An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Apr 24, 2014


An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第1张图片

在user profile里维护user parameter BSPWD_USER_LEVEL = 5
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第2张图片
之后将鼠标移动到error message区域内能找出message 的technical 信息: message class id 和message number:
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第3张图片
使用tcode SE91, where used list:
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第4张图片
在hit list里面逐一设上断点:
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第5张图片
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第6张图片
发现和表TBLSYSDEST有关. 再对该表使用where used list:
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第7张图片
即可找到该database table 对应的maintenance view:
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第8张图片
An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system QI3CLNT504_第9张图片
