
uses   ShellAPI ,    ShlObj ,    ActiveX ,    ComObj;   
= 255 ;   
= 7 ;   
= 3 ;   
= 1 ;   
= record   
: array[ 0 .. MAX_PATH]   of   char;   
: array[ 0 .. MAX_PATH]   of   char;   
: array[ 0 .. MAX_PATH]   of   char;   
: integer;   
: array[ 0 .. MAX_PATH]   of   char;   
: array[ 0 .. CCH_MAXNAME]   of   char;   
: PItemIDList;   
: array[ 0 .. 255 ]   of   char;   
: integer;   
: word;   
  function   CreateLinkFile(const   info
: LINK_FILE_INFO;const   DestFileName : string = '' ) : boolean;   
: IUnknown;   
: IShellLink;   
: IPersistFile;   
: widestring;   
:= destfilename;   
:= CreateComObject(CLSID_SHELLLINK);   
:= anobj   as   IShellLink;   
:= anobj   as   IPersistFile;   
. SetPath(info . FileName);   
. SetWorkingDirectory(info . WorkDirectory);   
. SetDescription(info . Description);   
. SetArguments(info . Arguments);   
. SetIconLocation(info . IconLocation , info . IconIndex);   
. SetHotkey(info . HotKey);   
. SetShowCmd(info . ShowState);   
. SetRelativePath(info . RelativePath , 0 );   
if    DestFileName = ''    then   
:= ChangeFileExt(info . FileName , ' lnk ' );   
:= succeeded(pFile . Save(pwchar(wFileName) , false));   



procedure   TForm1.Button1Click(Sender:   TObject);   
        rLnk   :   LINK_FILE_INFO;   
        pDesktop   :   
string ;   
        rLnk.FileName   :
=     ' C:Program   FilesInternet   ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE ' ;   
        rLnk.WorkDirectory   :
=     ' C:Program   FilesInternet   Explorer';   
        rLnk.IconIndex   : =     0 ;   
// 取桌面路径   
        SetLength(pDesktop,    255 );   
        SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Self.Handle,   CSIDL_DESKTOP,   pidl);   
        SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl,   PChar(pDesktop));   
        SetLength(pDesktop,   StrLen(PChar(pDesktop)));   
        CreateLinkFile(rLnk,   pDesktop   
+     ' '   +    ' I.lnk ' );   
