

The Chinese New Year in 2020 was one of the saddest Chinese New Years in recent memory. After the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, the city pressed pause on all celebrations.

2020年的农历新年是最近记忆中最可悲的农历新年之一。 在COVID-19病毒突然爆发后,该市在所有庆祝活动中都暂停了。

And now – even as the pandemic lets up in China – schools remain closed. Most of the shops are still closed. People still can’t go out and enjoy the spring.

现在,即使大流行病在中国消散,学校仍然关闭。 大多数商店仍然关门。 人们仍然不能出去享受春天。

In this global public health crisis, it's not just front line medical staff taking action. Other people are producing masks and protective equipment, transporting daily supplies, and providing psychological assistance to people in affected areas.

在这场全球公共卫生危机中,不仅仅是一线医务人员采取行动。 其他人正在生产口罩和防护设备,运输日常用品,并向受灾地区的人们提供心理援助。

And developers are jumping into action, too.


武汉黑客 马拉松 (The Hack for Wuhan Hackathon)

The wuhan2020 open source community planned a big hackathon. The theme: open source collaboration to tackle the challenges behind the epidemic.

wuhan2020开源社区计划了一次大型黑客 马拉松 。 主题:开放源代码协作,以应对流行病背后的挑战。

Together, they encouraged developers to take advantage of their own technology to support this new smokeless war.


wuhan2020 is a group of independent developers who write code to aggregate and analyze epidemic data. They use this to predict the spread of the virus and figure out where to send medical supplies.

wuhan2020是一组独立的开发人员,他们编写代码以汇总和分析流行数据。 他们用它来预测病毒的传播并找出将医疗物资运送到哪里。

Since wuhan2020 was created in January, it has already attracted more than 3,000 volunteers from different countries.


They reached out to freeCodeCamp asking if we'd be interested in helping support their upcoming hackathon. I also discovered that the leader of freeCodeCamp's Chengdu study group, Shui Ge, was one of wuhan2020's core developers.

他们联系了freeCodeCamp,询问我们是否对帮助支持即将到来的黑客马拉松感兴趣。 我还发现,freeCodeCamp成都研究小组的负责人瑞格(Shui Ge)是wuhan2020的核心开发人员之一。

freeCodeCamp如何参与 (How freeCodeCamp Got Involved)

freeCodeCamp joined the hackathon organization team as a cohost. Several of our contributors helped plan the competition, served as judges, and maintained the GitHub repository.

freeCodeCamp以共同主持人的身份加入了hackathon组织团队。 我们的几个贡献者帮助计划了比赛,担任评委,并维护了GitHub存储库 。

It took only 20 days from initial idea to hosting the hackathon itself.


Here is some quick data about the event:


  • More than 50 volunteers hosted the competition

  • 902 contestants from 33 countries signed up

  • 33 teams entered the preliminary round. 12 teams reached the final round. And 8 teams won the grand prize.

    33个团队进入了预赛。 12支队伍进入了决赛。 8支队伍获得了大奖。
  • 4 companies provided technical resources for the competition, including IBM Developer, Agora.io, Tencent Serverless,  and Amazon Web Services.

    有4家公司为比赛提供了技术资源,包括IBM Developer,Agora.io,腾讯Serverless和Amazon Web Services。
  • 45 industry professionals around the world provided guidance, such as Connie Chan at the Andreessen Horowitz Venture Capital firm, former Alibaba CTO Zhuang Ziming, and Eva Woo from The Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS)

    来自世界各地的45位行业专家提供了指导,例如安德森·霍洛维茨风险投资公司的Connie Chan,前阿里巴巴CTO庄子明以及斯坦福慈善与民间社会中心(PACS)的Eva Woo
  • 48 media published articles about the hackathon that more than 700,000 people read


Hackathon 主题 (Hackathon Themes)

The overall theme of the hackathon was: use open source software to solve the social challenges behind the epidemic.


介绍一些获奖项目 (Introducing Some of the Winning Projects)

The 12 finalists started their live demos online, and judges were able to comment online as well.


入围: 一站式 Ø 用笔 P latform对于 E pidemic d ATA (Finalist: A One-stop Open Platform for Epidemic Data)

This open platform helps researchers efficiently collect, label, and analyze outbreak data.


Lots of official agencies and health commissions report fine-grained epidemic data. But the data formats are often incompatible, and require humans to interpret them. This makes it impossible to use crawlers to automatically crawl and structure the data. You have to introduce skilled manual labor.

许多官方机构和卫生委员会报告了详细的流行病数据。 但是数据格式通常是不兼容的,需要人工来解释。 这使得不可能使用搜寻器来自动搜寻和结构化数据。 您必须引入熟练的体力劳动。

So how do you collect data efficiently with as little labor as possible?


This project adopts an open source collaboration method, bringing all people interested in the data to this platform. Then the platform helps people structure and label the data.

该项目采用开源协作方法,将所有对数据感兴趣的人带到该平台。 然后,该平台可帮助人们构建和标记数据。

Once that's done, the platform makes the data available through a public API. Scientists and developers can build other tools on top of this API.

完成后,平台将通过公共API来提供数据。 科学家和开发人员可以在此API之上构建其他工具。

自动验证 (autovax)

Autovax is a web application that allows a vaccine and other treatment drugs to be automatically generated from the virus genome and virus genes.


A researcher from Harvard is developing this to help with COVID-19.


城市英雄 (City Hero)

In this educational game, you can choose a profession – such as doctor or nurse – to experience their life during the pandemic. This helps players understand the people involved in the aid effort, and the difficult choices they face.

在此教育游戏中,您可以选择专业(例如医生或护士)来体验大流行期间的生活。 这有助于玩家了解参与援助工作的人员以及他们面临的困难选择。

前进的道路 (The Path Forward)

The Hack for Wuhan hackathon was not just a challenge for the contestants, but also a challenge for the organization team. We planned and executed everything in just 20 days, and helped 900 developers participate.

武汉骇客马拉松大赛不仅对参赛者构成挑战,对组织团队也构成挑战。 我们在短短20天内计划并执行了所有工作,并帮助900名开发人员参与其中。

I want to thank everyone involved. And thank you for reading this hackathon report.

我要感谢所有参与的人。 感谢您阅读这份骇客马拉松报告。

I hope you all will stay safe, and that we can all embrace spring as soon as it's safe.


If you are interested in learning more about these projects, or participating in our next hackathon, you can contact me on WeChat at fcczhongguo, or on Twitter.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/wuhan-hackathon/

