
在创建虚拟机的硬盘时会有个选择,使用多个磁盘文件还是使用单独一个硬盘文件,我当时选择了多个硬盘文件,现在又想用的单个硬盘文件,这就需要将多个硬盘文件合并为一个单个的硬盘文件。所用到的工具是vmware提供的exe。具体见下面操作,参考链接为 https://vmexpo.wordpress.com/2014/04/15/how-to-merge-multiple-vmdks-into-single-vmdk/comment-page-1/

How to Merge Multiple VMDK’s into Single VMDK
April 15, 2014 · by Shabbir Ahmed · in VMWare, VMWare Workstation. ·

In order to merge split vmdk files into one, you need to use the vmware-vdiskmanager command. However, this is only available if you have VMware Fusion or VMware Workstation installed. VMware Player doesn’t have this.

A little utility can be downloaded separately from the VMware site (KB Article 1023856). you can download vdiskmanager-windows-7.0.1.exe.zip as attachment file .

Once downloaded, unzip and rename 1023856-vdiskmanager-windows-7.0.1.exe into vmware-vdiskmanager.exe and copy or move to the directory where VMware Player is installed.

The installation directory path may be look like as

C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player

In order to merge vmdk files, open a Command Prompt and CD to the directory where the vmdk files are located.

Assume you have the following vmdk files :


To Merge then into single vmdk file. open the command prompt and run the following command

“C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player\vmware-vdiskmanager.exe” -r “d:\VMLinux\vmdkname.vmdk” -t 0 MyNewImage.vmdk

The new vmdk file will then be created:

Creating disk ‘MyNewImage.vmdk’
Convert: 80% done.

Once done, move the original vmdk files to a different directory. Finally rename MyNewImage.vmdk to vmdkname.vmdk as it was originally named.
