
这两天,曾主演《速度与激情》系列、《特种部队》、《蝎子王》等电影的美国著名影星巨石强森 (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) 在社交网站自曝了一个令不少影迷震惊的消息:他与妻子女儿一家四口在三周前检测新冠病毒均呈阳性。

图源:@Therock ins截图


Actor and former wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson said Wednesday that his family recently tested positive for the coronavirus and are now implementing stricter rules on socializing amid the pandemic.

Johnson, 48, posted a video to his Instagram and shared that he, wife Lauren and two young daughters all tested positive for COVID-19 about three weeks ago. The "Jumanji" and "Baywatch" actor said that his daughters had only mild symptoms, but that the illness was much harder on the adults.


"I could tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family," Johnson said. "And for me personally too as well.”


Johnson said the family is now "on the other side" of the virus, doing well and no longer contagious.

"...Some of my best friends lost their parents, their loved ones, to this virus that is so incredibly relentless and unforgiving, and it is insidious.”

“Very close family friends” had been the ones to transmit the virus to the Johnson family, despite everyone involved being “incredibly disciplined.”


The actor offered tips for his followers, should they contract the virus: He recommends having guests undergo a COVID-19 test before visiting your home, staying committed to health and wellness to boost your immune system, and wearing a mask.


“It has nothing to do with politics. Wear your masks. It is a fact. And it is the right thing to do, and it is the responsible thing to do, not only for yourself, but for your family and your loved ones, but also for your fellow human beings.”

综合来源:NBC Variety USA Today

