Age of Ambition 15

Age of Ambition 15_第1张图片

【赏析】17-ALL THAT GLITTERS 本章讲了dark arts of success 你知道什么是中国的腐败指数吗? An index for China’s corruption – Moutai.感受这种氛围的无处不在… feel the creep of bribery into virtually every corner of Chinese society .腐败将会如何影响中国的未来?There were two basic views of how corruption could affect china’s future. The optimistic scenario was that it was part of the transition from socialism to the free market ….the darker scenario held that the threat posed by Chinese corruption was not economic; it was political …the compact between the people and their leaders was fraying. 也许正如文末比喻,亦是振臂疾呼时!Now we need someone who can stand up and tell everyone that the pond has been fouled and if you continue to pollute, nobody will survive.


1、 He expanded his auction business to handle foreclosures 丧失抵押品赎回权

2、 Everyone seed to be in on the take 捞油水

3、 He turned to be a natural 与生俱来

4、 He was found to have amassed a fortune worth ten times the government’s annual budget 积累财富

5、 The schools had been compromised by kickbacks 打折扣

6、 To hit sb up for 向某人索要

7、 Even the military was riddled with patronage 充满

8、 Bo had peppered his welcome with English ,a rare flourish for a Chinese official 时不时说几句/ flourish=a showy gesture 炫耀

9、 Three publics 三公

10、 Rule by virtue 德治

11、 The rage burst through in strange ways that trickled into our lives 冲开 / 渗透

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