
4日,外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会。有记者提问称,美国国务卿蓬佩奥2日接受媒体采访时再次提及中国剥削美国,摧毁美国就业,要求中国对疫情负责等,蓬佩奥还称美国40年来对中国卑躬屈膝 (the US bent a knee to China over the past four decades) ,美国对此已经受够了。请问中方对此有何评论?

I don't know why Pompeo has portrayed the US as so subservient to China, but that's indeed not the case.



In disregard of basic facts and moral integrity, Pompeo, as a habitual liar, has tried every possible means to smear China day after day, and his intention to serve his own political gains is all too clear. As Secretary of State, Pompeo's actions have not only eroded his credibility, but also stained the image and reputation of the United States, which has become a notorious example in international relations.


Pompeo's claim about China ripping off the United States and destroying American jobs is totally nonsense. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties more than 40 years ago, China-US relations have brought tremendous benefits to both peoples. Statistics show that China-US economic and trade cooperation supports 2.6 million jobs in the United States and trade between the two countries saves every American household $850 a year in their cost of living. China-US economic and trade relations are mutually beneficial in nature. Does anyone believe the United States, as such a major country, can ever allow another country to exploit it for decades? The answer is a big no.



On COVID-19 response, the Chinese government has put people and their lives front and center, and our epidemic response can stand the test of time and history. The United States has the best health care resources in the world, but tens of thousands of newly confirmed cases and hundreds or even thousands of deaths are reported every day. In the face of such a severe situation, Pompeo and some other US politicians still keep blaming China in an attempt to divert the attention of the US public. If they still have the slightest sense of responsibility, they should respect facts and science, stop political manipulation, and focus on fighting the epidemics.


With regard to the claim that the US bent a knee to China over the past four decades, I don't know why Pompeo has portrayed the US as so subservient to China, but that's indeed not the case. China is a country of ceremony and propriety. We always believe that all countries, regardless of their sizes, should treat each other as equals. However, by contrast, the United States has long been bullying others with arrogance and willfully resorting to the use of force, the threat of force or the imposition of sanctions against other countries, on which the international community can tell right from wrong.



We urge Pompeo to respect basic facts and stop his incessant anti-China remarks.

来源:央视新闻 外交部



