Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法


if you use a Mac i create a app for you. It’s very simple. Don’t need to use lines in terminal.

RPi-sd card builder v1.2 (new link 2-1-2014) if it ask for a key it is eD9dtFpoKnbZqP1hkvrv43_Pvc9xadMVxRP2K-M8n88

-bugs reported removed
-Now you have to select a .img file. not the .zip like the old version

How the app works?

  1. Run the app.
  2. Select the operating system distributions (.img file).
    Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法_第1张图片
  3. You will prompt whit this. After you connect your sd card press continue.
    Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法_第2张图片
  4. Now you have to select your sd card. BE CAREFUL, see the name and select ONLY one sd card.
    Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法_第3张图片
  5. Now the program will need administrator privileges. insert your password.
    Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法_第4张图片
  6. Confirm that your sd card has been unmounted. When you confirm that, press continue. (this can take a while).
    Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法_第5张图片
  7. And that’s it..now you can connect your sd card to your raspberry pi…
    Raspberry - MAC下烧录image的方法_第6张图片

If you have problems leave a comment.

If you have some problems with this app please comment and let me know what is your Operating System and in what step the program crashes.
