
The difference between the limit of function and continuous function


limit of function:

  • The assertion limxx0f(x)=A means that we can insure that the absolute value |f(x)A| is as small as we please merely by requiring that the absolute value |xx0| be sufficiently small ,and different from zero. This verbal statement is expressible in terms of inequalities as follows: Suppose ε is any positive number.Then there is some positive number δ such that

continuous function:

  • Suppose the function f is defined at x0 and for all values of x near x0 .Then the function is said to be continuous at x0 provided that



    The limit (if it exists) is the number the function approaches. In precise terms LL is the limit of ff at aa if for every ϵ>0ϵ>0, there is a δ>0δ>0, so that for every xx, 0<|x−a|<δ⟹|f(x)−L|<ϵ0<|x−a|<δ⟹|f(x)−L|<ϵ. When the function is continuous at aa, the number it approaches at aa is f(a)f(a). So in the definition above, LL is replaced by f(a)f(a). You can also change the first part to |x−a|<δ|x−a|<δ since the statement is clearly true for x=ax=a also. That’s why the definitions look so similar.


    continuity of f(x) at x=c exist only if limit of a function f(x) as x–>c exists and equals to f(c)

1、The limit from right and left exists but are not equal.

2、 The values of f(x) may get larger nd larger(tend to infinity) as xx0 from one side or the other,or from both sides.

3、The values of f(x)may oscillate infinitely often,approaching no limit.
举例:f(x)=sin(1/x) which oscillates infinitely often between -1 and +1 as x0 from either side


1、f(x) dose not approach any limit at all as xx0

2、it approaches a limit which is different from f(x)
