git push提交代码出现“One or more refs/for/ names blocks change upload”问题的解决办法

在公司内网建了一个Android的源码库,使用repo脚本进行控制。某一天(就是昨天)在./framework/base/ git库下提交代码突然有问题,但是在其他库下提交没有问题,push命令为:git push aosp HEAD:refs/for/branch_name
错误:fatal: One or more refs/for/ names blocks change upload
           fatal: Could not read from remote repository.


To solve this problem all real branches that exist under the refs/for/ namespace have to be deleted or renamed in the remote git repository.

To see which branches exist under the refs/for/ namespace a Gerrit administrator can run the following command:
$ git for-each-ref refs/for
If all these branches should be deleted it can be done with the following command:
$ for n in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/for); do git update-ref -d $n; done
Branches under the refs/for/ namespace can be created by users that bypass Gerrit and push directly to the git repository itself (not using the Gerrit server’s SSH port).

但是本地使用git for-each-ref refs/for并没有返回任何东西;因此这个解决办法对我遇到的问题没有用。


git ls-remote aosp refs/for/*
$ git ls-remote aosp refs/for/*
7de2464cf0c651c51bbc6cdc7ac4c531bd4c9f0a refs/for/imdata_l_r8
$ git show 7de2464cf0c651c51bbc6cdc7ac4c531bd4c9f0a
fatal: bad object 7de2464cf0c651c51bbc6cdc7ac4c531bd4c9f0a

应该是由于这个object有问题导致的,但该文章最后只是说要删掉这个ref,但是没有说具体怎么操作。然后又是各种搜索,无功而返。最后实在没有办法,跑到服务器的代码库中,对比了一下./platform/frameworks/base.git/refs/ 和 ./platform/frameworks/av.git/refs/,发现base.git里面比av.git多一个for文件夹,并且该文件夹里面有一个imdata_l_r8的文件,里面就存着7de2464cf0c651c51bbc6cdc7ac4c531bd4c9f0a字符串,应该代表了7de2464cf0c651c51bbc6cdc7ac4c531bd4c9f0a object。一狠心把for文件夹全部删除,OK,再在本地使用git ls-remote aosp refs/for/* 已经查不到任何东西了。然后使用git命令提交,搞定,gerrit起作用了。


你可能感兴趣的:(git push提交代码出现“One or more refs/for/ names blocks change upload”问题的解决办法)