力触觉(Haptics)的感知是一种无所不在的对环境的感知能力。原始的力触觉是现代生物的感知: 视觉,听觉,嗅觉,痛觉和其他一切感知之母。
Focal Point: the place where all the ultrasound waves coincide. where the focal point is positioned in 3D space is programmable in real time. It can change position from instant to instant. Using a hand tracking device to track the exact position of your hand and position the focal point at a spot on it.
Pressure Point: the combined ultrasound waves have enough force to create a tiny dent in your skin, use this pressure point to create a vibration that touch sensors in you hands can detect.
Tactile effects in mid-air: use the pressure points to create a wide range of tactile effects–from sculpting virtual lines and shapes to froming 3D controls in mid-air.
2、TOUCH DEVELOPMENT KIT(TOUCH 开发套件)Ultrahaptics提供给你这个开发套件,让你能迅速开发属于自己的超声波触觉反馈应用
focused ultrasound is capable of inducing tactile, thermal, tickling, itching and pain sensations [13].
但TE仍存在本身的不足,因其为独立于传统超声成像系统的测量仪器,无法进行常规超声成像,不具有定位引导功能;对操作者经验依赖性高,若不能准确定位,会因不能避开血管及胆道对结果产生较大影响;取样范围较局限,测量采集来源于肝脏内1 cm×2 cm×5 cm的区域,测值为检测区域的平均弹性值;目前对肝纤维化的分期数据有较大的重叠,对Cut off值的划分仍不一样;肥胖、肋间隙狭小、腹水、肝实质和大血管结构的改变、坏死炎症及脂肪肝等因素对弹性结果的测值存在影响。
SWE/SWEI是采用探头发射脉冲刺激产生声辐射力,在组织不同深度上连续聚焦,产生Mach Cone效应,组织粒子高效振动引起位移变化产生剪切波,剪切波为传播速度约1~10 m/s的横波,波速较慢,可利用达20 000帧/s的超快速成像系统捕获、追踪剪切波得到实时的组织应变分布图,即弹性成像图[1, 3-4, 12-14]。SWE较TE、声辐射力弹性成像(acoustic radiation force impulse,ARFI)等弹性成像技术影响因素较少,可用于腹腔积液患者,且不受气体干扰影响[15-16]。
第一代ARFI技术,具有声辐射力定量技术 (virtual touch tissue quantification,VTQ)一种成像模式,仅能用于腹部,器官弹性值定量测量;
第二代 ARFI 技术可用于腹部及浅表器官,具有VTQ和声辐射力成像技术(virtual touch tissue imaging,VTI )两种成像模式,但仅能对病灶内部某一点弹性参数进行定量测量,对于内部弹性参数分布不均的病灶测量存在困难,且重复性较差。
第三代ARFI技术被称为VTIQ“鹰眼”技术,能进行单幅图像多次测量,重复性更佳;将定性及定量剪切波测量合为一体,更能直观对感兴趣区进行显示;取样框大小最小为1 mm×1 mm,对小病灶进行更精准的测值。目前只能应用于表浅器官。
author: Tom Carter( Department of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering)
date: 2013
Carter, Tom, et al. “UltraHaptics: multi-point mid-air haptic feedback for touch surfaces.” Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. 2013.
recreating feedback on interactive surfaces, like vibration or by physically changing the shape of the surface.
Haptic Feedback Methods:
Ultrasonic Haptic Feedback:
By stimulating neuroreceptors within the skin,it has been demonstrated that focused ultrasound is capable of inducing tactile, thermal, tickling, itching and pain sensations [13].
【Aspect one】the array generating the acoustic field to also double as a projected diplay device.
【Aspect two】most existing approaches to generating acoustic fields suffer from secondary maxima that surround the central focus。
using a concept of control points to define a target for the algorithm by telling it to maximise and minimize the intensity selectively at these control points.
【Aspect three】there are no studies on users’ ability to disciminate different focal points generated using acoustic radiation force
focal points don’t have well defined edges we can not rely on the results of discrimination studies down with pins and vibrations.
Solution: feedback points with different tactile properties can be distinguished at smaller separations and that users can identify different tactile properties with training.
【Function one】Acoustically Transparent Display
the display surface must allow ultrasound to pass through without affecting the focusing and with minimal attenuation.
smaller and closer holes provide better transparency at higher frequencies
【Function Two】Independent Feedback Points
- adapt and extend an alternative focusing method so that each element of the transducer array can contribute to multiple focal points at the same time.
- correlate haptic and visual feedback, and attach meaning to noticeably different textures to transfer information.
【Implementation】constructing the hardware, computing amplitudes and phases for each transducer such that multiple points are formed, and modulating simultaneous focal points at different frequencies.
Haptic Feedback loog: when haptic feedback is required, a phase delay and amplitude is calculated for each transducer to create an acoustic field forming the desired focal points.
Computing Phase and Amplitudes:
Modulating Multiple Focal Points:
Modulating multiple focal points at different frequencies is achieved by time multiplexing scenes with different numbers of focal points.
遗留问题: 如何通过具体调节相位和信号强度的,下面三篇论文
author: Marcello Giordano Orestis Georgiou Brygida Dzidek Loic Corenthy
date: 2018