Educational Codeforces Round 61 (Rated for Div. 2) F题解





You are given a string ss of length nn consisting of lowercase Latin letters. You may apply some operations to this string: in one operation you can delete some contiguous substring of this string, if all letters in the substring you delete are equal. For example, after deleting substring bbbb from string abbbbaccdd we get the string aaccdd.

Calculate the minimum number of operations to delete the whole string ss.


The first line contains one integer nn (1≤n≤5001≤n≤500) — the length of string ss.

The second line contains the string ss (|s|=n|s|=n) consisting of lowercase Latin letters.


Output a single integer — the minimal number of operation to delete string ss.d


题解: 区间dp,对于d[i][j]考察第j个字符,若它是单独删除的则d[i][j]=d[i][j-1],否则从i——j-1中考察与第j个字符相等的字符,假设j和第k个字符一起被删除,那么应该先删除k+1——j-1中的所有字符,然后再讲第k个字符和第j个字符合并成一个,状态转移方程为 d[i][j]=min{d[i][k]+d[k+1][j-1]}(s[j]==s[k])









