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Feature: Update password
Scenario: Admin user can update the user password
Given I am in the HR system with an Admin account
When I update password of another user
Then I receive a message for updating password successfully
And user password is updated to the new password
Feature: 更新密码
Scenario: 管理员用户可以更新用户密码
Given 我在人力资源系统中有一个管理帐户
When 我更新了另一个用户的密码
Then 我收到一条更新密码成功的消息
And 将用户密码更新为新密码
As an Admin User,
I would like to change the password of other user's accounts.
Feature: Update password
Scenario: Admin user can update the user password
Given I am in the HR system with an Admin account
When I update password of another user
Then I receive a message for updating password successfully
And user's password is updated to the new password
Feature: 更新密码
Scenario: 管理员用户可以更新用户密码
Given 我在人力资源系统中有一个管理帐户
When 我更新了另一个用户的密码
Then 我收到一条更新密码成功的消息
And 将用户密码更新为新密码
public void testAdminUserCanUpdateUserAccountPassword() {
// create users 创建用户
User userAdmin = new User(UserRole.ADMIN, username, password);
User user = new User(UserRole.VIEWER, user_username, user_password);
// use Admin user to update another user password 使用管理员用户更新其他用户的密码
String message = userAdmin.updatePassword(user, user_new_password);
// verify password changed 验证更新的密码
Assert.assertEquals(message, "Password changed successfully");
Assert.assertEquals(user.getPassword(), user_new_password);
Feature: Update password
Scenario: Admin user can update the user password
Given I am in the HR system with an Admin account
When I update password of another user
Then I receive a message for updating password successfully
And user's password is updated to the new password
As an Admin User,
I would like to change the password of other user's accounts.
Feature: Update password
Scenario: Admin user can update the user password
Given I am in the HR system with an Admin account
When I update password of another user
Then I receive a message for updating password successfully
And user's password is updated to the new password
Scenario Outline: Verify Updating user password feature
Given I am in the HR system with "" account
And there is another user with "" password
When I update password of the user to ""
Then I got the message ""
And the user password should be ""
|account_type |old_password |new_password |message |final_password |
|Admin |$Test123 |@Test123 |Password changed.. |@Test123 |
|Viewer |$Test123 |@Test123 |Invalid right access..|$Test123 |
-任何具有基本编程知识并知道如何创建对象、访问属性、调用方法的测试人员都可以生成步骤定义(step definitions)。
Scenario: performing a search on google
Given I am on "" site
When I search for "Cucumber and BDD"
Then ...
Scenario: performing a search on google
When I search for "Cucumber and BDD"
Then ...
然而,第二个并不明显,因为它的作用比预期的要大得多:打开谷歌的网站并使用指定的文本进行搜索。 想象一下,如果您想扩展测试来搜索更多的文本,您可以重复上面的步骤,因此谷歌站点会打开两次。如果您没有严格遵守要求,Cucumber测试工具迟早会引起误解,并且在扩展时很难维护。
Feature: Update password
Scenario: Admin user can update the user password
Given I am in the HR system with an Admin account
When I update password of another user
Then I receive a message for updating password successfully
And user's password is updated to the new password
Scenario: Viewer user cannot update the user password
Given I am in the HR system with a Viewer account
When I update password of another user
Then I receive a message for not able to update the user password
And user's password remains the same
Scenario: Admin user can update user password:
Given I am in the "$System.HR_Page" with "[email protected]" username
and "$Test123" password
And there is another user in "$System.HR_Page" with "[email protected]"
username and "$Test123" password
When I update "$UserTemplate.Password" of "[email protected]" user to"@Test123"
And I save the response message as "response_message"
Then "$response_message" should be "Password changed successfully"
And the "[email protected]" user's "$UserTemplate.Password" should be"@Test123"
Scenario: Verify Updating user password feature
Given I am in the HR system with "Admin" account
And there is another user with "$Test123" password
When I update password of the user to "@Test123"
Then I got the message "Password changed successfully."
And the user password should be "@Test123"
Scenario Outline: Verify Updating user password feature
Given I am in the HR system with "" account
And there is another user with "" password
When I update password of the user to ""
Then I got the message ""
And the user password should be ""
|account_type |old_password |new_password |message |final_password |
|Admin |$Test123 |@Test123 |Password changed.. |@Test123 |
|Viewer |$Test123 |@Test123 |Invalid right access.. |$Test123 |
-应考虑使用适当的编辑器工具。这个编辑器应该帮助调试和编辑标准文本格式的特性文件。Aptana(免费编辑器)、RubyMine(商业编辑器)和Katalon Studio是完全支持基于bdd的Cucumber的合适选项。
综上所述,Cucumber是在健壮的测试框架之上为我们提供真实通信层的最强大工具之一。该工具可以帮助在从后端到前端的广泛测试需求上运行自动化测试。此外,Cucumber在测试团队成员之间建立了深厚的联系,这在其他测试框架中很难找到。基于多年的自动化测试经验,我建议应该实现用于Web UI和Web服务测试的Cucumber,以帮助成功运行敏捷软件项目。