Pandas 读excel函数read_excel()官方文档

Excel files

The read_excel() method can read Excel 2003 (.xls) and Excel 2007+ (.xlsx) files using the xlrd Python module. The to_excel() instance method is used for saving a DataFrame to Excel. Generally the semantics are similar to working with csv data. See the cookbook for some advanced strategies.

Reading Excel Files

In the most basic use-case, read_excel takes a path to an Excel file, and the sheet_name indicating which sheet to parse.

# Returns a DataFrame
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', sheet_name='Sheet1')

ExcelFile class

To facilitate working with multiple sheets from the same file, the ExcelFile class can be used to wrap the file and can be passed into read_excel There will be a performance benefit for reading multiple sheets as the file is read into memory only once.

xlsx = pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls')
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx, 'Sheet1')

The ExcelFile class can also be used as a context manager.

with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls') as xls:
    df1 = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1')
    df2 = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet2')

The sheet_names property will generate a list of the sheet names in the file.

The primary use-case for an ExcelFile is parsing multiple sheets with different parameters:

data = {}
# For when Sheet1's format differs from Sheet2
with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls') as xls:
    data['Sheet1'] = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])
    data['Sheet2'] = pd.read_excel(xls, 'Sheet2', index_col=1)

Note that if the same parsing parameters are used for all sheets, a list of sheet names can simply be passed to read_excel with no loss in performance.

# using the ExcelFile class
data = {}
with pd.ExcelFile('path_to_file.xls') as xls:
    data['Sheet1'] = read_excel(xls, 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])
    data['Sheet2'] = read_excel(xls, 'Sheet2', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

# equivalent using the read_excel function
data = read_excel('path_to_file.xls', ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2'], index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

Specifying Sheets


The second argument is sheet_name, not to be confused with ExcelFile.sheet_names.


An ExcelFile’s attribute sheet_names provides access to a list of sheets.

  • The arguments sheet_name allows specifying the sheet or sheets to read.
  • The default value for sheet_name is 0, indicating to read the first sheet
  • Pass a string to refer to the name of a particular sheet in the workbook.
  • Pass an integer to refer to the index of a sheet. Indices follow Python convention, beginning at 0.
  • Pass a list of either strings or integers, to return a dictionary of specified sheets.
  • Pass a None to return a dictionary of all available sheets.
# Returns a DataFrame
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 'Sheet1', index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

Using the sheet index:

# Returns a DataFrame
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', 0, index_col=None, na_values=['NA'])

Using all default values:

# Returns a DataFrame

Using None to get all sheets:

# Returns a dictionary of DataFrames
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', sheet_name=None)

Using a list to get multiple sheets:

# Returns the 1st and 4th sheet, as a dictionary of DataFrames.
read_excel('path_to_file.xls', sheet_name=['Sheet1', 3])

read_excel can read more than one sheet, by setting sheet_name to either a list of sheet names, a list of sheet positions, or None to read all sheets. Sheets can be specified by sheet index or sheet name, using an integer or string, respectively.
