
org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraServer类的 add方法将接受客户端的请求,该函数定义如下:

 public void add(ByteBuffer key, ColumnParent column_parent, CounterColumn column, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)   
           throws InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException, TimedOutException, TException   
    // 数据验证   
       state().hasColumnFamilyAccess(column_parent.column_family, Permission.WRITE);   
       String keyspace = state().getKeyspace();   
       CFMetaData metadata = ThriftValidation.validateColumnFamily(keyspace, column_parent.column_family, true);   
       ThriftValidation.validateKey(metadata, key);   
       ThriftValidation.validateCommutativeForWrite(metadata, consistency_level);   
       ThriftValidation.validateColumnParent(metadata, column_parent);   
       // SuperColumn field is usually optional, but not when we're adding   
       if (metadata.cfType == ColumnFamilyType.Super && column_parent.super_column == null)   
           throw new InvalidRequestException("missing mandatory super column name for super CF " + column_parent.column_family);   
       ThriftValidation.validateColumnNames(metadata, column_parent, Arrays.asList(;   
       // 创建一个 RowMutation 对象,封装用户插入数据信息   
       RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(keyspace, key);   
           rm.addCounter(new QueryPath(column_parent.column_family, column_parent.super_column,, column.value);   
       catch (MarshalException e)   
           throw new InvalidRequestException(e.getMessage());   
       // 插入数据   
        doInsert(consistency_level, Arrays.asList(new CounterMutation(rm, consistency_level)));   



 // 执行数据插入操作    

private void doInsert(ConsistencyLevel consistency_level, List mutations) throws UnavailableException, TimedOutException, InvalidRequestException   
    // 数据验证   
    ThriftValidation.validateConsistencyLevel(state().getKeyspace(), consistency_level);   
    if (mutations.isEmpty())   
            StorageProxy.mutate(mutations, consistency_level);   
    catch (TimeoutException e)   
        throw new TimedOutException();   

函数内部首先进行数据检查,调用StorageProxy.mutate(mutations, consistency_level);执行数据的插入操作。


public static void mutate(List mutations, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level) throws UnavailableException, TimeoutException   

    logger.debug("Mutations/ConsistencyLevel are {}/{}", mutations, consistency_level);   
    // 本地数据中心   
    final String localDataCenter = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch().getDatacenter(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress());   
    long startTime = System.nanoTime();   
    // 封装条件变量   
    List responseHandlers = new ArrayList();   
    IMutation mostRecentMutation = null;   
        for (IMutation mutation : mutations)    // 对于每个Mutation   
            mostRecentMutation = mutation;   
            // CounterMutation: 首先需要被写入到replicas leader中,之后在向其他的replicas中去分发   
            if (mutation instanceof CounterMutation)   
                responseHandlers.add( mutateCounter((CounterMutation)mutation, localDataCenter));   
                // WritePerformer: 普通类型的数据分发   
                responseHandlers.add( performWrite(mutation, consistency_level, localDataCenter, standardWritePerformer));   
        // wait for writes.  throws TimeoutException if necessary   
        for (IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler : responseHandlers)   
            // 等待任务结束或者是抛出异常   
    catch (TimeoutException ex)     // 捕获异常   
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())   
            List mstrings = new ArrayList();   
            for (IMutation mutation : mutations)   
            logger.debug("Write timeout {} for one (or more) of: ", ex.toString(), mstrings);   
        throw ex;   
    catch (IOException e)   
        assert mostRecentMutation != null;   
        throw new RuntimeException("error writing key " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(mostRecentMutation.key()), e);   
        writeStats.addNano(System.nanoTime() - startTime);   

对于每个Mutation对象,如果 是CounterMutation类型的Mutation的话, 首先要确保一个replica的写入成功,之后 在向另外的N-1个replicas写入;其他类型的Mutation的话,没有这个要求,做法是首先得到N个replicas节点,向这个N个节点发送命令。



   public static IWriteResponseHandler performWrite(IMutation mutation,   
                                                    ConsistencyLevel consistency_level,   
                                                    String localDataCenter,   
                                                    WritePerformer performer)   
   throws UnavailableException, TimeoutException, IOException   
    // 得到复制策略   
       String table = mutation.getTable();   
       AbstractReplicationStrategy rs =;   
       // 得到所有replica的endpoints   
       Collection writeEndpoints = getWriteEndpoints(table, mutation.key());   
       // 满足一致性的条件变量   
       IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler = rs.getWriteResponseHandler(writeEndpoints, consistency_level);   
       // exit early if we can't fulfill the CL at this time   
       // 如果已经能够确定不能满足一致性的条件,例如live的节点数量小于W,直接返回   
       // 代理给WritePerformer执行   
       performer.apply(mutation, writeEndpoints, responseHandler, localDataCenter, consistency_level);   
       return responseHandler;   


private interface WritePerformer   

    public void apply(IMutation mutation, Collection targets, IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler, String localDataCenter, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level) throws IOException, TimeoutException;   


// 最终的数据使用实现了WritePerformer接口的standardWritePerformer,counterWritePerformer   
      // 和counterWriteOnCoordinatorPerformer   
      standardWritePerformer = new WritePerformer()  
          public void apply(IMutation mutation,  
                            Collection targets,  
                            IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler,  
                            String localDataCenter,  
                            ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)  
          throws IOException, TimeoutException  
              assert mutation instanceof RowMutation;  
              sendToHintedEndpoints((RowMutation) mutation, targets, responseHandler, localDataCenter, consistency_level);  
       * We execute counter writes in 2 places: either directly in the coordinator node if it is a replica, or 
       * in CounterMutationVerbHandler on a replica othewise. The write must be executed on the MUTATION stage 
       * but on the latter case, the verb handler already run on the MUTATION stage, so we must not execute the 
       * underlying on the stage otherwise we risk a deadlock. Hence two different performer. 
       * 执行CounterMutation 
      counterWritePerformer = new WritePerformer()  
          public void apply(IMutation mutation,  
                            Collection targets,  
                            IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler,  
                            String localDataCenter,  
                            ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)   
          throws IOException  
              if (logger.isDebugEnabled())  
                  logger.debug("insert writing local & replicate " + mutation.toString(true));  
              Runnable runnable = counterWriteTask(mutation, targets, responseHandler, localDataCenter, consistency_level);  
      // 执行CounterMutation   
      counterWriteOnCoordinatorPerformer = new WritePerformer()  
          public void apply(IMutation mutation,  
                            Collection targets,  
                            IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler,  
                            String localDataCenter,  
                            ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)  
          throws IOException  
              if (logger.isDebugEnabled())  
                  logger.debug("insert writing local & replicate " + mutation.toString(true));  
              Runnable runnable = counterWriteTask(mutation, targets, responseHandler, localDataCenter, consistency_level);  


    * Send the mutations to the right targets, write it locally if it corresponds or writes a hint when the node 
    * is not available. 
    * Note about hints: 
    * | Hinted Handoff | Consist. Level | 
    * | on             |       >=1      | --> wait for hints. We DO NOT notify the handler with handler.response() for hints;  
    * | on             |       ANY      | --> wait for hints. Responses count towards consistency. 
    * | off            |       >=1      | --> DO NOT fire hints. And DO NOT wait for them to complete. 
    * | off            |       ANY      | --> DO NOT fire hints. And DO NOT wait for them to complete. 
    * @throws TimeoutException if the hints cannot be written/enqueued  
   private static void sendToHintedEndpoints(final RowMutation rm,   
                                             Collection targets,  
                                             IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler,  
                                             String localDataCenter,  
                                             ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)  
   throws IOException, TimeoutException  
       // Multimap that holds onto all the messages and addresses meant for a specific datacenter   
       Map> dcMessages = new HashMap>(targets.size());  
       MessageProducer producer = new CachingMessageProducer(rm);  
       for (InetAddress destination : targets)      // 对于每个endpoint   
           if (FailureDetector.instance.isAlive(destination))       // 如果endpoint还live   
               String dc = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch().getDatacenter(destination);  
               if (destination.equals(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress()) && OPTIMIZE_LOCAL_REQUESTS)  
                // 如果当前机器就是replicas中的一个,直接写入到本地   
                   insertLocal(rm, responseHandler);  
                // 否则需要向远程服务器发送命令    
                   // belongs on a different server   
                   if (logger.isDebugEnabled())  
                       logger.debug("insert writing key " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(rm.key()) + " to " + destination);  
                   Multimap messages = dcMessages.get(dc);  
                   if (messages == null)  
                      messages = HashMultimap.create();  
                      dcMessages.put(dc, messages);  
                   messages.put(producer.getMessage(Gossiper.instance.getVersion(destination)), destination);  
           else     // 否则,这里的话,可能是需要使用hinted-handoff机制   
               if (!shouldHint(destination))  
               // Avoid OOMing from hints waiting to be written.  (Unlike ordinary mutations, hint   
               // not eligible to drop if we fall behind.)   
               if (hintsInProgress.get() > maxHintsInProgress)  
                   throw new TimeoutException();  
               // Schedule a local hint and let the handler know it needs to wait for the hint to complete too   
               Future hintfuture = scheduleLocalHint(rm, destination, responseHandler, consistency_level);  
               responseHandler.addFutureForHint(new CreationTimeAwareFuture(hintfuture));  
       // 向replicas发送message   
       sendMessages(localDataCenter, dcMessages, responseHandler);  


1. 首先replicas收到命令之后的处理动作

2. cassandra中如何生成replicas,如何发现endpoints的拓扑结构,这就涉及到cassandra中snitch的实现

3. cassandra中如何实现DHT?
