Monster
  23. UVA 1017 Merrily, We Roll Along!
  24. UVA 1286 Room Service
  25. UVA 1288 Shortest Flight Path
  26. UVA 12565 Lovely Magical Curves
  27. UVA 11188 A Strange Opera House
  28. UVA 12308 Smallest Enclosing Box
  29. UVA 1680 Journey
  30. UVA 1097 Rain
  31. UVA 1681 Dictionary
  32. UVA 11199 Equations in Disguise
  33. UVA 1682 Exclusive Access
  34. UVA 11521 Compressor
  35. UVA 12417 Formula Editor
  36. UVA 12666 Killer Puzzle
  37. UVA 12731 Mysterious Space Station

第12章 高级专题(新知识)

  1. UVA 1683 In case of failure
  2. UVA 12629 Rectangle XOR Game
  3. UVA 12698 Safari Park
  4. UVA 12711 Game of Throne
  5. UVA 12713 Pearl Chains
  6. UVA 12513 Safe Places
  7. UVA 11594 All Pairs Maximum Flow
  8. UVA 12415 Digit Patterns
  9. UVA 11993 Girls\u0027 Celebration
  10. UVA 10766 Organising the Organisation
  11. UVA 11118 Prisoners, Boxes and Pieces of Paper
  12. UVA 11915 Recurrence
  13. UVA 1684 Escape Plan
  14. UVA 1685 Enjoyable Commutation

第12章 高级专题(习题)

  1. UVA 12306 My SketchUp
  2. UVA 1686 Tiling
  3. UVA 1687 Slicing Tree
  4. UVA 12227 Wormholes
  5. UVA 1688 Roof
  6. UVA 1689 International Event
  7. UVA 1142 Fighting the Heat
  8. UVA 1570 Accelerator
  9. UVA 1690 Find a Minor
  10. UVA 1573 Hey, Better Bettor
  11. UVA 1691 Hip To Be Square
  12. UVA 1692 Labyrinth of the Minotaur
  13. UVA 1693 XAR
  14. UVA 1290 Takeover Wars
  15. UVA 1694 History course
  16. UVA 12570 Qualle? Quale?
  17. UVA 10383 Queen vs Rook
  18. UVA 12566 Melody \"Creation\"
  19. UVA 1695 Escape
  20. UVA 1696 Traveling Spiders
