PMP第11章 专题训练


1、 [单选] —个关键项目已获批准,一位关键相关方根据以往的经验,担心与该项目相关的风险。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A critical project is approved and based on previous experience, a key stakeholder is concerned about the risk associated with it. What should the project manager do next? Update the project management plan and risk register.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:更新项目管理计划和风险登记册
    Update the project management plan and risk register.
  •  B:分析项目范围
    Analyze the project scope.
  •  C:请求项目发起人就风险提出具体意见
    Request specific input from the project sponsor on the risks.
  •  D:审查项目章程中记录的高层级风险、假设条件和制约因素
    Review the high-level risks assumptions, and constraints documented in the project charter.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:书中原话“通过对项目文件的结构化审查,可以识别出一些风险”。

2、 [单选] 一个低概率/高影响的技术风险发生了。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A low probability/high impact technical risk occurs. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:提交变更请求来调整成本和进度基准
    Submit a change request to adjust the cost and schedule baselines,
  •  B:进行风险审查,评估其对项目可交付成果的影响
    Conduct a risk review to evaluate its impact on project deliverables
  •  C:实施风险登记册中概述的减轻计划
    Implement the mitigation plan outlined in the risk register.
  •  D:查询经验教训知识库,了解可能的风险减轻选项
    Consult the lessons learned repository for possible risk mitigation options.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:C 解析:低概率高影响,暗示此风险是已知的,所以登记册里有应对计划。风险发生了,选C实施原定的应对计划以减轻后果。BD是在风险识别后,到风险发生前需要做的。A是C的其中一种可能情景。


3、 [单选] —位团队成员通知项目经理,供应商延迟交付一个重要部件,由于潜在的影响,该团队成员希望项目经理允许直接通知发起人并生成与这种情况相关的警报。项目经理应该查阅哪一份计划?
A team member notifies the project manager that an important component has been delayed by a vendor.Because of the potential impact,the team member wants the project manager’s permission to inform the sponsor directly and to generate an alert related to the situation.To what plan should the project manager refer?

  •  A:采购管理计划
    Procurement management plan
  •  B:沟通管理计划
    Communications management plan
  •  C:相关方参与计划
    Stakeholder’s engagement plan
  •  D:风险管理计划
    Risk management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:供应商延迟交付一个重要部件,由于潜在的影响,识别了风险,成员提出了风险的应对办法,但在此之前需要先参考风险管理计划,它描述如何安排与实施风险管理活动,查看原计划的对风险的管理办法。

4、 [单选] 项目经理确定分配到一项活动的两辆公司卡车可能在预定日期不可用于该项目。项目经理决定获得在当天雇用一辆卡车的外部报价,以防公司卡车不可用。项目经理利用的是哪一项风险应对策略?
A project manager determines that two company trucks assigned to activity will be unavailable for the project on the schedule date be project manager decides to obtain external quotes for hiring one truck on that date in case the company trucks are unavailable.Which risk response strategy is used by the project manager?

  •  A:减轻
  •  B:规避
  •  C:转移
  •  D:开拓

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:A 解析:可能两台车不能用,但只雇用了一台车,所以只能减轻风险的影响。风险减轻是采取措施降低威胁发生的概率或影响。


5、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个刚刚开始的项目,项目发起人和项目团队向新项目经理保证有足够的预算和符合实际的进度计划,项目经理担心可能威胁到项目成功的意外事件。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager joins a project that has just starteThe sponsor and project team assure the new project manager that the project has an adequate budget and realistic schedule.The project manager is concerned about unplanned events that could threaten the project’s success. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:识别并评估任何项目风险
    Identity and evaluate any project risks
  •  B:请求项目发起人为项目规划提供额外资金
    Request additional funding from the project sponsor for project planning
  •  C:与职能经理讨论潜在的计划外风险
    Discuss the potential of unplanned risks with the functional manager
  •  D:关注按计划执行项目
    Focus on executing the project as planned

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:担心可能威胁到项目成功的意外事件,即担心风险。其应对措施为识别并评估风险。

6、 [单选] 项目发起人对项目进行审查并对一些项目风险提出质疑,项目发起人要求项目经理分析这些风险对项目总体目标的影响。项目经理应该执行下列哪一项?
A project sponsor reviews the project and questions some of the project risks.The sponsor asks the project manager to analyze the effect of these risks on overall project objectives. What should the project manager conduct?

  •  A:定量和定性风险分析
    Quantitative and qualitative risk analyses
  •  B:假设条件和制约因素分析
    Assumption and constraint analysis
  •  C:优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析
    Strengths,weakness,opportunity, and threats(SWOT)analysis
  •  D:核对单分析
    Checklist analysis

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:针对某种风险评估对项目整体目标的影响应该采用定性和定量结合的方法。B,C 用于识别风险;D涵盖的范围太广。

7、 [单选] —位项目团队成员就不准确的关键验收标准向其他成员提出质疑,指出不准确性可能会降低关键可交付成果的质量。项目经理应该在哪份文件记录这个问题?
A project team member challenged other members on inaccurate critical acceptance criteria, pointing out that inaccuracies could reduce the quality of critical deliverables. Which document should the project manager document this issue?

  •  A:相关方登记册
    Stakeholder register
  •  B:石川图
    Ishikawa diagram
  •  C:质量核对单
    Quality checklist
  •  D:风险登记册
    Risk register

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:概念题。对可交付成果造成影响的不确定性因素即为风险。风险登记册记录已识别单个项目风险的详细信息。

8、 [单选] —位团队成员发现一项新法规可能影响一个异地项目的交付日期,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A team member discovers that a new regulation may impact the hand-off data for a project at a remote site.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:要求项目发起人接受该风险
    Ask the project sponsor to accept the risk.
  •  B:在进度计划中添加额外时间
    Add extra time to the schedule.
  •  C:更新风险登记册进行风险分析
    Update the risk register for risk analysis.
  •  D:请主要相关方将该问题提交给变更控制委员会(CCB)
    Ask the lead stakeholder to bring the change control boar

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:流程题。项目过程中新发现的风险(实时监控风险),需更新风险登记册进行风险分析。

9、 [单选] 由于未遵守一条合同条款,可能导致项目延期。项目经理下一步应该么做?
As a result of noncompliance with a contract clause, a delay in the project could occur. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:更新风险登记册,并执行新的风险应对
    Update the risk register, and execute a new risk response.
  •  B:更新进度计划,调整成本估算,并通知发起人
    Update the schedule, readjust the cost estimate, and inform the sponsor.
  •  C:咨询法律部门,提出新的减轻措施,并更新项目进度计划
    Consult with the legal department, propose a new mitigation action, and update the project Schedule.
  •  D:更新风险管理计划,对进度计划提出变更请求,并通知客户
    Update the risk management plan, initiate a change request for the schedule, and inform the Client.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:参见PMBOK第6版 11.2识别风险。开放式问题,用排除法。BC更新进度计划,属于进度基准变更,必须走流程。D的风险管理计划是程序计划,不记录具体风险。

10、 [单选] 一个制造工厂施工项目现场发生地震。这影响到整个项目预算。 项目经理应该考虑什么类型的储备分析?
An earthquake occurs at the site of a manufacturing plant construction project. This affects the entire project budget.What type of reserve analysis should the project manager consider?

  •  A:应急储备
    Contingency reserve
  •  B:管理储备
    Management reserve
  •  C:项目储备
    Project reserve
  •  D:基准储备
    Baseline reserve

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


11、 [单选] 由于不可预见的社区反对意见,一个项目暂时停止,由于在项目规划阶段没有将其识别为一项风险,因此未将其纳入风险登记册。项目经理应该怎么做?
A Project has been temporarily stopped due to unforeseen community disagreements.Since this was not identified as a risk during the project planning phase.It was not included in the risk register.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:通过会议和头脑风暴向相关方推荐减轻措施
    Recommend mitigation options to the stakeholders obtained via meetings and brainstorming
  •  B:重新计划剩余工作,并为未完成的任务和完成日期重新制定进度计划
    Replan the remaining work,and reschedule the outstanding tasks and completion date.
  •  C:将该事项升级上报给项目发起人和职能经理
    Escalate the matter to the project sponsor and functional manager
  •  D:与相关方开会以审查各种应急方案,建议适当行动方案
    Meet with stakeholders to review various contingency options,and then recommend the appropriate actions

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:分析题意,题目中的关键词是项目暂时停止,已超出项目经理的职责范围,因此需要上报给更高层级人员进行处理。


12、 [单选] 在一个多功能项目的规划阶段,项目经理发现没有足够的资源来生产软件包。项目经理通过与第三方公司签署服务水平协议(SLA)来外包此软件包的生产。项目经理使用的是哪一项风险应对策略?
During a multi-functional project’s planning phase, the project manager discovers that innumerate there is not enough resources to produce the software package. The project manager outsourced the production of the package by signing the service level agreement(SLA)with the third party company.What risk response strategy did the project manager using?

  •  A:减轻
  •  B:转移
  •  C:接受
  •  D:规避

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:外包和买保险是属于转移风险应对策略。

13、 [单选] 在项目交付期间,质量审计揭示了一个未识别到的产品需求。 项目经理应该怎么做?
During project delivery, quality audits reveal an unidentified product requirement. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:审查并更新风险报告
    Review and update the risk reports.
  •  B:更新测试和评估文档
    Update the test and evaluation documentation.
  •  C:将产品需求发送给质量管理团队
    Send the product requirement to the quality management team.
  •  D:使用应急应对来采取纠正措施
    Use a contingency response to take corrective action.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:对于题目所说的未知-未知风险进行风险应对。通过变更请求类型中的纠正措施,纠正需求范围的偏差。

14、 [单选] 一个项目按时执行,但客户现在要求比进度计划提前三个星期交付,而不要缩小范围。这对组织将有长期效益。 项目经理应使用哪一项风险应对策略?
A project is running on time, but the customer now requests delivery three weeks ahead of schedule without reducing the scope. This will have long-team benefits for the organization. What risk response strategy should the project manager use?

  •  A:减轻
  •  B:接受
  •  C:转移
  •  D:开拓

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:参见PMBOK第6版机会应对策略。题目描述的是机会,只有BD是机会的应对策略,但B无法提前三周,D才可能提前三周。

15、 [单选] 项目经理正领导一支缺乏经验的项目团队,发现业务需求文件可能无法按时完成。由于这可能会影响下一个活动的开始,项目经理安排了额外资源来减少不确定性。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project manager leading an inexperienced project team identifies that business requirements document may not be completed on time.Since thiscould impact the start of the next activity,the project manager arranges for extra resources to reduce the uncertainty.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:修改问题日志
    Amend the issue log.
  •  B:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.
  •  C:执行定量风险分析
    Perform a quantitative risk analysis.
  •  D:修订项目进度计划
    Revise the project schedule.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C



16、 [单选] 项目相关方担心几个风险,但无法确定哪种风险影响最大。 项目经理应使用什么工具或技术来解决相关方的问题?
Project stakeholders are concerned about several risks, but can't determine,which will have the greatest impact.What tool or technique should the project manager use to address the stakeholders concerns?

  •  A:龙卷风图
    Tornado diagram
  •  B:决策树分析
    Decision tree analysis
  •  C:优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析
    Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,and threats(SWOT)analysis
  •  D:石川图
    Ishikawa diagram

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:定量风险分析的常用工具:龙卷风图。敏感性分析的结果通常用龙卷风图来表示。在该图中,标出定量风险分析模型中的每项要素与其能影响的项目结果之间的关联系数。这些要素可包括单个项目风险、易变的项目活动,或具体的不明确性来源。每个要素按关联强度降序排列,形成典型的龙卷风形状。

17、 [单选] —家咨询公司的负责人启动一个项目来扩大公司提供的服务数量,这公司具有竞争优势出色的企业知识以及卓越的声誉,高管团队担心增加新服务导致产生负面的业务结果。 若要评估负面业务结果的可能性和影响,项目经理应该使用什么?
The owner of a consulting company initiates a project to the expand the number of services the company provides.The executive team is concerned about the potential for negative business outcomes associated with adding new services. To evaluate the probability and impact of negative business outcomes,project manager should the project manager use?

  •  A:因果图
    Cause-and-affect diagram
  •  B:预测
  •  C:制定决策
    Decision making
  •  D:风险评估矩阵
    Risk assessment matrix

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:D 解析:风险概率评估考虑的是特定风险发生的可能性,而风险影响评估考虑的是风险对一项或多项项目目标的潜在影响,如进度、成本、质量或绩效。威胁将产生负面的影 响,机会将产生正面的影响。要对每个已识别的单个项目风险进行概率和影响评估。

18、 [单选] 项目经理、团队成员以及若干相关方共同参与一次风险研讨会。已经根据风险管理计划 生成并提供一份风险报告。若要为各个项目风险进行优先级排序,现在必须执行哪一项分析?
The project manager, team members, and Several stakeholders participated in a risk workshop.A risk report was produced and delivered according to the risk management plan. What analysis must now be performed to prioritize individual project risks?

  •  A:定量风险分析
    Quantitative risk
  •  B:根本原因分析
    Root cause
  •  C:偏差分析
  •  D:定性风险分析
    Qualitative risk

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:实施定性风险分析通过评估单个项目风险发生的概率和影响以及其它特征,对风险进行优先级拍序,从而为后续分析或行动提供基础的过程。

19、 [单选] 在考虑一个新项目风险时,项目经理将风险矩阵应用于人为因素所做的贡献。项目经理发现,团队成员的态度在风险厌恶和风险追求之间存在很大差异。项目经理应该怎么做?
When considering risks for a new project, the project manager applies the risk matrix to contributions made by human factors. The project manager identifies that team members’ attitudes vary greatly between risk-averse and risk-seeking. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将其添加到风险登记册中,因为团队成员风险态度之间的巨大差距很可能会影响到项目 团队的绩效
    Add it to the risk register because the wide gap between team members’ risk attitudes has a high probability of impacting project team performance.
  •  B:将其添加到风险登记册中,因为这个问题很重要,需要列出
    Add it to the risk register because it is important to list.
  •  C:不要将其添加到风险登记册中,因为团队成员风险态度通常对团队绩效或项目执行影响不大
    Do not add it to the risk register because team member risk attitudes generally have little effect on team performance or project execution.
  •  D:与团队一起内部处理风险态度
    Handle the risk attitudes internally with the team.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:发现新风险,凡发现新风险,都应登记入册。风险登记册记录已识别单个项目风险的详细信息。随着实施定性风险分析、规划风险应对、实 施风险应对和监督风险等过程的开展,这些过程的结果也要记进风险登记册。

20、 [单选] 在识别一个新项目的风险时,项目团队考虑到以下内容: 一次罕见的自然灾害可能会撞击建筑物并导致建筑物倒塌。 当下核心存储所有项目技术数据的数据库已过时,并可能会失效。项目经理应该怎么做?
While identifying risks on a new project, the project team considers the following; 0 An unusual natural disaster might hit the building and cause it to fall. The primary existing database storing all the project’s technical data is outdated and might fail. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:请求将项目转移给另一个地理区域的团队
    Request the project to be transferred to a team in another geographical are
  •  B:建议取消该项目
    Advice the project to be cancele
  •  C:将该风险添加进风险登记册
    Add the risks to the risk register.
  •  D:通知发起人这两种风险的概率和影响都非常低
    Inform the sponsor that the probability and impact are very low for both risks.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


21、 [单选] 在开始一个新项目时,项目经理意识到客户需求与其组织通常执行的类似项目有很大不同,该项目在工作完成之前将不会获得大量资金,将在项目完成时提供全额资金。 项目经理先应该怎么做?
While starting a new project , the project manager realizes that customer requirements are significantly different from similar projeffs their organizaticm typically executes. The project will not receive significant funding until the work is completed,at which point full funding will be available. What should the project manager do first ?

  •  A:与客户开会以确定获得资金所需的最小范围
    Meet with the customer to establish the minimum scope required to secure fun ding.
  •  B:审查成本估算以降低项目风险
    Review the cost estimate to reduce the project risk.
  •  C:要求释放管理储备金以支付额外资金
    Request a release of the management reserve to pay for the additional funds。
  •  D:更新风险登记册以记录资金缺乏情况
    Update the risk register to document the lack of funding.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


22、 [单选] 为公共活动提供IT基础设施设备的某公司已被选中为一个国家的国庆活动提供设备。该公司只能在截止日期前提供50%的设备。项目经理找到可以提供剩余设备的另一个供应商。项目经理应使用什么风险策略?
A company providing IT infrastructure equipment for public events has been selected to provide equipment for the National Day Event in a country. The Company only provides 50% of the equipment by the deadline. The project manager finds another supplier that can provide the remaining equipment. What risk strategy should the project manager take?

  •  A:减轻
  •  B:分享
  •  C:回避
  •  D:转移

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A 解析:找多一家供应商后,对项目的影响大大减轻。


23、 [单选] 在评估项目活动现状的会议中,团队发现存在一些影响可交付成果的风险。项目经理应该怎么做?
During a meeting to assess the current status of project activities,the team discovers that there are some risks that will influence the deliverables.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:跟踪已发现的风险,识别和分析新风险,并评估整个项目的风险过程有效性
    Track the discovered risks,identify and analyze new risks,and evaluate risk process effectiveness throughout the project.
  •  B:记录风险管理信息用于经验教训
    Record risk management information for lessons learned purposes.
  •  C:记录监督风险过程的影响和有效性
    Record the impact on and effectiveness of the Monitor Risks process.
  •  D:制定风险分解结构(RBS)已包含任何新风险
    Draw up the risk breakdown structure(RBS) to include any new risks.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P453-11.7 监督风险。监督风险是整个项目期间,监督商定的风险应对计划的实施 、跟踪已识别风险、识别和分析风险,以评估风险管理有效性的过程。对于新发现的风险,应先识别风险,再登记风险登记册。

24、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个项目,已开发一项由公司发起的新社区活动。有几个相互竞争的优先事项和重要的逻辑细节,由于安全的优先级最高,项目团队与一位安全主题专家(SME)签订合同,他们一起创建了一个风险矩阵,并发现整体风险评分低于预期。为什么整体风险评分低于预期?
A project manager is leading a project to develop a new company-sponsored community event. There are several competing priorities and significant logical details. Since security is the top priority, the project team contracts a security subject matter expert(SME). Together they create a risk matrix and discover that the overall risk level is lower than expecte Why was the overall risk score lower than expected?

  •  A:主题专家为风险登记册做贡献,团队能够减轻安全风险
    The SME contributed to the risk register and the team was able to mitigate the security risks.
  •  B:该团队接受了安全风险,因为其他风险较低
    The team accepted the security risks because the other risks were low.
  •  C:项目经理将该威胁的所有权转移给第三方
    The project manager transferred the ownership of the threat to a third party.
  •  D:项目经理修改了风险应对计划
    The project manager revised the risk response plan.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P441- 可以就具体单个项目风险向特定主题专家征求意见,风险得到控制,所以降低。选项C,主题专家只是起到咨询作用,并不是供应商,所以不是风险转移。BD 都没有依据。

25、 [单选] 一个项目团队在周末对一个项目升级进行测试。客户指定的质量保证测试人员未能出席调试测试以及进行签署同意,测试人员和直线经理都联系不上,团队经常完成这些项目,并且经过大量测试后,确信该设施将在周一上午完美运行。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A project team is commissioning a project upgrade over the weekenThe client-appointed quality assurance tester fails to be present for commissioning testing and sign-off. Neither the tester nor the line manager can be contacte The team, frequently engaged in similar projects with extensive testing experience,is confident that the facility will perform flawlessly on Monday morning. What should the project mananger do?

  •  A:指示团队中止升级,并安排周一上午与项目发起人进行紧急评审会
    Instruct the team to suspend the upgrade,and schedule an emergency review meeting with the project sponsor for Monday morning.
  •  B:让团队保持待命状态,以防万一在周一上午之前可以联系到测试人员
    Keep the team on standby in case the tester can be reached before Monday morning.
  •  C:指示客户团队的一位成员代替指定的测试人员进行验收测试以及签署同意
    Instruct a member of the client team to conduct the acceptance testing and sign-off in place of the appointed tester.
  •  D:按照升级上报流程获得授权签署同意这项升级的测试人员
    Follow the escalation process to obtain a tester authorized to sign off on the upgrade.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P442- 如果项目团队或项目发起人认为某威胁不在项目范围内,或提议的应对措施超出了项目经理的权限,就应该采用上报策略。以获得授权。

26、 [单选] 若要管理整个项目生命周期不确定性, 项目经理应该怎么做来识别、分析风险并为风险优先级排序?
To manage uncertainly throughout a project’s life cycle,what should a project manager do to identify,analyze,and prioritize risks?

  •  A:审查过往项目的经验教训
    Review lessons learned from previous projects.
  •  B:每周与项目相关方开会
    Meet weekly with project stakeholders.
  •  C:创建风险登记册,并定义风险应对策略
    Create a risk register,and define risk response strategies.
  •  D:执行风险评估
    Perform a risk assessment.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P417-风险登记册记录已识别单个项目风险的详细信息。随着实施定性风险分析、规划风险应对、实施风险应对和监督风险等过程的开展,这些过程的结果也要记进风险登记册。

28、 [单选] IT小组拒收一个项目可交付成果,称其不符合现有过程。项目团队认为,对该可交付成果进行返工会导致项目交付延迟三周时间。 项目经理应该怎么做?
An IT group rejects a project deliverable citing noncompliance with existing processes.The project team believes that reworking the deliverable would delay project delivery by three weeks. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:在风险登记册和问题日志中记录该拒收
    Document the rejection in the risk register and issue log.
  •  B:向IT小组沟通返工影响
    Communicate the impact of the rework to the IT group.
  •  C:将该问题上报给项目发起人
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  •  D:请IT经理对问题进行根本原因分析
    Ask the IT manager to conduct a root cause analysis of the issue.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P417-,P418-记录发现的新问题或当前问题的变化。“

29、 [单选] 一位项目经理正在管理一个项目,该项目在一个专业的专用设施中对技术工艺进行现代化改造。这项新技术将与旧技术共存。项目经理进行研究,以确定过去是否做过类似项目,但无法找到任何信息。 项目经理应该如何识别整合新旧技术的潜在挑战?
A project manager is leading a project to modernize technology in a specialized, proprietary facility. This new technology will coexist with the old technology. The project manager conducts, research to determine if similar past projects were done, but is unable to find any information. What should the project manager do to identify potential challenges by intergrating the new and old technologies?

  •  A:创建一份效益建议书,以增强旧技术从而与新技术保持同等水平
    Create a benefits proposal to enhance the old technology and keep.
  •  B:与设施工作人员开会,以讨论旧技术
    Meet with the facility staff to discuss the old technology.
  •  C:为项目团队技术人员制定沟通管理计划
    Develop a communications management plan for the project team technical staff
  •  D:与设施工作人员一起执行实施定量风险分析过程
    Implement the perform quantitative Risk Analysis process with the facility.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P416-会议。题目问题如何识别风险(潜在挑战),风险更多来自旧技术现有情况,但没有信息,B更好。


30、 [单选] —个项目需要与拥有某个特定产品的新供应商合作。项目经理为项目创建了风险应对计划,并识别了具体风险。在项目执行期间,供应商得知他们的系统和功能可以用于其他公司产品。项目经理应如何处理这项信息?
A project requires working with a new vendor for a specifi The project manager creates the risk response plan, and identifies specific risks for the project. During project execution, the vendor realizes that their system and features will also work for other company products. What should the project manager do with this information?

  •  A:与供应商开会以确定实施要求
    Meet with the vendor to determine requirements for implementation .
  •  B:审查风险日志或风险登记册,以确定是否已确定风险应对措施
    Review the risk log or risk register to determine if a risk response has been identifie
  •  C:提交一份变更请求,在所有产品中增加该功能
    Submit a change request to add the ftinctionality to all products.
  •  D:与相关方讨论,以确定他们是否有兴趣增加新功能
    Speak with stakeholders to determine their interest in adding the new functionality.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok 11.2 识别风险 发现新风险后,需要对其进行记录分析并规划风险应对。现在,供应商有可能把该系统和功能卖给我们的竞争对手,这属于风险识别。

31、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个沟通项目制定—份进度计划。可用的项目信息很模糊, 若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is developing a schedule for a communication project. The available project information is vague. What should a project manager do to address this?

  •  A:增加所有活动的总浮动时间
    Increase the total float of all activities
  •  B:使用三点估算确定活动持续时间
    Determine activity durations using three-point estimating.
  •  C:为不确定的活动分配应急储备
    Assign a contingency reserve for uncertain activities.
  •  D:与项目团队一起开会,估算活动持续时间
    Meet with the project team to estimate activity durations.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P449-11.6 信息模糊意味着潜在风险,且该风险属于一致的,应增加应急储备。B 不选,三点估算考虑到风险,但进度计划内容较多,题目没有问如何估算,问的是解决风险。

32、 [单选] 供应商不断延迟向项目管理团队提交状态报告。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A supplier continuously delays submitting status reports to the project management team. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:向该供应商发送一封警告信,并暂停向他们付款
    Send the supplier a warning letter and withhold payments to them.
  •  B:修改检查和采购管理计划
    Modify the inspections and procurement management plan.
  •  C:提交请求以变更供应商的范围
    Submit a request to change the supplier's scope.
  •  D:制定风险应对计划
    Develop a risk response plan.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:Pmbok 11.7 监督风险 因为供应商不断的延期会成为一个新的风险,需要制定相应的风险计划,因为合同中没有说到合同,所以A不选,B不能直接修改,C中可以提交请求但是不是变更范围。

33、 [单选] 在项目规划阶段,原材料的高价格和价格波动被识别为一项风险,在对两种原材料进行定量分析之后,选择了商品A而不是商品B。在执行阶段,商品A的价格上涨,使其比商品B更昂贵。 若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a project's planning phase, the high and fluctuating price of raw materials identified as a risk. After quantitative analysis of two raw materials, item A was chosen instead of item During the execution phase, the price of item A rises, making it more expensive than item What should the project manager do to resolve this?

  •  A:查阅风险管理计划
    Refer to the risk management plan.
  •  B:审查成本管理计划
    Review the cost management plan.
  •  C:通知发起人
    Inform the sponsor.
  •  D:联络采购团队
    Approach the procurement team.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:Pmbok 项目文件 风险登记册。风险登记册记录了每项单个风险的商定风险应对措施,以及负责应对的指定责任人。

34、 [单选] 项目任务涉及定期采购特定的原材料,在规划过程中,价格波动被识别为一项风险。如果风险发生,风险应对措施就是利用价格下降,目前该原材料价格大幅下跌。 采购经理应该怎么做?
A project tack involves the procurement of a specific raw material at regular intervals, Price fluctuation was identified as a risk during planning. The risk response is to exploit a price drop if it occurs. The price of the raw material has now reduced drastically. What should the procurement manager do?

  •  A:以现有价格采购原材料
    Purchase the raw material at the existing pfice.
  •  B:寻求项目经理的建议
    Ask the project manager for advice.
  •  C:等待价格进一步降低
    Wait for the prices to further reduce.
  •  D:查询风险登记册以获得建议的行动
    Review the risk register for the recommended acfion.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:Pmbok 11.6实施风险应对 风险发生,且该风险已经识别并分析同时有应对计划,当发生时按照风险应对计划进行处理即可。

35、 [单选] 一家组织正在完成一个住宅物业施工过程的一个很重要里程碑,该项目由政府全力赞助。在这个关键项目阶段完成前十天,受影响的社区成员开始为期四天的抗议活动,导致项目被搁置。 项目经理应该怎么做?
An organization is completing a critical milestone during the construction of residential properties. The project is fully sponsored by the government. Ten days prior to completion of this key project phase, affected community members begin a four-day protest,causing the project to be put on hol What should the project manager do?

  •  A:减轻风险
    Mitigate the risk.
  •  B:为项目付出更多努力
    Increase effort on the project.
  •  C:审查时间表
    Review the timeline.
  •  D:将该问题升级上报给项目发起人
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:pmbok6的450页11.6.1.2项目文件-风险报告:风险报告包括对当前整体项目风险敞口的评估,以及商定的风险 应对策略,还会描述重要的单个项目风险及其应对计划。项目被搁置,显然已经超出了项目经理的控制范围,首先应上报。

36、 [单选] 某个特定采购商品的原料成本预计增加发生,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:通知发起人
    Inform the sponsor
  •  B:执行储备分析
    Perform a reserve analysis
  •  C:执行实施整体变更控制过程
    Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process
  •  D:研究偏差的原因
    Research the reasons for the deviation

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:pmbok6的456页11.7.2.1要通过储备分析来监督项目中应急储备和管理储备的使用情况,从而判断是否还需要这些储备,或者是否需要增加额外的储备。

37、 [单选] 在确定高风险、中风险和低风险的临界值后,项目经理应该使用什么来查看风险发生的可能性?
After determining the thresholds for high, moderate, and low risks, what should the project manager use to view the risk’s likelihood occurrence?

  •  A:直方图
  •  B:控制图
    Control chart
  •  C:概率分布
    Probability distribution
  •  D:概率和影响矩阵
    Probability and impact matrix

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


38、 [单选] 项目发起人和风险部门经理担心一个高端项目的风险应对措施,发起人要求项目经理与风险部门经理合作,以确定风险管理过程的有效性。 谁应该负责确保风险审计得到适当执行?
A project sponsor and a risk department manager are concerned about risk-response implementation for a high-profile project, The sponsor asks the project manager to work with the risk department manager to determine the effectiveness of the risk management process. Who is responsible for ensuring that risk audits are performed appropriately?

  •  A:项目发起人
    Project sponsor
  •  B:风险部门经理
    Manager of risk department
  •  C:项目团队员
    Project team members
  •  D:项目经理
    Project manager

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P456-由项目经理确保风险管理计划开展。

40、 [单选] 供应商通知项目经理可能延迟交付一个模块。项目经理应该怎么做?
A vendor notifies a project manager of a potential delay in the delivery of a module. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:立即通知相关方
    Immediately notify the stakeholders.
  •  B:通过增加额外的天数来修改项目管理计划,并记录它们对项目时间的影响
    Modify the project management plan by adding additional days and record their impact on project time.
  •  C:审查风险管理计划以评估风险,然后通知相关方
    Review the risk management plan to assess risk and then notify the relevant parties.
  •  D:完成对项目影响的评估,并更新项目管理计划
    Complete the assessment of the impact of the project and update the project management plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(11)P453,“可能”是本题关键词,应定义为一个风险。风险识别,要先分析、制定应对策略。

41、 [单选] 项目经理领导一支经验丰富的团队,该团队由职能员工和顾问组成,在一次特色全国性活动上为一项成功产品推出促销版本,该产品版本必须及时推出。制定风险管理计划时,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager leads an experienced team of functional staff and consultants who release a promotional version of a successful product that must be releaseed in time for a unique national event. What should the project manager do when developing a risk management plan?

  •  A:采用风险共存方法来处理项目风险,因为这种产品版本将是短暂性的
    Use risk coexistence methods to deal with project risks, as this product version will be transient
  •  B:执行预期货币价值(EMV)分析,确定成功概率
    Perform Expected Monetary Value(EMV) analysis to determine the probability of success
  •  C:使用初始产品发布中的风险核对单
    Use the risk checklist in the initial product release
  •  D:与团队一起头脑风暴识别风险
    Brainstorming risk with the team to identify risks

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P403-规划风险管理过程输入组织过程资产。包括以往类似项目的信息、模板等。 选项A:规划风险应对过程-消极风险应对策略-接受。选项B:实施定量风险分析过程。 选项D:识别风险过程

42、 [单选] 项目经理正在开展一个内部项目,需要一个新的销售点(POS)交易系统,项目经理发现这个系统有个问题,不仅可能延迟这个项目,而且还会影响到依赖于这个系统的其他一些项目。这个问题未包含在风险登记册中,因为之前的试验认为该系统没有缺陷。项目经理应该联系谁来解决这个问题?
A project manager is working on an internal project that requires a new point of sale(POS) transaction system.The project manager discovers an issue with the system that may not only delay this project,but also a number of other projects dependent upon this system. This issue was not include in the risk register,because previous trials deemed the system free of flaws Who should the project manager contact about this issue?

  •  A:IT部门
    IT department
  •  B:受影响的发起人
    Sponsors who were affected
  •  C:受影响的项目经理
    Project managers who were affected
  •  D:运营团队
    Operations team

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 解析:项目团队工作需要的交易系统有问题,由系统运维责任部门-IT部门负责解决。


43、 [单选] 项目经理得到通知,代码的关键部分软件开发人员将离开办公室三周时间。这项活动不属于关键路径。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager is notified that a software developer for a critical section of code will be out of the office for three weeks. This task is not part of the critical path. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:按照项目进度计划的规定继续任务
    Continue with the tasks as stated in the project schedule
  •  B:应用风险登记册中所述的应对策略
    Apply the responses described in the risk register
  •  C:获得拥有该技能的备用资源
    Secure a backup resource with this skill
  •  D:检查应急计划
    Check the contingency plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P450,非关键路径的资源变动,应先检查风险登记册是否已识别此风险并作出了应对措施,如有则实施。

44、 [单选] 由于个人原因,一名项目团队成员通知项目经理将不能工作两周时间,该团队成员是能够执行一项关键路径任务的唯一资源。项目经理应首先更新哪一份文件?
Due to personal reasons, a project team member informs the project manager that they will be out of work for two weeks. This team member is the only resource who can perform a critical-pat task. What document should the project manager update first?

  •  A:工作分解结构
    Work breakdown structure
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk register
  •  C:人力资源管理计划
    Human resource management plan
  •  D:项目进度计划
    Project schedule plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B。 解析:PMBOK(6)P453,团队成员通知PM将不能满足原定的工作时间,这个资源是关键路径上的唯一资源。一旦失去很有可能会影响整个项目的进度,属于不确定性,PM首先应该更新风险登记册。

45、 [单选] 在执行一个处于落后于进度风险的项目期间,项目经理了解到,某个项目提前完成,公司中技能最高的资源将可用。项目经理坚持让该资源立即分配到他们的项目团队,期望为项目带来积极影响。 项目经理应用的是什么策略?
During the execution of a project that is at risk of falling behind schedule, the project manager learns that the company’s most skilled resource will be available from a project that finished early. The project manager insists that the resource be immediately assigned to their project team, with the expectation of a positive impact on the project. What strategy did the project manager apply?

  •  A:分享
  •  B:接受
  •  C:转移
  •  D:开拓

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D。 解析:PMBOK(6)P444- 开拓。如果组织想确保把握住高优先级的机会,就可以选择开拓策略。此策略将特定机会的出现概率提高到 100%,确保其肯定出现,从而获得与其相关的收益。开拓措施可能包括:把组织中最有能力的资源分配给项目来缩短完工时间,或采用全新技术或技术升级来节约项目成本并缩短项目持续时间。

46、 [单选] 在规划中,项目团队识别到一个质量不合格风险,并为这个风险准备了一份行动计划。若要避免项目执行过程中的不合格,项目经理应进行下列哪一项?
During the planning process, a project team identifies a risk of quality nonconformance prepares an action plan for this risk. To avoid nonconformance during project execution, the project manager should do which of the following?

  •  A:风险评估
    Risk assessment
  •  B:风险减轻
    Risk mitigation
  •  C:进行风险优先排序
    Risk prioritization
  •  D:风险转移
    Risk transference

正确答案:A 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:A。 解析:PMBOK(6)P419,识别到风险后,要避免项目执行过程中出现问题,在执行过程组实施风险应对前,应该进行风险评估。

47、 [单选] 项目分包商的一位关键资源需求是一个制造过程的技术专家。在项目的早期阶段,很明显分包商的员工缺乏足够的专业知识来满足质量标准。项目经理应该怎么做?
A key resource requirement for a project subcontractor is a technical expert on a manufacturing process.During the early stages of the project,it becomes clear that the subcontractor's staff has inadequate expertise to meet the quality standards. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.
  •  B:为项目团队指定一名主题专家(SME)
    Appoint a subject matter expert(SME)to ihc project team
  •  C:对分包商执行质量审计
    Perform a quality audit of the subcontractor.
  •  D:审查合同中的任何相关罚款条款
    Review the contract for any relevant penalty clause.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P409,供应商的员工能力不够,是隐患,应当成风险记录,即识别风险。

48、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个全球虚拟团队,在一次每周项目状态会议上,项目经理意识到来 自不同地方的两名团队成员正在执行同一个任务,而不是按计划分别执行独立的任务。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a global virtual team.During a weekly project status meeting,the project manager realizes that two team members from different locations have been working on the same assignment,rather than separate assignments as planned What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:依照人员分配工具重新培训整个团队并更新项目进度计划
    Retrain the entire team on the staff assignment tool and update the project schedule
  •  B:修订风险登记册以显示这对项目管理计划的影响
    Revise the risk register to show this impact on the project management plan
  •  C:通知项目相关方,这将影响项目进度
    Notify project stakeholders that this will impact the project schedule
  •  D:通知项目发起人并更新资源管理计划
    Inform the project sponsor and update the resource management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


50、 [单选] 在第三方供应商交付项目组件后报告发生故障,项目经理在供应商的支持下应用应急计划。为了确保风险应对措施的有效性,项目经理应该怎么做?
Failures are reported after a third-party vendor delivers a project component.The project manager applies a contingency plan with the vendor’s support.To ensure the effectiveness of the risk response,what should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.
  •  B:开展风险审计
    Conduct risk audits.
  •  C:更新工作说明书(SOW),包含该应对措施
    Update the statement of work(SOW)to include the response.
  •  D:执行供应商绩效再评估
    Perform a vendor performance reassessment.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析: 审计 风险审计是一种审计类型,可用于评估风险管理过程的有效性。 风险管理过程的有效性以及风险应对措施的有效性,都可以通过风险审计来验证。PMBOK457页第一段说的风险审查即风险审计。

51、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个项目,向众多机构交付新的报告产品,该项目必须遵守立法变化,若要确保成功交付,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is leading a project to deliver new reporting product to a large number of agencies. This project must adhere to legislative changes. What should the project manager do to ensure successful delivery?

  •  A:与团队一起头脑风暴,制定风险减轻计划
    Brainstorm with the team to devise a risk mitigation plans
  •  B:识别并记录项目的风险和必要的成功标准
    Identify and document the project’s risks and necessary success criteria
  •  C:与相关方开会,沟通项目延期对进度计划、预算和成本的影响
    Meet with stakeholders to communicate the schedule,budget and cost impacts in the event
  •  D:要求供应商提交一份关于系统支持、培训和灾难复原的计划
    Ask a vendor to submit a plan for system support, training and disaster recovery

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


52、 [单选] 公司聘用一名项目经理来协调一个期限紧迫的敏捷项目,项目经理和敏捷团队都由一位项目组合经理管理,该项目组合经理倾向于根据需要将开发人员重新分配给其他紧急事项,当项目经理与其接洽时,项目组合经理坚持认为他们有权根据需要调动资源,项目经理应该怎么做?
A Company hires a project manager to coordinate an agile project with tight deadlines, The project managers and the agile team are all managed by a portfolio manager who has a tendency to reassigned developers to other urgent items as needed, when approached by the project manager , the portfolio manager is adamant that they have the authority to more required, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:将此问题提升为问题日志中的问题
    Raise this ad an issue in the issue log
  •  B:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register
  •  C:将此问题升级上报给项目组合经理的主管
    Escalate it to the portfolio manager's supervisor
  •  D:请求额外的资源
    Request additional resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



53、 [单选] 在一个大型项目中,项目经理决定将风险转移给供应商是最好的风险应对措施,在项目执行期间,项目经理了解到该供应商因内部问题不再具有财务能力来承受风险,指定新的供应商需要三周时间,在新计划生效之前,项目经理应该做些什么?
In a large-scale project, the project manager decides that transferring a risk to a vendor is the best risks response, during project execution,the project managers learns that the vendor is no longer financial capable of covering the risk due to internal problems,It will take three weeks for a new vendor to be appointeWhat should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新风险应对计划,通过停止工作来“规避”
    update the risk response plan to "avoid" by halting work
  •  B:与相关方开会审查风险应对计划,并讨论增加预算以适应该风险
    Meet with stakeholders to review the response plan and discuss increase the budget to accommodates the risk
  •  C:继续推进项目工作
    Proceed with project work
  •  D:审查现有的安全措施和控制措施,并评估风险发生的可能性
    Review existing safety measures and control and assess the possibility of risk occurring

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



54、 [单选] 发生了质量监督,变更控制委员会(CCB)批准了所产生的额外费用,但发生进一步质量问题的可能性很高,项目经理应该怎么做?
A Quality oversight occurs, and the additional cost incurred are approved by the change control board(CCB),The probability of further quality issues is high, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:根据风险管理计划更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register in accordance with the risk management plan
  •  B:更新经验教训储存库以确保减轻未来风险
    Update the lessons learned repository to ensure that future risks are mitigated
  •  C:创建因果图以分析质量监督的影响
    Create a cause-and-effect diagram to analyze the impact of quality oversight
  •  D:请求质量经理提供支持
    Request support from the quality manager

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


55、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,项目经理注意到正在使用预先准备好的免费的项目管理软件试用版。该项目将在六个月后结束,团队希望继续使用相同的软件,项目经理应该怎么做?
During project execution,a project manager noticed that the project management are being prepared using a free trial version of project management software. The project will end in six months.and The team wants to continue using the same software.

  •  A:记录该软件是试用版,并继续使用该软件
    Document that the software is A trial version and continue using the software
  •  B:记录该软件是试用版,通知所有相关方,并购买该软件的许可
    Record that the software is a trial version, inform all stakeholder and purchase the license for the software
  •  C:通知相关方,执行风险分析,并获得该软件的许可版本
    Inform the stakeholders, perform a risk analysis and procure a licensed version of the software
  •  D:执行风险分析,并奖励团队节省项目支出
    Perform a risk analysis and reward the team for saving on project expenditures

正确答案:C 你的答案:B



56、 [单选] 项目团队了解到新监管法律可能影响项目,项目经理执行定量分析并确定了如果触发此风险的重大财务影响,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project team learns of new regulatory laws that may impact the project,the project manager performed a quantitative analysis and identifies a significant financial impact if this risk is triggered .What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register
  •  B:聘请保险公司来承担该风险
    Engage an insurance company to cover the risk
  •  C:影响发起人延迟实施法律,直到项目完成
    Influence the sponsor to delay the the law until the the project is completed
  •  D:修订项目预算
    Revise the project budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


57、 [单选] 在研究一个项目收购时,项目经理发现一种产品能够大大缩短上市时间并提供未来设计解决方案,但是由于该产品的供应商尚未符合行业标准,因此涉及的风险很大,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
When researching a project acquisition, the project manager discovers a product that will considerably decrease the time to market and provide future design solutions.However, there is a large the risk involved,as the provider of this product is not yet industry compliant.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:联系该提供商并协商合作
    Call the provider and negotiate a contract
  •  B:与开发团队开会,讨论下一步工作
    Meet with the development team to discuss next steps
  •  C:实施风险管理计划及其中包含的已批准行动
    Implement the risk management plan and the approved actions contained within it
  •  D:请项目管理办公室(PMO)批准继续
    Ask the project management office (PMO) for approval to proceed

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


58、 [单选] 项目经理在天气条件不稳定的区域启动一个项目,这可能会导致项目进度延迟,项目发起人要求项目经理消除所有可能的威胁,以避免延迟处罚,若要满足该发起人的请求,项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager starts a project in an area with unstable weather conditions that may cause a delay in the project schedule,The project sponsor asks the project manager to eliminate all possible threats to avoid delay penalty. What should the project manager do to fulfill the sponsor’s request?

  •  A:执行一份协议以将该威胁的所有权和责任转移给第三方
    Execute an agreement to transfer ownership and liability of the threat to A third party
  •  B:聘用额外的检查员以确保遵守所有标准
    Hire additional inspectors to ensure that all standards are followed
  •  C:确保所有资源都了解可能的项目威胁
    Ensure all resources understand the possible project threats
  •  D:通过确认威胁并制定单独的应急预算来接受风险
    Accept risks by acknowledging the threats and establishing a separate contingency budget

正确答案:A 你的答案:D



59、 [单选] 在一个足球场建设项目的规划会议期间,项目团队决定在设计工程之前进行现场勘察以确定地面状况。项目团队实施的是哪一个风险管理过程?
During a planning meeting for a soccer field construction project, the team decided to conduct a site survey to determine the ground conditions before engineering the design. What risk management process is the team implement?

  •  A:风险规划
    risk planning
  •  B:风险识别
    Risk identification
  •  C:风险分析
    Risk analysis
  •  D:风险应对规划
    Risk response planning

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:11.2 识别风险 识别风险是识别单个项目风险以及整体项目风险的来源,并记录风险特征的过程。 实地勘察,只能发现风险,属于识别风险。

60、 [单选] 项目经理在项目中途被替换了。新项目经理在之前的项目中遇到一些未发现风险的问题,希望确保所有关键人员均参与风险识别,项目经理应该参考哪一份文件?
Middle through a project manager is replaced, the new project manager had issue with some undiscovered risks on previous projects and wants to ensure that all key individuals are involved in risk identification. What document should the project manager reference?

  •  A:资源日历
    Resource calendar
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk register
  •  C:相关方登记册
    Stakeholder Register
  •  D:项目章程
    Project charter

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:识别风险的输入相关方登记册。 项目文件-相关方登记册

61、 [单选] 一个已识别到的风险发生了,从而触发一个次生的已识别风险,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
An identified risk occurs,which triggers a secondary identified risk. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:审查风险登记册
    Review the risk register
  •  B:进行风险审计
    Conduct a Risk audit
  •  C:提交变更请求
    Submit a change requests
  •  D:继续商定的风险减轻措施
    Proceed with agreed to risk mitigation

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:风险发生应该实施应对计划,次生风险也发生了,同样要应对。已知未知风险及其次生风险的应对计划都记录在风险登记册,A可以。B是应对后的工作。 项目文件更新 风险登记册。

62、 [单选] 由于个人原因,工程团队的一位关键成员将在10天内无法工作,这会影响项目进度和交付承诺。项目经理应该怎么做?
Due to personal reasons, a key member of an engineering team will be unavailable for 10 days, this impacts the project schedule and delivery commitment. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:对工程团队成员提供的解决方案进行影响评估
    Perform an Impact assessment of solutions provided by engineering team members
  •  B:更新项目管理计划并随时告知相关方
    Update the project management plan and keep the stakeholders informed
  •  C:要求人力资源部门管理这种情况
    Ask the human resources department to manage the situation
  •  D:查看和更新项目测量指标以确定添加新资源的可能性
    Review and update project metrics to determine the feasibility of adding a new resources

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6) 应征求具备以下专业知识的个人或小组的意见,可以就具体单个项目风险向特定主题专家征求意见

63、 [单选] 项目组正在创建一个新项目风险登记册。首先必须完成什么任务?
A project team is creating a new project’s risk register, what task must be completed first?

  •  A:审查项目风险
    Review project risks
  •  B:建立风险背景
    Establish a risk context
  •  C:识别项目风险
    Identify project risks
  •  D:分析潜在项目风险
    Analyze potential project risks

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


4、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个复杂的电子商务应用程序工作。客户同意在项目开始时向应用程序测试团队提供数据。但是,在用户验收测试(UAT)之前,客户数据将不可用。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager is working on a complex e-commerce application. The client agrees to provide data to the test application team at beginning of the project. However, client data will be unavailable until user acceptance testing (UAT). What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给客户
    Escalate the issue to the client
  •  B:让团队创建用于测试的虚拟数据
    Have the team create dummy data to use for testing
  •  C:评估影响,并将其提交给变更控制委员会(CCB)
    Evaluate the impact and raise it to the change control board (CCB)
  •  D:将该情况记录在风险登记册中
    Note it in the risk register

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK11.2.3 风险登记册,客户的一个重要承诺无法兑现,将可能影响项目,属于风险。

65、 [单选] 用于在开发过程中进行产品测试的一个供应商技术正在被逐步淘汰,如果需要,项目委员会同意提供额外的时间和资金进行测试。项目经理应该如何处理这个风险?
A supplier’s technology for product testing during development is being phased out, the project board agrees to grant additional time and funds to conduct testing if require How should the project manager handle this risk?

  •  A:通过从范围中删除测试来规避风险
    Avoid the risk by removing testing from the scope
  •  B:通过将测试活动外包给合格供应商来转移风险
    Transfer the risk by outsourcing testing activities to a qualified vendor
  •  C:使用另一种测试技术来减轻风险
    Mitigate the risk by Using another testing technique
  •  D:通过使用淘汰的技术进行测试来接受风险
    Accept the risks by using the phased-out technology for testing

正确答案:C 你的答案:B



6、 [单选] 在项目开始时承诺参与的一个关键项目人员现在不可用。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A key project resource that was promised at the beginning of the project is now unavailable. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:提出项目将延迟的担忧
    Raise a concern that the project will be delayed
  •  B:评估影响
    Evaluate the impact
  •  C:重新制定项目计划
    Replan the project
  •  D:招募另一位人员
    Recruit another resource

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK11.2 识别风险,计划中的资源不可用,属于风险,先分析影响。

67、 [单选] 在一个系统开发项目的执行阶段,一位关键开发人员由于个人原因,需要延长并进行计划外休假。项目经理知道,如果没有替代资源,项目进度计划就会面临风险。项目经理应该立即采取哪些措施来确保进度计划不会受到不利影响?
During the execution phase of a system development project, a key developer takes extended and unplanned leave due to personal reasons. The Project manager knows that without a replacement resource, the project schedule is at risk. What should the project manager do immediate to ensure that the schedule is not adversely affected?

  •  A:与所有开发人员开会,以确定重新分配开发任务的方案
    Meet with all developers to determine options for reassigning development tasks
  •  B:请求职能经理提供另一位技能熟练的开发人员
    Ask the functional manager for another skilled developer
  •  C:请求项目发起人提供有关处理资源问题的建议
    Ask the project sponsor for suggestions for handing the resource issues
  •  D:审查项目范围以减少开发任务,并相应的重新调整进度计划
    Review the project scopes to reduce development tasks and realign the schedule accordingly

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK9.3因为集体劳资协议、分包商人员使用、矩阵型项目环境、内外部报告关系或其他原因,项目管理团队可能或可能不对资源选择有直接控制权。 项目经理或项目团队应该进行有效谈判,并影响那些能为项目提供所需团队和实物资源 的人员。


68、 [单选] 项目团队发现新监管法律可能对项目产生重大影响的风险。发起人要求项目经理进行进一步分析,以确定可能因此而发生的财务损失。项目经理应执行哪一项?
A project team discovers a risk that new regulatory laws may significantly impact the project. The sponsor asks the project manager to perform further analysis to identify the financial losses that may occur as a result. Which analysis should the project manager conduct?

  •  A:成本效益分析
    Cost-benefit analysis
  •  B:定性分析
    Qualitative analysis
  •  C:根本原因分析
    Root cause analysis
  •  D:定量分析
    Quantitative analysis

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK11.4 实施定量风险分析。“财务损失”属于量化的风险影响。

69、 [单选] 在项目执行中途,公司希望重新安排一名重要资源,项目经理应该怎么做?
Midway through project execution,a company wants to relocate an important resource. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:分析该请求的潜在影响和风险
    Analyze the potential impact of the request and risk
  •  B:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register
  •  C:要求和相关方定义风险应对策略
    Ask the stakesholeder to define risk response strategies
  •  D:对该风险进行优先级排序
    Prioritize the risk

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:pmbok p409-11.2识别风险。先分析是否影响项目,如果有影响,才是风险,如果没有影响就不是风险。因此B不是必然。BCD都是识别并确定是风险之后相关措施。

70、 [单选] 项目经理希望为一个新项目进行风险评估。项目经理应该如何收集所有相关信息?
A project manager wants to facilitate a risk assessment for a new project. How should the project manager collect all relevant information?

  •  A:标杆对照
  •  B:焦点小组会议
    Focus group
  •  C:多标准决策分析
    Multicriteria decision analysis
  •  D:思维导图
    Mind mapping

正确答案:B 你的答案:C



71、 [单选] 项目发起人指示项目经理快速跟进项目,比进度计划提前三周完成。在进度压缩之后,项目经理发现可交付成果中因此增加了重大风险。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project sponsor directs the project manager to fast track the project to finish three weeks ahead of schedule. After the schedule compression, the project manager finds that major have been added to the deliverables. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register
  •  B:修订资源管理计划
    Revise the resource management plan
  •  C:修订项目管理计划并实施变更
    Modify the project management plan and implement the change
  •  D:记录变更并继续执行项目
    Record the change and proceed with the project

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


72、 [单选] 一位团队成员注意到多个风险均已过期,该团队成员询问项目经理如何处理这些风险。项目经理应该建议该团队成员做什么?
A team member noticed several risks with expired time periods,The team member asks the project manager how these risks should be handle What should the project manager advise the team members to do?

  •  A:将这些风险从主动跟踪风险中删除,并消除项目中的任何相关意外事件
    Remove the risks from active tracking and eliminate any associated contingencies from the project
  •  B:继续被动地监督风险,直到项目结束为止
    Continue to passively monitors the risks until the end of the project
  •  C:继续审查风险,但减少频率
    Continue to review the risks but on a less frequent basis
  •  D:删除风险减轻任务,以便这项任务可以用于其他潜在风险
    Remove the risk mitigation task so that these tasks can be used on other potential risks

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK11.7.2.3 风险审计会议上关闭已过时的风险

73、 [单选] 在风险审查会议期间,团队识别到一个风险。项目经理无法确定内部管理风险的方法, 因为这是另外一个项目团队的领域。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During a risk review meeting, the team identified a risk. The project manager is unable to determine a way to manage the risk internally because it is in the domain of another project team. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:接受风险
    Accept the risk
  •  B:将该风险升级上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the risk to senior management
  •  C:规避风险
    Avoid the risks
  •  D:将风险转移给另一个团队
    Transfer the risk to another team

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



74、 [单选] 项目经理正在考虑如何最好地处理制造过程所产生的废弃物。这些废弃物可以帮助生产绿色能源,项目经理请求项目发起人允许将废弃物出售给当地供应商。这项请求获得批准并为企业产生收入。项目经理使用的是哪一项风险策略?
A project manager is considering how best to dispose of waste produced by the manufacturing process. The waste can assist in the production of green energy, The project manager request permission from the project sponsor to sell the waste to a local supplier. This is approved and generates income for the business. Which risk strategy did the project manager use?

  •  A:转移
  •  B:开拓
  •  C:减轻
  •  D:接受

正确答案:B 你的答案:A



75、 [单选] 在项目测试期间,识别到多个缺陷。由于团队还在解决积压的缺陷,测试将会超支的风险现在已经增加。 项目经理应该怎么做?
During project testing,numerous defects are identifieSince a backlog of defects is already being addressed by the team,the risk that testing will overrun has now increase What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将该问题上报给项目发起人
    Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
  •  B:采用冲突管理技术来审查和确定缺陷的优先级
    Adopt conflict management techniques to review and prioritize defects.
  •  C:提交变更请求来解决缺陷
    Submit change requests to resolve the defects.
  •  D:请求额外的资源来处理缺陷积压
    Request additional resources to work on the defect backlog.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK11.7.3.2 变更请求。监督风险的输出-变更请求,可以通过提交变更请求来解决缺陷问题。

76、 [单选] 法律要求一个新项目进行环境影响研究后才可以继续执行,这将导致进度延误和成本超支。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
Legislation requires an environmental impact study before a new project can proceed,this will cause a schedule delay and a cost overruns. What should the project manager have done to avoid this ?

  •  A:将使用实施整体变更控制流程活动的结果纳入到执行计划中
    Incorporate the results obtained using the perform integrated change control process into the execution plan
  •  B:将该风险纳入风险登记册中,然后在该风险变成现实时重定进度基准
    Include the risk in the risk register,then rebaselined the schedule if the risk was realized
  •  C:请求作为例外情况按现状实施项目,然后考虑在未来项目的范围内增加此环境影响研究
    Requested an exception to implement the project as. is,then considered adding this environmental impact study in a future project’s scope
  •  D:执行风险分析以指出这种可能性,并记录当风险变成现实时需要遵循的方法
    Performed a risk analysis to indicate this possibility and document an approach to follow if the risk materialized

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK11.2.1.5 事业环境因素,法律要求。D是识别风险并制定应对计划。A理解错误;B后半句错。

77、 [单选] 一家保安公司正在免费为当地的避难所实施门禁控制。营销团队计划通过善意的宣传活动,确保整体覆盖-包括广播和电视广告,并让避难所及其发起人参与。这描述的是哪一项风险应对策略?
A security firm is implementing access control at a local shelters at no charge. The marketing team plans a goodwill campaign ensuring press coverage, including radio and television features, and engagement with the shelter and its sponsors. Which risk response strategy does this describe?

  •  A:风险分析
    Risk exploiting
  •  B:风险增强
    Risk enhancement
  •  C:风险接受
    Risk acceptance
  •  D:风险分摊
    Risk sharing

正确答案:D 你的答案:C



78、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理识别到多个风险。为减轻这些风险的影响,项目经理应该怎么做?
During project planning, a project manager identifies several risks. What should the project manager do to mitigate the impact of these risks?

  •  A:将风险规避视为风险应对策略
    Consider risk avoidance as A risk response strategy
  •  B:遵循先前项目的风险管理计划
    Follow the risk management plan from previous projects
  •  C:执行储备分析
    Conduct a reserve analysis
  •  D:执行决策树分析并让相关方参与应对措施选择过程
    Perform a decision tree analysis and involve stakeholder in the response selection process

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:pmbok p428 11.4定量风险分析。实施定量风险分析是就已识别的单个项目风险和不确定性的其他来源对整体项目目标的影响进行定 量分析的过程。题目中说到,已识别了多个风险,那么要规划风险应对则需要先对风险进行分析。

79、 [单选] 在创建组织业务计划的项目期间,项目经理促成与高级管理层一起召开优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析研讨会。项目经理正在实施的是哪一个过程?
During a project to create an organizational business plan,the project manager facilitates strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats(SWOT) analysis workshop with senior management.What progress is the project manager implementing?

  •  A:实施定性风险分析
    Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis.
  •  B:制定风险响应计划
    Plan Risk Responses.
  •  C:规划风险管理
    Plan Risk Management.
  •  D:识别风险
    Identify Risk.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


80、 [单选] 在经验教训会议上,团队的反馈非常积极,项目经理意识到这是因为团队不想损失可能获得的奖金. 若要获得团队的诚实反馈,项目经理应该怎么做?
During a lessons learned meeting,team feedback is overwhelmingly positive,The project manager realizes that this is because the team does not want to jeopardize a possible bonus. What should the project manager do to obtain honest feedback from the team?

  •  A:让发起人参与获得独立评估
    Engage the sponsors to contain an independent assessment.
  •  B:正视团队成员的明显偏差
    Confront team members about their obvious bias.
  •  C:进行匿名电子调查
    Conduct an anonymous electronic survey.
  •  D:使用分析技术收集绩效和其他指标
    Use analytical techniques to collect performance and other metrics.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参见PMBOK第6版11.3.2.2 数据收集提到“访谈者应该营造信任和保密的访谈环境,以鼓励被访者提出诚实和无偏见的意见”,这种“保密的访谈环境”恰好对应C选项“匿名电子调查”。

81、 [单选] 在准备状态报告时,项目经理发现完工估算(EAC)高于完工预算(BAC)。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
While preparing a status report,a project manager discovers that the estimate at completion(EAC)is more than the budget at completion(BAC).What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:将问题升级上报给项目发起人
    Escalate it to the project sponsor.
  •  B:减少范围,以符合BAC
    Reduce the scope to meet the BA
  •  C:评估并在风险登记册中记录该风险
    Assess it and record it in the risk register.
  •  D:与团队开会,以解决该问题
    Meet with the team to address the issue.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参见PMBOK第6版11.2.3 识别风险:输出 风险登记册 风险登记册记录已识别单个项目风险的详细信息。随着实施定性风险分析、规划风险应对、实施风险应对和监督风险等过程的开展,这些过程的结果也要记进风险登记册。

82、 [单选] 在一个关键项目中,一名重要的团队成员辞职。若要管理这种情况,项目经理首先应该做什么?
During a critical project,an essential team member resigns.What should the project manager do first to manage this situation?

  •  A:将剩余的工作负荷分配给其他团队成员
    Allocate the remaining workload to the other team members.
  •  B:通知项目相关方
    Inform project stakeholders.
  •  C:审查风险管理和行动应对计划
    Review the risk management and action response plans.
  •  D:确定该团队成员辞职的原因
    Determine why that team member resigne

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参见PMBOK第6版11.5.3.3 项目文件更新。需要更新风险登记册,记录选择和商定的风险应对措施。风险登记册的更新可能包括(但不限于):商定的应对策略;实施所选应对策略所需要的具体行动;风险发生的触发条件、征兆和预警信号; 实施所选应对策略所需要的预算和进度活动; 应急计划;弹回计划;残余风险,以及被有意接受的风险;次生风险。

83、 [单选] 在项目实施过程中,营销部门通知项目经理说,产品的市场需求已经发生变化。之前未曾预料到这些变化,可能会显著影响调查的销售数量,并可能影响项目范围。项目经理应该怎么做?
During project implementation,the marketing department informs the project manager that the product's market requirements have changed,These changes were not anticipated,may significantly influence potential sales numbers,and could impact project scope.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:计划使用应急储备并更新风险减轻计划
    Plan to use the contingently reserves and update the risk mitigation plan.
  •  B:使用挣值管理(EVM)方法
    Use earned value management(EVM)methods.
  •  C:规划风险应对,并更新风险登记册
    Plan risk responses and update the risk register.
  •  D:应用检测方法
    Apply forecasting metho

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


84、 [单选] 一个施工项目位于热带地区,该项目的风险登记册包括雨季洪水的风险。现在雨季已经结束,项目即将完成。应使用哪一项工具或技术来管理这个风险?
A construction project is located in the tropics area , and the project's risk register includes the risk of flooding during the rainy season.Now that the rainy season is over, the project is nearing completion. Which tool or technology should be used to manage this risk?

  •  A:风险规避
    Risk avoidance.
  •  B:风险审计
    Risk audits.
  •  C:风险接受
    Risk acceptance.
  •  D:风险转移
    Risk transference.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:考点:11.7.2监督风险的工具——审计 分析:定期开展风险审计,确定风险管理的有效性,更新风险状态。ACD均为风险应对措施,不符合题意。


85、 [单选] 项目团队正在努力为项目风险进行优先级排序。项目经理应该指示团队下一步做什么?
A project team is struggling with prioritizing project risks.What should the project manager instruct the team to do next?

  •  A:执行决策树分析
    Perform a decision tree analysis.
  •  B:制定概率和影响矩阵
    Develop a probability and impact matrix.
  •  C:创建一份影响图
    Create influence diagram.
  •  D:进行成本效益分析
    Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:基于风险的概率和影响,对风险进行优先级排序,便于进一步分析制定措施。参见PMBOK 数据表现 概率和影响矩阵。

86、 [单选] 在项目的最后一个星期,一场强风暴造成损害并影响项目的交付日期,项目经理应该怎么做?
During the last week of the project,a strong storm causes damage and impacts the project's delivery date ?What should the project manager do?

  •  A:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request.
  •  B:将其报告给项目发起人
    Report it to the project sponsors.
  •  C:使用储备分析技术
    Use the reserve analysis technique.
  •  D:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B



87、 [单选] 项目经理得知政府计划通过新法规,可能影响其当前项目。项目经理首先应该做什么?
A project manager learns that the government plans to introduce a new regulation that might affect their current project.What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:通知变更控制委员会(CCB),并修改项目参数
    Inform the change control board(CCB),and revise project parameters.
  •  B:更新风险登记册,并制定应对措施
    Updated the risk register,and develop a response.
  •  C:执行风险分析,并在成本基准中添加应急储备
    Perform a risk analysis,and add a contingency reserve to the cost baseline.
  •  D:致电政府联系人以获取更多信息
    Call government contacts to obtain more information.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:项目经理识别出新风险后,首先应更新风险登记册进行记录,参见PMBOK第6版11.2.3 识别风险输出 风险登记册。

88、 [单选] 当产品测试即将完成时,项目经理无意中听到一位相关方提到公司可能会重置品牌,这将导致产品重新设计。在联系市场经理核实后,项目经理了解到尚未做出决定。项目经理应该做什么?
Product testing is nearly complete when the project manager overhears astakeholder mention that the company is likely to rebrand itself.It would result in product redesign.After contacting the marketing manager to validate this,the project manager learns that a decision has not yet been made. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:与项目团队完成风险分析,并更新风险登记册
    Complete a risk analysis with the project team,and updated the risk register.
  •  B:更新状态报告,以在问题部分中包含品牌重置信息
    Update the status to include rebranding information within the issue section.
  •  C:完成一项变更请求,概述成本和时间表的影响
    Complete a change request outlining the cost and time frame impacts.
  •  D:在公司的团队建设活动中讨论他们的顾虑
    Discuss their concerns at a company team-building event.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


89、 [单选] 项目经理在记录项目风险时发现,在过去,公司的采购部门在采购关键项目输入时经历了严重的延期。项目经理确定如果这个风险变成现实,它将使进度计划增加50%。 项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager recording project risks discovers that,in the past,the company's purchasing department experienced significant delays when purchasing critical project inputs.The project manager identifies that if this risk materializes it will increase the schedule by 50 percent. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:通知发起人,并执行管理储备
    Inform the sponsor,and execute the management reserve
  •  B:更新进度计划,以适应关键输入的延期
    Update the schedule to accommodate the delay of critical inputs
  •  C:向采购部门强调该项目的重要性
    Reinforce the importance of this project to the purchasing department
  •  D:分析该情况,并与团队一起制定应对策略
    Analyze the situation,and develop a response strategy with the team

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


90、 [单选] 随着项目进展,项目经理预测到即将开展的活动中存在一些风险。项目经理应该使用哪一份文件进行风险分类?
As the project progresses, the project manager predicts that there are certain risks in the upcoming activities. Which document should the project manager use for risk classification?

  •  A:风险分解结构
    Risk Breakdown Structure
  •  B:风险管理计划
    Risk Control Plan
  •  C:风险登记册
    Risk Register
  •  D:风险绩效报告
    Risk Performance Report

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:风险分解结构的目的是为了对风险进行初步分类,以便于后期更好的识别风险。参考答案选A,符合题目中的场景描述。

91、 [单选] —个发展中国家的政治变更可能影响那里即将完成的一个项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
A political change happened in a developing country may affect a project that is about to be completed there. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:接受风险
    To accept the risk
  •  B:执行风险分析
    To perform risk analysis
  •  C:通知相关方
    To notify stakeholders
  •  D:赶工
    To rush for work

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:题干的描述是风险已识别,下一步需要做什么?应该执行风险定性分析,B选项为最佳参考答案。

92、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个刚刚开始的项目,项目发起人和项目团队向新项目经理保证具有足够的预算和符合实际的进度计划,项目经理担心可能威胁到项目成功的意外事件。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager joins a project that has just started, and the project sponsor and project team assures the new project manager that there is sufficient budget and realistic schedule, and the project manager is concerned about unexpected events that may threaten the success of the project.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:识别并评估任何项目风险
    Identify and assess any project risks
  •  B:请求项目发起人为项目规划提供额外资金
    Request additional funding from the project sponsor for project planning
  •  C:与职能经理讨论潜在的计划外风险
    Discuss the potential of unplanned risks with the functional manager
  •  D:关注按计划执行项目
    Focus on executing the project as planned

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


93、 [单选] —位项目经理得知,由于持续的罢工,该项目的进口设备尚未被海关放行。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A project manager learns that the project's imported equipment has not been released by customs due to an ongoing strike.What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:执行定性风险分析
    Perform a qualitative risk analysis.
  •  B:执行定量风险分析
    Perform a quantitative risk analysis.
  •  C:与团队一起审查风险影响
    Review the risk impact with the team.
  •  D:实施风险应对计
    Implement the risk response plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:本题应理解为风险识别(可能导致项目延误),应首先分析对项目的整体影响,再确定措施。

94、 [单选] 在项目的风险评估会议上,观察清单中的一个风险项发生概率急剧增加。项目经理应首先更新哪一项内容?
During a project’s risk assessment meeting, the probability of one of the items on the watch list occurring drastically, what should the project manager update first?

  •  A:风险管理计划
    Risk management plan
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk register
  •  C:假设日志
    Assumptions log
  •  D:风险应对计划
    Risk response plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:监控过程中,某一风险的量化信息发生改变,应及时更新到风险登记册中。

95、 [单选] —位团队成员通知项目经理有一个问题可能会破坏项目。项目经理将该问题添加到问题日志中,并要求团 队找到解决方案。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A team member notifies the project manager of an issue that has the potential of disrupting the project.The project manager adds the issue log,and the team to find a resolution. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.
  •  B:修订项目管理计划
    Revise the project management plan.
  •  C:确定适当的风险应对
    Identify the appropriate risk response.
  •  D:通知相关方
    Inform the stakeholders.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P458-监督风险-风险登记册。更新风险登记册,记录在监督风险过程中产生的关于单个项目风险的信息,可能包括添加新风险、更新已过时的风险或已发生风险,以及更新风险应对措施等。题目中显示这个问题已经识别出来并添加到了问题日志,那么下一步我们就要确定适当的应对措施,并把这个应对措施更新到风险登记册里面,所以这里是先C再是A。

96、 [单选] —家公司计划推出一个新的数字银行解决方案。在项目启动时,识别到一个关键依赖关系,需要在产品推出前获得监管部门的批准。这被添加到风险登记册,并由项目经理积极监控。目前,仍未得到监管部门的批准,这可能会导致产品推出延期。 项目经理如何能够减轻该风险?
A company plans to introduce a new digital banking solution. At the project kick-off, a key dependency is identified that requires regulatory approval before the product launch. This is added to the Risk Register and is actively monitored by the project manager. Currently, it has not yet been approved by the regulatory authority, which may lead to delay of product rollouts. How can a project manager mitigate this risk?

  •  A:准备风险应对措施
    To prepare for risk response action
  •  B:在风险登记册中更新并跟踪该风险
    To update and track the risk in the Risk Register
  •  C:调整项目进度计划,包含应急应对措施
    To adjust the project schedule, including emergency response action
  •  D:评估被监管拒绝的可能性
    To evaluate the possibility of being rejected by the regulatory

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:答案:A 解析:要想减轻相关风险,需要首先制定风险应对措施,通过各种规定的方式来减轻风险,A选项为最佳答案。

97、 [单选] 某个新项目将使用特定软件发布。在项目启动大会上,一名团队成员记起在之前的一个项目他们已经使用了该软件工具的第一版,但该软件造成许多问题。该项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
A new project will be released using a specific software. At the project kick-off meeting, a team member remembers the first version of the software tool they used in a previous project, but the software has caused many problems. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:项目团队成员解释说,自上一个项目后,技术已经发生了很大变化,以后不会发生问题
    The project members explain that since the last project, the technology has changed a lot and no problem will occur in future.
  •  B:查看过往项目的经验教训说明,识别新项目中的类似风险
    To view lessons learned from previous projects and identify similar risks in new projects
  •  C:立即将潜在风险上报给项目发起人,以便能够获得额外的资金
    To immediately escalate the potential risks to the project sponsor so that additional funds can be obtained
  •  D:结束项目并收集经验教训,让未来的项目可以从该经验教训中获益
    To close the project and collect lessons learned so that future projects may benefit from the lessons learned

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:B 解析:A和D先排除。为什么不选C?因为按照风险控制流程,先做B识别风险,再考虑是否做C,因为C属于规划风险应对过程。

D 应该先排除掉的,看错了。

98、 [单选] 某项目出现跨项目资源使用问题及高层面临变更风险,项目经理应该采用哪种风险应对方法?
A project has cross-project resource use problems and senior management faces the risk of change. Which risk response method should the project manager adopt?

  •  A:减轻
  •  B:上报
  •  C:规避
  •  D:转移

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:如果项目团队或项目发起人认为某威胁不在项目范围内,或提议的应对措施超出了项目经理的权限,就应该采用上报策略。题目场景符合PMBOK描述。

99、 [单选] 在一个大型施工项目的规划阶段,出现了潜在的经济衰退迹象。之前关于经济衰退的风险被指定为低概率和高影响,预计持续6-12个月。项目开始后不久,发生了经济衰退,并按预期影响项目。六个月后,经济衰退影响的持续时向将更改为24-36个月。项目经理应该怎么做?
Signs of a potential economic recession were present during the planning stages of a large construction project. The risk of the recession was assigned as low probability and high impact,with an expected duration of 6-12 months.Soon after the project begins,the recession occurs and impacts the project as expecteAfter six months,the duration of the recession’s impact is changed to 24-36 months. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将项目工期延长24-36月
    Extend the project duration by 24-36 months,
  •  B:借用额外的运营资本
    Borrow additional working capital.
  •  C:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register
  •  D:将项目工期延长12-24个月
    Extend the project duration by 12-24 months.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:风险发生,且有了更新的风险量化信息,都应记录在风险登记册中。

00、 [单选] 项目经理面对一个由两个合资企业组成的指导委员会,他们拥有对立的优先级。一个伙伴希望加快进度;而第二个合作伙伴想要高质量,并且愿意接受更长时间的进度。项目经理应该如何解决这个冲突?
A project manager is confronted by a steering committee composed of two joint venture partners with opposing priorities.One partner wants a tighter schedule;the second partner wants superior quality and will accept a longer schedule. What should the project manager do to address this conflict?

  •  A:将该冲突作为一项风险纳入风险管理计划中
    Incorporate the conflict as a risk in the risk management plan
  •  B:更新问题日志并监督该冲突的解决方案
    Update the issue log and monitor the resolution of the conflict..
  •  C:启动一个新的范围定义,并与所有项目相关方进行协商
    Initiate a new scope definition and negotiate with all project stakeholders.
  •  D:将该问题包含在质量管理计划中
    Include the issue in the quality management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:如何解决冲突?要根据选项倒推。A,冲突首先属于问题,不能直接当成风险另外即使是风险,记录在风险管理计划里也是严重错误;C,找所有相关方协商,没有必要;D的错误类似于A,质量管理计划是程序型计划;B,冲突是问题,记录在问题日志。


101、 [单选] —个施工项目位于热带地区,该项目的风险登记册包括雨季洪水的风险。现在雨季已经结束,项目即将完成。 应使用哪一项工具或技术来管理这个风险?
The risk register of construction project in a tropical area includes, the risk of flooding during the rainy season. The rainy season is over, and the project will be complete Which tool or technology should be used to manage this risk?

  •  A:风险接受
    Risk acceptance
  •  B:风险转移
    Risk transference
  •  C:风险规避
    Risk avoidance
  •  D:风险审计
    Risk audits

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:D 解析:事情已经过去,要总结经验教训。风险管理的经验教训总结叫风险审计。


102、 [单选] 项目经理得知一款软件可以提高当前和未来项目任务的效率,由于这款软件对公司来说是新软件,工程师不熟悉该软件。项目经理决定派遣最高级别工程师参加外部培训课程。 项目经理采用了何种风险策略?
The project manager has learned that a software can improve the efficiency of current and future project tasks. Because the software is fresh to the Company, the engineer is not familiar with the software. The project manager decides to send the highest level engineer to attend the external training course. What kind of risk strategies does the project manager use?

  •  A:减轻
  •  B:增强
  •  C:开拓
  •  D:分享

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:C 解析:分配最有能力的资源以缩短项目时间,属于开拓的应对方法。


103、 [单选] 在项目的下一阶段,一个建筑师将休三个月的产假,若要确定这是风险、问题还是机会的话,项目经理应该评估下列哪一项?
During a project's next phase,an architect will take a three-month maternity leave.What should the project manager evaluate to determine if this is a risk,issue,or opportunity?

  •  A:概率和优先级
    Probability and priority.
  •  B:概率、后果和时间表
    Probabilities,consequences and timetable.
  •  C:优先级、时间表和概率
    Priority,timetable,and probability.
  •  D:后果和风险状况
    Consequence and profile.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


104、 [单选] 项目经理应该使用哪一项工具或技术来执行定性风险分析?
Which tool or technology should the project manager use to perform qualitative risk analysis?

  •  A:概率分布
    Probability distribution
  •  B:决策树分析
    Decision tree analysis
  •  C:概率和影响矩阵
    Probability and impact matrix
  •  D:成本风险模拟
    Cost risk simulation

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:本题考定性风险分析工具,只有C唯一正确。

105、 [单选] 项目经理正在启动一个项目,而项目地点在历史上受到自然灾害。由于这个问题,之前有许多项目都出现延期问题。 制定风险管理计划来解决这一风险时,项目经理应该首先参考什么?
The project manager is kicking off a project, and the project site has historically been affected by natural disasters. Due to this problem, many projects have been delayed before. When developing a risk control plan to solve this risk, what should the project manager first refer to?

  •  A:事业环境因素
    Business environment factors
  •  B:过往项目的经验教训
    Lessons learned from past projects
  •  C:重新配置资源和业务连续性的应急计划
    Emergency plan for reassigning resources and business continuity
  •  D:保险合同的采购管理计划
    Procurement management plan for insurance contracts

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:本题考规划风险管理过程的输入,前车之覆,后车之鉴,过往项目的教训属于组织过程资产。

106、 [单选] 项目团队包括一名资源,但该资源同时致力于其他四个项目,项目经理得知该资源可能在计划的时间不可用。项目经理计划持续评估项目的进展,并根据该资源的可用性计划制定应急计划。 这属于下列哪一项的实例?
The project team includes one resource, but the resource is dedicated to the other four projects. The project manager is aware that the resource may not be available at the planned time. The project manager plans to continuously evaluate the project progress and work out the contingency plan according to the availability plan of the resource. Which of the following items is an example of this situation?

  •  A:接受风险
    Accept risk
  •  B:回避风险
    Avoid risk
  •  C:转移风险
    Transfer risk
  •  D:控制风险
    Control risk

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:项目经理并未制定措施,而是决定等资源出现问题(风险发生)后再制定应急计划,属于等发生再随机应变,即接受。


107、 [单选] 一个施工项目正在开始,可用的信息表明天气恶劣可能性很低。然而,在执行期间,新的天气数据却显示恶劣天气将影响项目的可能性很大。 哪份文件应更新?
A construction project is starting, and the available information indicates that the weather is very unlikely to get severe. However, during the implementation process, the updated weather data shows that severe weather is likely to have a high impact on the project. Which document should be updated?

  •  A:风险概率和影响评估
    Risk Probability and Impact Assessment
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk Register
  •  C:风险紧迫性评估
    Risk Urgency Assessment
  •  D:风险审计
    Risk Audit

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:B 解析:重新进行的风险定量分析发现风险的概率发生了改变,应该更新风险登记册。


108、 [单选] 在风险管理规划期间,项目团队决定外包一项关键服务,并与供应商签订了服务水平协议(SLA),项目团队使用的是哪一项风险应对策略?
During the risk control planning process, the project team decides to outsource a key service and sign a service level agreement (SLA) with the supplier. Which risk response strategy does the project team use?

  •  A:回避
  •  B:减轻
  •  C:接收
  •  D:转移

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:外包属于转移风险。

109、 [单选] 在识别高影响、高概率风险后,项目处于危险之中,项目经理应使用哪一项工具或技术来确定哪些风险对项目的影响最大?
After identifying high-impact and high-probability risks, the project is at risk. Which tool or technique should the project manager use to determine which risks have the highest impact on the project?

  •  A:概率分析
    Probability Analysis
  •  B:龙卷风图
    Tornado Diagram
  •  C:帕累托图
    Pareto Chart
  •  D:因果图
    Cause-Effect Diagram

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:本题考敏感性分析的定义。


110、 [单选] 在项目实施期间,项目发起人要求项目经理审查和减轻新报告的风险。审查期间,项目经理确定只有一个是风险,而其他的都是问题。 下列哪一项会被认为是风险?
During project implementation, the project sponsor asks the project manager to review and mitigate the risk of the new report. During the review period, the project manager determines that there is only one risk and the others are problems. Which of the following items would be considered a risk?

  •  A:新的市场法规很快将获得批准,这可能需要修订项目范围
    New market regulations will soon be approved, which may require a revision of the project scope
  •  B:在项目初始阶段识别到设计缺陷
    Design defects identified at the initial stage of the project
  •  C:一名主题专家(SME)离开项目,加入竞争对手的公司
    A subject matter expert (SME) leaves the project and joins a competitor's company
  •  D:应急储备已被批准的变更请求耗尽
    The contingency reserves have been exhausted by the approved change request

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:参考答案:A 解析:风险具有不确定性,相比来讲,A选项最佳。

111、 [单选] 重要材料需要运输供应商。如果该材料不能按时交付,项目预算将严重受到影响。为降低这个风险,项目经理购买了保险。项目经理采用了哪一种消极风险策略?
Important materials require transportation suppliers. If these materials are not delivered on time, the project budget will be severely affecte To reduce this risk, the project manager has subscribed insurance. Which negative risk strategy does the project manager use?

  •  A:规避
  •  B:接受
    Accept ance
  •  C:减轻
  •  D:转移

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:参考答案:D 解析:保险和外包是转移风险的常见方法,D选项正确。

112、 [单选] 据报告,项目所在地区存在严重的健康风险, 当地卫生局要求限制团队成员进出该地区。若要管理这个风险,项目经理应该做什么?
A serious health risk is reported in the area where a project is locateLocalheath authoritiea require that team members limit travel in and out of this are What should the project manager do first to manage the risk?

  •  A:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register.
  •  B:执行定性和定量风险分析
    Perform qualitative and qualitative risk analyses.
  •  C:评估对项目的影响
    Assess the impact on the project.
  •  D:通知项目发起人
    Inform the project sponsor.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


113、 [单选] 项目经理进行了风险分析,以供项目集经理审查。项目集经理改变了风险项目的优先级,现在该项目正在经历严重延期。 项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager conducted a risk analysis for the program manager.The program manager changed the priority of risk items,and now the projectis experiencing significant delays. What should be the project manager do?

  •  A:与团队合作,以便进度计划恢复正常
    Work with the team to bring the schedule back on track.
  •  B:接受延期,并将其记录在项目管理报告中
    Accept the delays and document it in the project management report.
  •  C:将问题升级上报给项目发起人
    Escalate it to the project sponsor.
  •  D:将该延期更新到问题日志中
    Update the issue log with the delay.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D



114、 [单选] 在评审会议期间,开发人员识别到存在产品性能的风险。项目经理应该做什么?
During a review meeting,a developer identifies a risk in the product's performance .What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用专家判断进行独立风险评估
    Use expert judgment for an independent risk assessment.
  •  B:分配另一名开发人员解决该问题
    Assign another developer to fix the issue.
  •  C:提出变更请求
    Initiate a change request.
  •  D:更新项目文件
    Update project documents.

正确答案:D 你的答案:A



115、 [单选] 用作产品可交付成果组成部分的一种原材料可能不符合质量标准,发生风险的概率很低,但是影响很大,因为公司将承担供应商错误的成本,而且没有经过批准的二级供应商。项目经理应使用什么风险策略?
A raw material being used as part of the product deliverable may not comply with quality standards.The probability of a risk occurrence is low;however,the impact is high because the company would absorb the cost of the vendor's mistake.There is an approved secondary supplier.What risk strategy should the project manager use?

  •  A:回避
  •  B:升级上报
  •  C:接受
  •  D:分享

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


116、 [单选] 项目团队未能监督一项高风险,因此未能按时执行减轻措施,项目经理指示团队立即执行该措施,但另一位经理否决了这一指示,因为对项目没有造成负面影响。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project team failed to monitor a high risk,so the mitigation action was not performed on time.The project manager instructs the team to perform the action immediately,but anther manger overrules that since there was no negative impact. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:提交变更请求
    Submit a change request.
  •  B:询问团队未能监督风险的原因
    Ask the team why the risk was not monitored
  •  C:与团队一起重新评估风险
    Reassess the risk with the team.
  •  D:遵循经理的指示
    Follow the manger's instructions.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


117、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,一位关键相关方对应项目经理实施一项风险规避策略的大量成本表示担心,项目经理应该告诉相关方什么信息?
During project execution, a key stakeholder expresses concern about the significant cost of a risk avoidance strategy being implemented by the project manager.What should the project manager tell the stakeholder?

  •  A:如果这个风险变为现实,则项目成本可能高于风险规避策略的成本
    If the risk is realized, the cost of the project could be higher than the cost of the risk avoidance strategy.
  •  B:这个风险变成现实的概率很高,因此风险规避成本是必要的
    There is a high probability that the risk will be realized and, therefore, the risk avoidance counts are necessary.
  •  C:这个风险在风险登记册中的优先级和影响均较高
    The risk has a high priority and impact on the risk register.
  •  D:他们将终止风险规避策略,以减少项目开支
    They will terminate the risk avoidance strategy to reduce project expense.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参考答案:C 解析:参见PMBOK第6版规划风险应对-威胁应对策略-规避。适用于发生概率较高,且具有严重负面影响的高优先级威胁。

118、 [单选] 项目经理识别并登记多个风险,然后为项目起草一份风险应对计划。然而,由于资金限制以及发起人不愿意为不确定的活动创建预算,风险应对计划未获批准。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager identifies and registers multiple risk, and then drafts a risk response plan for the project. However, due to funding constraints and the sponsor’s unwillingness to create a budget for uncertain activities, the risk response plan is not approve What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给高级相关方
    Escalate the issue to senior stakeholders.
  •  B:请求批准风险应对计划,以解决高优先级风险
    Request approval of a risk response plan that addresses the high-priority risks.
  •  C:将其他项目的预算利用情况审查组织过程资产
    Review the organizational process assets regarding budget utilization from other projects.
  •  D:接受发起人的决定,并继续执行项目
    Accept the sponsor’s decision, and continue with project.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:A 参见PMBOK第6版规划风险应对-威胁应对策略-上报。如果项目团队或项目发起人认为某威胁不在项目范围内,或提议的应对措施超出了项目经理的权限,就应该采用上报策略风险应对。


119、 [单选] 项目经理负责管理一个项目,该项目将实施一项新技术。若要识别与项目相关的风险,项目经理可以使用如下各项作为工具,除了_______。
The project manager is responsible for managing a project that is expected to implement a new technology. To identify the risks associated with the project, the project manager can use the following as a tool, except_______.

  •  A:头脑风暴
  •  B:项目管理计划
    Project Management Plan
  •  C:专家判断
    Experts' judgment
  •  D:引导

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参考答案:B 解析:参见PMBOK第6版 11.2识别风险的工具。A、C、D都是识别风险的工具,B选项是识别风险的输入。

