using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
public static class JoyStickHelper {
/// 存储摇杆信息
public static JoyStickInfo infoEx = new JoyStickInfo();
/// 本次更新后按钮按住的状态
public static int ButtonState;
/// 本次更新后按钮抬起的状态
public static int ButtonUpState;
/// 本次更新后按钮按下的状态
public static int ButtonDownState;
/// 存储各轴的值
public static int[] AxisState = new int[6];
/// 枚举按钮键值
public enum JoyStickButtonCode
Button01 = 0x1,
Button02 = 0x2,
Button03 = 0x4,
Button04 = 0x8,
Button05 = 0x10,
Button06 = 0x20,
Button07 = 0x40,
Button08 = 0x80,
Button09 = 0x100,
Button10 = 0x200,
Button11 = 0x400,
Button12 = 0x800,
Button13 = 0x1000,
Button14 = 0x2000,
Button15 = 0x4000,
Button16 = 0x8000,
Button17 = 0x10000,
Button18 = 0x20000,
Button19 = 0x40000,
Button20 = 0x80000,
Button21 = 0x100000,
Button22 = 0x200000,
Button23 = 0x400000,
Button24 = 0x800000,
Button25 = 0x1000000,
Button26 = 0x2000000,
Button27 = 0x4000000,
Button28 = 0x8000000,
Button29 = 0x10000000,
Button30 = 0x20000000,
Button31 = 0x40000000,
Button32 = -0x80000000,
none =-1
/// 枚举控制方向
public enum ControlDirection
X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 2,
U = 3,
V = 4,
R = 5
/// 获取摇杆参数
/// 摇杆信息,是个自定义类
private static extern int joyGetPosEx(int uJoyID, ref JoyStickInfo pji);
/// 从windowsAPI获取JoyStick的状态
public static int UpdateInfoEx()
if (infoEx.dwSize == 0)
infoEx.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(JoyStickInfo));
infoEx.dwFlags = 0x00000080;
int beforeBtnState = ButtonState;
int result=joyGetPosEx(0, ref infoEx);
ButtonState = infoEx.dwButtons;
ButtonUpState = beforeBtnState & (beforeBtnState ^ ButtonState);
ButtonDownState = (~beforeBtnState) & (beforeBtnState ^ ButtonState);
AxisState[0] = infoEx.dwXpos;
AxisState[1] = infoEx.dwYpos;
AxisState[2] = infoEx.dwZpos;
AxisState[3] = infoEx.dwUpos;
AxisState[4] = infoEx.dwVpos;
AxisState[5] = infoEx.dwRpos;
return result;
/// 获取某一个轴按的动作大小,请获取前注意刷新
/// 轴
public static int GetAxisPosition(ControlDirection axis)
return AxisState[Convert.ToInt32(axis)];
/// 获取某按钮是否按住
public static bool GetButton(JoyStickButtonCode code)
if (code == JoyStickButtonCode.none)
return false;
string buttonName = Enum.GetName(typeof(JoyStickButtonCode), code);
int index = int.Parse(buttonName.Substring(buttonName.Length - 2));
int mask = 1 << (index - 1);
return (ButtonState & mask)>0;
/// 获取某按钮是否抬起
public static bool GetUpButton(JoyStickButtonCode code)
if (code == JoyStickButtonCode.none)
return false;
string buttonName = Enum.GetName(typeof(JoyStickButtonCode), code);
int index = int.Parse(buttonName.Substring(buttonName.Length - 2));
int mask = 1 << (index - 1);
return (ButtonUpState & mask) > 0;
/// 获取某按钮是否按下
public static bool GetDownButton(JoyStickButtonCode code)
if (code == JoyStickButtonCode.none)
return false;
string buttonName = Enum.GetName(typeof(JoyStickButtonCode), code);
int index = int.Parse(buttonName.Substring(buttonName.Length - 2));
int mask = 1 << (index - 1);
return (ButtonDownState & mask) > 0;
/// 按键信息结构
public struct JoyStickInfo
/// Size, in bytes, of this structure.
public int dwSize;
/// Flags indicating the valid information returned in this structure. Members that do not contain valid information are set to zero.
public int dwFlags;
/// Current X-coordinate.
public int dwXpos;
/// Current Y-coordinate.
public int dwYpos;
/// Current Z-coordinate.
public int dwZpos;
/// Current position of the rudder or fourth joystick axis.
public int dwRpos;
/// Current fifth axis position.
public int dwUpos;
/// Current sixth axis position.
public int dwVpos;
/// Current state of the 32 joystick buttons. The value of this member can be set to any combination of JOY_BUTTONn flags, where n is a value in the range of 1 through 32 corresponding to the button that is pressed.
public int dwButtons;
/// Current button number that is pressed.
public int dwButtonNumber;
/// Current position of the point-of-view control. Values for this member are in the range 0 through 35,900. These values represent the angle, in degrees, of each view multiplied by 100.
public int dwPOV;
/// Reserved; do not use.
public int dwReserved1;
/// Reserved; do not use.
public int dwReserved2;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Threading;
public class JoyStickController : MonoBehaviour {
/// 按键按下的事件
public ButtonEventStruct[] ButtonDownEvent;
/// 按键抬起事件
public ButtonEventStruct[] ButtonUpEvent;
/// 按键按住事件
public ButtonEventStruct[] ButtonEvent;
/// 选择检测的轴及事件
public AxisEventStruct[] controlDirections;
/ 是否开启数值显示(显示模式下,将显示各轴数值)
public static bool DataTrigger = false;
/// 是否开启数值调试(调试模式下,将不自动刷新数值)
public bool ValueDebugTrigger = false;
/// 是否开启调试(调试模式下,将不自动刷新数值)
public bool NormalDebugTrigger = false;
/// 调试UI参数,表示增加/减小的值
private int ratePlus = 1;
/// 调试UI参数,表示选择的轴,与枚举一致
private int axis = 0;
/// 调试UI参数,表示按钮本次按下之前的状态,用于触发按钮抬起或者按下的状态
private int beforeBtnState;
/// 调试UI参数,表示轴的字符串,用来显示
private string axisString = "X";
/// 调试UI参数,用于显示全部按钮的信息
private string buttonStateString = "";
void Start()
private void Update()
if (!NormalDebugTrigger && !ValueDebugTrigger)
if (NormalDebugTrigger)
ValueDebugTrigger = false;
if (!ValueDebugTrigger)
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
ratePlus = Mathf.Max(1, ratePlus / 10);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow))
ratePlus = Mathf.Min(10000, ratePlus * 10);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.UpArrow))
JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis] += Mathf.Min(ratePlus,65535 - JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis]);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.DownArrow))
JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis] -= Mathf.Min(ratePlus,JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis]);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.X))
axis = 0;
axisString = "X";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Y))
axis = 1;
axisString = "Y";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Z))
axis = 2;
axisString = "Z";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.U))
axis = 3;
axisString = "U";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.V))
axis = 4;
axisString = "V";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.R))
axis = 5;
axisString = "R";
void LateUpdate()
if (!ValueDebugTrigger)
if (NormalDebugTrigger || ValueDebugTrigger)
int tmp = JoyStickHelper.ButtonState;
buttonStateString = "";
for (int i = 1; i < 33; i++)
int mask = 1 << (i - 1);
buttonStateString += "Button" + i + ":" + ((tmp & mask) != 0);
if (i % 8 == 0)
buttonStateString += "\r\n";
buttonStateString += " ";
for (int i = 0; i < ButtonDownEvent.Length; i++)
if (JoyStickHelper.GetDownButton(ButtonDownEvent[i].button))
for (int i = 0; i < ButtonEvent.Length; i++)
if (JoyStickHelper.GetButton(ButtonEvent[i].button))
for (int i = 0; i < ButtonUpEvent.Length; i++)
if (JoyStickHelper.GetUpButton(ButtonUpEvent[i].button))
for (int i = 0; i < controlDirections.Length; i++)
controlDirections[i].axisEvent.Invoke(controlDirections[i].ZeroValue, controlDirections[i].Sensitivity,JoyStickHelper.GetAxisPosition(controlDirections[i].Direction));
void OnGUI()
if (!NormalDebugTrigger && !ValueDebugTrigger)
if (NormalDebugTrigger)
if (ValueDebugTrigger)
beforeBtnState = JoyStickHelper.ButtonState;
GUILayout.Label("数值调试模式启动,快捷操作为:\r\n← 减小数值上升率,→ 增加数值上升率,↑ 对应轴增加数值,↓ 对应轴减小数值\r\nX 选择X轴,Y 选择Y轴,Z 选择Z轴,U 选择U轴,V 选择V轴,R 选择R轴");
int mask = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 33; i++)
if (i % 8 == 1)
if (GUILayout.Button("button" + i))
mask += 1 << (i - 1);
if (i % 8 == 0)
GUILayout.Label("触发按钮键值: " + mask);
JoyStickHelper.ButtonState = JoyStickHelper.ButtonState^mask;
JoyStickHelper.ButtonUpState = beforeBtnState & (beforeBtnState ^ JoyStickHelper.ButtonState);
JoyStickHelper.ButtonDownState = (~beforeBtnState) & (beforeBtnState ^ JoyStickHelper.ButtonState);
GUILayout.Label("当前值变化率:rate=" + ratePlus + " 当前操作轴:" + axisString + "\r\n");
if (NormalDebugTrigger || ValueDebugTrigger)
GUILayout.Label("各轴偏移数值: X=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[0] + " Y=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[1] + " Z=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[2] + " U=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[3] + " V=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[4] + " R=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[5]);
GUILayout.Label("按钮触发状态:"+JoyStickHelper.ButtonState+"\r\n" + buttonStateString);
/// 定义按钮事件
public class ButtonEventStruct
public JoyStickHelper.JoyStickButtonCode button;
public UnityEvent buttonEvent = new UnityEvent();
public ButtonEventStruct(JoyStickHelper.JoyStickButtonCode code)
button = code;
public ButtonEventStruct() { }
/// 定义轴的事件
public class AxisEventStruct
public JoyStickHelper.ControlDirection Direction;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float ZeroValue=0.5f;
public int Sensitivity = 15;
public AxisEvent axisEvent = new AxisEvent();
public AxisEventStruct(JoyStickHelper.ControlDirection d)
Direction = d;
public AxisEventStruct() { }
/// 由于UnityEvent是抽象类,因此要继承一下声明一个类型
public class AxisEvent : UnityEvent { }
private static extern int joyGetPosEx(int uJoyID, ref JoyStickInfo pji);
public struct JoyStickInfo
/// Size, in bytes, of this structure.
public int dwSize;
/// Flags indicating the valid information returned in this structure. Members that do not contain valid information are set to zero.
public int dwFlags;
/// Current X-coordinate.
public int dwXpos;
/// Current Y-coordinate.
public int dwYpos;
/// Current Z-coordinate.
public int dwZpos;
/// Current position of the rudder or fourth joystick axis.
public int dwRpos;
/// Current fifth axis position.
public int dwUpos;
/// Current sixth axis position.
public int dwVpos;
/// Current state of the 32 joystick buttons. The value of this member can be set to any combination of JOY_BUTTONn flags, where n is a value in the range of 1 through 32 corresponding to the button that is pressed.
public int dwButtons;
/// Current button number that is pressed.
public int dwButtonNumber;
/// Current position of the point-of-view control. Values for this member are in the range 0 through 35,900. These values represent the angle, in degrees, of each view multiplied by 100.
public int dwPOV;
/// Reserved; do not use.
public int dwReserved1;
/// Reserved; do not use.
public int dwReserved2;
数据 | 说明 |
dwButton | 所有激活的额按钮信息,一共可以有32个按钮触发,每个按钮是否触发占32位整数的1位。 |
dwXpos | 摇杆X轴对应的位置,0-65535 |
dwYpos | 摇杆Y轴对应的位置,0-65535 |
dwZpos | 摇杆Z轴对应的位置,0-65535 |
dwUpos | 摇杆U轴对应的位置,0-65535 |
dwVpos | 摇杆V轴对应的位置,0-65535 |
dwRpos | 摇杆R轴对应的位置,0-65535 |
/// 枚举按钮键值
public enum JoyStickButtonCode
Button01 = 0x1,
Button02 = 0x2,
Button03 = 0x4,
Button04 = 0x8,
Button05 = 0x10,
Button06 = 0x20,
Button07 = 0x40,
Button08 = 0x80,
Button09 = 0x100,
Button10 = 0x200,
Button11 = 0x400,
Button12 = 0x800,
Button13 = 0x1000,
Button14 = 0x2000,
Button15 = 0x4000,
Button16 = 0x8000,
Button17 = 0x10000,
Button18 = 0x20000,
Button19 = 0x40000,
Button20 = 0x80000,
Button21 = 0x100000,
Button22 = 0x200000,
Button23 = 0x400000,
Button24 = 0x800000,
Button25 = 0x1000000,
Button26 = 0x2000000,
Button27 = 0x4000000,
Button28 = 0x8000000,
Button29 = 0x10000000,
Button30 = 0x20000000,
Button31 = 0x40000000,
Button32 = -0x80000000,
none =-1
/// 枚举控制方向
public enum ControlDirection
X = 0,
Y = 1,
Z = 2,
U = 3,
V = 4,
R = 5
/// 从windowsAPI获取JoyStick的状态
public static int UpdateInfoEx()
if (infoEx.dwSize == 0)
infoEx.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(JoyStickInfo));
infoEx.dwFlags = 0x00000080;
int beforeBtnState = ButtonState;
int result=joyGetPosEx(0, ref infoEx);
ButtonState = infoEx.dwButtons;
ButtonUpState = beforeBtnState & (beforeBtnState ^ ButtonState);
ButtonDownState = (~beforeBtnState) & (beforeBtnState ^ ButtonState);
AxisState[0] = infoEx.dwXpos;
AxisState[1] = infoEx.dwYpos;
AxisState[2] = infoEx.dwZpos;
AxisState[3] = infoEx.dwUpos;
AxisState[4] = infoEx.dwVpos;
AxisState[5] = infoEx.dwRpos;
return result;
/// 获取某一个轴按的动作大小,请获取前注意刷新
/// 轴
public static int GetAxisPosition(ControlDirection axis)
return AxisState[Convert.ToInt32(axis)];
/// 获取某按钮是否按住
public static bool GetButton(JoyStickButtonCode code)
if (code == JoyStickButtonCode.none)
return false;
return (ButtonState & Convert.ToInt32(code)) >0;
/// 获取某按钮是否抬起
public static bool GetUpButton(JoyStickButtonCode code)
if (code == JoyStickButtonCode.none)
return false;
return (ButtonUpState & Convert.ToInt32(code)) > 0;
/// 获取某按钮是否按下
public static bool GetDownButton(JoyStickButtonCode code)
if (code == JoyStickButtonCode.none)
return false;
return (ButtonDownState & Convert.ToInt32(code)) > 0;
/// 按键按下的事件
public ButtonEventStruct[] ButtonDownEvent;
/// 按键抬起事件
public ButtonEventStruct[] ButtonUpEvent;
/// 按键按住事件
public ButtonEventStruct[] ButtonEvent;
/// 选择检测的轴及事件
public AxisEventStruct[] controlDirections;
/// 定义按钮事件
public class ButtonEventStruct
public JoyStickHelper.JoyStickButtonCode button;
public UnityEvent buttonEvent = new UnityEvent();
public ButtonEventStruct(JoyStickHelper.JoyStickButtonCode code)
button = code;
public ButtonEventStruct() { }
/// 定义轴的事件
public class AxisEventStruct
public JoyStickHelper.ControlDirection Direction;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float ZeroValue=0.5f;
public int Sensitivity = 15;
public AxisEvent axisEvent = new AxisEvent();
public AxisEventStruct(JoyStickHelper.ControlDirection d)
Direction = d;
public AxisEventStruct() { }
/// 由于UnityEvent是抽象类,因此要继承一下声明一个类型
public class AxisEvent : UnityEvent { }
/// 是否开启数值调试(调试模式下,将不自动刷新数值)
public bool ValueDebugTrigger = false;
/// 是否开启调试(调试模式下,将不自动刷新数值)
public bool NormalDebugTrigger = false;
/// 调试UI参数,表示增加/减小的值
private int ratePlus = 1;
/// 调试UI参数,表示选择的轴,与枚举一致
private int axis = 0;
/// 调试UI参数,表示按钮本次按下之前的状态,用于触发按钮抬起或者按下的状态
private int beforeBtnState;
/// 调试UI参数,表示轴的字符串,用来显示
private string axisString = "X";
/// 调试UI参数,用于显示全部按钮的信息
private string buttonStateString = "";
if (!ValueDebugTrigger)
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
ratePlus = Mathf.Max(1, ratePlus / 10);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.RightArrow))
ratePlus = Mathf.Min(10000, ratePlus * 10);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.UpArrow))
JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis] += Mathf.Min(ratePlus,65535 - JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis]);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.DownArrow))
JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis] -= Mathf.Min(ratePlus,JoyStickHelper.AxisState[axis]);
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.X))
axis = 0;
axisString = "X";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Y))
axis = 1;
axisString = "Y";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Z))
axis = 2;
axisString = "Z";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.U))
axis = 3;
axisString = "U";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.V))
axis = 4;
axisString = "V";
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.R))
axis = 5;
axisString = "R";
if (!ValueDebugTrigger)
if (!NormalDebugTrigger && !ValueDebugTrigger)
if (NormalDebugTrigger)
ValueDebugTrigger = false;
if (NormalDebugTrigger || ValueDebugTrigger)
int tmp = JoyStickHelper.ButtonState;
buttonStateString = "";
for (int i = 1; i < 33; i++)
int mask = 1 << (i - 1);
buttonStateString += "Button" + i + ":" + ((tmp & mask) != 0);
if (i % 8 == 0)
buttonStateString += "\r\n";
buttonStateString += " ";
for (int i = 0; i < ButtonDownEvent.Length; i++)
if (JoyStickHelper.GetDownButton(ButtonDownEvent[i].button))
for (int i = 0; i < ButtonEvent.Length; i++)
if (JoyStickHelper.GetButton(ButtonEvent[i].button))
for (int i = 0; i < ButtonUpEvent.Length; i++)
if (JoyStickHelper.GetUpButton(ButtonUpEvent[i].button))
for (int i = 0; i < controlDirections.Length; i++)
controlDirections[i].axisEvent.Invoke(controlDirections[i].ZeroValue, controlDirections[i].Sensitivity,JoyStickHelper.GetAxisPosition(controlDirections[i].Direction));
void OnGUI()
if (!NormalDebugTrigger && !ValueDebugTrigger)
if (NormalDebugTrigger)
if (ValueDebugTrigger)
beforeBtnState = JoyStickHelper.ButtonState;
GUILayout.Label("数值调试模式启动,快捷操作为:\r\n← 减小数值上升率,→ 增加数值上升率,↑ 对应轴增加数值,↓ 对应轴减小数值\r\nX 选择X轴,Y 选择Y轴,Z 选择Z轴,U 选择U轴,V 选择V轴,R 选择R轴");
int mask = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 33; i++)
if (i % 8 == 1)
if (GUILayout.Button("button" + i))
mask += 1 << (i - 1);
if (i % 8 == 0)
GUILayout.Label("触发按钮键值: " + mask);
JoyStickHelper.ButtonState = JoyStickHelper.ButtonState^mask;
JoyStickHelper.ButtonUpState = beforeBtnState & (beforeBtnState ^ JoyStickHelper.ButtonState);
JoyStickHelper.ButtonDownState = (~beforeBtnState) & (beforeBtnState ^ JoyStickHelper.ButtonState);
GUILayout.Label("当前值变化率:rate=" + ratePlus + " 当前操作轴:" + axisString + "\r\n");
if (NormalDebugTrigger || ValueDebugTrigger)
GUILayout.Label("各轴偏移数值: X=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[0] + " Y=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[1] + " Z=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[2] + " U=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[3] + " V=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[4] + " R=" + JoyStickHelper.AxisState[5]);
GUILayout.Label("按钮触发状态:"+JoyStickHelper.ButtonState+"\r\n" + buttonStateString);