Golang sysproxy

使用 WindowsAPI 修改 系统的代理配置

  • sysproxy.exe

使用 wininet.dll 配置系统代理

  • microsoft wininet API

相关资料: 使用 Windows API 设置 IE 代理

golang wininet 调用示例

golang 测试 windows 系统是否连网

rasapi32.dll 获取网络

  • C++ RasDial之调用RasEnumEntries遍历系统中存在的宽带连接名称

golang 通过系统调用调用window上的dll

  • 如何用Go调用Windows API
  • 使用GO语言调用Windows API

Window Map Go basic type

type (
	BOOL          uint32
	BOOLEAN       byte
	BYTE          byte
	DWORD         uint32
	DWORD64       uint64
	HANDLE        uintptr
	HLOCAL        uintptr
	LONG          int32
	LPVOID        uintptr
	SIZE_T        uintptr
	UINT          uint32
	ULONG_PTR     uintptr
	ULONGLONG     uint64
	WORD          uint16

Window 代码风格,变量函数、别名前缀

Prefix Description
a Array
b BOOL (int)
c Char
cb Count of bytes
cr Color reference value
cx Count of x (short)
dw DWORD (unsigned long)
f Flags (usually multiple bit values)
fn Function
g_ Global
h Handle
i Integer
l Long
lp Long pointer
m_ Data member of a class
n Short int
p Pointer
s String
sz Zero terminated String
tm Text metric
u Unsigned int
ul Unsigned long (ULONG)
w WORD (unsigned short)
x,y x, y coordinates (short)
