AWS General

High level: Some key gotcha in learning AWS

  • the difficult part lies on how to setup infrastructure correctly. This requires knowledge from different areas and different AWS service.
  • it is very important to learn deployment tools, like CloudFormation. And the provision tool, like Ansible.

Access AWS

There are multiple way of access AWS.

  • Management console
  • ssh with .pem key
  • Access key and password (via CLI and SDK)
  • STS
  • Centrify or other method

Management Console

  • default for root user
  • for managed user, login with url:
    • ????

using access key and password

using STS

Related to EC2:

Access EC2 instance:

Normally, we use .pem key to login to AWS services. But there are services like Centrify that provide username and password style login method.

ssh -i /*path*/my-key-pair.pem [email protected]
ssh -i jinchao.pem [email protected]  # public IP

user-name is defined by AMI provider. For Amazon Linux, the user name is ec2-user. For Ubuntu, the user name is ubuntu.

  • Transfer file into EC2:
scp -i /*path*/my-key-pair.pem SampleFile.txt [email protected]:~

questions: ?

  • several network concepts: hwo do they work together ?

    • network-interface
    • subnet
    • VPC
    • public and private IP
    • DNS
    • security group
  • how to use roles, policy and security group to control EC2 instance

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